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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20372563 No.20372563 [Reply] [Original]

>"Hershey's tastes like vomit"
>"Cilantro/coriander tastes like soap"
Besides these two, what other mind-boggingly stupid food related takes do you know?

>> No.20372569

"vomit" is probably a bit much but Hershey's does taste awful

The cilantro one is literally a known genetic thing though so I dunno what your point is there.

>> No.20372570

your mother :)

>> No.20372574

>The cilantro one is literally a known genetic thing though so I dunno what your point is there.
Is that true? To me and my dad it doesn't taste like soap, but to my brother, sister, and mother it does. So did I inherit flavor genes from my father while the rest of my family got them from my mother?

>> No.20372578

What would people have said if there was no such thing as soap and they tasted cilantro? Would they still think it was bad?

I think about this with rosewater. People say it tastes like perfume, but I really like it.

>> No.20372608

>it is ethical to eat meat
>msg isolate is a perfectly healthy ingredient
>there's nothing wrong with consuming refined seed oils
>zinc supplements are useless
>sweeteners are more healthy than refined sugar
>dairy milk alternatives shouldn't be allowed to be called milk

>> No.20372615

>Everyone's tastebuds are the same

>> No.20372617

>>it is ethical to eat meat
nobody thinks this in good faith, its just a cope
>>msg isolate is a perfectly healthy ingredient
Its not inherently unhealthy
>>there's nothing wrong with consuming refined seed oils
its not really healthy to be consuming any oils in significant amounts
>>zinc supplements are useless
I don't even know what zinc is for
>>sweeteners are more healthy than refined sugar
I agree, thats a retarded take
>>dairy milk alternatives shouldn't be allowed to be called milk
This comes from dairy farmers in the UK lobbying the government to narrow the definition of "milk" so they wouldnn't have to compete

>> No.20372622

>its impossible to aquire a taste for anything

>> No.20372624

Has nothing to do with the OP

>> No.20372631

Well do you think soap tastes good? Because even if soap didn't exist, if you tasted something like that then why would you suddenly like it? People say it tastes like soap because it's an easy point of reference for why they think it tastes bad, it's not the fact that it's soap that makes people dislike that taste

>> No.20372637

I feel bad for retards that lost the genetic lottery and now a plant tastes like soap to them lmao

>> No.20372642

>"Hershey's tastes like vomit"
It tastes like practically nothing, that's what's wrong with it.

>> No.20372643

Eh, I got that gene but I also have a huge dick so I figure it about evens out.

>> No.20372649

If you don't taste anything then you have even bigger issues than the vomit guy

>> No.20372652

Anon got that covid whammy, sad.

>> No.20372660

>omg how can you not appreciate the delicate flavors of the literal cheapest ass chocolate on the continent????
Try it side by side with some Trader Joe's chocolate and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.20372668
File: 1.26 MB, 5413x3614, Tony's_Chocolonely_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody is pretending hersheys is gourmet but you said it tastes like nothing, shits retarded
>Try it side by side with some Trader Joe's chocolate
For me its Tony's Chocolonely

>> No.20372672

>Besides these two, what other mind-boggingly stupid food related takes do you know?
some people think white pepper smells like cow turds apparently

>> No.20372675

"Practically" doesn't mean literally, double retard.

>> No.20372679

You're still a hyperbolic retard if you think it tastes like "practically" nothing.

>> No.20372680

Neither of those words mean what you think they do, anon.

>> No.20372701

hersheys has the same acid as cheese/vomit
so how is it stupid?

>> No.20372703

>durrrr me no redarted u ratraded
Well, you sure got me there.

>> No.20372705

> Tony's Chocolonely
that expensive crap tastes like the generic store brand chocolate

>> No.20372715

Nice troll, since hershey's has a chemical in it that's literally, exactly the same as your throwup.
Coriander is different. Personally, it doesn't taste like soap to me. It tastes like grass, like if you raked it with dirt.
I don't like it when it's put on top of things fresh.
Knock that shit off.

>> No.20372721

i havent eaten hersheys regularly for many years so when i do try one i can sense the underlying vomitiness
take a break from hersheys and eat some good chocolate and youll understand

>> No.20372759

This, same thing with parmesan cheese too, it literally has the same chemical too yet you'd have retards here get upset if you correctly said that parmesan cheese tastes like vomit.

