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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 591 KB, 1047x1095, 1709136060961628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20334006 No.20334006 [Reply] [Original]

jesus FUCKING christ i'm trying to make a quiche and i can not find a SINGLE GOD DAMNED MOTHERFUCKING RECIPE for a lard dough, i mean in fucking grams.

like 100g flour 70g water 50g lard 8g salt

something like that from a reputable source i'm not some fucking idiot measuring flour with cups and shit

like holy fuck why does every stupid ass god damned website start off with some fucking expositional novel about the recipe you piece of shit i HATE you i HATE you I HATE YOU

>> No.20334014

Why do you need a recipe? Just wing it.

>> No.20334020

>i can not find a SINGLE GOD DAMNED MOTHERFUCKING RECIPE for a lard dough
>like holy fuck why does every stupid ass god damned website

>> No.20334029

Don't search for a dough recipe, search for "shortcust pastry recipe +metric"

>> No.20334033

If euros are so big-brained why can't you just convert from customary to metric?

>> No.20334044

because dough is a formula, not a recipe. there's a given formula to create a given product and i don't feel like wasting lard and flour trying to find out what the correct numbers are.

ok i'll try that

hey, you fat fucking virgin idiot, units of volume don't convert to units of weight.

>> No.20334050
File: 3.30 MB, 4608x3456, yBBedJp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shortcust pastry recipe +metric

Get ready to make the BEST flavored and BEST textured pastry crust EVER! Buttery goodness meets perfect flakiness in this homemade lard pie crust recipe that takes less than 5 minutes to make and is sure to become your go-to from now on!

I think the original Goldilocks and the Three Bears must have been about pie crust instead of porridge because let’s face it, it’s really hard to find the perfect pie crust – Goldilocks’ pickiness would have been perfectly justified. And after sampling a lineup of them and being frustrated, I can’t blame Goldilocks for wanting to go lie down in pie-crust-tasting exhaustion. So for our pie crust and fairy-tale lovers alike, we present the ultimate pie crust recipe that even Goldilocks herself would approve!

>What is Pie Crust?
That might be obvious to many of us but this kind of pastry dough is known by different names in the English speaking world (see below). Pie crust is a pastry dough that calls for a minimum of half the amount of fat as flour by weight. Butter, lard, shortening or margarine are rubbed into plain flour and the mixture is then bound with a small amount of ice water to create a pastry dough that is rolled out to be used for both sweet and savory baked goods (e.g., fruit pies, meat pies, quiche, tarts, and hand-held pastries).

>> No.20334069

You can't figure that out, either?

>> No.20334071

You know that you can Google "weight of 1 cup/1 liter of X in grams"? I convert all my recipes to weight from volume, pretty easy if you're not a fucking moron.

>> No.20334113


no, you can't. converting volume to weight is not accurate. different flours, different fats, have different weights. it's pretty easy if you don't give a fuck about getting it right. if i wanted to experiment i'd be doing that instead of looking for the CORRECT formula.

what i'm looking for should be instantly accessible and the first result.

you stupid piece of shit i'll fucking kill you

>> No.20334115

>i mean in fucking grams.
>something like that from a reputable source i'm not some fucking idiot measuring flour with cups and shit

learn to bake, idiot. you should know by look and feel whether your dough turned out right.

>> No.20334124

you do not know how to bake. if you don't weigh everything in grams, on a scale, you do. not. know. how. to. bake.

your shit will come out different every time because you are too stupid and lazy to perform the first simple task of competence in baking. you fucking slug. you ignorant fucking piece of shit.

>> No.20334127

Different flours also have different weights depending on humidity
So going by weight won't give you a precise measure for flours, either
Or, hear me out
Use the side of your measuring cup that's in customary

>> No.20334131

You don't know how to bake, period, and I'm done helping you

>> No.20334134

your shit will come out different every time anyway because you are not baking in a labratory environment.
your air pressure is not controlled. your ambient moisture is not controlled. your rinky dink home oven is heating unevenly.

your ancestors maked for thousands of years by sight and by feel! stop fetishizing and start baking, asshole.

