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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20375969 No.20375969 [Reply] [Original]

Tfu mogs beef

>> No.20375976 [DELETED] 

That is cheese

>> No.20375982

every time ive had tofu i thought "this would be better if it was meat instead"

>> No.20375986


>> No.20376004

the best tofu can't beat the worst beef. Maybe it'll be on par with shitty corned beef.

>> No.20376010

Chinese cheese, to be exact.

>> No.20376018

you can eat it with beef

>> No.20376027

Only way to make beef tastier.

>> No.20376033 [DELETED] 

i love when they make tofu juicy and deliciously juiceily

>> No.20376038

I'm not a huge fan of either, but when I get a hankering for one or the other, I eat it and that's the end of it.
That's because it was prepared either by it for wypipo. Tofu. Is not. A substitute. For meat. It's its own thing used in its own dishes.
Look up tahu goreng isi sayur (vegetable-stuffed fried tofu) or cumi isi tahu (tofu-stuffed squid). They're both delicious.
Also, Chinese tofu rolls (I don't speak Chinese so idk wtf they're called). They're thin sheets of tofu wrapped around meat, mushrooms and vegetables and steamed. Using any other wrapper doesn't work as well because the chewy texture of the tofu sheet is lost.

>> No.20376042

Beef is better but I still smash a lot of tofu
It's a great snack
>marinate in soy, dark/thick soy, rice wine vinegar, cooking caramel
> put in oven or air fryer until crisp
> more soy sauce and sprinkle some sesame seeds

>> No.20376050

Monsanto shill post.
Chinese tofu is probably not trademarked by Monsanto.

>> No.20376057

>monsanshit shill
i buy it on aliexpress wft u mean?

>> No.20376079

only someone who is mentally ill would make this claim

>> No.20376081 [DELETED] 

i'm not a tranny

>> No.20376093
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Say what you will about vegan women and their dystopian fake "meat", but they're probably responsible for the fact that I can now buy tofu at my regular American supermarket.... instead of having to journey down to Chinatown and risk getting killed by Triads with wushu swords, or those lightning guys with big hats (UGH).

I do wish it came in more discreet packaging though.... I hate having the checkout girls laugh at me until I scream "I'M NOT A VEGAN I JUST LIKE TOFU OK?!?!?!"

>> No.20376102

i only tried tofu once, and it tasted like millet. it's kind of expensive, so i didn't buy it again. i will stick to oyster mushrooms

>> No.20376161

>cumi isi tahu
Find you guys an English recipe for this one: https://youtube.com/watch?v=wnmyuCC2yes
She does it a little differently from the way I know it, namely that she only uses thick coconut milk (IE coconut cream) rather than letting the milk reduce until it breaks then filling with light coconut milk (IE regular-ass coconut milk). Her recipe is otherwise identical to mine.
>Chinese tofu is probably not trademarked
idk wtf that means.
>Triads with wushu swords, or those lightning guys with big hats
I'm more worried about the snappily-dressed guys with razor-edged bowler hats.
>tofu's expensive
>i will stick to oyster mushrooms
Where? Tofu is extremely cheap where u live. I can get firm tofu for $1.25/lb or less and pressed tofu (the dry stuff) for $2.50/lb. Meanwhile, oyster mushrooms set me back $4/lb or king oysters, the only mushroom my kid will eat, for $3/lb

>> No.20376164

>where u live.
Where EYE live, rather. Damned typos.

>> No.20376167

>everyone replying in a 3/10 bait thread
i hate retards so much its unreal

>> No.20376171

tfu talkin bout niggy?

>> No.20376175
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Cream cheese mogs tofu

>> No.20376181

It's nice to derail the bait into something constructive, like discussing the merits of both tofu and beef and/or providing recipes or at least dishes centred around them.

>> No.20376205

Until someone double-derails and this becomes a Coinslot dump. Volunteers? Who wants a three-day vacation?

>> No.20376218

>Tofu. Is not. A substitute. For meat.
I almost died of cringe. Why would you write like this?

>> No.20376220

I agree, he was supposed to put clap emojis between each word.

>> No.20376223

Fuckers don't know about gmo soy, which is basically all of it.

