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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20401175 No.20401175 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20401180


>> No.20401182

Too late now bro....

>> No.20401203


>> No.20401219

Just stock up on iodine tablets and have some buddies with guns. They're small and store well and everyone will trade everything for them.

>> No.20401222
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Only 90 seconds

>> No.20401288


>> No.20401295

Why would you want to live through it? Get enough shit for a few months. If shit isn'T fixed by then you might as well end it

>> No.20401303

It doesn’t matter. Your food will be contaminated with fallout. Get anything, and then consume as much of it as possible in order to die faster.

>> No.20401307
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variety is the spice of life

>> No.20401311
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get some house cows and you will want for nothing

>> No.20401426

>she doesn't put her ice cream tray in the freezer to pre-chill it so it doesn't melt the ice cream block

>> No.20401437

what about allspice? you don't need variety when you have all spices in a single spice

>> No.20401441
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Bakker Bukkets

>> No.20401442

Potato flakes
Freeze dried veggies
Salted meats
Dried mushrooms
Fuckton of water purification tablets

Dried fruits and berries would be pretty great too

>> No.20401449

The cows milk will be contaminated with fallout

>> No.20401455

Wow. Such innovation from xer.

>> No.20401464

Serious post though.
Just get fat.
Body fat is the highest concentration of calories and vitamins you can get.

>> No.20401484

You still need to supplement B-vitamins and electrolytes or you will die.

>> No.20401499

you might want a few alternatives too fresh ingredients like canned potatoes, meat, fats, powdered milk, dehydrated ingredients. But most importantly don't go to hard on the prep food stuff and don't stare too much on the bbd. just buy extra of stuff you usually keep and eat regularly and rotate that

>> No.20401598

each spice has its own place sometimes you dont want paprika and thyme when youre trying to use garlic powder

>> No.20401658

Where do those come from in nature? Animals in the woods survive somehow, but how?

>> No.20401665
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>> No.20401666
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>> No.20401694

From food? We're talking about an obese person surviving off of stored fat for an extended period of time. Not a lot of obese animals starving themselves in nature.

>> No.20401757

Lots of animals get fat and then survive on their fat for months. Quit being a jerk and pretending you don't understand how things work.
If you can store most of your calories in body fat it's going to be way easier to carry around and protect than cases of garbage food most of which has low or no nutrients and is just filler anyway.

>> No.20401768

Just start building up your tolerance to nuclear radiation and the world will be your oyster while cringe leadites wither away and die.

>> No.20401770

And most obese people aren't reducing their core temperature, and metabolic rate to go into a state of hibernation when they starve themselves. Animals that hibernate for months, and survive off of fat have physiological differences from humans that allow them to do that without dying.

>> No.20401813

Get back to /pol/ you doom posting retard

>> No.20401826

I love the part where he starts choking on the soup, it's such a perfect moment of unintentional comedy.

>> No.20401844

T-bone steaks
Cheese, eggs
Welch's grape

>> No.20402235
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pickled eggs

>> No.20402288

>And most obese people aren't reducing their core temperature, and metabolic rate to go into a state of hibernation when they starve themselves.
But that's what happens when you're fasting and sleeping you retard lmao.

>> No.20402311

Pickled beets are the real preppers choice.
Are we closer to or further from than when Trump made mean tweets?

>> No.20402396

If a human reduces their core temperature by the same amount as a hibernating bear, they die of hypothermia. Likewise bears do not need to drink water or urinate for long durations while hibernating, but humans will die of dehydration. There are physiological differences that make it necessary for a human to supplement certain vitamins and electrolytes to survive extended periods of starvation, or water fasting. I don't get why you're trying to argue with me. Go ahead and try to survive for 4 months on nothing but water, and get back to us.

>> No.20402541

Make pemmican it can last for decades if storred right.

>> No.20402571

kill for gain or shoot to maim
but we don’t need a reason

>> No.20402689

What happens when the clock hits midnight? Or is it just political theatre?

>> No.20403920

Rabbits get it in a form bioavailable to them by eating their own poop.

>> No.20403966

Dry eggs
Dry milk
Whole grain (farana or red wheat for the better nutrition)
Canned goods especially meat and butter.
Start planting native fruit and nut trees in your local park because you can passively grow more than you can eat waiting for the shit to hit the fan

>> No.20403977

>World War 3 trends on Shitter (a-fucking-gain)
>everyone: "aaaaaa we're all gonna die just like last time"

>> No.20403979
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The mormons have it all figured out to a T. They'll even quote you what it costs to buy the storage rack.

>> No.20403986

Nuclear weapons is the difference, smart guy. Point taken about the doomers, but it's a little different now.

>> No.20404010

World War 3 will be an economic dick-swinging competition between large economies angsty that their economy isn't economying enough. The only nuclear-capable idiots stupid enough to use nukes are Iran and Israel and if those idiots want to turn their fuck-nothing desert into fuck-nothing glass, let them.