>> No.20334138

I KNOW how to bake. i'm a fucking amazing baker. I'm a killer baker. YOU do not know how to bake. YOU don't even have a recipe for lard crust.

i'm not looking for some STUPID BITCH tier recipe that works for incompetent fucking soccer moms half assed attempts. i'm looking for the STANDARD NOTATION french formula for a BASIC LARD CRUST.

you piece of shit. "oh i can't control atmospheric pressure might as not weigh my ingredients." get fucked. die. you're bad at it. AND NO, MY ANCESTORS HAD FUCKING SCALES AND USED THEM.

>> No.20334145

Quiche doesn’t use dough retard. It’s an egg pie.

>> No.20334149

>YOU don't even have a recipe for lard crust.
i make lard crust all the time, by volume. it's fantastic for meat pies.
if it feels wrong, i adjust as necessary. because i know how to bake.

you do not know how to bake. stop being an argumentative little bitch on the internet and go learn how to bake.

>> No.20334150

>your shit will come out different every time
So? Are you cooking for clients or something? If you use the same ingredients between attempts, then any differences will be negligible abd unnoticable unless you're autistic about quiches.

>> No.20334167

I could give you Escoffier's recipe but alas, it's in avoirdupois

>> No.20334175

your lard crust FUCKING sucks.

I WANT THE FUCKING FORMULA IN GRAMS. and i have a *right* to this. i have a right for google to show me the fucking formula in grams, rather than FUCKING


>Once I discovered that a Lard Pie Crust is the flakiest, most flavorful crust there is, I’ve never looked back. A blend of rendered pork lard and high fat butter unite to create a rich, flavorful crust that accentuates both savory and sweet pies.

>When I say ‘lard,’ I don’t mean the highly processed, hydrogenated lard you’ll find lurking on grocery store shelves. Fortunately, excellent quality rendered leaf lard is available online and likely from your local butcher and/or farmers market or specialty grocery store. It’s worth seeking out to make this fluffy, flaky, delicately porky and delectable pie crust.

>Leaf lard is the highest grade of lard rendered from visceral fat surrounding pig kidneys. It has a very neutral flavor (very little pork flavor) which makes it ideal for pie crusts and baking in general as it makes a great non-hydrogenated alternative to shortening.

>The method for making pie crust or shortcrust pastry involves “cutting” the fat and flour into each other versus mixing them together. There’s a good reason for this technique and in order for it to work properly it’s imperative that the ingredients are very cold. The ingredients are kept cold so that the fat doesn’t melt too soon – instead the fat molecules remain intact in the pastry crust so that as the pastry heats during baking the fat slowly melts, creating airy “pockets” in the crust, making it nice and flaky.




>> No.20334265

that recipe lists everything in grams you stupid faggot

>> No.20334268

It's 2024
We have AI, translators, Google, Perplexity, YouTube, Copilot even has a dedicated chatbot for cooking and fucking zoomers are on here whining they can't get information

>> No.20334297


>> No.20334334


holy shit are there bots on /ck/ that exist solely to piss me off?

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
▢1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
▢5 tablespoons lard ideally leaf lard (recipe note #1), chilled
▢4 tablespoons unsalted butter ideally high-fat, European style butter, chilled and cut into 1/2-inch cubes
▢4 tablespoons ice water or up to 5 tablespoons

you dumb fucking bitch, i will shove a duct knife down your fucking throat.

also not even the right fucking recipe


none of them work you fucking faggot. 10 years ago google would pull it right up.

>> No.20334346


>> No.20334356



>2 cups (213g) King Arthur Pastry Flour
1/2 to 1 teaspoon table salt
2 teaspoons granulated sugar, optional
3/4 cup (170g) lard, cold*
4 to 7 tablespoons (57g to 99g) ice water

does that look like a fucking formula to you, you stupid piece of shit? no. a proper recipe for any baking is in GRAMS. or OUNCES. or in fucking GRAINS. or in fucking DRAMS but it's in WEIGHT.

>> No.20334361

You just keep rubbing more fat in until the consistency feels right.

