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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20407350 No.20407350 [Reply] [Original]

Can we stop saying this? I also hear this when home cooks are talking about how to cook meat in stainless. They say shit like "cooking proteins will result in sticking." You don't mean "protein." You mean "meat." There aren't any real substitutes for meat. Just say "meat." Fuck.

>> No.20407354

>Can we
Can we stop saying this?

>> No.20407369

>Boy! Am I hungry! MMmmmmm, could sure go for a nice, big-ass dish of protein rn.

>> No.20407375

Upvoting this. My first-person, plural pronoun is Vxhle.

>> No.20407376

It's to condition you to accept bug protein.

>> No.20407380

I have some protein choices for her.

>> No.20407382

MY choice of protein?
Any protein I want??
>that is correct
I’ll take the grasshoppers slathered in horse semen

>> No.20407383

Is it the menu equivalent that sovlless, square buildings are to restaurant architecture?

>> No.20407384

My friend said "you have to set the meat out to room temperature in order to relax the protein". Haven't spoken to him since. Sat at a bar one time and after I ordered the drinks, the bartender said "would you like a menu, can I get you anything to nosh on?" I was visibly disgusted. I fucking hate humans, what they say, how they say it, and the sound of their voice

>> No.20407385

Restaurants do it because for them protein can mean some unholy bean based meat substitute.

>> No.20407390

In fairness, "protein" here includes things like fish which are not technically meat. It's an intentionally broad term.

>> No.20407391

Yet you forgot to order
One bourbon
One Scotch
And one Beer

>> No.20407393

No it's changing language to the point where you'll associate "protein" as the main ingredient in something instead of a "meat". It's not about destroying beauty, just getting you used to accepting less.

>> No.20407396

That started like two or three decades ago when government fags started trying to push bugs on people's menus.

>> No.20407399

>lawd she was lovey dovey

>> No.20407403

I always say human hair, and when they look confused I laugh and say it's pure keratin, and when they still look confused my face drops deadpan and I tell them that's a type of protein. They then recite the "protein" options, and I tell them that none of those options are pure protein, and when they look flustered I say "fuck the food, just get me my Coke." I do this every single time without fail, and, yes, everybody claps and then I return to reddit.

>> No.20407412

That's one nasty smell, the smell of burning human hair. YUK!

>> No.20407413

i tell them i am very pro teen and ask if they have a daughter and wink

>> No.20407427

A good thing is girl teens playing vollyball on the beach, not indoors, but on a sandy beach.

>> No.20407468

You only don't like it because you don't know how to cook it. Hair-based dishes should be simmered, not toasted.

>> No.20407571

imagine biting into the bloody flesh of an animal on a daily basis but being too scared to eat a bug

caveman normalfueled retard

>> No.20407588

>accepting less
>while offering a large range of protein choices
if they only offer bug and bean i'll get the bean and probably not go back (unless the bean option is good), don't have a fucking aneurysm, /pol/

>> No.20407591
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Not eating the bugs
Not living in the pod
Not wearing the mask
Not vaxxing
Not transing
Not owning nothing
Get fucked, Commie.

>> No.20407594

Why would I want to cook human hair let alone smell it? You can probably get free human hair from barber shops, just ask and offer to sweep the place up.

>> No.20407614

Their machinations are extremely complex, and spread out across time in such subtle ways that you may never notice. But eventually, you will not be offered fresh meat from animals anymore. You will only have options such as lab-grown synthetic meat (very expensive), bug meat (also incredibly expensive, and also unhealthy), and seed oil/microplastic patties.

Right now, public health policy based on the assumption that a pandemic-causing virus can jump from animals to humans (the wet market theory was proven to be a lie) is causing the mass slaughter of chickens to contain bird flu. This is making eggs jump from $1.50/dozen to $5/dozen overnight in some areas. They have been buying up farmland, committing arson in meat processing plants, and they recently committed arson in Texas, which killed thousands of cows, for years now. The result will be to make meat too expensive for the common plebeian to eat, and restaurants, in the near future, will not carry it as a regular menu item, due to fluctuating and prohibitive costs.

>> No.20407623

except everyone is already doing all that stuff and you were too busy gooning in your room to stop it

>> No.20407633
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>everyone ELSE is doing it!
If everyone was eating corn starch, would you do it?