>> No.20404044

Wrong. Nuclear powers won't nuke each other directly because they know they'd get a nuke right back, but the nuke-free allies of nuclear powers are going to get nuked as a demonstration of will.

>> No.20404055

who the fuck doesn't fall under a nuclear umbrella? we gonna be nuking Africa?

>> No.20404060


Kleenex for the kids tears

>> No.20404148

Everybody who doesn't control their own nuclear weapons, when push comes to shove.

>> No.20404156

I weigh almost 300 pounds, and have quite a lot of ramen noodles. Think I'll be fine b.

>> No.20404224

Beans/peas. Those niggas ain't dead I had some in my storage for a few years and when soaking they sprouted after a week. Planted those bitches, finna have beans all summer

>> No.20404692

Political theatre. If it hits midnight, it's not like anything will happen, it's all just a metaphor for how fucky the world is at any time.
I think the farthest it's been from midnight is like 17 minutes. For the past decade, it's been within 2 minutes, so it's definitely "two more weeks" level of shitposting.

>> No.20404701

tato chip :)

>> No.20404710

explain this twitter nothing meme

>> No.20404712

its an observation that despite it always seeming like something big is about to happen, nothing ever actually happens

>> No.20404714

also just because you dont know what it is doesnt mean its a twitter meme retard, "nothing ever happens" has been a saying on this shitty website for a decade now

>> No.20404731
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those post-apocalyptic farts are going to be CRAZY

>> No.20404751
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I'll be having whatever you are stockpiling.

>> No.20404792

Kek. This LMFAO.

>> No.20404795

Cute. Hide in your hole for like 2 weeks, not realizing radiation last thousands of years.

>> No.20404796

China will take over that region. Russia can have Ukraine plus a few more European countries. What about USA? Maybe USA can have parts of Europe too. Lol. Then after ww3, it's pretty much the same but with 2 major powers and USA will keep getting browner.

>> No.20404802

Is that show from funny?

>> No.20405500

Remember to stratify your nuts guys.

>> No.20405942

potable water
crystal meth
Eat whoever you kill

>> No.20405983

thats why you keep them in the house with you

>> No.20406095

you're already too late
if you were serious about this shit you wouldve got into gardening and fishing years ago and already have solar panels and a rainwater tank on your house.

>> No.20406100

anon nukes havent made radioactive fallout for decades
shit's a relic from really old nukes back when the technology was new

>> No.20406113
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ever played Hearts of Iron 4?
the Doomsday Clock is basically the RL version of the World Tension meter in-game.
12:00am midnight = 100% World Tension aka: how fucked we are -ometer.

>> No.20406127
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vast quantities of canned butter

>> No.20406130
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You're thinking of fission/fusion products and yeah it's pretty negligible because more efficient fusion = a better bomb.
The other kind of fallout is (radioactivly) hot dirt kicked up by surface bursts.
The best advice is to follow the 7-10 rule and don't live downwind from any hard targets like command bunkers, silos, etc.

>> No.20406133

except as gauged by histrionic libtards

>> No.20406137

Seconding dry milk. Because it's a "just add water" product, meaning no heat/electricity to prepare it.

>> No.20406188
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>still believing in happenings

>> No.20406265

pretty much
the people that "study" and parrot this shit are the 350k starting /sci/ types that piss and shit their pants at the thought of not being able to get Starbucks tomorrow

>> No.20406282

Isn't a lot of nukes old Soviet era stock though? Not implying that the OP thought Russia/US was gonna get into a tussle but aren't they like 90% of global nukes?

>> No.20406292

guarantee the US actually maintains and updates its weapons while disposing of ones past their use-by date
blyats arent even capable of invading a country 10x smaller than them, good chance their nukes dont even fucking work.

>> No.20406300
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Old means OLD, like 50's/60's old. Nuclear weapons have a shelf life, even with dedicated maintenance.
One could try to use a device of that age but it'd either fizzle (incomplete fusion/fission), detonate it's explosives only or just dud.

>> No.20406302

nukes aren’t real, the Hiroshima bomb was a conventional explosive, wake up

>> No.20406315
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Pre-bananquest '22, Russia's nuclear arsenal was one of the things they actually took seriously and was subject to international inspection like the arsenalss of everyone not named Israel or North Korea. Their delivery is where more doubt lies, but I'd imagine most of their warheads still work. This might get more questionable as the situation drags on.
But the US badly needs new warheads in it's own right and new land-based delivery systems

>> No.20406436
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Correct, USA spent 34B in 2019 to maintain nukes out of 637B for the entire defense budget. Russia's total defense budget for 2019 was 69B; now factor in the kickbacks, skimming, and stealing. That Dacha ain't gonna buy itself.

>> No.20406634

Just stockpile bodyfat, you can go for a really long time without eating.

>Scotsman Angus Barbieri (1939 – 7 September 1990) fasted for 382 days,[1] from June 14, 1965 to June 30, 1966. He lived mainly on tea, coffee, sparkling water, and vitamins while living at home in Tayport, Scotland, and frequently visiting Maryfield Hospital for medical evaluation. He lost 276 pounds (125 kg) and set a record for the length of a fast.[2]

Hunger goes away if you ignore it, at which point you just start burning fat.

