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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20379629 No.20379629 [Reply] [Original]

Is breakfast pointless? .

>> No.20379641

No. But I just eat whatever leftovers I have from last night's dinner. Idrc about "breakfast foods" like pancakes though

>> No.20379646

Oh no hell no. I think eating most of the day's calories for breakfast is the best thing one could do. I usually feel full for longer and I don't get distracted by hunger as much. Lunch is overrated.

>> No.20379727

I always feel much better at work if I eat breakfast like a half hour before leaving the house

>> No.20379791
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Nothin' like an energy drink and cigarette in the smoke pit contemplating my suicide before I start my 10-12 hour shift

>> No.20379799

This anon knows

>> No.20379830

If I don't eat brekkie I'm a mess. For dinner as long as something is in my belly I'll fall asleep.

>> No.20379834

Holy shit I had a mate like this it really upset me too because he was a good dude and I didn't want him to die but he just lived off bourbon, smokes and energy drinks.

>> No.20379842

How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning?

>> No.20379848

But I did

>> No.20379849

I work 12.5 hour shifts and this is my life. nicotine and energy drinks to wake up, alcohol to sleep.

>> No.20379858

Imagine if you didn't eat breakfast, how do you think you would feel?

>> No.20379862

But I did? I absolute cannot fathom what you mean by this question.

>> No.20379876

But I did eat breakfast this morning

>> No.20380152

I only eat a big breakfast if I know lunch isn't guaranteed or if I know I'm doing a lot of manual labor that day. Otherwise a big breakfast will make me sleepy right after I wake up so it's pointless. Small breakfasts and coffee is the way to go.

>> No.20380159

At least you have jobs. Is there a lot of turnover? Is your manager hiring?

>> No.20380162

makes my kids happy to eat it. every weekend they look forward to their homemade mcmufferins one day and french toast the other.

>> No.20380170

There's an old saying: Dine like a pauper, breakfast like a king.
Nowadays we know the human body processes carbohydrates better in the morning, so there's a biological reason this works.

>> No.20380179

My wife makes me and the kids a huge breakfast every sunday before church

>> No.20380192

I see, and how did you manage to acquire one of these "wife"s and "the kids?"

>> No.20380199

huh, may be some truth to that.
>skip breakfast every day
>eat a small lunch
>eat a gigantic dinner
>same schedule every day
>am starting to get fat
I should do it the other way around and eat a gigantic breakfast then skip dinner

>> No.20380203

if you’re trying to lose weight, yes. if you’re trying to feel satiated, god no!

>> No.20380213

Is food pointless? Anon, the answer is in the question.

>> No.20380399

I just cooked six huge flapjacks in bacon grease. Im so fucking full bros. Why does it taste so good

>> No.20380429
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I was never a breakfast guy until I began working at a place with a Cafeteria serving hot food at regular intervals.
pic related was my breakfast every morning
>scrambled eggs
>some kind of seasoned ground beef sprnkled on da eggs
>hash browns
>breakfast sausage slices
>bacon slices
>some kind of tasty hash shit
>slice of french toast and syrup
>red bull
>costs around $9.79 each day
I can't remember the last time I felt fatigued during the workday. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day.

>> No.20381123

It's pretty simple anon. You see them walking on the streets fairly often. You just snatch them up when nobody is looking. Good luck!

>> No.20381401
File: 604 KB, 1163x1476, Snapchat-1512446207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you lived in my area I could absolutely get you a job starting at 25 an hour but you'd probably kill yourself

here's my schedule. green is days red is nights. 13 hours a day since you often have to show up early and leave late. there's also mandatory overtime occasionally that leaves you with less than 24 hours before going back to work on the opposite shift.

>> No.20381423

What kind of place do you work at?

>> No.20381443

The plant that makes all of the Bounty, Charmin, and Luvs/Pampers diapers for the Eastern US. I think it's the largest paper plant in NA but I could be wrong.

>> No.20381452
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for me its a big breakfast

>> No.20381464


>> No.20381471

I wanna eat a big breakfast every day so I can grow up big and strong :)
I took the time to chug two red bulls and eat a gas station double chocolate muffin in my car before work so I don't *really* need to eat for the rest of the day

>> No.20381472

I don't really understand the obsession with breakfast foods. I worked in a restaurant when I was young and we always had people coming in asking for breakfast items.

>> No.20381475

everybody has at least one breakfast thing they love. Bacon, waffles, eggs Benedict.

>> No.20381478

Toast and coffee is enough for me every morning.

>> No.20381484

No, but everyone is eating backwards.
You should have dinner-type foods in the morning and the breakfast-type foods in the evening.
You will have plentiful energy throughout the day and go into a food coma every night and sleep like a baby.

>> No.20381486

Old sayings are questionable:
>Out of sight, out of mind
>Absence makes the heart grow fonder

We move more in the morning, therefore we "process carbs better" in the morning than we do at night when we just sit around waiting for bed. If you move at night you're fine, if you're sedentary after breakfast you're fucked. It's the movement, not when you eat.

>> No.20382744

italians eat very small breakfasts and they're one of the thinest countries in europe
brits on the other hand..

