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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 513 KB, 1536x1152, IMG_20171126_141651829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20363895 No.20363895 [Reply] [Original]

>North Americans that live outside of big cities will never know the simple pleasures of leisurely perusing the quaint aisles of small, independent, Ethnic grocery stores, discovering new foods and ingredients imported directly from the country in question.

I truly pity them.

>> No.20363898
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>> No.20363901
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>> No.20363903
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>> No.20363924

>but the food

>> No.20363945

They always stink like shit and charge you extra depending on the colour of your skin begone ESL thread

>> No.20363951

We have them in medium sized towns in Idaho, mostly Asian and Mexican with one Indian around where I am. As a state we have no big cities, at best some medium ones. They're not something special or rare. The various Asian markets are good for cookware and vegetables, the Mexican ones are mostly only good for beans and tortillas, the Indian one has okay spices but if you don't need something that's really Indian food only WinCo is better.

>> No.20364011

Beaner shit isn't exotic or interesting in America. Do you have any Afghan or Bosnian grocers in your city?

>> No.20364154
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>I truly pity them.
No you don't. You are desperate for external validation of your empty soulless life that you've filled with external culture you can't create on your own. You want them to envy you because you know they never think of you unless you somehow agitate them for attention.
Your endless need for external validation makes their ambivalence towards you into torture. They're quietly living their lives without noticing you exist so you have to invent an unfulfilled need that you project onto them so you can feel superior and gain back a bit of the self worth that their ignoring you destroyed. All of this happens without their participation because it's your mental illness playing out inside your own head in a world you invented there.

>> No.20364157

we have these in small cities too

>> No.20364166

Sorry, no.

>> No.20364174

I live in Delaware. How many of these do you want? lmao
There are a bunch.
In fact, I've never been to any state that didn't have them. I'm all for city livin' if that's your thing, but to think that small ethnic grocery stores are exclusive to urban areas just shows your lack of knowledge.
>Polish supermarkets stink and charge you extra for being white
Not Afghan specifically but the Central Asian store I go to for some of my supplies carries Afghan shit. You can tell who's Afghan because they're always quiet since they only speak their own language while the rest are Russianing at each other.
Again, sort of. Albanian-owned Balkans/Southeastern Euro grocery store. They sell some Bosnian stuff, though it's mostly Bulgarian shit they carry. I've never even met a Bulgarian here.
Do you have any Ethiopian, Ghanaian/Nigerian or Nepalese supermarkets? We do.
Also, an Irish and British one, weirdly, though that's technically in Pennsylvania. Still not in a city, tho!

>> No.20364177
File: 162 KB, 960x720, european_deli_2(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name a more comfy store than the slav food market

>> No.20364203

no i'm white and the mexican places are dirt cheap and won't charge you extra. Tbh it's just the nogs that try to pull that shit on whitey

>> No.20364265

>bro just eat radishes for the rest of your life

>> No.20364271

>slop, but foreign country
WOW this definitely makes me regret not living in the HUSTLE and BUSTLE OF the big city

>> No.20364303

>wanting foreign goyslop instead of just regular goyslop
you have severe issues with reality complex disorder and should be institutionalized so that your disease of stupid doesn't spread.

>> No.20364322
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hard agree

>> No.20364328

They always smell funny.

>> No.20364333

I think big city people are just as stupid as rural fucks about stuff they're prideful of. If you're a big townie or a tiny one, if you've never left your home state you don't know much about anything.

>> No.20364344
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I mean, they're around. New Britain, CT isn't a big city but it has maybe the best Polish / Eastern European store in the state. Only thing is that their prices are as crazy now as anywhere else, and they used to be a good buy. 6 pierogi went for $11 last time I was there... yeah, no thanks.

>> No.20364755

>big city
every medium sized city is going to have at least one, usually several. my shithole 60,000 rustbelt town has 3. you won't have an entire district to choose from and might get stuck with a shitty one but it wont be a foreign concept.

>> No.20365125
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These places smell absolutely amazing, especially the MENA/Indian variety. I don't care if it's cartel meat or not. I once bought some garlic from a ME store and it said, "made in China" on it. I don't know what they were made of, but they peeled beautifully.
Chinese stores do, however, seem to have an "off" odor to them. Wet market?