>> No.20406636

>land-based delivery systems

>> No.20406638

I'm a woman.

>> No.20406656

All the food in the world wont mean shit if you dont have idodine tablets

>> No.20407315


>> No.20407332

There is no nuclear holocaust coming. Go eat a hamburger.

>> No.20407343

Yeah just get fat and unhealthy in the event the world goes to hell.

>> No.20407353
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>> No.20407381

In a pinch you can consume a couple of drops of Betadine a day, but if you can't block radiation altogether you're still screwed unless you can get to a place that can. The food stockpile is more in the hope of not being in a fallout zone.

>> No.20407409

It so happens I just finished reading an in-depth article in a major newspaper on this very subject, and no, unfortunately fallout will still be a major concern.

>> No.20407456

deviled eggs seem to last forever

>> No.20407460

its sunny, but also funny.

>> No.20407775

unironically dirt. Streptomyces produce vitamin B, we used to get it from eating with our hands and accidently eating some dirt as well because... they were dirty

>> No.20407859

i made pickled eggs once, they aren't very good

>> No.20408621

Hope someone told the Japanese. Little fellas are still living there.

>> No.20408668

Cows are essentially made entirely out of grass. The microbiome does all sorts of crazy shit to convert GRASS into everything they need to become huge hulking beasts capable of producing milk, butter, cheese, steaks, liver, etc. This is all done by single-celled organisms in their gut.

>> No.20408747

Soylent but extract and exterminate the soy and replace it with milk

>> No.20409269
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>tfw you lived long enough to see ww3
dont know how I should feel at this point

>> No.20409278

>>tfw you lived long enough to see ww3
its called the cold war. and it never ended.

>> No.20409279

>tfw you're too old for the draft
Suck my grandpa dick, zoomers. Enjoy dying for Ukraine and Israel.

>> No.20409301

>Nuclear Holocaust
Can’t come soon enough.

>> No.20409605

It's called WW1. It never ended

>> No.20409608

This, good luck everyone else I'm staying home to watch the carnage on TV and eating pizza

>> No.20409627

aka Kalergi plan
aka Jaffe memo

>> No.20409630

Sugar and wine yeast, if you're the only one with booze in the apocalypse everyone will want to trade with you.

>> No.20409703

Stockpile a few tons of salt n sugar and you're set. It'll be in high demand once supply lines are cut and never expires.
Flour is also obviously a good choice but you'll get bugs if you store it for too long.

>> No.20410005

It's called the Hundred Years War, and it never ended

>> No.20410030

You're allowed to have SOME bodyfat you fucking fool. There's a middleground between skeleton and landwhale.

>> No.20410057

>radiation last thousands of years
Stop listening to cold war boomer bullshit. Before too long the levels are back to more or less what the planet's background radiation is.

>> No.20410474

Just get an AR with a decent 1-4x or 1-6x scope, 2 solid 9mm pistols, and a decent 12ga shotgun. Stockpile the ammo, then just take what you want from the idiots who didn't do this.

>> No.20410502

okay Townsends

>> No.20410511
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Actually, I believe the biggest issue is groundwater contamination. Radioactive dust is most dangerous for something like 60-90 days. After that, shampoo and soap decontamination can get rid of the majority of it. But finding clean water would be the issue.

>> No.20410522


>> No.20410529


>> No.20410557

Ever hear the stories of the aftermath of hurricane Katrina in the late 00s? Swathes of Florida decimated, infrastructure and supplies fucked. Communities banded together to help each other until everything got back to normal. That is, everyone besides the darkies who saw this as their chance to go out looting and pillaging. From what I hear the authorities didn't bother investigating the reports of human remains turning up in the Everglades after they'd been shot and dumped there for the gators.

Don't become another body in the Everglades, anon. Don't think you're some 200 IQ one man army.

>> No.20410588

where you live is more important than what you stockpile. pick a location far from any military target and you're probably in farming area anyway. stockpile some dry shit other people have suggested, get some fruit trees established, and focus on growing some shit in shade that can survive in cooler temperatures. Established trees will get through with some care, but annuals will get fucked by a 20% reduction in sunlight for a few years.

>> No.20410601

oh yeah, i wonder how hiroshima could ever recover....retard

>> No.20410653

Florida? Everglades? Hurricane Katrina? The fuck are you talking about? Yeah, Katrina went over South Florida and did some damage, but only like 14 people died. You're thinking of New Orleans, Louisiana where it made landfall as a category 5, broke the levees, and like 1000 people drowned.

>> No.20410789

No. I'm human. I'm stockpiling food and will be sharing it with the helpless.

>> No.20412445

>*gets robbed by man with weapon*

>> No.20412499

just be a raider

>> No.20412520

So what? I die as a human with a song in my heart. Your bestial malice and avarice is internal decay.