>> No.20334369

>i need a good recipe in grams for pie dough
>sure, here you go
what did he mean by this?

>> No.20334385

press the metric button you triple nigger

>> No.20334418



>> No.20334425

sounds like a skill issue

>> No.20334427

This is the one I use

>> No.20334432



>2 cups all-purpose flour

>1 teaspoon salt

>⅔ cup lard

>5 tablespoons ice water, or as needed


>> No.20334445
File: 45 KB, 965x505, lardass dough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It worked for me first try

>> No.20334482


what part of this do you scrubs not understand. i'm looking for a PROFESSIONAL REFERENCE.


>> No.20334487

try this one, sorry the other anons aren't being helpful:

>> No.20334499

>100g flour
>70g water
>50g lard
>8g salt
Heres a good recipe my family has passed down for years anon.

>> No.20334521

Kill yourself

>> No.20334594
File: 1.78 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, it looks good, pic related, just made it (doubled). but i used raw milk instead of water. making a feta-kalamata olive-spinach quiche.


>> No.20334596

Holy shit how drunk is you is

>> No.20334599
File: 1.34 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ftr i mandolined frozen lard and used a kitchenaid mixer to get that fat-manifold linearity in the dough matrix

i'm actually smoking crack cocaine

>> No.20334600

>make a quiche
Seek mental help ASAP anon. Quiche is an abominable food, no one should make that shit. Wanting to make quiche is an early side of suicidal tendencies.

>> No.20334617
File: 1.81 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since i'm a REAL FUCKIN PRO i'm properly cheeseclothing the blanched 'inach.

dude fuck off, scrambled eggs in pie crust with cheese is a genius food-form

>> No.20334628
File: 1.51 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minced frozen kerrigold - will it float? or will it have to go on top of the spinach?

>> No.20334641

If you add cheese in the eggs it's called something else, I forget what, it's a tarte something
Quiche apart from quiche IIRC vosgienne only uses cheese as a topping

>> No.20334645
File: 1.49 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really? i didn't know that. I just had a jar of seasoned feta and olives and figured i'd chop that up in eggs and it'd be pretty good. maybe it's a tarte, i dunno.

folded the edges in cuz it sounds cool

>> No.20334658

Holy shit you said you were excellent at baking and that looks terrible

>> No.20334659

Well you're making something and it's OC so all is forgiven
For now

>> No.20334664

i AM excellent at baking, and you have no fucking idea what looks good and what looks bad, because you're an ignorant goofball. you wouldn't even know what to look for, you piece of shit. i was flipping bricks for mansa musa before you were shitting in diapers.

>> No.20334667

the greatest nation on earth (u.s.a.) uses cups and tbsp and tsp. if you cant handle that you're a bad cook and should go back to eating mushy peas on toast.

>> No.20334674

could you make a more uneven crust?

>> No.20334678
File: 1.04 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bakers in america use fucking cups and tsp. no chefs in america use cups and tsp.

you're such a stupid retard moron that you don't even know why pros use weight and amateurs use shit like cups or tsp.

i'll fucking kill you nigger


what are you? a major flaming lala homo nancy boy? it's a fuckin quiche who gives a shit, i aint serving it to any women. i just want to eat god damned eggs and crust.

>> No.20334692

What the absolute fuck is that thing?

>> No.20334694

im a chef at a Michelin star restaurant and i use cups every day.

>> No.20334713

yeah, to hold the jizz you drink lol

a mandolin. its the second most dangerous thing i own, after that canister of tungsten hexafluoride from the 1940s i found in a storage unit full of shit stolen from an army base.

>> No.20334714

cup my balls loser lol

>> No.20334717

zoomer detected.

>> No.20334720

Did you add any dijon mustard? I recommend some greek yogurt or olive tapenade as a topping with maybe some mild green onions.

>> No.20334729
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yeah you'd love that wouldn't you, you flaming queer

i almost did. then i remembered the jar of dijon i have is mixed with honey and horseradish. that was almost a disaster. i don't really have anything in my fridge except for butter, lard, raw milk, and eggs. i got the jar of olives and feta for 1 dollar in the discount bin at the liquor store yesterday.