>> No.20365126

What is a "European Style" sandwich?

>> No.20365155

>Again, sort of. Albanian-owned Balkans/Southeastern Euro grocery store. They sell some Bosnian stuff, though it's mostly Bulgarian shit they carry.
Holy shit. Can you shut the fuck up. Nobody is interested in any of that.

>> No.20365161
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Cavernous dimly-lit warehouse stores stocked to the rafters with pallets of imported goods and disorganized shelves full of mystery products are my actual jam.

>> No.20365168

Im in rural Pennsylvania and theres one of these within walking distance to me. It's also a butcher and has locally farmed beef and chicken. The owner is a dick bag though and it's everything is marked up 300% because they have a stranglehold on the locals.

>> No.20365196
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ways to make /ck/ shit itself with incel rage:
-mention that other cultures exist
-mention washing literally anything (cookware, meat, etc)
-mention cookware or knives that costs more than $25
-mention japan, france, or italy
-mention that women exist
-mention fine wines
-mention spicy food
-mention seafood

did I miss anything?

>> No.20365200
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Is this allowed?

>> No.20365203

I'd rather have acceptable living conditions, so it's a worthwhile sacrifice.

>> No.20365208

>never get to experience expired unregulated food

gee wilikers OP I sure am sore about that

>> No.20365230

Italians don't have this problem, there is no need to be either flyover or third world, definitely no reason to be both

>> No.20365234

Best way to shut me up is to put your dick in my mouth, schnookums. :3

>> No.20365238

you've never been south of Rome have you?

>> No.20365245
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>own 132 acres
>drive into local downtown
>have a beer at one of the pubs
>lots of small grocery stores
>get the hell out of Dodge
>arrive home and enjoy my food and cooking in peaceful surroundings

I don't see what you are trying to gloat about.

>> No.20365270

touche lol its getting to be a lot

>> No.20365306

just like a regular sandwich but with only one very thin slice of meat and they put some form of potatoes on it

>> No.20365797

vgh.. deenz heaven

>> No.20366978

>locally farmed beef and chicken

All polluted by vinyl chloride disaster now.

>> No.20367032


>> No.20367091

He was right the first time. They're not people so they don't merit who.

>> No.20367109

"that" is grammatically correct and "who" is not. look it up.

>> No.20367119

>"that" is grammatically correct and "who" is not. look it up.
It's a relative clause referring to a group of people. Both who and that are correct. That is slightly preferred.

>> No.20367131
File: 978 KB, 2383x1739, Blue city blues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pity you. Civilized people can walk from their home to the barcade, have drinks with strangers, and play games with them. Can you do that? You're all alone out there with no one to socialize with. How can you stand it?
In my building, when I get home, I can smell dozens of different cuisines being prepared from a dozen different cultures. What can you smell when you get home to your Temple of Isolation? Cow farts?

>> No.20367135


>> No.20367321

"that" makes you sound like an idiot

>> No.20367337

kill yourselves, accept that other people might not like what you like or want to live how you live

>> No.20367361

>thread is about anything other than fast food
>flyover's blood pressure spikes and they start having an aneurysm
good job OP. with a little luck, you'll cause some deaths.

>> No.20367366

It's sad. You don't see vegans/people that cook shitting up fast food threads but anytime there's anything ethnic/city food related, there's ALWAYS hamplanet flyovers having tantrums in them.

>> No.20367377

Most of the people in this thread live within one hour of a major international airport. You are not ruralites and the only ruralite in here was bragging about drunk driving. It's so predictable

>> No.20367652

You are not very smart.

>> No.20368086
File: 81 KB, 645x773, 1709752512127662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BRO you HAVE to try the new BARCADE bro it's like a BAR AND AN ARCADE IN ONE

>> No.20368117

I do way too many drugs and alcohol to care if there are chemicals in my food

>> No.20368120

See >>20367652

>> No.20368646

lmao go enjoy your hustle and bustle of the big city faggot

>> No.20368657

>Civilization is getting drunk with strangers, playing decade old video games, and then wandering home to your overpriced fart box surrounded by immigrants
I think I'd rather stay a crude barbarian, thanks

>> No.20368674

There is no real food in either of these two pictures

>> No.20368710

It's not banned. It's just ridiculous.

