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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20377301 No.20377301 [Reply] [Original]

Last few times I made OC threads I didn't get as much engagement as I would have liked
I got a few anons who were happy to hang out with me but I want a thousand (You)s this time
So I'm making a thread with the deliberate purpose to piss people off
I'm making Deep Dish 'Zah because it filters lots of /ck/ retards
Cry about it. It makes my 'zah taste better knowing (You) are upset
I'm also gonna half ass it instead of giving detailed followthrough like I usually do

>> No.20377304

Cool. I prefer Chicago style. You going to make your own, poser?

>> No.20377307

remember you can still shit on an OP with a certain word in a certain field

>> No.20377309
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I made a deep dish
What do you mean Chicago "style" ? Deep dish is deep dish


>> No.20377315

deep dish IS Chicago style, dork

>> No.20377319

You're the egg crust retard aren't you? Shameful.

>> No.20377321
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That's why I'm confused, you dweeb
I already said I was making deepdish

>> No.20377328

I can't give you a (you), I didn't even want to add to the post count, but I had to say that you're a massive cock head for saying "'zah" and I hope your thread dies.

>> No.20377330

I can start berating you, if you'd prefer.

What kind of flour? OO?

>> No.20377331

go to Neapel and enjoy a real pizza, Americans are on the same on the same level of Chinese copying

>> No.20377337

Fuck off with your crackers and cheese. Let the man cook.

>> No.20377340

American's don't have real cheese

>> No.20377341


>> No.20377343

it's your loss, eat your dough with fats

>> No.20377347

Wisconsin makes better cheese than all of Europe. That's why they made Sartori rebrand their "parmesan". Haha. What a fucking loser you are.

>> No.20377352
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Read the box, dumb dumb

>> No.20377354

The fuck out of here with that bullshit.

>> No.20377360
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>> No.20377364

as I said your loss, Americans will never match European heritage and culture, just enjoy your oligarchy while you think you are free

>> No.20377366

Accepting defeat so easily. Are you French?

>> No.20377368

what defeat, you are ignorant

>> No.20377370

>w-wisconsin m-m-makes
This is the weirdest trannie cope I've seen.... The delusion. Followed by a glug of sperm

>> No.20377389

It's not shitposting unless it comes from the Langedouc region of France. All others are sparkling bullshit. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/parmesan-from-wisconsin-how-dairy-you-italy-wants-to-reclaim-its-cheese/2019/04/27/073785c2-5624-11e9-aa83-504f086bf5d6_story.html

>> No.20377392
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American supermarkets always have an entire aisle of cheese. It also includes imports, so we have access to French and other European cheese. Specialty shops also exist with way way more cheese than pictured. Wisconsin has massive stores that mainly sell cheese. Most of united states have similar to my Pic. Saying Wisconsin doesn't produce cheese equal to European cheese is just flat out ignorant and makes you look retarded.

>> No.20377405

if it would be so good it would be a world wide export continue to live in your bubble watching Colbert

>> No.20377414
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Sproodin da deep dough

>> No.20377417

>So I'm making a thread with the deliberate purpose to piss people off

>> No.20377425
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It's a mix of king arthur unbleached wheat flour and baker's roses
I used 4.5 cups total for 2 pizzas, but should've used a little less

>> No.20377426

>Wisconsin makes better cheese than all of Europe
Apparently it makes BETTER cheese than ALL of Europe. Am I right? That's the statement. Some shitkicker who most likely hasn't left xer state has declared that Wisconsin suddenly makes cheese better than an entire continent that's been making cheese for thousands of years, with a breadth of variety that would almost be difficult to count. Am I'M the ignorant one? You jumped up, arrogant little cunt. You're probably too stupid to be self aware enough to even cogitate the ridiculousness of your dickhead response

>> No.20377431
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Wisconsin has a really weird business/ marketing culture where they don't like selling outside of Wisconsin. This is true with both cheese and beer. New Glarus is an excellent example. Their "Spotted Cow" beer is on par with the best beer in Europe. I lived in Germany for 3 years (army veteran) and I live just outside of Wisconsin now (Chicago Chad), so I'm not just saying bullshit. I've actually experienced both first hand.

>> No.20377441
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It is a world wide export you fucking retard
Just because you dont go to American import stores in your shithole doesn't mean the rest of Europe doesn't have access to it
I fucking hate cheese snobs who think some type of cheese is superior because of where it was made
Cheese is the best and there is pleanty of room for all types of cheese from everywhere
Fuck you
I'm using OVER ONE POUND of CHEESE as the base for my deep dish (and it's not enough)

>> No.20377447

I said on par with Europe. Some other idiot said better. As I said here: >>20377431 I've lived in both Europe and next door to Wisconsin. The state is weirdly European in its cheese, beer, and sausage. The United States is massive and has many different cultures. Germans would feel almost at home in Wisconsin.

