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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20362153 No.20362153 [Reply] [Original]

India has the best cuisine in the world. Only chuds would disagree it's at least in the top 3 best.

>> No.20362157

Does chud mean non shit eater? If so im a proud chud.

>> No.20362161

have you seen latest David Attenborough docco?

Codex pajeet II.

it's rivetting

>> No.20362163

tikka masala beats all indian foods

>> No.20362168

>Codex pajeet II.
The contemporary Mondo Cane.

>> No.20362167

It can be really good, most of the people on here deriding it have probably never even touched it before

>> No.20362178

Thb i will probably never eat feces.

>> No.20362181

A million variations on bean soup with rice or bread. Wow.

>> No.20362188

>i don't know what indian food is

>> No.20362191

This is exactly what I'm saying. Maybe your country doesn't carry out stringent surprise food hygiene visits. Mine does and it keeps them on their toes. The results are published in the newspapers and the egregious ones are highlighted, named and shamed.

>> No.20362201

A different type of ignorance to >>20362181 but just as lowbrow. I'm pretty glad that I don't have to frequent restaurants or generally be near such knuckle draggers.

>> No.20362274

It's worse than Mexican slop

>> No.20362275

>India has the best cuisine in the world
You know that Picrel was invented in England right?

Well, . . . . that's pissed on your fireworks as all you muppets say English food is grey and unseasoned! (a relic left over from American GI's during their station in England during WW2 when food was rationed).

Enjoy your 'Indian curry' and your Japanese curry, Wait a minute . . . .. where did Japanese curry come from? Do you need a hint?

>> No.20362368

Troon with a nigger faggot fetish alert!

>> No.20362383
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I don't eat feces, sorry. Also, pajeeta pussy is disgusting. My friend once ate it and he got extremely sick but yet again foids are gross roasties

>> No.20362398

What a normal reaction

>> No.20362399
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jap + indian = food for a billion gods.

>> No.20362549

>India has the best cuisine in the world.
Surely you jest.

>> No.20362561

Poo jokes aside, it's pretty good. My girlfriend is Indian and she makes Indian food very often. The only thing I dislike about it is how messy it can be. Curry with any kind of flatbread makes for excellent comfort food.

>> No.20362571

Are you canadian?

>> No.20362699

You’re supposed to pour it on rice dummy

>> No.20362748

just get a caucasian to cook the food or cook it yourself. nothing beats a good 'utter 'icken

>> No.20362788

The only good Indian food was invented in the UK.

>> No.20363127

Fun fact: around the turn of the century, Indian restaurants touted their cuisine as healthy food. They were talking primarily about tandoori chicken, which is essentially grilled, but merely one of the dishes on their typical bill of fare. Thus riding on the "durr, grilling is good for you because the fat drips away" meme of the 90s, they sneaked into the American culinary consciousness. They've long since stopped advertising themselves as "healthy."

>> No.20363153

I like (not love) Indian food but it gives me irritable bowel syndrome

>> No.20363175

I never feel bad when I make it at home

>> No.20363183

>Thus riding on the "durr, grilling is good for you because the fat drips away" meme

this is true to a degree though

>> No.20363187

Which century?

>> No.20363206

If by Indian food you mean British food that is purportedly Indian such as what you posted in your picture then yeah I agree. If you mean actual Indian food then nah.

>> No.20363208

Tandoori chicken is a British invention though.

>> No.20363379

>butter chicken
>tikka masala
>rogan josh
Are these really all British?

>> No.20363479
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luv me frankie
simple as

>> No.20363492

I usually get really gassy after having the jeetslop I cook. I chalk it down to how it's really acidic with all the tomatoes, and then adding yogurt and lemon juice just brings the acidity even higher. Probably need to use less tomatoes and add more brown sugar for the alkalinity.

>> No.20363500

Dunno who Josh Rogan is but he sure isn't Indian

>> No.20363517

You're thinking of butter chicken

>> No.20363523

indian food actually can be reasonably healthy, just dont go crazy with cream and ghee like restaurants do

>> No.20363537

Indian food tastes good but it tends to be greasy. They also have a very limited variety of preparations. Like 2/3 of everything is a curry of some sort served over rice or with flat bread. They'd be pretty mid if not for the fact that Samosas are unironic S tier. Especially since Indian Breakfast is a real weakness.

I prefer Italian, French, American, Cantonese, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Lebanese, and Mexican over Indian.

I suspect if I get the opportunity to try more cuisines India will stay middle of the pack.

>> No.20363562

I like Indian food too I’m not sure what you mean by “Indian breakfast”?

>> No.20363576
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Full agreement OP. Indian food can't be beat!