>> No.20368819

Enjoy your gook slop.

>> No.20368905

Such projection
Have a you

>> No.20368912

See >>20367652

>> No.20369906

>Can't even recognize the ethnicities in the photos properly

Yep, the seething flyovers are here.

>> No.20369954

That's not even remotely unique to city life. It's shocking I know but there's ethnic enclaves with dedicated markets even in the middle of farm country. There's even random ass temples scattered about.

>> No.20369987

yeah where would i be without lipton tea and 7 dollar instant ramen

>> No.20370137

Can't see them when flying over from coast to coast.

>> No.20370141

Like you could even afford a plane ticket scumbag.

>> No.20370190
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Well I pity you as well because when I want to visit friends I visit friends. Sometimes we meet in the downtown and take advantage of the tiny benefit of specialized food stores/groceries/bars and restaurants. Then we go home. You guys are locked downtown in the city and you have very little relief from the crime, hustle and bustle, poor air and blacks/Hispanics. Trash everywhere, people who look dead inside... No thanks. I can do whatever I want on my property, fish, hunt, walk around nude, play games. It's all mine. I have the dream many city folk wish they could have. So have fun coping and say or think whatever you got to to help you through the sad 1984ish life you are living. Good luck. I really do wish you the best even though you created this thread with malice in your heart.

>> No.20370203

I live in rural Maine and they're around. Usually an Asian country of some sort but sometimes your get a random central American or Italian import store. There's also old Frenchie holdouts. They there's the local owned groceries stores that are effectively a regional version of an ethnic store as it has cheap local stuff and the odd dishes that you won't find elsewhere like needhams.

>> No.20370209

>shitholers don't comprehend markets

>> No.20370213

>mother forgive me, I must walk

>> No.20370298

Yeah, not like I can drive to the "big city" forty five minutes away from me or anything...

>> No.20370449

See >>20367652

>> No.20370470

Anon, those exist in America too.

>> No.20370471

Ooh! I can do this too!

See >>20367652


>> No.20370514

>living in a third world shithole where you have to worry about that`kind of thing
Do americans really?

>> No.20370565

these are the pretentious kind of people that use chopsticks to eat panda express

>> No.20370580

We call those bodegas, dumbshit. They're everywhere and nobody goes to them because they're dingy, dirty, and often fronts for illegal activity.

>> No.20370983

Why do retards in big cities think these don't exist in small towns? I live in a town of about 15K in the Midwest and there are stores like these practically within walking distance to my house. Indian, Mexican, Greek, Thai, and Asian general, and those are just the ones Ive been to. Clueless insular big city retards like OP are prime examples of why an Electoral College are necessary. You dipshits have no fucking clue what goes on in the world outside of the 6 block bubble around your apartment.

>> No.20371000

But you're really really not smart since you're apparently wholly incapable of recognising satire when presented with it.

>> No.20371923

it's true, i used to live in a very large city and the natives i knew were the some of the most provincial people i'd ever met

>> No.20371937

Yeah, any mention of Chicago good or bad.

>> No.20371946

post google maps of your city then

>> No.20372061

For the last time, no I will not plow your tight ass in the parking lot behind Taco John's, so stop asking. I don't care how much hot sauce you offer to use for lube!

>> No.20372160

i thought so, flyover

>> No.20372970

That happens when OP starts the thread by ridiculing people who don't live in cities. Did you think being the OP gave him some sort of "shit on people without response" card?

>> No.20372975
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>authentic yummy foods
>getting mugged/raped/murdered on the street

>> No.20372988

I've lived in cities my whole life and have never been mugged or raped and only got murdered once.

>> No.20373001

>imperial iranian flag
Extremely based shopkeeper

>> No.20373023

You forgot "indian food is good"

>> No.20373040

>fucking nescafe and lipton on the shelf

kill yourself. everyone hates you

>> No.20373042

fucking drenched in olive oil.

