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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20347881 No.20347881 [Reply] [Original]

How did they do it? How did they fucking do it? How did they convince an entire culture of people, across multiple generations, that the de facto standard of breakfast food that must be consumed to start one's day is sugary sugar cereals coated in sugar with sugar-sprinkled marshmallow sugars on top?

>> No.20347893

same way they convinced you that fiber can not be digested

>> No.20347896

>fiber can not be digested
Isn't that the whole point? The fiber goes in one end and out the other.

>> No.20347897

They didn’t everyone just likes sugar

>> No.20347902

People ate sweetened grain porridge for breakfast before modern cereals. Some inventors of cereal were against making them sugary, but obviously people like sugar so they became more popular. The amount of sugar in them is an issue, modern cereal can be 30% sugar and I don't think people were adding that much to their porridge.

>> No.20347903

thank henry kellog and government grain subsidies

>> No.20347911
File: 92 KB, 965x658, food-microbes-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of the world are NPCs that don't know anything about themselves

>> No.20347913

so should we not eat fiber then
it's bad???????

>> No.20347919

Ban indians from serving breakfast

>> No.20347921

I've noticed your posts are bad so I'm adding your fagname to filter

>> No.20347924

People have eaten carbohydrate rich breakfasts for A LOT longer than frooty looty tooty rooty cereal has been around.

>> No.20347929

if you want to be sick, then avoid fiber from whole foods

>> No.20347931

I don't know. But I have a gut feeling it has something to do with weakening the population by deliberately undernourishing people since childhood.
My parents were lazy fucks and my daily diet as a child was sugar cereal in the morning, frozen pizza or chicken nuggets in the evening. I grew up all wrong. Now at 20, I'm short, underweight, have low testosterone, eyesight is terrible, and I have constant brain fog.
I'm trying to take care of myself now by eating actual nutritious food but the damage has already been done.

>> No.20347934

Good one less pajeet from my board fuck off lol

>> No.20348010

There is no scarcity of non-sugary breakfast cereals. Instead of questioning why others make poor decisions, make prudent ones yourself.

>> No.20348019

>non-sugary breakfast cereals.
uuhhohhhhHOHHHH buuut this one is hheEAALLTHHY ToT

>> No.20348041

It's pretty easy to find whole grain cereals without much sugar.

>> No.20348059

The population is definitely weakened but i dont know if that is a goal more than just a side effect of industrial capitalism. The elite class have degenerated to the point that they dont even make token gestures towards the strength and health of society, all they care about is money so they propagate things like body positivity to encourage maximum consumption.
Whats scarier than an evil conspiracy running society is a deeply rooted system of incentives that create a society of evil self-interested people. Because you cant fix the latter by just killing the people in charge, more evil people will instantly pop up to replace them.

>> No.20348064

Have sex

>> No.20348104

I literally just got home from having gay sex. Give it a try some time, even autistic losers that post on 4chan or larp as girls can get some.

>> No.20348108

My familly doesnt understand this and I want to fucking strangle them all

>> No.20348111

I have a boyfriend you literal faggot lmao

>> No.20348112
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>Whats scarier than an evil conspiracy running society is a deeply rooted system of incentives that create a society of evil self-interested people
you are retarded for thinking it's not almost entirely genetic but you are right about one thing, they are trapped in the same barn as their good goys.

>> No.20348114


>> No.20348167

It's literally not the same.

>> No.20348170

>nooo my boxed processed refined carbslop isn't the same!!

>> No.20348173

Your type of thinking is a fatalistic coping mechanism meant to shield you from the mundane terror of reality
You invent villains and conspiracies because the truth of bad things being a quotidian fact of life is too difficult to accept

>> No.20348176

I don't have time for your nonsensical, jargon-laden drivel. Don't ask questions if you don't want them answered.

>> No.20348185

You're a weak soft faggot because of a lifetime of hiding from sunlight and talking to girls, and you don't work out, not because your parents fed you chikky nuggs growing up. You're short because your parents were short. You have "constant brain fog" because you spend your life on the internet consuming meaningless information and entertainment.