>> No.20383818

No, but breakfast culture is. For most of human culture, the breakfast meal was reheated/cold leftovers. The idea of cooking a diverse array of meats, eggs and grains in the morning is stupid. I like to start my day with leftover meat, or bread and cheese.

I drink a energy drink in the morning because it helps me take my morning poop.

>> No.20383820

what happens if you dont drink it

>> No.20383823

i already told you that i do drink it

>> No.20383912

>what happens if you dont drink it
I have to poop at the university.

>> No.20383955

Yes. I only eat one meal a day, dinner, in which I banquet a champion's bounty. Last night was Mexican night so I made two flaming hot burritos, chunks of steam and peppers in fried rice, and a small bowel of chili. Overall it was a little over 2,100 calories. I watched the classic anime Record of the Lodoss War while I dined, and slept for nine hours before waking up to take a long and healthy shit. Breakfast is what you eat when you got nothing to look forward to.

>> No.20384004
File: 616 KB, 2448x3264, ABIZrfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding? It's the most important meal of the day.

>> No.20384074

carb to protein ratio is kinda shit, but nonetheless, I agree.
lose the biscuit and replace it with two more sausages

>> No.20384093

You gotta remember, that style of breakfast was designed during a time when America was still being built through daily physical labor. Men needed a big breakfast like that to give them tons of calories and protein to start their day and help their muscles develop.

Today though, that's just decadent. There's point to breakfast for most people, it seems. We're way more sedentary by comparison.

>> No.20384113
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Based Breakfast Criminal.

>> No.20384120

I am literally building America through physical labor though. I usually don't eat breakfast

>> No.20384181

Yeah? What're you building?

inb4 taco bell billboards

>> No.20384182

taco bell billboards

>> No.20384186
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Darned tootin'!

>> No.20384206
File: 1.95 MB, 328x328, Which it is..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no toast points
That one is.
Still looks like a good breakfast...If I ate one...
Which I don't.

>> No.20384291

Photo too small, I don't like that OP.

>> No.20384381

I am a landscape designer for historical buildings in a colonial civil war town.
lots of ditch digging to make things look like they would've been in their original time.

>> No.20384561

Cereal is one of the most filling, nutritional foods on this planet and it lasts for hours so no it's not pointless

>> No.20384580

>Is breakfast pointless?
Walter Jr. existential crisis

>> No.20384650



>> No.20385405

This meal costs $11 before tax where I live.

>> No.20385412

Based wagie.

>> No.20385455

I don't eat breakfast, just a coffee is enough for me.

>> No.20385457

Hire me as landscaper

>> No.20385475

For people working physical jobs you need that fuel in you early. For bitch office shit you can get away with something light and have a nice dinner after work

>> No.20385477

Anon that fuckng muffin is probably 700 calories

>> No.20385546

lol no
it's no different than eating a donut and taking a multivitamin and fibre powder

>> No.20385723


It's not filling at all, it's straight simple carbs.. It does have a lot of micronutrients though because the government forced companies to fortify their slop so retards don't suffer from nutrient deficiencies

>> No.20385752

Not true at all.
Never had an appetite in the morning.
Have done the hardest manual labour imagineable; asbestos removal at a stadium; taking down concrete walls entirely by hand while wearing an unbreathing plastic suit and a mask limiting breathing. Poured inches of sweat out of boots by lunch. Then you take all the 60lb bags and throw them up over a 7' dumpster; without mask and suit at least.

>> No.20385811

There is absolutely no reason any job should have swing shifts.

>> No.20385812 [DELETED] 

>2 nigger worship days
Holy fuck America get your shit together.

>> No.20385825

I dunno, are you hungry or will be hungry before you get the chance to eat again?
somedays I can just get up and go while others I need 2-3 peanut butter toasts and a coffee and water before I know I'll be comfortable until lunch
or else I'll risk feeling sick and weak and distracted
as for that fuckoff full picrel plate and oj I'm pretty sure that'd put me right back to sleep or at least make me throw up a little when leaning over

>> No.20385839

Depends on your lifestyle, If you are out the door within an hour of waking up to do a lot of walking or riding a bike long distances, dinner is I think more important in that case (so as to have a full glycogen tank upon waking.)

>> No.20385857
File: 997 KB, 2048x1536, 7453597660_6fc0193dd5_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakfast is never pointless.

>> No.20385892
File: 831 KB, 1080x2179, Screenshot_20230519_103259_Messages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakfast is the only important meal of the day

>> No.20385898

2 shots of espresso in a venti cup over ice with a protein shake poured in after, all I need.

>> No.20385901

Juneteenth was added to the holidays after the whole George Floyd thing. The company also gives us a floating Civic Duty day now so we can go to protests. Not joking.

>> No.20385920

i eat a big dinner and when i wake up drink 3 or 4 beers on my way to work
been doing this for almost 20 years
i eat breakfast on sundays and go back to bed usually

>> No.20385922

i'm so sick of breakfast food, usually i'll just drink water all day until after work
bacon isn't a breakfast food though

>> No.20385926

bacon is iconically a breakfast food

>> No.20385930

Shift worker.
Usually get up at 5pm.
Breakfast at 6 and start work at 7.
Been doing it for years.