>> No.20377449

that's just dumb if something is good you should try to share it and make money out of it. this sounds very unamerican
I still doubt that Wisconsin can match European cheese variety, but if they have good cheese I applaud them, especially if they love cheese

>> No.20377455
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Here's my toppings
>cheese cheese cheese
>bell pepper
>lil garlic
>sausage pieces fresh from some serbian deli (bought today)
>some parsley and oregano and a lil dirzzle of olive oil on top

>> No.20377456

Yeah yeah they don't like to sell it outside of the state. Why would you open up your product to 8 billion other people? No no, they don't want to make money. That's what it is. They've got gold, but they keep it too themselves. You delusional prick.

>> No.20377457

I'm also making pizza but without yeast.

>> No.20377459

Wear long sleeves or you’re going to drop arm hair in the ‘go ‘za

>> No.20377461
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Not that anon
Seethe harder
You'll never get thr Wisc. gold that is CHEESE

>> No.20377464

Yes, I understand. It's weirdly European and their products are on par with Europe. Everybody says it. They're renowned for it. Everybody talks about Wisconsin. They're very relevant.

>> No.20377466
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My arm hair doesnt just fall off bro
The sasuage was REALLY good btw
Probably the best topping on this 'zah and I'm usually a 'nich and 'roni kinda guy

>> No.20377472

No, I know. It's one of my biggest regrets. All I do is long for these products. They may seem insignificant from the outside, but you and I know, they're far from it. They are better than anything ever and by God in seething. Raging that I'll never get to be in the Wisconsin club eating and drinking their sweet products

>> No.20377477
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Wisconsin is the cheese capital of America
Theyre so good at cheese that few other states even try
I dont under why these retards are arguing
There is enough room in the world for all of the cheeses
There's no reason for cheesemongers and cheeseconessiuers to be at eachother's throats.
I will say the first guy said America doesn't have real chesse. That's not a very cheesy thing to say and I am NOT cheesed to meet him in this thread

>> No.20377480

Just because you don't know something doesn't make it not true.
Look up if you can buy New Glarus beer outside of Wisconsin. Yes, places have different cultures. Try not being retarded.
Wisconsin very very much likes their cheese.

>> No.20377488

now I wish I could get my hands on some Wisconsin cheese

>> No.20377489
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I live in Chicago but visit Wisc. From time to time. I want to move there
Northern Wisc., specifically door county where I visited a couple years ago looks alot like the Scandinavian countries. I guess alot of scandis moved there during ye olde days so all the houses looks very nordic and stuff. Lot's of restaurants with Scandinavian names, too
>pic rel. Average Wisconsin street

>> No.20377533
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Make sure you grow a second pair of arms to put the toppings on twice as fast

>> No.20377538
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>he bought?
>doomp it (the sauce)

>> No.20377552

You're supposed to put a sausage base. Not just pile shit on willy nilly. Fuck you.

>> No.20377577
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I didn't use a slab of sasauge meat I used sausage pieces you dingus
Cheese goes on the bottom if you're not using a sausage slab base

>> No.20377586

Oh fuck yeah, bud.

>> No.20377587
File: 1.81 MB, 4032x1816, 20240406_144013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diced onions, bell pepper, and garlic
>sasauge pieces
>sliced onion
>tomato slices

>> No.20377600

I'd hit that bitch with some grated pecorino, but different strokes.

>> No.20377607

NTA but I always brush my arm hair before cooking to keep the hairs out and I've never had a problem
inb4 faggy fagboi

>> No.20377618

OP's fat hairy arm is grossing me the fuck out.

>> No.20377625
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Fuck my phone! your pics come out so much better then mine.
Whats even more fucked up is i was a photographer (horses) but i'd need to break out my umbrellas to get any kind of favorable lighting and my Olympus camera shit the bed.
I guess it doesn't help that i only post here when i'm plastered

>> No.20377628

You just know that ‘go ‘za has a nice layer of arm hair nestled all snug in the soupy innards

>> No.20377630

Shut the fuck up about wisconsin I'm sick to death of hearing about your retarded shithole cucked blue state.

>> No.20377652

Hush, child. The adults are speaking. Enjoy prison.

>> No.20377660

Well, the gifs are neat.

>> No.20377698

>if it would be so good it would be a world wide export
would it? America cheese and wine win blind taste test but as soon as the origin is revealed the foreign judges balk and try to redact their choices.

>> No.20377699

Static images without OP's disgusting arms/hands would have been a lot better.

>> No.20377702

Immediately kill yourself. You do not use sausage "pieces", and cheese is not a substitute for sausage. Again, I believe you should immediately and without thought neck yourself.

>> No.20377709

Wisconsin's ancestors are literally mostly German. They're basically distant cousins, far more interrelated than, say, a Brit and a German.

>> No.20377712

>shithole cucked blue stat
you have a point there but only there

>> No.20377731

If you're looking for (You)s tongue a niggers butthole

>> No.20377759
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The deep is going in the oven for about 45m
Im building the thin now

>> No.20377762

steamed toppings on the bottom
makes me chuckle

>> No.20377764
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Extra seasoning
Did I say cheese was a substitute for sausage? You fucking idiot

>> No.20377767

Post tits anonette

>> No.20377782
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Wa la

>> No.20377817
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>Did I say cheese was a substitute for sausage? You fucking idiot
Yes, you literally did here: >>20377577
I will show you how to cook a pizza. Step one remove it from the box.