>> No.20334732
File: 90 KB, 672x712, oblivion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking fat spaz flipping out on everybody and posting pics of his gun.

>> No.20334737

btw, honey horseradish dijon is the best sandwhich spread in the world for sandwhiches, and it's my own invention. never been done before.

well i'm not going to post pictures of a bomb (because i don't have one)

>> No.20334741
File: 3.80 MB, 4232x3456, YMd7YXn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its in the oven, it's going to be a minute. chill out you teenage emo niggers, go listen to some green day and cut your wrists for a bit.

>> No.20334749
File: 1.89 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus it's cooking

>> No.20334751

So what was the verdict on the recipe you used for your dough. Did you just use this recipe from >>20334499

>> No.20334755

Looks like shit faggot lol

>> No.20334768
File: 14 KB, 220x224, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, as you can see, it's baking.

we'll know soon enough. yes, i used his recipe, doubled, with raw milk instead of water.

to be fair a lot of the quality of a pie crust like this is going to be in how well you control the temperature of the ingredients, and how you mechanically incorporate the fat. i mandolined 2mm slices of shelf stable lard, dusted it, froze it, and then minced it, and then pulsed it in the stand mixer until it was shaggy, then pressed it out by hand. the christ had a good manifold of fat lumps in the dough, so at least the proportions were sane enough.


bitch you wouldn't know a quiche if i melted the skin off your face with one.

>> No.20334775

mmmm yummy yummy in your tummy tummy anon :3 looks delish ^___^ great job!

>> No.20334776
File: 3.66 MB, 4608x2440, 4NSzY8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uwu thanks

>> No.20334777
File: 56 KB, 800x815, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

press the metric button homo
>also not even the right fucking recipe
if you know the right recipe why are you throwing a tantrum on the internet retard?

>> No.20334780

yes there is moron:
204 g all-purpose flour
▢1 1/2 g kosher salt
▢64 g lard ideally leaf lard (recipe note #1), chilled
▢56 g unsalted butter ideally high-fat, European style butter, chilled and cut into 1/2-inch cubes
▢60 g ice water or up to 5 tablespoons

>> No.20334784
File: 99 KB, 800x600, wharrgarblepic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20334785

put dad's .22 back in the cabinet

>> No.20334786
File: 96 KB, 794x1226, 1694342940710334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That website seems frustrating, so here's a recipe for you OP

>> No.20334795
File: 1.20 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen here you ignorant little shit

there's no metric button. that doesn't exist you basic bitch walmart grade nonchef. you can't convert volume to weight accurately, not without experimentation based on a given stockpile. how many times do i HAVE TO TELL YOU THIS YOU IDIOT.

fucking fake. thats not even close to the right amount of salt. you'd put more salt into fucking wheat bread., and thats not even a real recipe for lard crust. someone in this thread already posted a formula they assured me was a traditional standard.

i think the government is sending bots to do nothing more than annoy me. this must be AI gangstalking chat algorithms that exist to irritate for no reason other than some CIA directors twisted amusement.

i will slop your brains into the fuckin cabinet, PUNK

>> No.20334797
File: 203 KB, 931x1024, 1708302880668521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't funny, stop gaslighting me

>> No.20334798

put that gun in your mouth and stop posting. your fake temper tantrums are retarded.

>> No.20334803
File: 195 KB, 798x770, 1700170080247139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ham hand

>> No.20334809
File: 1.27 MB, 480x852, IMG_1379.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, this quiche is bubbling.

or what you impoverished peon? you gonna cryyyyy about it wike a wittle baby?

>> No.20334819
File: 90 KB, 250x250, Screenshot 2024-03-23 at 22-04-59 let me get uhh meme - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh that looks sticky... lard crust dough isn't normally sticky. Did you add yeast?

>> No.20334823

If you got any onions you can fry some onions until crispy and use as a topping. I think quiches are great with sauces and toppings. I usually get some bacon in the beginning, cook those guys until crispy and save the fat for the dough.

