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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 18 KB, 330x413, 79c9a832f706e6e0e6fb6d75e70d9325d2-bourdain.rvertical.w330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20345916 No.20345916[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Being a chef is like being a combat marine in the army. No, actually it's more like being the captain of a ship of crazy pirates. One time these civilians (yeah, we called you civilians) came in 2 hours before closing, and had the audacity, nay, the nerve to order a salad. A fucking salad two hours from closing?! So I go find my salad guy Big Fat Norman (skinny guy, Ecuadoran, real name was Pedro) and he's smoking out back. I say to him "Fucking make the fucking salad fuck" and you know what he did? He made the salad. He's here early every day and volunteers for Sunday brunch. You wouldn't last a day. It's only something psychos understand.

>> No.20345923

>brought to you by ChatGBT because I'm creatively bankrupt

>> No.20345935


Nope, typed it all out myself but good to know I caught his style perfectly

>> No.20345939

There is nothing more political than resource management.

>> No.20345948

>he thinks chatgbt encapsulate style
No. It's because you DIDN'T capture his style which is why I accused you of using ai.

>> No.20345950


He literally does write like that though

>> No.20345972

>bu-but he does write like that!!!
btw he's dead so he doesn't do anything.

>> No.20345976


He litterally does though.

>> No.20345979

He's dead because he never did anything of value.

>> No.20345991


Plus he found out his girlfriend was cucking him with a teenage boy.

>> No.20345996

If he did nothing of value, then you're a bottom feeding parasite.

>> No.20345998

>t. jealous of success

>> No.20346005

If you want to frame it that way, he's the bigger parasite because he was extracting more undeserved money out of doing just as little of value as me.

>> No.20346022

He got thousands of people into food. He's propped up many smaller restaurants. He inspired people to become chefs.
What did you do?

>> No.20346033

I fucked your mom last night

>> No.20346039

Cleaned toilets and was never such a waste of space that self-reflection makes me need to kill myself. Just inspiring one person to become a chef instead of doing something useful is a negative impact on the world, by the way. Your argument is awful.

>> No.20346047

Not an accomplishment
>feeding people is useless

>> No.20346058
File: 37 KB, 616x616, 1563215970702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bourdain, August 2011: "I look at Guy Fieri and I just think, 'Jesus, I'm glad that's not me.' You work that hard and there's not a single show of yours that you'd want to sit down and say, 'Hey, I made that last week. Look at that camera work. It's really good, huh?' I'm proud of what I do."
>Bourdain, September 2012: "I’m fascinated by the Guy Fieri terror-dome they just opened up. 600 seats, something like that? 600 seats. And a gift shop. And all of these poor diners, drives and whatever, douchebags waddle in there. First of all, he single handedly turned the neighborhood into the Ed Hardy district which I’m a little pissed off about..."
>Fieri, October 2012: “Everybody’s been asking me, ‘What on earth are you going to say at Bourdain’s roast? He’s been shit-talking your name everywhere.’ And I’ve been saying, ‘Don’t you worry about me. I won’t touch him with a 10-pole, because smack-talking Bourdain would be like hitting a piñata full of shit.’ Real messy. I want everyone to understand that I’m going to be the bigger man. I’m going to take the high road. I wouldn’t dare come up here and call Anthony Bourdain any of these things that people have called him: No-good, loud mouth, jerkoff, wannabe authority, pseudo rebel, nerd, shit-talking, blow hard, celebrity-seeking, Eric-Ripert coattail, Mario Batali ass-kissing hate monger... Jose Canseco of the food world, snaggle tooth, Lurch-looking motherfucker. No, I’m here to take the high road.”
>Fieri, October 2012: "Anthony, I gotta ask a question, why do you hate me so much brother? ... Is it because you went to a fancy culinary school and I didn’t? I hear you’re the only one in class who did most of his cooking with a spoon and a Bic lighter."

>> No.20346067

>Not an accomplishment
Why, have a lot of people done that?

>> No.20346071

Do you think he cooked for his girlfriend's lover?
Did he cook in his cuck shed or did was he allowed in the kitchen?

>> No.20346072

>I wouldn’t dare come up here and call Anthony Bourdain any of these things that people have called him: No-good, loud mouth, jerkoff, wannabe authority, pseudo rebel, nerd, shit-talking, blow hard, celebrity-seeking, Eric-Ripert coattail, Mario Batali ass-kissing hate monger... Jose Canseco of the food world, snaggle tooth, Lurch-looking motherfucker. No, I’m here to take the high road.
Super gay to talk like that though.

>> No.20346075

Good morning!

>> No.20346078

>He got thousands of people into food.
Yes, thousands of people somehow didn't know what food was until some cuck told them about it.

>> No.20346084

There's knowing what food is and then there's appreciating food. Eating comes naturally, but really appreciating food is something that has to be learned imho.

>> No.20346086

>He got thousands of people into food.
Would these thousands of people have lived their lives without ever eating anything ???
>Just inspiring one person to become a chef instead of doing something useful

>> No.20346093

Anon, are you dumb? People know what food is from the day they are born. How can he get people into food? Surely this is what you meant by this, eating in general. Ugh lol checkmate

>> No.20346105

>i'm being retarded on purpose ;;;))))

>> No.20346120


>Oh wow, I didn't know I wanted to be a chef until this drug addict told me it was a job for the absolute destitute scum of the earth junkies, convicts, illegal immigrants and the mentally ill. Thanks drug addict!

>> No.20346124

Fair enough, what does "getting someone into food" mean ? Might be an expression I don't know.

>> No.20346152

>appreciating food is something that has to be learned
You must be an actual retard.
Most people enjoy eating food and have long before your cucklord told gave you permission.
Are you capable of thinking for yourself at all?

>> No.20346204

Actually me though........

>> No.20346228

A whole thousand? He practically changed the world.

>> No.20346285

>appreciating food is something that has to be learned
>You must be an actual retard.
>Most people enjoy eating food and have long before your cucklord told gave you permission.
>Are you capable of thinking for yourself at all?

no he's right. over my lifetime there are foods, cooking methods and restaurants I thought were good till I found better.

I know people who have a favorite dennys (90 miles from their house) and think that dennys is the highest form of dining.

>> No.20346309

Your teachers and parents failed you.

>> No.20346391

food is a meme

>> No.20346396

>busts the balls of his girlfriend