>> No.20363592

Idli are vile, Dosas are mediocre, and Paratha are bland and forgettable. Plain yogurt is not an appetizing side, and Chole Batur did not impress me.

>> No.20363608 [DELETED] 

>Idli are vile
How? It's just a steamed rice cake. Although I had it at a restaurant one time and they put a lot of baking soda in it which made it taste bad.

>> No.20363618

>Idli are vile
What don't you like about it? The slight fermented tang? I like idli a lot. Except once when a restaurant put too much baking soda in it.

>> No.20363660


>> No.20363673

All those things are served as regular non breakfast foods in Indian restaurants. I never heard of dosas being a breakfast food.

>> No.20363683
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>India has the best cuisine in the world.
Im pretty sure this is objectively untrue.

>> No.20364245

The only one where trying to attract middle class diners by saying your food is healthy due to grilling during the era when that was a meme could actually have been a thing.

>> No.20364255

how did you pepe

>> No.20364269

Unless you genuinely enjoy eating faeces, the best Indian food is British Indian food, so really what you're saying is Britain has the best cuisine in the world

>> No.20364273

It's shit quite literally

>> No.20364279

Why would you date an Indian? More importantly how do you endure her foul smell

>> No.20364839

true i've only met one indian girl that I found sexy or attractive. even then she wore a ton of makeup and would admit that's probably the only reason why I liked her.

>> No.20365227


>> No.20365256

I'd rather not eat feces

>> No.20365286

it's all just chunks of shit soaked in vomit sauce with a side of rice. shut the fuck up freak.

>> No.20365316

I think British "Indian" food is very good. I wouldn't eat any Indian food in India made by a greasy pajeet. Their street food hygiene could kill a westerner.
The problem I have with Indian food is it all kind of look like shit. Different colors of shit with rice and naan.

>> No.20365330

even my most racist pajeet posting /pol/ friends think pakistani/indian food is the best after they tried my mom's pakistani cooking. They always ask if I have extra leftovers lying around.

Restaurants are hit or miss, a lot of them are lazy and just dump a ton of cream, oil, ghee into dishes instead of balancing it better. But that goes for any cuisine.

People who hate on south asian food are missing out.
I can't speak for food actually in India/Pakistan or their cooking standards..

>> No.20365357

I love indian food actually, but that doesn't make indian people any less repulsive

>> No.20365361

For me, it's garlic naan and alu naan

>> No.20365369

BTW I'm trans and love sausage gravy, it's a culinary masterpiece

>> No.20365424

did i ask?

>> No.20365544

nigger opinion

>> No.20365699
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>India has the best cuisine in the world.
Yeah, nah. All Indian food looks, smells and tastes the same. It's the same chicken or lamb smothered in the same greasy sauce with the same mix of spices, served with rice and/or flatbread. Boring.
People from all over the world flock to France, Italy and Greece to enjoy complicated, sophisticated dishes. Tourists fly in millions to Japan, Thailand and Vietnam for their nutritious, healthy food. India cannot even compete.
Indian food is not the food of fine dining or popular family restaurants. It is the food of diners and inner city ethnic joints, a cheap unhealthy gut-stuffer for the overworked proles. Your most well-known dish was initially made from leftovers. Even Mexicans treat their food with more reverence.
Don't even get me started on your horrendous hygiene. No one in their right mind would want to eat something made by a person who showers once a month, wipes with their hand and considers bathing in a polluted river to be the highest religious sacrament.

>> No.20365714

You know it's bad when Africans in Africa make tiktok videos poking fun at Indian food. They don't even have paved roads and live in huts but they know Indian food hygiene is fucked up. Getting dunked on by Africans for your food is the ultimate diss.

>> No.20365725

>All Indian food looks, smells and tastes the same.
You don't know what you're talking about or you've only been to a bad restaurant a limited number of times.

>> No.20365729

Mmmm. Orange. Fuckin' love me some orange color.

>> No.20365774

I have tried a huge variety of it and I still stand by my words. All of your dishes are the same greasy slop. I do not care if your auntie Simran adds a little more fenugreek than usual to that semi-liquid diarrhea you call food.

>> No.20365805
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Bro that's like saying pesto sauce and alfredo taste the fucking same

>> No.20365829

they do

>> No.20365951

Good "Indian" food only happens outside India when it is combined with other cultures and higher hygiene standards.

>> No.20366126

why are flour tortillas and pipian an Indian thing now?

>> No.20366185

Europe is using tortillas a bunch now too, I don't know what changed

>> No.20366198

African food is depressing in a different way

>> No.20366212

Indian and Bangladeshi food (and even their bri'ish variants) are indeed god-tier. The amount of people on this board who proudly only eat chicken tendies continues to astonish me.