>> No.20334826

G3 or PTR? let me guess Cemetery arms. I'm still jealous

>> No.20334829
File: 86 KB, 1092x910, metric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no metric button

>> No.20334832
File: 10 KB, 249x248, 1709638021599501s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks sticky because i rolled it with my hands so it was shaped like an amoeba instead of a rectangle and so when i gently laid it in the pan i had to use the back of a knife to crimp off the extra and redistribute it to the parts that weren't tall enough to wrap over the edges of my tarte.

my last house burnt down (not my fault) and i just moved into this place and don't have a pie pan.


you're right, and i would, but i'm too wasted to drive. this is just an idea i had to use what i have in my sparse pantry

ptr, i wouldn't give century a dime, those faggoted monkeys got caught red handed headspacing g3's by grinding the back of the locking lug, which is borderline criminally negligent

>> No.20334833
File: 320 KB, 499x281, anhero1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do this

>> No.20334834

i'm not sure that thing will feed soft points reliably and normally they are a little too hot compared to nato 7.62 which is weak as fuck for some reason.

>> No.20334843
File: 56 KB, 400x300, rage1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seathe and dilate (((tranny)))

>> No.20334847
File: 2.09 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaand it's out

PTR's are calibrated to eat off the shelf hunting cartridges, which just means 3 more degrees of angle in the forcing wedge compared to softer shooting, thicker cased nato 7.62, similar to how PSG-1 was set up for hand loaded .308.

it feeds flawlessly. these are cartridges i made with starline brass, 150 grain flat bottom lead tips thin jacket, and 44 grains of IMR 4064, which is a slightly compressed charge. it's hot and hits 2925 on average. but it's never failed to cycle properly. and i've ran it as fast as my finger can go during driven shoots on pigs.

maybe you should seek therapy for the trauma i've caused you, i suggest seeing dr. based, he's a specialist in cringe behavioral disorders.

>> No.20334853

i don't particularly enjoy the way you've conducted yourself in your thread, and suspect i would also dislike you in general, but i do like how the quiche turned out

>> No.20334857


>> No.20334859


>> No.20334861

looks like shit KYS

>> No.20334863

not the anon you replied to but how is the g3 against pig? i hunted them once with a century arms FAL sometimes if they are got into groups.

>> No.20334868

>all that bitching and it looks like shit
lmao you stupid fat cunt

>> No.20334873

honestly op this looks pretty bad.

>> No.20334876
File: 1.49 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


god fuckin damn am i GOOD. look at this glorious savory tart. all you niggers saying you think it looks bad are just lying because you're neet incels that are offended by my abrasive personality.

the anon who gave me the secret traditional lard crust formula: badass dude thank you, i wrote it down in my cookbook.

well, it slings 150 grains at 2800-2900fps, at under 1moa despite being a 1950 design (the nitride barrels on PTR are more accurate than the chromed barrels on NATO stock) and the diopter sight allows you to collimate-aim with the front sight post, and it runs like a sewing machine, one of the most reliable auto-loading rifles ever made...

but it's a big brutal gun and it's brutal to operate. if you're not 6 feet tall you might have a rough time wielding it. it's not light and the ergonomics are definitely designed for people who are about to die in the irradiated hellscape of conventional warfare on the scorched remains of eastern europe.

i just vibe with the doom rifle aspect of it. and ruggedness/reliability is my primary criteria in firearms.

>> No.20334887

>but it's a big brutal gun and it's brutal to operate. if you're not 6 feet tall you might have a rough time wielding it.
maybe you'd have an easier time with it if your fat ass laid off the shitty quiches and got some cardio

>> No.20334893

Try cooking the crust through on the bottom next time. Looks way too thick.

>> No.20334896
File: 1.55 MB, 480x852, IMG_1382.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude... this shit is soo flaky, crispy, crunchy, and the filling is so savory and custardy. amazing... amazing. whoever posted that lard crust recipe was legit.

dude, look at the bottom. it's golden brown and crunchy. what are you talking about there's like a thin layer of egg and veg at all on top, the rest is just puffy crunchy pastry.

