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20336219 No.20336219 [Reply] [Original]

Do you buy "artisan" water?

>> No.20336236
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I drink fountain water and I'm happy.

>> No.20336240

Totally doesn’t look like a fleshlight

>> No.20336241

Voss is literally a fashion accessory. Nobody buys this shit to drink it, but they buy it to to carry it around or put it on their desk at work and never touch it.

>> No.20336244
File: 294 KB, 1890x1120, B88CD27B-CFF8-40A0-B80C-461C9F5C05B8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought a case of this for the meme when it first came out. was actually p good but not worth the price. tap for me, simple as

>> No.20336259

I actually do. Embarrassing, but I swear I can taste the difference. No I haven't conducted a double blind test. My favourite is Evian and Fiji. Hate Buxton and Highland Spring.

If I was truly captivated by marketing I would love Voss but I don't think it's any good.

>> No.20336269

Where is the "meme" in buying overpriced garbage, faggot.

>> No.20336274

>water isn’t supposed to be black rofl
>zomg i know lololol
that’s how real life works and you would know if you stepped outside once in a while you

>> No.20336281
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This stuff is sometimes on sale for cheaper than the other water. It's okay, there's a placebo effect that convinces me it's easier to swallow and chug, like it's softer on your throat, but I'm probably imagining that.

>> No.20336286

>9.5 ph

>> No.20336305

Yeah, I swear it feels like it's different when you're gulping it. Water isn't hard to swallow or anything in the first place but there's a very small bite on the throat from gulping a lot that isn't as present drinking the essentia shit. Still probably just tap water and baking soda

>> No.20336311


literally just norwegian tap water

>> No.20336345
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at home I just fill up one of these with tap water and store it in the fridge
if I'm traveling and need to buy bottled water I just get the convenience store's cheapo store brand spring water

>> No.20336392

there is a real difference and it's not tap water with baking soda lol dumbass

>> No.20336406
File: 49 KB, 717x717, Liquid-Death-100-Mountain-Water-16-9-Fl-Oz-Quantity-of-6-Count-Cans_4e20b37b-8b55-4de3-afdf-5445c5a39243.8832d0abd57e0da8d907ca605719553b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO what is that pussy estrogenwater? I only drink this.

>> No.20336455

>telling people they drink estrogen water
>meanwhile your can is lined with BPA

>> No.20336650
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This tells me that they don't want my business, so this is not a product for me.

>> No.20336651

Why is he holding the water like that? Is he planning on chucking it like a spear?

>> No.20336660

Stop projecting, I bought it for the glass bottle and better taste. Sadly most places don't sell it anymore and when they do it's now in plastic bottles.

>> No.20336692

I got this stuff to see if it helped with my acid reflux. It actually did seem to help a bit. I wouldn't put stock in it for anything else. Realistically it's better to fix you diet to be more balanced pH wise.

These two water types - where stuff has been added, are the only ones that are acceptable to buy (just barely above a scam). All other bottled waters are pure scams hands down. Your tap is fine in the majority of cases, and if you are Flint or other water compromised place then just get a distiller.

>> No.20336698

>I swear I can taste the difference
I'm sure you can detect mineral differences in water. The water itself is tasteless, so there is no difference in water itself, and trace minerals are not important. You get all that shit in food already.

>> No.20336717

no I live in the first world and have access to potable water from my kitchen tap

>> No.20336721
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they don't want you to know about water from Lourdes

>> No.20336723

I don't think you know what projecting means

>> No.20336745

No. We have an RO5 water filter at home.
Fair. Those glass bottles are dope

>> No.20336819

These things make for a nice cheap glass widemouth water bottle. Shame they stopped selling em here.

>> No.20336832

Showing off the branding. Thats what you are paying for

>> No.20336841

I fish Voss bottles out of the trash of the local rich neighborhoods and refill them with tap water.

>> No.20336854
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The sad thing is how many mentally pitiful faggots would actually buy this if it were a thing.

>> No.20336971

Only if I'm buying a bottle in public

>> No.20336993

It's a retard trap.

>> No.20336999
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>> No.20337000
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idk why people pretend these bottles look good with that ugly-ass cheap looking grey plastic cap. The name is also placed extremely visually unpleasant, it is neither centered on the glass part nor overall.

>> No.20337038


>> No.20337042

I already get Norwegian water from my tap.

>> No.20337109

>buying overpriced shit to impress nobodies
I bet you wear a Patek Phillipe, drive a leased Mercedes and live in a trailer park.

>> No.20337320
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For me, it's Cherry bubly

>> No.20337383
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For me, it's Cred.

>> No.20337510
File: 185 KB, 330x803, mnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a waterfag and have been for a long time so I believe I've tasted more water than the average man.
Most of those meme water brands do in fact taste better than your standard tap/store brand bottled water.
Voss, Fiji, Evian are all good.
I drink pic rel typically.
Flavoured water fags stay out

>> No.20337516

i like how hes holding it in a way that it makes it look likes throwing into the trash

>> No.20337519

>CTRL+F Artesian
>Phrase not found
The absolute state of 4troons.

>> No.20337529

>first world anon has a portable kitchen tap

u wot m8?

