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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20350112 No.20350112 [Reply] [Original]

Milk-hate thread

In this thread we hate milk

(Brought to you by the Pro-Milk Council)

>> No.20350115 [DELETED] 

Just imagine the nigger or chink who made this thread lmao

>> No.20350118

milk is strange as a standalone beverage
it's delicious with cereal, cookies, and as a base for smoothies

>> No.20350119

I love milk got me a gallon today boss

>> No.20350120

60 iq. I am black and I love milk. Imagine being ignorant lol

>> No.20350123 [DELETED] 

Shut up blackie

>> No.20350129 [DELETED] 

Okay but you don't need to announce your IQ every time you post, tyrone.

>> No.20350130

Nah, I'll keep making fun of you

>> No.20350132

I'm not the IQlet who believes black people cannot drink milk. That's (You)

>> No.20350136 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 775x849, 1711631113043v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nah, I'll keep making fun of you

>I'm not the IQlet who believes black people cannot drink milk. That's (You)

>> No.20350139 [DELETED] 


>> No.20350143
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Nice post, do they make them for men?

>> No.20350149


>> No.20350155
File: 411 KB, 1722x1187, Worldwide_prevalence_of_lactose_intolerance_in_recent_populations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20350158

Strange. I'm black and I guzzle milk like it's water

>> No.20350164 [DELETED] 

uhhhhh niggersisters whats this...

>> No.20350201 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 600x600, 44139 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20350211

Congratz my N word, you're special!

>> No.20350212

I really made you mad, didn't I?

>> No.20350218

imagine not being able to partake of nature's bounty... white gold...

>> No.20350222

I'm not. millions of black people don't suffer from lactose intolerance. That disease isn't an issue in the black community

>> No.20350226

Or allergy, or whatever it is

>> No.20350231 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 682x576, 60198 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really made you mad, didn't I?

>> No.20350241

It's... an intolerance lol. It's in the name.

Lactose intolerance varies though. Some people might get diarrhea from it, some might just get gas. Some have no symptoms at all, they just don't digest it. Even if you're lactose intolerant you can still consume a smaller amount without symptoms. If you're in the US and you're black then there's a good chance you have some European heritage too.

>> No.20350261

I'm able to consume dairy with little problems. I've never had cereal or ice cream and had diarrhea or felt gassy.

How much European heritage do you need to not be lactose intolerant? Because there are a lot of black people who don't have much white in them. When I get back, I'll research lactose intolerance more and post my findings

>> No.20350266

I assume I did

>> No.20350276
File: 25 KB, 525x406, 3XOVN7CHVO5YLJ4O6KD4YOXGEA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the average black person in the US is about 25% European. I think it's kind of a random thing though if you have the genes for lactase persistence or not.

How much do you normally consume at a time? I've read that lactose intolerant people can usually have about a cup of milk before experiencing symptoms. I often drink a quart or more at a time with no issues, can you drink that much?

Some parts of Africa seem to have fairly high rates of lactase persistence too though. Not quite as much as Europe but still high in some areas. And you have groups like the Maasai in Africa who are known for drinking lots of milk.

>> No.20350311

I can consume quite a bit of dairy. One of my favorite foods is cereal, and I can easily eat 3 bowls without too much trouble. I can eat around 2.5 cups of ice cream with ease. Nowadays I'm consuming dairy almost daily. I just ate pizza not too long ago and I feel fine

>> No.20350314

Interesting. It's a little more complicated than just saying black people can't have dairy.

Cheese doesn't have much lactose though. It gets drained out with the liquid when making cheese, or is eaten by enzymes. You'd have to eat pounds of most cheeses to get enough lactose to cause a problem.

>> No.20350323
File: 188 KB, 1125x1305, GI6PE22WYAA2hUJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If black people really do have a lactose problem (even in America), then it would explain why so many black households are able to serve and eat Mac and cheese without any problems

>> No.20350335

>milk gives me rancid farts
>drink it anyway
not my problem

>> No.20350519 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20350544

This probably sounds like a dumb question, but... why don't lactose intolerant people just buy lactose free milk?

>> No.20350547

/qa/ lost
sharty lost

>> No.20350550

I do and its good

>> No.20350564

Velveeta isn’t cheese

>> No.20350569

>Velveeta isn’t cheese
That's like saying cheddar isn't cheese when it is dyed yellow or orange.

>> No.20350587

milk is the perfected example of decades long propaganda and lobbying brainwashing populations into believing it's something they need as part of their diet. boomers forcing their children to drink milk or they won't have bones or something. i assume that anyone drinking dairy is either retarded, or actually likes it (which is fine). so yeah milk is disgusting, i'll take the water instead plus a fruit desu

>> No.20350596

I always thought of milk as a sort of cheap whey and casein protein shake.