The dumbness of people when it comes to nutritious is profound.
>nooo the protein in those nuggets is different from other protein that's why I'm short
>t. person who gets 100x more vitamins/minerals than most people in history

>> No.20348191
File: 40 KB, 430x430, yostsuba_chan_pixel_art_by_brettchalupa_d3clhs3-375w-2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y-you invented this
>youre afraid
no you are. I never jumped to this conclusion and I already had plenty of enemies set out before me I was plenty scared of
more over believing in this offers me no security whatsoever because I'm way too stubborn to fall pray to fatalism. it's simply the result of a curious mind being told it's okay to question things at a young age, yet never adopting your mentality, maybe due to mild autism, of picking up that you aren't supposed to question CERTAIN things actually.

>> No.20348205

if you think that's crazy the same guy convinced everyone to cut the end of their babies' cocks off

>> No.20348207 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 600x1100, original[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crashes 50000 cu litres of life destroying chemicals in some of americas last unspoiled farmland.

>> No.20348214
File: 73 KB, 719x1280, 1699463216668540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To make cereal bars it is half a stick of budda, bag of mini mallows, heat and stir until cum consistency, dump in fruit loops, stir until cum is gone, press into desired shape and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Right? If I want to ad a bit more pop to it what is best to drizzle on top? White chocolate?

>> No.20348243

Goddamn giving up coke-a-cola was the hardest thing

>> No.20348281

Your reply is worthless. You could expose a child to the sun, have it talk to women, and have it exercise all it wants but if it's fed like shit involuntarily none of that will matter. You are a retarded mongoloid moron who does not take variables in to account and deserve to be struck by a bus.

>> No.20348494

I like Total. I prefer the similar but superior Product 19 but it's been discontinued so Total it is.
You've only proved his point, you twit.

>> No.20348497
File: 51 KB, 576x768, WufluChips By Pepsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're vitamin enhanced and decent compared to Dorito Wuhan chips.

but sure, eating plain corn flakes is less sugar. duh?

>> No.20348500

that just tells me that i am a colony of bacteria and i need to feed the parasites?

>> No.20348502

arsenic, mercury and fluoride and naturally occuring. they technically "organic". learn grade skool chemistry.

>> No.20348508

That is perceptive. And it's not just based on this one graphic. It's actually the truth. Humans don't eat anything; we feed our bacteria. It's important to consider what we eat because the bacteria we host are the ones that break foods down into things that either help or hurt us.

There's a dietary protocal called GAPS that heals various ailments. It works by first starving out the bad bacteria and then intentionally facilitating good bacteria.

>> No.20348511

Adults understand it's a dessert. Also endorphins.

>> No.20348532


lol hippie diet cured my autism bucks!!!

>> No.20348550

That's a pretty good synopsis. Thanks for linking it.

>> No.20348610

By count, you're about as much bacteria as you are human, the bacterial cells are just much smaller.

>> No.20348633

imagine how good this board would become if everyone followed this diet

>> No.20348644

Good thing you'll never procreate

>> No.20348646

By bribing the US FDA to create the Food Pyramid.

>> No.20348651

Or if everyone who put thimerosal into vaccines just 'magically' vanished...

>> No.20348668

>dumbass tranny considers giving up liquid slop the hardest thing it's ever done
Not surprised.

>> No.20348678

making vaccines vanish wouldn't be too bad either

>> No.20348679

>woah how did a bunch of little kids get tricked into thinking that colorful yummy candy with cartoons on the box was a good breakfast??

>> No.20348684

Because of the (((FDA))).

>> No.20348701

People wonder how pajeets were hoodwinked into thinking cow urine and shit is healthy and worth consuming/rubbing on your body and home. It's because of (((elitists))) who hate you and want you to make bad decisions.

>> No.20348713

It's slightly less retarded (trade cow shit for cartoon mascots) because Europeans are less retarded, but the analogue works.

>> No.20348721

A little bit of polio is good for the soul, right?

>> No.20348723
File: 119 KB, 725x1024, 1695945413396624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute that you think (((vaccines))) do anything but poison you.