>> No.20407636

oh look it can't read

>> No.20408041
File: 536 KB, 480x270, Congrats.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit lmao

>> No.20408046
File: 1006 KB, 400x374, It's all so...tiresome.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no salary woman alcoholic jap gf

>> No.20408063

I prefer horse slathered in grasshopper semen

>> No.20408065

Are you getting all pissy about the young people saying things wrong? Do you want everyone to get off of your lawn, OP?

>> No.20408081

How about some vittles? Maybe a cocktail or two?

>> No.20408090

>the young people
The "trendy" restaurant trend is being driven by Gen-xcum.

>> No.20408097

How about some provisions from a speakeasy?

>> No.20408102

How the fuck is fish not meat? It came from an animal, it is the animal's flesh, it's fucking meat.

>> No.20408122

catholics have convinced themselves that fish isn't meat so that they were/are still allowed to eat it on fridays and during Lent

>> No.20408207
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>uhh weird but OK two scoops THE MYERS WAY® PALEO PROTEIN - DOUBLE CHOCOLATE please

>> No.20408413

That's part of it. "Protein" has just been the general term used in restaurants for fucking ever. It's usually just thought of as the "main part" of the dish, which is generally the most expensive part. Nobody ever had a problem with that word before a few years ago when this stupid "protein" craze started, which is how you know everyone who complains about it is a zoomer, and likely underage.

>> No.20408414

>based on the assumption that a pandemic-causing virus can jump from animals to humans
that's how the fucking Black Death happened you stupid gorilla nigger

>> No.20408430

Do you actually believe any of this nonsense? Or do you just chud post ironically? It's pretty cringe either way.

>> No.20408433

who gives a fuck faggot

>> No.20408458

What if its cheese or fish you fucking retard

>> No.20408459

I was reading an article from a respectable journalist I even knew was British a few weeks ago and scoffed out loud because he used the word "whilst". I got a couple side stares from my co workers.

>> No.20408465
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Not my problem. Excuse me, I'm gonna edge for another two hours and then eat a pound of the pork ribs I smoked yesterday. Might eat some sausage also. Maybe some pork tenderloin. It's hog week at my house, I'm stroking mine in between eating the critters.

>> No.20408472

>Black Death
The majority of the deaths were caused by Jews going around to different villages and putting poison into well water.

>> No.20408476

Did you never look into the reason why egg prices have been so unstable lately?

>> No.20408482

And fun fact: The Bubonic plague virus that caused the outbreak in Europe is long extinct. Everything we "know" about it has been reconstructed forensically.

>> No.20408497

People literally still get the Bubonic plague every now and then. It's just easily treatable with modern medicine.

>> No.20408510
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>> No.20408513

You're not naive enough to actually believe that any samples of the original virus have survived for 600 years, are you?

>> No.20408514

It's over.

>> No.20408519
File: 63 KB, 600x600, plague_tit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20408522

Why would you need a sample from 600 years ago? Are you stupid?

>> No.20408527

Do you understand that dead things bread down?

>> No.20408529

>dead things bread down
What is this ESL nonsense? Did you watch The Last of US and think the plague comes from flour or something?

>> No.20408531
File: 11 KB, 190x266, zeezbrahfuark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes brah

>> No.20408557

>Happy Holidays! Let me know what kind of protein you would like and Chrissa will get you started. That'll be $5 dollars plus tip.
>Merry Christmas! I will have BEEF for my meat, and I'm sure CHRIS looks like HE will do a great job. Here is a Five dollar bill. Thank YOU!

>> No.20408559

who is that protein grl though?

>> No.20408565

you might have a people problem

>> No.20409790

You retard. We want to contain bird flu because it could obliterate poultry farming.

>> No.20409802

Not muh heckin bird flus that have been around as long as humans have domesticated livestock !!!!

This one is different, for sure !!!

>> No.20409822

Unlike with smallpox, bubonic plague never was eradicated, and the bacteria reservoir is still commonly found in nature in its normal host, rat fleas.

Plague spreads like wildfire when you have a large, urban center with a large population of susceptible rats. They act like a sort of reservoir for the disease until enough rats die that the rat fleas will attempt to bite humans out of starvation, at which point it steadily enters the human population of the area.
Once you get human hosts literally incubating the bacteria en masse in lymph nodes and developing pneumonic forms that spread the disease through lung droplets, spread between humans accelerates rapidly. And then you have the Black Death.

>> No.20409828

Why do you think it is different?
Also can you stop use heckin' this is 4chan you can use "hell."