>> No.20350625

Evaporated milk is among the few things I could handle those times I've suffered a poor appetite and was put off by most everything else.

>> No.20350735

This thread is making me think about bread pudding. I hope it's simple enough to make myself.

>> No.20350736

Maybe some people do need it as part of their diet. A large part of Europe literally went through genetic changes to make them better at digesting lactose. Doesn't mean you can't survive without it but to say it's a recent marketing thing makes it seem like you have no understanding of human history.

>> No.20350755
File: 50 KB, 407x305, Fresh_Dairy_Milk-Byrne_Dairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only problem with that is that it's not chocolate milk.

>> No.20350768

we do not currently need it when we have access to more foods that do the same thing at less of a cost with longer shelf life and more nutrition. it is a recent marketing thing because people were moving away from milk as food became more accessible year round. it's an extremely forced product onto a market that has continuously rejected it.

>> No.20350879

It's like $3 for 2400 calories, 128g of high quality fat and protein, calcium, b12, electrolytes... It's pretty decent.

>> No.20350886

Byrne dairy is based
Those half gallon glass bottles are based

>> No.20350890

milk is good.

>> No.20351909
File: 2.29 MB, 3024x4032, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raw milk chads rise up.

Imagine not consuming the benefits of raw milk in 2024, where modern hygienic practices are a thing.

Imagine still believing in the fear propaganda of swill milk.

>> No.20351966

Nobody says they can't, but there's statistically a ton of them who can't drink it or can but hate it because it's crazy whypipo shit to just casually drink milk

>> No.20351968

QRD? The color alone makes me think it tastes gross

>> No.20351970

I think it's yellow because it's frozen.

>> No.20351980

It's definitely more yellow when frozen, yeah. When fully thawed its got a slight tint of yellow. It's got a bit of a creamier mouth feel since it's full fat. But overall it's just milk

>> No.20351987

aw A2A2 milk, which comes from cows that produce milk containing only the A2 type of beta-casein protein, is purported to offer several potential benefits:

Digestibility: Some individuals claim that A2A2 milk is easier to digest compared to milk containing A1 beta-casein. This is because A2 milk lacks a specific protein fragment (BCM-7) that some people may have trouble digesting, potentially reducing symptoms like bloating, gas, and discomfort.

Reduced intolerance: A2A2 milk may be better tolerated by those who experience lactose intolerance or dairy sensitivity. While lactose intolerance is related to the sugar (lactose) in milk rather than its protein content, some individuals find relief from symptoms when switching to A2A2 milk.

Nutritional content: Proponents suggest that raw A2A2 milk retains more of its natural nutritional content compared to pasteurized milk. This includes vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and beneficial bacteria that might be destroyed or altered during pasteurization.

Potential health benefits: Some studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that A2A2 milk may offer certain health benefits, such as improved gut health, reduced inflammation, and enhanced immune function. However, more research is needed to fully understand these potential effects.

>> No.20352185

The first post implied it. Where are the "ton" of blacks who cannot drink it? Where are the "ton" of blacks who find it disgusting? You might be able to find the former, but the latter was pulled from your ass

>> No.20352190

>You might be able to find the former,
In Africa

>> No.20352197

>80 percent of all African-Americans and Native Americans are lactose intolerant. Over 90 percent of Asian-Americans are lactose intolerant

>> No.20352198
File: 1.55 MB, 1063x1900, raw milk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine is almost empty, but i buy the raw milk in unbranded glass bottles straight from the farm. when i return the bottles i get 50 cent per bottle back and then buy 2 new ones. raw milk obliterates pasteurized milk.

>> No.20352202

Post hands

>> No.20352217

Ok, now prove the latter

>> No.20352235
File: 657 KB, 1000x665, Nederlandse-koe-in-de-wei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got to love cows

>> No.20352236

Why is there a pube in your photo?

>> No.20353412

I love milk so much mmm yes whole milk lordy bless and thank you for giving me the genetics to handle it

>> No.20353618

alan’s psychedelic breakfast

>> No.20353644
File: 197 KB, 355x538, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PROTIP, one shot in a cup of cold milk. Stir well, then let it sit for three minutes. Makes it nice and thick, like a yoghurt drink.

>> No.20353649

For me? It's Fat Old Sun

>> No.20353659
File: 511 KB, 640x640, i-want-to-drink-milk-paglet2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning! This is the milk thread, yes?

>> No.20353666


>> No.20353855

I don't mind it. Just don't really like the aftertaste

>> No.20353861

I've noticed milk in clear plastic has a slightly funky aftertaste. Milk in opaque plastic or cartons doesn't. Light causes milk to develop some off flavors.