>> No.20348728

more like 10% bacteria actually, we used to think it was 50-50

>> No.20348737
File: 33 KB, 600x493, h545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blud didn't do research on the 1935 polio vaccine trials

>> No.20348763
File: 8 KB, 259x194, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>part of a complete breakfast
but implied it IS the complete breakfast and suppressed the fact that a tiny 1 cup is the serving size, instead of the multi gallon sized jethro bowl like pic-rel

Look at the old commercials. They all claim that the cereal is really healthy "becuz grain", show only the cereal that is at-least twice the size of 1 cup serving, probably with a big glass of orange juice and no other breakfast things.


yeah but it was all mostly complex carbs and tended to have more fat/protein as well

I dunno annon there might still be hope. It sounds like I had a similar diet as you through most of my childhood, except I am not short and don't have eye issues (tho my sister is legally blind without glasses and is average height so maybe I just got lucky).

when I decided to go nazi jew hunter mode at removing added sweeteners (refined sugar, fruit juice, artificial sweeteners, honey, etc), most of the ailments you described went away. Except I lost weight and wasn't underweight. Avoiding added sweeteners forced me to eat mostly only whole foods. It took a solid 3 weeks before I actually felt anything, and now I think I know how a crack addict feels when they can't get a hit (withdrawals), but I felt like the dude on limitless. I actually had energy to be curious and get off my ass to go do shit. I had to quit because my skin got really dry and felt weird sensations from nerves. I am 99% sure it is because I didn't get enough healthy fat and want to try again

>> No.20348821

tv commercials geared to be viewed by and appealed to women with children
that's it. that's the only reason

>> No.20348823


>> No.20348827

Nigger, the (((FDA))) outright came to my first grade class and 'taught' us that grains are the single most important part of the diet. This wasn't just muh Talmudvision. Fucking glowniggers need to hang.

>> No.20348832

least deranged ketofag

>> No.20349920

>I am 99% sure it is because I didn't get enough healthy fat and want to try again
I've found that eating lots of cheeses and butter fill that hole in pretty well. People will also scoop tallow on top of their steaks. You're definitely right that getting enough fat is important.

>> No.20350283

>nooo why aren't people doing keto or spending 2 hours making and eating fancy breakfasts every day??!?!
What a stupid thread.

>> No.20350408

eggs and bacon only takes 10 minutes

>> No.20350461

Oatmeal is like 68% carbs, and you can almost eat old fashioned oats like cereal made out of pure sugar. Just put it in a bowl of water and let it sit for 10 minutes.

>> No.20350572

i agree that too much sugar is bad. but i doubt removing grains will cure autism. highest autism rate in the world seems to be found in USA and Nippons. and AFAIK USA don't eat half as much grains as ricemunching Nippons. Most of asia also eat lots of grain with high amount of autism.

>> No.20350575

>Most of asia also eat lots of grain with NO high amount of autism.

>> No.20350585


breakfast has always been sweet anything less than that is gay

>> No.20350751

seems based, white choc would be a good match with fruit loop. dont do anything actually fruity because if you have real fruit flavor with artificial its offputting

>> No.20350753

>metals are organic
Learn high school chemistry

>> No.20350771

>USA don't eat half as much grains as ricemunching Nippons
Nigger u wot, Americans eat a fuckton of wheat and corn. Besides sugar, refined white flour is the primary source of American calories.

>> No.20350802

>Besides sugar, refined white flour is the primary source of American calories.
I always figured it was corn.

>> No.20350811

HFCS is counted among the "sugar" category IMO. They eat a ton of non-sugar format corn too, but I think wheat counts higher corn there.

>> No.20351344

Nobody ever believed this shit was healthy, it was just the easiest way to get kids to eat something before they go to school.

>> No.20351573

huh, i thought rice was fine. my thinking is that gluten is not good for you in general since it is bad for the colon wall, but if japan is high in autism then i don't know

>> No.20351843

They really can't go a day without thinking about us, can they

>> No.20352058

Eggs and bacon are also stupid expensive and generate cleaning tasks that cannot be done with a dishwasher. Great if you're an autistic neet, or live in a fantasy land where people don't need to wake up, have something quick, and go to work right away.

>> No.20352205


>> No.20352532

eggs are not remotely expensive you lazy loser