>> No.20366225

>if you don’t like Indian food you’re uncultured tendie eating swine
Fuck off, Rajesh.

>> No.20366242

Not Indian or named Rajesh, but yes, that's correct. Having a steak once in a while doesn't make you cultured.

>> No.20366243

I hate that my mind instantly thought of this pun as well

>> No.20366246

>implying india represents culture
saar please do enjoy fried cow dung sandwich toasted on cow dung fire

>> No.20366261

I literally don't give a shit about India as a country, or really any country. But yeah, if you don't enjoy Indian food (or any of the variants sold around the world marketed as Indian food), your opinions on food can pretty safely be discarded, because you most likely are the kind of person who doesn't get any toppings on your pizza, and only gets steak medium rare because the internet told you to.

>> No.20366285

I was howling with laughter watching this earlier today. What a masterpiece.

>> No.20366603

They're making fun of abysmal indian sanitation standards and the disgusting practices of street food vendors there, not the food itself. It's still embarrassing for pajeets when dirt shack dwelling africans are more hygienic than them but it's not quite the same, african food is its own brand of embarrassing

>> No.20366643

You need to kill yourself ASAP

>> No.20366663

fat drips away, burns up and splashes your food with carcinogenic soot and acrolein
very healthy indeed

>> No.20366864

Spindly, skeletal vegan fingers typed this post

>> No.20366989
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Anybody have any good tikka masala recipes? I finally have good plain yoghurt and have been wanting to make this again. Last time I did this recipe and it was decent but I like branching out.

>> No.20367122

I accept your concession. Maybe try to vary up your diet this week. Maybe have a vegetable, or swap out one of your 10 burgers this week with a salad.

>> No.20367142

This anon thinks people go to Thailand, Vietnam and Japan for their food, kek

>> No.20367144
File: 131 KB, 741x224, chutney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indian food can be hit or miss, but there was an apple chutney I tried from an old recipe, and it was one of the best things I ever ate.

>> No.20367150

Oh wow that's actually a type of tomato, and I made it wrong. Never mind. lmao. Happy accident.

>> No.20367349

India has multiple cuisines much like China has multiple cuisines. Both taken as a whole are indeed in the top 5 imo.

And no, if you haven't been to India or China you've never really tasted their cuisines.

>> No.20367374

#1 ingredient: poop.

Firm pass on the streetshidder cuisine.

You are what you eat, poo.

>> No.20367465

I'm not eating the boy piss eggs or candied rabbit heads, Zhao

>> No.20367512

You have tried all the dishes from the north of kashmir to east of himachal pradesh and to the south of kanyakumari and west of gujarat, right?
>Yeah, nah. All Indian food looks, smells and tastes the same.
Do you still stand by this statement?
never mind lol.

>> No.20367593

I am not the same anon you were talking to. I actually like Indian food, but placing it on the same level as, e.g., French cuisine is ridiculous. I was just thunderstruck by what an enormous faggot you must be to think that people who DON'T order 15 toppings on their pizza are the philistines. There is NOTHING more philistine than shitting up every single thing you eat with a million different spices and contradictory flavors. All of you tasteless hipster faggots should be DROWNED in your own HOT HONEY

>> No.20368284

That's his point; they just don't have breakfast food. It's the same thing, evey meal, except tea.

>> No.20368532

Sorry to pee on your fireworks but here are a few fun-facts that might surprise you about Indian food.

Probably about 50% of what you think is Indian cuisine is actually, a very heavy British infusion
of pre-existing slop.

One notable exclusion is the Goan dish of Vindaloo (another Bong favourite) that takes it's influence from a former colony. But it has been Anglicised to such an extent that it's unlikely the original Portuguese colonists would recognise it.

Bizarrely, most Indians in Britain are Doctors, Lawyers and Accountants, The Indian restaurants are mainly Bangladeshi!

The moar you know eh?

>> No.20368542
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Why did I get this?

>> No.20368553
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So why is it so fucking expensive?

>> No.20368662

I guess that answers that, you're just a tastelet retard. Too bad about your inferior genes.

>> No.20368799

Italian > French > Chinese > Japanese > German > Korean > Everything else > Power gap > Feces > Indian

>> No.20368804


watching it rn

>> No.20368826

Lmao, calm the fuck down. Have toppings or don't, I don't really care. I just hate fags who try to rationalize the picky eating habits they've retained from their childhood as adults. "I don't order toppings on my pizza because le epic purity of le new york slice" - No, you're just a child whose autism prevents you from handling too many ingredients at once (unless they're grinded into a paste and mixed with corn syrup, like most american slop)

>> No.20370003


>> No.20370133
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Jeets owned.

>> No.20370166

t. tastelet