>> No.20372762

zinc makes you cum big

>> No.20372778

hersheys does taste like vomit, but im not american and only tried it once or twice, so i suppose i was more sensitive to it

>> No.20372962

Soap tastes like cilantro but idk why so many people apparently eat it.

>> No.20372964

Oh, hi r*ddit!

>> No.20372967

Pickled ginger tastes like soap to me. Ostensibly, due to my genetics

>> No.20373032

>Lettuce just tastes like crunchy water
I think my tongue might be retarded because lettuce tastes strongly of lettuce to me.

>> No.20373034

Iceburg can't possibly

>> No.20373054

The cilantro thing isn't an on/off switch like it's usually described, it's a slightly increased sensitivity to a certain aroma, which has like a 10% effect on how people report whether they like or dislike cilantro. Plenty of people who "have the gene" still like cilantro, it's primarily about whether you're accustomed to it or not.

>> No.20373061

>he thinks having chocolate tastes like vomit isn't "a known genetic thing"

>> No.20373072

>Mint chocolate chip tastes like toothpaste
No, toothpaste is mint flavored you mongrel

>> No.20373081

Yeah it is genetic but what makes it trigger isn't consistent. I have the soap thing but my brother doesn't.

To me the taste is more akin to the smell of dirty socks that soap exactly. I don't find it perfumey personally, I would probably like it if I did because I like a number of flowers like violets, dandelion and day lillies because of their floral taste.

>> No.20373099
File: 1.23 MB, 2725x2058, 20240405_080817~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is ethical to eat meat
nobody thinks this in good faith, its just a cope

Depending on the meat I consider it very ethical. In my freezer I still have a lot of venison from a deer my father-in-law shot. This one death of an animal has fed me and my family numerous times already and will continue to do so. It lived a good life, free and natural and it's net environmental impact was positive.

As opposed to a block of tofu which represents the deaths of many voles and feild mice killed by combine harvesters as well billions of insects killed by spraying poison all over the plants, poisoning not just the bugs but the plants and soil as well. My venison roast I will cook tonight is far, far more ethical than most vegetarian foods.

>> No.20373105

You could have just said that eating meat is ethical because literally every single vegan ever is a Satan-worshipping subhuman hellbent on destruction of all that is good, beautiful, and true

>> No.20373143
File: 143 KB, 693x1056, Screenshot_20240320-131824_Photos~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I think most vegans ate sincere and there are a number I like and respect. I just think they're misguided and don't understand it's nowhere near as clear cut as they think.

Also, there are a lot of vegans that are genuine psycho idiots.

>> No.20373185

>I think
Stopped right there.

>> No.20373189

Hershey's literally does taste (somewhat) of vomit due to butyric acid. Whether that is good or bad depends on the person.

>> No.20373190

>what other mind-boggingly stupid food related takes do you know?
I'm a big fan of
>Posting on /ck/ means you know anything about food

>> No.20373196

I want Br*sh people to leave

>> No.20373222

He could've also said that guy is a huge faggot and nobody who isn't retarded cares about whether or not it's "ethical" to eat meat.

>> No.20373224

Actually, all intelligent people think deeply about all aspects of ethics.

>> No.20373228

I think all vegans are retards by default, both because they think veganism is a healthy lifestyle and because they think refusing to consume animal products of any kind is actually helpful to either the animals or the environment.

>> No.20373231

Okay fag

>> No.20373234

>bay leaf tastes like something

>> No.20373248
File: 198 KB, 1080x1504, Milk comes from mammalian females.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dairy milk alternatives shouldn't be allowed to be called milk
Most people agree that you just can't just arbitrarily change the meaning of a word. Doing so in order to deceive and profit is unethical.

>> No.20373254

I think this is a big part of it. For me it's more that cilantro seems to overpower everything and so all I get is the acrid soap taste. I did once have a mango salad where there was just a little in there and the other flavors were so strong that it all balanced and was nice.

>> No.20373263
File: 131 KB, 500x500, Book-a-Call.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's plenty possible to be vegan and healthy, it's just equally easy to be vegan and super unhealthy, no different than an omnivore or carnivore.