>> No.20334903

KEK you never even realized the "secret traditional lard crust formula" was literally the exact same measurements you posted as an estimation in the OP.

>> No.20334907

Of course he did dummy

>> No.20334908
File: 2.56 MB, 320x240, 1707409926466647.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20334912
File: 1.23 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at how flaky and layered this simple, rough rolled, shaggy pie dough came out. perfect.

buddy, i'm a motherfucking slayer. i've killed over a hundred animals. some of them with scissors. i've put two men into the emergency room with my hands. one of them was my stepfather. when i was 11 my drunken abusive stepfather made me shoot 3 alpacas in the head at 5am during a blizzard (that side of the family was ruined by the alpaca pyramid scheme) i can run a 7 minute mile at 260lbs, and i can pick up a transmission off the ground at work and put it on a work table. without wearing gloves. i shot a 60 year old drunk guy to death in the hallway of the family farm i lived on until i got rich. well, he died a day later because it was just a bunch of .22lr, but i still hear the sounds he made in nightmares sometimes. when my LTR gf cheated on me i fucked her best friend one week later. then i fucked the 50 year old woman that hooked us up in the first place. i walked 2500 miles across the USA with a 70lb ruck, sleeping in ditches by the highway, no tent, even in the rain. i manufactured nearly a kilogram of NN-DMT when i lived in syracuse NY and once, i smoked it while i was driving a car on the highway. that'd kill an average man, but i managed to stay conscious. i could pop your fucking head off and it'd make a sound like a can of spray paint.

no, i used >>20334499 , but yes, it was the same as my estimations. that's how i knew it was right.

>> No.20334918
File: 141 KB, 1080x948, 1703551592545496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait fuck, i think i just got played. but im a survivor and the quiche is bomb

>> No.20334924

.308 is a great hog round, IMHO its on the stronger side of whats necessary with 30-30 being the norm around my area then again my neighbor shoots groundhogs with a 7mm mag so what do i know.

>> No.20334929

>why does every stupid ass god damned website start off with some fucking expositional novel about the recipe
advertising, dumbass. if you have to scroll down five times to get to the actual recipe, the site will load five times as many adverts and thus generate more money for the site owner. it sucks but it is what it is. bbc doesn't advertise so generally bbc food is a better way to find recipes

>> No.20334937

yeah I usually hunt them with my bolt action rifle in 7.62x39 which almost has the same ballistics of 30-30. the fal is just like what you said. a rugged ass gun that kicks like a fuck and is heavier than a bag of bricks. but 7.62x39 it such a fun and cheap round to smash hogs with. i know a lot of guys are using ars in .300 blackout.

>> No.20334938
File: 432 KB, 727x1080, 1710710024083261.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is, but around here there's guys way more serious than me about killing hogs and yotes in as great of numbers as humanly possible, and they run the cheapest 5.56 they can find in 5000 round boxes just because ultimately it's a lower price per kill. they're also using 5000 dollar thermals and NV and shit though. so for casual seasonal hunters, like me and most others, who just want a pig and a deer or two a year, .308 is perfect because of how deadly, accurate, and flat shooting it is, but serious hunters that are killing ungodly amounts of animals, .308 is a bit too expensive. those guys are just unloading entire pallets of cheap AK and AR bullets into the wildlife. for me if stuff just sits down and i don't have to look for it and they don't suffer much, i'm happy, and i don't think there's a better all-around cartridge on earth than .308 winchester. i mean what the fuck can't it do?

well it's unacceptable.

>> No.20334939

buddy, i'm a motherfucking slayer.
a slayer of pies lmao

>> No.20334946
File: 271 KB, 1269x1269, 1703549206190159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, good thread guys, quiche came out great, thank you for all your help. if there's nothing else i can do for you, i'll take questions, and then i've got to go lean up against the wall and beat off to my chrome hearts boots, and splooge all over my 170 year old 17,000 dollar rug.

>> No.20334957

where do you usually get all your recipes for doughs?