>> No.20377822
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Preheat to 425

>> No.20377828

Dough is way under done. Cheese isn't melted. Pepperoni isn't cooked. Doesn't have a sausage base. Literally uneditable. Kill yourself. NGM8V

>> No.20377830

You should have watched one of the many, many videos of real ‘go ‘za restaurants in ‘go making ‘go ‘za. They do it differently than you did.

>> No.20377848

no we don't. some grocery delis have small selections but in 90% of america you aren't gonna find this shit

>> No.20377850
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I may next time
But I like my way

>> No.20377855
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>> No.20377858

Do you live in the Mississippi delta? Over 85% of Americans live within 15 minutes of this. Retard. You are almost assuredly a nigger saying shit like this.

>> No.20377859

That’s a flat out lie. Most of the population lives on the coasts where that kind of selection is standard even in non premium markets. Hell, even the flyovers have that kind of selection in their cities.

>> No.20377866
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Cut properly

>> No.20377867

>Source: well I just made it up

>> No.20377869

Nice penis bro

>> No.20377873
File: 1.63 MB, 3252x1816, 20240406_153225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a beauty

>> No.20377875

You're a retard: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judgment_of_Paris_(wine)

>> No.20377879

Why the fuck is anybody talking about Wisconsin? It's a fucking irrelevant shithole. An embarrassment to the country

>> No.20377880
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OP here. Made my pizza. What do you think?

>> No.20377885

Yeah, it's not bad. I like it. You can get choked if you pay me 50 bucks?

>> No.20377886

Get some help.

>> No.20377888

Would eat at midnight then lay in bed and think about killing myself after watching another 2h video essay about a game I've never played and never will play

>> No.20377902

You ruined it with them raw tomato slices. Show the cross section.

>> No.20377907
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All gone

>> No.20377909
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Theyre not raw

One deep dish and one thin crust
Absolutely lovely

>> No.20377913
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Based fatass
How good was it anon?

>> No.20377945

Being truthful, not great lol. Maybe 3/10. Actual Rosatis is pretty goated. Also, I'm not fat. I'm 5' 10" 185 and run a mile under 6 minutes. That's: 180cm, 84kg, and 1610 meters in under 7 minutes.

>> No.20377956
File: 2.06 MB, 4032x1816, 20240406_155454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didnt ask for your proportions, homo
Did you share that pizza with your boyfriend?

>> No.20377960
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They both tasted super good, but desu I used too much dough in the deep dish, so the cross-section looks a little fucked up
Still tastes yummy tho, so I aint complainin

>> No.20377969
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Probably should've let it cool a little more before cutting, but I was hungry. Layers are a lil messy. I Probably didnt use enough ingredients desu. My last deepdish looked better than this one

>> No.20377972

Lmao, calling me a homo because you're upset I was right above. >>20377828 Your dough is under done. I was right :).

>> No.20377979
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Under done!!!! Lmaoooo

>> No.20377982
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The thin crust is peak success, though
Only the second time I'm making thin crust, so I'm glad it turned out good. This is the third time, I think, that I've made deep dish, so I'm a little disappointed in my presentation, but whatever. It's still based and tasty

>> No.20377984

OP on suicide watch.

>> No.20377988

That's literally the cheese you idiot lol

>> No.20377997
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All in all
Good pizza day

>> No.20377999

No, that's completely raw dough. How could you possibly think that's cheese?

>> No.20378010

Because it is cheese
The dough isnt yellow
The cheese turns yellowish when cooked

>> No.20378017

Ok, you're retarded. I circled the dough which is clearly undercooked. The cheese looks fine.

>> No.20378027


>> No.20378036

When I read about that for the first time I thought it was the funniest fucking thing I'd ever read. I still do

>> No.20378049

that's a cake

>> No.20378057

There are many more like this. The old world seethes with envy at American supremacy. Also,
>eurotard asks for source
>is provided one
Many such cases.

>> No.20378087
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I think youre hallucinating anon
I just had some earlier and it's cooked perfectly fine
Infact I went back to it to see exactly where you circled and it's cooked
Just becsuse I didnt burn my 'zah like you did to yours here >>20377855 doesn't mean it's not cooked
You like your steaks and burgers well done, don't you? Silly little goose

>> No.20378092

You can call it a pizza cake if it helps your tiny brain process what you're seeing

>> No.20378094

I'm from Singapore, dipshit. It would be the dead of night in Europe

>> No.20378098

Ching chong bing bong
I almost choked on my water making fun of your post anon
I cant even understand what youre staying you sliteyed gook

>> No.20378102

It's clearly raw lmao. Raw flour is dangerous and inedible.
Even worse. You're simping for a place you've never been by putting down a place you've never been. Pathetic.

>> No.20378103

Americans and Euros are speaking. Listen and learn.

>> No.20378124

>this mf doesn't eat flour raw
Lmao. You know flour is literally just really small wheat, right?
Youre telling me PLANTS are dangerous to eat