>> No.20373273

Your mom cheated on your dad

>> No.20373274
File: 3.08 MB, 3562x2356, 20240405_094321~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't get the strong reaction people have to calling almond milk almond milk since it's clearly milky and generally used in the way milk is used. No one has a problem with almond butter being called butter.

As a note, I don't typically use nut milks because I love dairy so I have no skin in the game other than I think it's a weird thing to complain about.

>> No.20373284
File: 230 KB, 1600x946, VegNews.JUSTEgg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's misleading, and intentionally so. Walmart is selling some misspelled shit like chickin tenders, right next to the chicken. The chickin is just bugs and heavily processed plant material. And look at this shit. Do you think this isn't being intentionally deceptive when it's literally labeled egg, and sold next to the eggs? It's bugs and heavily processed plant chemicals too, and contains no eggs.

>> No.20373291

>stupid food related takes
these are both true. hershey's is worlds worst chocolate and cilantro tastes like soap to about 50% of the worlds population

>> No.20373300

But the point is that veganism is not inherently any more healthy than being a regular old vegetarian or a normal person who simply eats a decent amount of vegetables, and in many (most) cases where the vegan retard is retarded and doesn't consider that they're cutting out essential parts of their diet, it's less healthy. And then on top of that, it's not any more "ethical" than any other lifestyle unless the person goes full tinfoil and starts exclusively growing their own food.

Regardless of your stance on labeling of non-dairy milk products, what a retarded take. Nut butters are an entirely different food item from butter, nobody confuses the two because they're not even remotely close to being the same or even similar things. You don't substitute fucking peanut butter for frying a grilled cheese you psychopath.

>> No.20373304

I guess I just don't care? I see a reason for there to be egg substitutes and beside eggs is the best place. I assume people are smart enough to read labels and if they're not that's their problem. Anyone buying either chicken tenders or real eggs that have been put in a bottle instead of left in the shell kinda is asking for it anyways.

>> No.20373309
File: 46 KB, 720x480, penn-before-after-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But the point is that veganism is not inherently any more healthy than being a regular old vegetarian or a normal person who simply eats a decent amount of vegetables,

I have no disagreement with that. I'm just saying there are some vegans I like and respect and I don't care much either way what they choose to eat.

>> No.20373310

It's baffling to me how this shit in particular is allowed. The label is literally contradicting itself, they call the product "Egg" without even bothering to do the stupid different spelling shit to claim it's legally distinct or whatever and like an inch below that in fine print says "Egg-free". In what world does this pass any kind of labeling standard? There is no argument in favor of this that makes any sense.

>> No.20373336

That product is actually deceptive though, it's labeled "just egg" which any sane person would assume means it's made of eggs. I agree that buying pre-scrambled liquid eggs is fucking dumb, but if a lazy person buys them, eats them, and dies because they're allergic to whatever not-egg things it's made of, then that's kind of fucked up because they had no clear reason to believe they were consuming anything other than eggs.

>> No.20373348

I think if someone buys it without reading the label that really is their problem, but maybe I'm just an asshole who thinks people should have personal responsibility.

>> No.20373360

>pictured is two 28 year olds

>> No.20373365
File: 676 KB, 1920x1013, MV5BZTY2Y2Y2MTgtYTAxYS00Njg3LWEyN2QtZTdhZTE5MDExMjczXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQwMDg0Ng@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one on the left is in her 60's the one on the right is 89. They are highly entertaining. This guy is 55.

>> No.20373498

I don't disagree that people should actually look at what they're consuming, but the label is literally displaying false information in this case.

>> No.20373541

Modern vegetarianism and its offshoot finds its roots in religious nutjobs that believed anything containing any flavor would lead you to sin. There's nothing intelligent about it. Any intelligent man sees right away that there's a clear line between human and animal and leaves it at that

>> No.20373544

An NPC chimes in. Cute.

>> No.20373549

Whole chicken cooked in a pigs bladder is gross.

>> No.20373553

it tastes like soap plus how hot milk smells. easily ruins every dish that people thoughtlessly add it to

>> No.20373590
File: 108 KB, 390x390, 21375413_side_a01_@2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different places must have different labeling rules, here it's pretty clearly marked. Also usually in the vegan section.