>> No.20376224 [DELETED] 

Gamestock soy? But isn't all vidya for soyboys? What makes GME different?

>> No.20376227

>Why would you write like this?
I was out of breath. Been living in America too long and I am now fat. And unhealthy. And need. To pause. For breath. Sometimes.

>> No.20376231

Nigga, is you the wheelchair kid from that Breaking Bad prequel show?

>> No.20376259 [DELETED] 

That's aged tofu.

>> No.20376324

>Tofu is extremely cheap where u live
how much does organic tofu cost for you?

>> No.20376341

>organic tofu
The pressed one I mentioned is organic and $2.50/lb. Firm, but unpressed organic tofu is $1.59/lb but frequently goes on sale for $1.29/lb. I don't buy that one much because when I press and dry it myself, the resulting block is nearly half the original weight ie it winds up costing the same per pound as the pressed dry one.

>> No.20376352

Just looked it up to be sure. While the pressed one is $2.50/lb (Just4U price, original price is $2.99/lb) the unpressed one is $1.59/14oz, not 1lb (16oz).

>> No.20376393

Thanks, I'll have to look in other stores then

>> No.20376421

Thought that was feta cheese and got excited for a second.
Feta cheese mogs Tofu

>> No.20376456

Did you know that the food industry pads meat dishes with tofu and shit?

>> No.20376493
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>> No.20376506

I like fried tofu because it actually gives it a little texture, but cooked any other way it's just an amorphous blob of mush

>> No.20376523
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>> No.20376534
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>> No.20376553

The $1.59 organic tofu is from Aldi, if that helps. Lidl also has organic tofu but the package is $2. I can check the size, if you want.

>> No.20376571

so you're saying feta cheese mogs beef?

>> No.20376626

It's an even matchup. love a burger with a little balsamic and feta cheese on top

>> No.20376648

Try making a philly cheesesteak with feta, it's like a gyros hybrid, shit's cash.

>> No.20376746
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>> No.20376930
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i smoke it

>> No.20376935

>just give me cancer twice bro

>> No.20376985

>his body can't into apoptosis

>> No.20376993

You vill eat ze soggy drywall

>> No.20377468

Learn to cook tofu or pay the restaurant

>> No.20377483

Kek, sure it does, you keep telling yourself that.

>> No.20378651
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>> No.20378662

The only think I've ever enjoyed tofu in is miso soup

>> No.20378720
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>> No.20378734

I'm allergic to soy so no, you're just wrong OP.

>> No.20378736

I want one of those Japanese stoves all the YouTubers are using but I don't know what I'd use it for

>> No.20378989

>but I don't know what I'd use it for
do you also get the urge to buy a sewing machine when you don't sew?

>> No.20379031
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>> No.20379039

But I cook a lot and don't sew and like cooking equipment

>> No.20379074

Fucking bean curd? It's an OK replacement, if you don't have real food.

>> No.20379402
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>> No.20379535

I made a stew today. About 2 pounds of chuck, some potatoes, some caramelized onions, garlic, paprika, oregano, thyme, salt & pepper, couple of bay leaves, and about half a bottle of wine.

Turned out quite nicely. It would not have turned out nicely if I replaced the beef with tofu.

>> No.20379568

Thinking tofu is a replacement and not an ingredient in it's own right with it's own uses is your mistake.

>> No.20379589

I'm going to look for this stuff, thanks for posting it.

>> No.20379943

looks disgusting

>> No.20379958

Sounds good, I love greek food. Thanks anon

>> No.20379998

Tofu is still kind of faggy, even if it's possible to make it taste ok.

>> No.20380264

Turns out it's sold down the street from me. Neat.

>> No.20381021

>"Okay, have a crappy weekend, hope your house burns down!"

>> No.20381174

Vegetarian here and no it does not

>> No.20381651
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Considering the fact that snow people who ate meat from the barren wastes ruled over soy and wheat eaters for the majority of history, this is false.