>> No.20334968
File: 751 KB, 108x160, 1701329636666894.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i perform a satanic ritual that involves harvesting the loosh of weaker men in imageboards by instigating them to aggro against the image of strength, which opens them up to demonic interference.

then i just clear my mind until it becomes as still and calm as a lake on a windless day, and my heart becomes like the reflection of the sky on that lake. in that moment of timeless openness, i reach out into the pregnant void with my query , involving ratios of material foodstuffs, and kind of just numbers float into my head.

it's basically like training your intrusive thoughts to be actually useful information. i think the mechanism is basically massively parallel processing that occurs at the layer of flesh where your nervous system goes from living tissue to inorganic molecules, basically where consciousness meshes with matter. since everything has meaning, and everything effects everything else, at an unconscious level, every sentient soul actually possesses all possible knowledge.

in the same way that you can see some nigger walking down the street and based on a thousand minor variables that mean little or nothing on their own, and which you can't consciously, logically process, the back of your mind, the instinct or gut, comes up with an instantaneous answer to the threat level he does or does not pose, and communicates that to you through physical sensations clustered around your vagus nerve bundle. like i always say - thoughts are literally just the sounds that emotions make.

i mean, the quiche did come out perfect despite being frustrated in finding the exact knowledge i wanted and that feeling of anger i had was converted into a dead guess that turned into the exact correct answer of 4 numbers, so probably all that shit i just said is actually true.

>> No.20334985


>> No.20334986

you are a dumb unresourceful nigger, there are plenty of websites for conversions of recipes
fucking stupid fucking nigger, ask me how i know youre ass at cooking
youre too fucking dumb to google shit no way your food is good retard
low iq brain rotted tard shit

>> No.20334990
File: 1.45 MB, 498x465, 1709498619331222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask me how i just made something better than anything you've ever made in your entire fuckin life lol i fuckin clown on your goofy ass

>> No.20335003

What is your opinion on the jews

>> No.20335006

why did you wrap a ball of dough around your pistol?

>> No.20335007
File: 39 KB, 1200x600, 1707682095262285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of them are good people and i like the ones that aren't weak little worms. but all of them must be destroyed. nothin personal just how it is

>> No.20335009
File: 61 KB, 960x949, 1701277417382688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i'd have something to snack on after blowing your stupid fuckin brains out on the margielas in my benz truck

>> No.20335016

do you have to ride in the bed cause you cant fit in the front?

>> No.20335017

yeah, when i'm in your moms asshole thats exactly what its like lol

>> No.20335025

>pussy available
>goes directly for the asshole
confirmed gay homo detected

>> No.20335027
File: 159 KB, 524x478, 1701240031017415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just that my cock won't fit in your moms little cunt. believe me I tried. she spread it and let me take a deep snip of that Mahi Mahi. I gave that pussy a raspberry, still couldn't squeeze it in.

>> No.20335034

First time in /ck/ and your schizos are incredible.

>> No.20335036
File: 257 KB, 1024x1024, OIG2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i ball so hard they thought i was a fuckin nutsack


>> No.20335139

>why does every stupid ass god damned website start off with some fucking expositional novel about the recipe you piece of shit
Because they're written by women.

>> No.20335936

i am not insane. im not crazy.

>> No.20335942

It's just shortcrust pastry my dude.

>> No.20336129

everything is 'just' something, my dude

>> No.20336135

>DoUgH iS a FoRmUlA!
>food sucks anyway
god I hate redditor midwits

>> No.20336140
File: 2.43 MB, 270x480, 1711236601098139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, except it was fucking killer, and you could NEVER, in your entire fucking LIFE, make a crust like me. you'll NEVER EVER get it as crispy and flaky as me because you SUCK at making food, because you're STUPID and can't THINK GOOD


>> No.20336143

i have killed a man before, you are a virgin

>> No.20336159

>feminine wrists

>> No.20336169

those wrists have put men into the emergency room. i dominate you.

>> No.20336172

>bragging about fisting your gay partner wrong and sending him to the hospital

>> No.20336175

I aint tryna read no goddamn book, I just wanna make a damn quiche

>> No.20336177

i'm talking about beating your face and slamming your head against the ground until you're injured enough to require medical intervention, which i can do to you, because i am stronger than you, and i am smarter than you, and i am crueler than you. my testicles are larger than yours. you are a weak, soft little guy. you're not a man like i am.

