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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20392435 No.20392435 [Reply] [Original]

>Be American, trying to be slightly more healthy
>want to avoid foods with HFCS, Synthetic colors and Seed Oils as a main ingredient
>70% of grocery store now off limits
Why is this shit in literally everything remotely processed?

>> No.20392445

>want to avoid foods with HFCS, Synthetic colors and Seed Oils as a main ingredient
>But not processed food in general

>> No.20392449

you answered your own dumb question

>> No.20392466

Just an observation. Pretty much stick to produce, meat market, and essentials like milk, eggs, rice, etc. wife makes our bread and pasta. I just don’t understand why it’s in literally everything.

>> No.20392471

cook your own damn food retard

>> No.20392482

>low-grade grain slop with corn syrup and seed oils added
Noone would buy this
>add artificial berry flavor, color, and a crushed multivitamin tablet
"New Heart-Healthy Cheerios contains 12 vitamins and minerals! 21 grams of whole grains! Healthy healthy wow!"
-- it's not human food.
-- it's pig feed. For pigs. Pellets. For farmed animals.

>> No.20392529


>> No.20392783

He hasn't caught up with the latest paranoid schizophrenic delusions.

>> No.20393153

It's because corn is subsidized, so farmers get kick-backs from the government for growing it (can't remember if it was dustbowl related, Great Depression related, or something else) and SHOULD have put a time limit on the program. Instead, corn farmers know that they'll ALWAYS get money for growing corn, so there's no incentive for them not to. That leads to a surplus of corn and makes the corn, itself, super cheap, so there's incentives to find new ways to use it. HFCS is cheaper than any other sugar, so it's ideal for companies who care more about money than their product.

>> No.20393331

don't be lazy and cook your own food

>> No.20393342

it's great depression iirc; Stupid emergency policy that refused to die because of lobbyists and corrupt politicians, same reason why the americans made the food pyramid and everything but corn syrup is allowed to be demonized.

>> No.20394980

And 90% more expensive, at least in Japan everything is unbleached flour automatically.

>> No.20394995

>hate thing because it's popular
>dude wtf why is thing in everything?
fad diets are just ways that unremarkable people shop for ways to think they're better than other people now fuck off

>> No.20395117

While this thread lives, is tallow worth it? I can only get it online as no stores near or far from me carry it. Not the wagyu kind, as I'm convinced that's a meme.

>> No.20395133

grow up

>> No.20395140

So does anyone on this board actually know WHY it's considered bad to ingest HFCS? Of all the arguments I've seen on multiple boards about so many things, I've literally never seen anything about it except "IT'S EVIL LIKE SEED OILS!" Speaking of which...

>> No.20395141

>Seed Oils
what's wrong with grape seed oil

I just strained two cups of chicken fat a little bit ago
>Why is this shit in literally everything remotely processed?
because no one can leave even a dime on the table

>> No.20395205

>WHY it's considered bad to ingest HFCS?
My understanding (which may be very wrong) is that HFCS qua HFCS isn't bad, but rather that sweeteners in general are kind of bad. They make foods more calorie-dense and something something insulin something something diabetes. Basically, don't eat too much sweet stuff.

>> No.20395209

to keep producting costs down, cheaper food (despite the fact that’s it’s constantly going up). but don’t worry the people who feed it to you don’t eat it

>> No.20395272

It's literally the same thing. Armchair culinary scientists think X is bad because Y said Z about it (Y is an internet personality and an influencer with no training, schooling, or knowledge of that which they speak with authority upon)

>> No.20395281

>he doesn't render his own tallow
yeah it's a better option

>> No.20395290

I much rather buy the stuff, but as I said it flat out isn't around in my area. Lard however, is which this board hypes as the next best thing. I only just got started with deep frying in a wok. Tortilla chips and only recently shrimp. Still looking for a french fries recipe with the least hassle so I can try out the mythical McDonald's tallow fried fries. Moving to chicken next. Been using peanut oil but apparently that's extra bad or something?

>> No.20395446

It's covered in gylphosphates.

>> No.20395449

It goes butter and coconut oil, the. Tallow, then everything else.

>> No.20395479

Does that not have a very low smoke point? Same with coconut oil. Popcorn and sauteing, maybe. At least those two are commonplace in the stores but what of clarified butter? I also generally use olive oil for non-frying purposes. Is that bad too?

>> No.20395498

because those are the keys to shelf stable, hyperpalatable processed food, lol. it's like asking why water is wet. yes, if you want to eat healthy 70-80% of the grocery store is off limits. I found it liberating honestly. way less time spent shopping because i can rule out almost everything
>GMO/glyphosate sprayed grains (almost ALL grains at this point)
>refined sugar (HFCS vs cane sugar doesn't matter, neither are good. neither is tree sugar or bee sugar but those are a little better)
>industrial seed oils/industrial fats like trans-fats
>artificial sweeteners, synthetic colorants, preservatives other than basic salt

don't eat anything with any of those things and your diet will be healthy, it's as simple as that. also if you're in the EU don't delude yourself into thinking this is an American problem especially where the GMOs go. Even in countries where GMOs are banned basically any imported foods using grain will contain them and most processed foods are made with global (ie, cheapest possible) ingredients. There are many ways to launder or obfuscate the origins. The only way to really be safe is to eat domestically produced food. Once anything enters the global supply chain it's adulterated and corrupted every which way. Same deal with olive oil in the US, buy domestic Californian oil even if you think European has a better reputation because export olive oil is often adulterated. Only way to really tell is expensive testing that is in the best interest of the company to not perform. Willful ignorance saves them money.