>> No.20373631

Parmesan cheese has even more of it

>> No.20373641
File: 46 KB, 500x500, Coriander_Vietnamese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does seem like a taste you can acquire, I definitely used to taste soap, but happily eat a ton of cilantro now. Pic rel still tastes like drinking cleaning fluid though.

>> No.20373653
File: 189 KB, 800x1132, 2dindian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Big Corn Syrup
>its just a cope
There are no words for vegan or vegetarian in my native language.

>> No.20373659

Hersheys *IS* bad, anon
All Pennsylvania """"""""""""cuisine"""""""""""" is bland and flavorless
>Soft pretzels
>Tomato pies
>Peanut chews
>Wawa hoagies
It's all garbage, it's a wonder how Philadelphians are so fat if this is all they shovel down their throats

>> No.20373661

How in the fuck is "just egg" clearly marked if it contains no egg?

>> No.20373673

The unknown can be scary. It's actually Montaigne's postulate that humans are afraid of death because of it's unknown.
That's why you aprehend the first day of school or work, because of the unknown. But once familiar this fear disapears.
Montaigne even tried training do die in order to be less afraid.
Maybe one day you will train your noggin enough that thinking won't scare you as much.
Start training as much as you possibly can little soul.

>> No.20373679

Probably because that box reads "just plant egg" and has in bold "made from plants". Just Egg is a pun, that's all.

Personally I see this as a good thing. If some dipshit can't be bothered to read and buys emulsified mung beans mixed with oil, sugar and a bunch of weird shit then dies it's a net positive.

>> No.20373926

You're "Just Retarded"

>> No.20373937

Ironic since my stance is that people should think for themselves, have personal responsibility and read labels.

>> No.20373979

Refined sugar is the most unhealthy substance you can consume short of literal poison.

>> No.20373999

Red Bull tastes like bubble gum

>> No.20374008

what is biochemistry?
these aren't 'takes', stupid zoomer.

>> No.20374013

>not my food soyence!!!

>> No.20374075

I accept your concession.

>> No.20374243

Presumably the excuse is "JUST" is being used as an adjective rather than an adverb, in the same way you can call something "mock" whatever. As in the product is a "morally justified version of egg".

>> No.20374472

>So did I inherit flavor genes from my father while the rest of my family got them from my mother?
Genetics is more complicated than that. Biology is more complicated than that too; it's not just genetics.
But sort of effectively yes, you can pretend you said the reason why.

>> No.20374545

First one is a fact
Look up what they add to American chocolate

>> No.20374645

You're right about almond butter (as well as other nut butters). I think the distinction in that case would be that almond butter, peanut butter, etc. were never intended, expected, or marketed to be seen as a butter-alternative or butter-substitute and the term "butter" in this context has always been meant to describe the texture and spreadability. Margarine, on the other hand, is an alternative to butter, which is why the closest they can legally get to calling themselves "butter" is "I can't believe it's not".
Coconut milk, also, had been around for ages and people simply understood "milk" to mean "white, thick beverage" not as some sort of milk replacement.
Still, if it was the price to pay in order to stop the misuse of the term "milk", I'd be okay renaming nut and seed butters to "spreads" or something.

>> No.20374675
File: 255 KB, 515x511, 1686390019278171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's either dish soap or the smell that stinkbugs release. It really depends on how much cilantro. Also.
>the soapy taste is always present in the cilantro due to a concentration of aldehydes. Aldehydes are also present in many soaps, lotions and stink bugs
Cilantro enjoyers are literal bug eaters.

>> No.20375405

>"Hershey's tastes like vomit"
It doesn't taste like vomit, it smells like it. Which it should because it's made using a process that produces the same stuff in your vomit, butyric acid.
I mean, you can act like we're all the weirdos for acknowledging it but even Wikipedia agrees that butyric acid stinks really badly.
It's also mildly addictive which is par for the course for American fast food.

>> No.20375439

He’s calling you out for being a disengenous faggot you nigger. It obviously doesn’t taste like “nothing” but you can’t stop lying on an anonymous image board to pretend you’re better than others.

>> No.20375648

i feel sorry for you