>> No.20382448
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>> No.20382485

>Vegetarian here
it's obvious to sane people your opinion doesn't matter

>> No.20382601

tofu when eaten in the east is not a replacement for meat, which is the main mistake the west makes

>> No.20382656

tofu mogs beef irregardless

>> No.20382728

Idk what's in 'beyond' brand vegan meat items but it is so delicious.

The hamburger actually forms patties. I made a meatball sub and two hamburgers and thy were delicious.
I want to talk about Beyond because there products are so good.
I don't want them to ever change their recipe or go out of business.

To all those who don't eat meat but still want the taste, try Beyond. It is delicious.

I would not be surprised if someone told me it's real meat

I've had the steak tips, popcorn chicken which is non gmo despite having modified corn starch apparently. I emailed the non gmo verified company and they said it wasn't genetically modified. And also the hamburger. And beef jerky which was alright but the first 3 are insanely good I think I might like them more than their meat alternatives.

The hamburger tastes like beef jerky

Oh also the sausage which was kind of expensive but was good with heated up sauerkraut peppers and banana peppers and dijon mustard.

I buy the steak tips all the time because it's $5 for like 3 meals worth.
I make sweet and sour beef with onions and banana peppers, philly cheese steaks with daiya mozzarella cuz it's non gmo and no artificial flavors/colors, A1 and peppers, banana peppers.
Those are my favorites with the steak.
It tastes like steak I mean really close but lacks the juicy quality.
It is really good.

The hamburger was insane.
I love the taste of it and it forms good patties and meat balls.
I'm still thinking about that meatball sub. And the burgers.

Try it anons.

>> No.20383777


>> No.20383808

I like to mash it up with a fork, then add sugar and strawberries to it. Can't do that with beef, can you?

>> No.20383815

hillarious bait

>> No.20384045

In terms of fuckability…maybe

>> No.20384510

you could do that with yogurt

>> No.20385160
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>> No.20385181


>> No.20385196

>less protein than beef
>less bioavailability of protein vs beef
>tastes worse than beef
>is more expensive than beef
In what way does tofu mog beef?

>> No.20385208

Both together mogs u

>> No.20385215

deep fried tofu is better than deep fried beef imo

>> No.20385413
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>> No.20385419
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>> No.20385421
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>> No.20385451

I bought a couple packs of tofu last year to try out, sat in my fridge for months until i had to throw them out.
So this is the power of tofu?

>> No.20385464

i don't think tofu is that great but for some reason silken tofu is really good in miso soup.

>> No.20385474
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>> No.20385488
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>> No.20385502
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>> No.20385505
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>> No.20385517
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>> No.20386133

Tofu is an aphrodisiac. You literally stuff your mouth with it and it's pure pleasure, no caloric guilt. Then it makes your tummy swell with all that protein. Crazy experiences to be had with Tofu

>> No.20387414

I like to eat tofu and meat in the same dish

>> No.20387434

>just found out theres tofu in hot and sour soup
Fuggg can't believe I was secretly eating soÿ boy food

>> No.20387447

enjoy your hot and sour mantits

>> No.20387989
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>> No.20388033

Soy isn't filtered on the food board, newfriend.

>> No.20388662

happy hoppy

>> No.20388695 [DELETED] 

>estrogenic effects of soy
I'll pass.

>> No.20388987

Came in the thread for this

>> No.20389247

do you really like hiyayakko tofu that much isn't it just a block of silken tofu out of the fridge

>> No.20389792

lots of insecure beefsistas itt

>> No.20390873
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>> No.20390971

Japanese silken tofu is delicious.

>> No.20390989
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>not eating tofu mixed with beef

>> No.20391002
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>> No.20391011
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Tofu hamburg steak

>> No.20391012

Looks so good man keep it up in hell

>> No.20391025
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>> No.20391047
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>> No.20391583

>'fu tuning fork
please explain

>> No.20391738

Tofu Three Colors dengaku

>> No.20391740

They're just simple disposable forks. I've seen them with take away fries.

>> No.20392036
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I'm a beef and lamb guy. NOT a vegan NOT a vegetarian but man... tofu prepared well is just fuckin heaven man. flavorless cloud of heaven... with sauce? i can't have enough of it
i'm salivating and want to punch my wall because of how perfect it is. good lord