>> No.20395517

its not the same but it's close enough to be a quibble and not a legitimate complaint, iirc it's 55-60% fructose vs 50% fructose from normal cane/beet sugar. the fructose is what makes refined sugar bad for you. in nature you only get fructose in fruits and vegetables which both contain tons of fiber and water to help moderate its absorption. fructose, like alcohol can only be processed by the liver and the liver only has so much capacity, anything it cant immediately use ends up being deposited as visceral fat. The glucose isn't as big of a deal since your cells can tap that directly, so overeating glucose is not as likely to contribute to visceral fat though like any calorie, overconsumption can cause subcutaneous fat accumulation over time.

Domesticated fruit crops also tend to have much higher fructose levels than what we would have gotten from natural fruits. Berries (aside from strawberries) are the healthiest fruits left because they haven't been SMASHED and SLAMMED as much as most others.

>> No.20395677

No back in the great depression is when they paid farmers to not grow crops, to keep prices from crashing from oversupply
Now the US gov has a policy of making food as cheap as possible and so subsidizes staple crops to the point that they're so cheap they cost more to grow than they're worth, and the gov subsidizes to keep them [barely] profitable
I think its partly a bread and circuses thing, and also these crops have industrial uses so muh GDP go up

>> No.20395685

No, smoke point is a meme and has no correlation with when oils start turning into poison

>> No.20395719

I found nothing concerning straining or filtering procedures in there, so how many times can I do that before I throw it away? The peanut oil's certainly gotten darker the two times I fried shrimp with it compared to retaining its light hue when making tortilla chips 3-4 times. Flavor's a touch burnt too.

>> No.20395731

Sick use of green text dude you must be an old-head. Badass non conformist take as well. Cheers!

>> No.20396017
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>sneed oil is the reason i am fat

>> No.20396032

if you care about being raped by pufas you shouldn't be reusing oil.
>but how will i deep fry things
you shouldn't be deep frying anything on a regular basis

>> No.20396052

It’s even worse than you think. You should only be buying meat in bulk from small farmers and hitting farmers markets for produce.

>> No.20396064

It lasts a long time and it's cheap, why wouldn't they?
It's also because corn is a good switch crop, so it's a form of subsidy. Everyone's so worried about corn but honestly soybean oil is now in fucking everything after Trump flubbed the trade war in 2017. It means the US had all this surplus soybean to dump into oil. Fucking sucks, because I'm allergic to it and now I can't eat anywhere.

>> No.20396069

Not really. Seed oils are the main reason there has been a massive spike of people in their 20s and 30s getting cancer relative to historical norms. Also a contributing factor in cardiovascular issues.

>> No.20396070

wagyu is a meme. Tallow is very tasty as long as you don't eat ten tons of it/week, and very easy to work with. Most foods are safe and healthy to be honest, even seed oils. Just not in every food you eat, and not when you eat much more than you need and not go outside.

>> No.20396264

An anon in the thread said glyphosates. For people consuming HFC and grains farmed in USA, the glyphosates are the main issue. How it works for this board, I have to inform them monthly.

Plant grow. Plant bred to resist chemical that kills all other plant around it. That chemical contain glyphosate. That chemical stay on plant from start to finish. Glyphosate lines your innards as it isn't digested, and clings to your intestines. In most individuals, the body sees that and enflames to counter it with auto immune system. This is why Crohns, ulcerative colitis, colon cancer and other digestive disorders are exploding all over USA.

>> No.20396364

Yes, it’s totally seed oils. Absolutely has nothing to do with anything else. There’s no need to look for other variables.

>> No.20396368


>> No.20396373

Safe and effective

>> No.20396530

this was an issue before the clotshots buds. it's very retarded behavior to go and attribute the long running trend of declining American health since the late 90s to something that happened 3-4 years ago. there are other factors too but diet is the single biggest one. Average american now gets ~20-30% of their daily calories from seed oil. Not even fucking with you.

>> No.20397544

>aside from strawberries
oof, why? Genuinely curious, they're my favourite and I'd hate to have to give them up

>> No.20397619

Hes right though. You guys are exactly like the idiot soccer moms of the 90s and you don't even realize it

>> No.20397637

What are beetus rates in U.S? Along with allergies, learning disabilities, etc.
Its pretty obvious that the FDA isnt worth a damn since these issues are at horrifying levels and not once has there been a study regarding all the shit in the food supply.
But keep chewing your crud and waiting to see it on the t.v