>> No.20373427

That looks like some Eastern Euro joint so probably some variant of kanapka (pl. kanapki). Google that for pics and info.
Believe it or not, Nescafe can vary wildly country to country. While the Mexican and Greek Nescafe instant are pretty similar, the American version is quite unlike either and they (used to?) provide some of the best pre ground coffee you can buy in Spain and Portugal, Nescafe Bonka (which I always guessed was short for Bon (K)Cafe). That shit was tits but I've not seen it in about ten years. : (

>> No.20373502

thats just pasta and beans nigga
we have that in kansas
cmon now

>> No.20373772

ime these stores are only stocked with the goyslop from home that immigrants miss (particularly polisho nes)

>> No.20373866

Cast iron

>> No.20374576

You don't need to buy expensive knives. Idk who told you this

>> No.20375411

City fags start it every time dude. No one in flyover is mad cities exist. You seething niggerfaggots can’t fucking STAND that we don’t want to live in a concrete hellhole. I don’t want neighbors. I don’t want to hear or see them or smell their fucking food. I want them dead and gone.

>> No.20376092

>City fags start it every time dude
>You seething niggerfaggots can’t fucking STAND that we don’t want to live in a concrete hellhole
Also false.
>I don’t want neighbors
I don't want bad ones. If the choice is between none and bad ones, I'll go with none every time. And you likely know what I mean by "bad ones."
>I want them dead and gone
City folks or neighbours?

To be clear, I've been a city dweller my whole life on three different continents but I've spent extended periods of time at family homes in more rural areas in Switzerland and Italy. I enjoy both lifestyle and can see the value in each one.
Anyway, you grow shit, countrybruh?

>> No.20376107
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>No one in flyover is mad cities exist. You seething niggerfaggots can’t fucking STAND that blah blah blah

New Yorker here. We don't think about you at all. We don't care. We do what we want in our world, and leave you to do what you want in yours. It's really that simple.

>> No.20376119
File: 85 KB, 640x480, gej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jaffa cakes
>jaffa cakes, Polish

>> No.20376160

>I live in Delaware. How many of these do you want? lmao
based DE bro

>> No.20376172

They're relatively uncommon, but not non-existent, outside of big cities.
I pity your mind.

>> No.20376699
File: 520 KB, 1152x1536, 2023-02-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most of one's in the city have produce, meat, dairy, nuts grains, legumes etc. Wouldn't be surprised if the rural ones were goyslop only though.

>> No.20376711

I don't like it because they're small and you're always in eyesight of the cashier, so you feel obliged to buy something

>> No.20377784

I bet this cost $17 plus tip

>> No.20377800

They're called suburbs because they're within driving distance to the cities. We can visit these places any time we want. We can also own things.

>> No.20377806

I don't understand this "if you think about something, you lose" sentiment
It makes literally zero sense unless you're like a buddhist or something

>> No.20377811

this goes for you >>20376107 too, to be fair to both sides

>> No.20377814

The suburbs are full of boring ass white people fuck that

>> No.20378512

they desperately need to get some proper bins or shelves

>> No.20378698

Christ you sound like a 40 year old childless woman trying to sound like she has life figured out.

>> No.20379630

See >>20367652

>> No.20380027

Yes, living near criminal non-whites is what I want instead.

>> No.20381101
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I have seen chinese and indian grocery stores in non big city areas.

West SPringfield, MA
Amherst, MA

>> No.20381116

that looks grotesque

>> No.20381117

>We can visit
>but instead we'll complain about the traffic and the poors and sit on our asses, shop at Walmart, and vote how the HOA tells us to vote

>> No.20381140

that's some real "I watch John Oliver" energy you're swinging around thinking it's a dick. let me ask, did you move to the city BECAUSE you had already been castrated or was the operation part of your lease agreement?

>> No.20381151

hit a little too close to home, huh, george?

>> No.20381207

I know a really dumb closet case from West Springfield. He stole from the till when he worked at the dollar store as a teenager. That's literally all I know about West Springfield.

>> No.20381347

I grew up in the suburbs with people like my parents. I don't want to ever end up like them. Boring people with no taste live there.

>> No.20381390

Ah, but it's white and it's safe. Until little Johnny gets depressed because it's a sterile hellhole surrounded by helicopter parents and decides to shoot up the school lol, but wait clearly it was the FBI that did that. It's never our fault. There's always a nebulous other to blame.