>> No.20337541

Only when traveling, although I often like to bring along a water purifier, TSA thinks the dang thing is a bomb (ceramic matrix; activated carbon; retained liquid).

Love the European fizzy water flavored with pear juice. Winner.

>> No.20337571

So what

>> No.20337577
File: 37 KB, 564x846, GC2YbJdWcAAAtzR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink the tap water on amtrak that smells like a hamburger bro i dont give a fuck

>> No.20337606
File: 76 KB, 1024x649, residue-distiller-tap-water-london-2-1024x649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I have a counter-top distiller. You wouldn't believe the amount of hard water buildup left behind after only a 1-2 weeks of use. Looks like this., Stuff feels like corn starch when you first add it to the slurry before mixing or let it set for awhile and it firms back up.

>> No.20337868

The bottle weighs more than the water in it

>> No.20337872

Water doesn't taste like anything.

>> No.20337885

I hate this line of thinking and I see it on every board.
>Nobody actually does that
>Nobody does this for x
>This didn't happen to you
You don't know everybody

>> No.20337912

i prefer ETHOS, the water by the ADL's Johnathan Greenblatt
thank you for selling me ethical water, Mr. Greenblatt!

>> No.20337942

Based Bubly enjoyer

>> No.20337962
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I just get these. Got a bubbler at home, ya know? Works like a jiffy. I'll use tap for boiling though i'm pretty sure it's killing me. Dunno. I smoke half a pack a day and still do bumps so, what's it matter.

>> No.20338346

>/v/ shows off his gamer fuel.jpeg

>> No.20338359

Interesting fact I discovered, the bottled water brand Evian spelled backward is naive.

>> No.20338363

i swear to god its not just a psychosomatic thing, voss actually tastes really fucking good

>> No.20338369
File: 11 KB, 134x411, 927_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a Saint-Justin neighborhood

>> No.20338449

Based. All the Catholic grannies and aunts I know have at least a dozen bottles of holy water like this stashed at home or gifted to everyone they know. Make me almost think that this is how you spot a cradle Catholic.

>> No.20338515

I buy this to make ice cubes.

>> No.20339355

I'm not Patrick Bateman, so no.

>> No.20339737

Based and fountainpilled

>> No.20339783

To humans

>> No.20340083
File: 241 KB, 490x686, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does mineral water count?

>> No.20340171

I got one of these for free from a hotel for opting out of daily room service. I reused the bottle for several years until the glass broke. It was nice to have a glass bottle.

>> No.20340185

>tap water
heh, enjoy your fluoride *drinks non-fluoridated bottled water*
>still showers/bathes/brushes teeth/washes clothes, etc. with that same tap water

>> No.20340213

Fortunately I have the upper body strength to cope with it

>> No.20340690

I occasionally grab a bottle of water when I'm grocery shopping. Mix things up a little from the standard reverse osmosis purified water I have at home.

>> No.20340709

Voss is the absolute worst tasting water I've ever tried. I do like their big glass bottles though so I use them to fill with the filtered water from my fridge and just wash them out when necessary.

>> No.20340714

How did you get so strong?

>> No.20340894

Lifting glass bottles

>> No.20340948

I had Voss once. It was the only water in my hotel in Vegas other than the tap water that tasted like pool water.

I woke up hungover and slammed it without a care in the world. Then i noticed the $18 price tag. They never charged me though.

My local Ross has the glass bottle stuff for like $3 bottle.

>> No.20342675

Not that brand. They don't specialise in water

>> No.20343768

No, I'm not shoot retarded.

>> No.20343835

1 of 1 match for me

>> No.20343869

Is there any cum or piss from a celebrity in it?

>> No.20344267

nah i open my tap fill my bottle and that's it
imagine living in the 3rd world where buying drinking water is actually considered the norm

>> No.20344275

>buying bottled water
I'm not retarded so no.

>> No.20344282

Are there actually people who don't have a dedicated 2 stage filter system with its own faucet specifically for drinking water at their sink?

>My tap water is too disgusting to be filtered enough by those
Try living somewhere that isn't a shithole

>> No.20344296

I don't have one cos our tap water is great

>> No.20344309

Good for you I guess, it's probably not true but I'm happy for you

>> No.20344315

Beats living in india

>> No.20344317

of course it is true. I am sad for you.

>> No.20344323

So what's stopping rocks and sand getting into it?

>> No.20344345

What doesn't?

>> No.20344348

The lid

>> No.20344374 [DELETED] 


>> No.20344380


>> No.20344698
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>Try living somewhere that isn't a shithole
>needs a dedicated 2 stage filter system with its own faucet specifically for drinking water at their sink

>> No.20346857

I don't need it, I just like to have it because it improves the taste in my opinion. If I was too poor to afford one for some reason I'd be perfectly fine.

>> No.20346931
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>I don't need it, I just like to have it because

>> No.20346966

Yeah, I have a lot of things I don't need. I have this thing called disposable income.

>> No.20347413 [DELETED] 

i am genuinely convinced they just paid to have their product be shown on south park because before seeing it there, i had literally 0 prior knowledge of it

based as fuck

>> No.20347424 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20347440
File: 143 KB, 600x587, FsrY83wX0AEqDh8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see this stuff on shelves everywhere, every gas station, every grocery store. Never seen anyone actually drink it though.

>> No.20347784