>> No.20381396

t. scared of the world due to poor understanding of probability and statistics

>> No.20381535

>No you don't.
I do
>You are desperate for external validation of your empty soulless life
Life is full of music and beauty in the city my man, don't misjudge just because we don't have so many trees
>filled with external culture you can't create on your own
Anyone can learn to play music or paint a mural my dude, or just throw some color up on their wall or decorate their gardens. There's plenty of chances for expression in here.
>rest of this dumbass post

You can live your life doing whatever you like, just as I can, but I know from my dealings with rurals that us city folk live rent free in their brains and they can't help but be a little jealous of our little window into the world while they're stuck on dad's farm. For some that's a fulfilling life. For many of them, it isn't, and you can sense it when you speak to them or hear them speak of it. I hope you have a good harvest, at least. I'll be buying some at the next farmer's market.

>> No.20381548

Wow look at all this shit that's not labeled or inspected by the FDA. Why would I want it?

>> No.20381613

Can't believe anybody actually fell for this bait but more importantly, that sidewalk was fine until this guy walked on it

>> No.20381620

you will never be a farmer. you buy meat at the store and have 3 tomato plants in your back yard. millions of years of evolution have trained real country boys to identify frauds with incredible efficiency. etc

>> No.20381628

asian grocery around here is the only place to get based stuff like fish heads and skeletons and whole slabs of pork belly. sad but true

>> No.20381634

>ass temples
Sign me up

>> No.20381655

Faggot Division of Assholes more like lol

Teddy Roosevelt was a retard faggot, I liked having rat bones in my sausages

>> No.20381665

>we don't have so many trees
Literally half of my city is straight up forest, the largest forest with city limits on earth.

>> No.20381811

wow look at all that generic processed garbage, what a tragedy for them.

>> No.20381819

>North Americans that live outside of the rural heartlands will never know the simple pleasures of leisurely perusing the quaint aisles of small, independent, local grocery stores, discovering fresh foods and ingredients grown locally and not canned and freeze-dried trash imported from some shithole country with zero food safety and sanitation or humane handling laws.

I truly pity them.

>> No.20381822

>Urbanite comsooomer so desperate for validation that she is still posting.
>rent free

>> No.20381827


>> No.20381831

Anon that was my first post all thread

>> No.20381832

Hello Portlander. You cant go into any of those forested areas because you will be robbed and raped by homeless drug addicts who are encamped there in piles of trash and disease. But sure.

>> No.20381854

And your worst one by far.

>> No.20381864

>she is still posting in her desperate empty aching materialist need for validation.
> r e n t f r e e

>> No.20381982

Wrong city. Portland ain't got shit compared to where I live.

>> No.20382044

I mean if you hate clean towns and low crime sure.

As a bog city urbanites myself the group of people I hate the most isn't flyover it's the urbanite parochials who thinks that merely by living In a city they are some how cultured.

>> No.20382054


>> No.20382058

Large US cities are cancer as well. I think the best meal I ever had was in some tiny little greek town on Kefalonia when they had just butchered a piglet and spitroasted it over a fire. Cityfags will never know that feeling.

>> No.20382190

Do yt pipo really be perusing these aisles?

>> No.20382225

as if rural us is any better...
>oh so you're a cityfag
no im not that either

>> No.20382568

Yes. I just like trying new things so I always buy some unidentified shit with an unreadable label whenever I go to foreignermart.

>> No.20382679

Mine smells worse than the lion exhibit at the zoo. I only go in there for Samyang noodles and curry blocks. Asians are disgusting.

>> No.20382710

Sidewalks should be built to accommodate the average sized American.
It's very important to your self worth that random anonymous posters acknowledge how you're above it all.

>> No.20382719

>>own 132 acres
You don't own 132 acres.

>> No.20382733

AOC....i....is that you?

>> No.20382737

No, thankfully

>> No.20382740

You sound like a huge faggot. Keep the "trad" larping to a minimum.

>> No.20384622

Worth the Food Poisoning ngl

>> No.20384653

Ham, Cheese, and you have to pay for the next five sandwiches purchased