>> No.20336201

Brother I will shove your shitty quiche lard dough, your quiche lard dough that sucks because you tried to follow a FORMULA but you're such a fucking 110 IQ midwit that you can't even do simple math like proportions and you used way too much of your artisan Canadian germ flour and wasted $14 USD on a shitty dry dough but your ego is too fragile to admit that you suck balls and are too stupid to cook, I will take that quiche and shove it so far up your prolapsed anus that you will have a Ratatouille flashback to your boarding school days. I am going to skullfuck you with your shitty quiche, I will shove it in one of your gay feminine ears and pull it out the other, and the dough will break and crumble easily because you suck at cooking, leaving dry dough crumbles in your skull cavity for the rest of your miserable life as a reminder to your failures. I am going to take your quiche pan, use the removable bottom as a Frisbee and pretend I'm Oddjob when I bash your nose in with it, then I'll take the sides and shove it down your fat head and it will be a crown. You will be Princess Quiche, graceful monarch of the gay redditor midwits who can't cook for shit even though they buy all the meme ingredients and got a fucking kitchen scale like a gaywad.

>> No.20336210
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didn't read lol

>> No.20336229

>uses American word for pastry
>gets upset at American results

many such cases

>> No.20336255

With butter (which the normal, human way of doing a quiche) it's half the amount of flour

>> No.20336258

>uses American word for pastry
>gets upset at American results

many such cases

>> No.20336262

Suddenly I don't feel so bad about my own cooking

>> No.20336268
File: 2.72 MB, 3460x2700, 3pEvamk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butter crust

disturbingly stupid. butter melts too easy and makes crusts that are soft and not flaky. you might as well make bread because you're not going to make a crispy shortcrust with butter.

which is why you use lard or tallow, which is cheaper and much higher performance. what are you, clueless?

>> No.20336273
File: 1.38 MB, 3456x4608, 3zKQmg7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, you should you sad little neet. because your cooking sucks and you can't cook. but i can. i can cook really good, because i'm smart, which you are not. it's really easy, why can't you do it as good as me?

>> No.20336275

also no it isn't lol? you'd get half as much dough dumbass

>> No.20336300


>> No.20336309
File: 3.49 MB, 4608x3456, DG6kZ37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've never had sex with a woman

>> No.20336344

This is just fucking awesome. At least OP (says he) made a good quiche despite the fuckers happening here.

>> No.20336358

you tell me.

does this look crispy, crunch, and flaky? hell yeah it does because it is

>> No.20336363

ok, i have to go drive 40 miles to buy two gallons of raw milk, this is my sunday routine. i maintain a speed over 100mph for 15 minutes because there's no speed limits on two lane highways in westminster texas

>> No.20336367

You are the epitome of Dunning Kruger.

>> No.20336370

Next time use chopsticks so we don't have to see your disgusting fingers.

>> No.20336385
File: 2.88 MB, 3864x2832, NVvlKTE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll see these fingers when i pluck your fucking eyes out with them, bitch.

anyone who has ever used the term 'dunning kruger' is a fucking weakling. the ONLY people who ever use it are people who CAN NOT PHYSICALLY DEFEND THEMSELVES and so they try really hard to be good little boys and believe their teachers!

>> No.20336387

hey lets see your shitty fucking food i want to laugh, you probably don't even have the courage to leave your room and use mommies kitchen lol

>> No.20336556

Man, you don't know much about guns, either
Although yes of course PTR is better than Century

>> No.20336571


>> No.20336596
File: 61 KB, 702x936, OwLkMl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dumb motherfucker. i know more about guns than you, you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.20336602

I know you should use one on yourself.

>> No.20336605

you hate me because i'm better than you, and that's why i'll always be better than you, because i only hate people that i'm better than, and never hate anyone that's better than me.

>> No.20336615

I'm literally a former baker who works in the gun industry
I'm sure IRL we'd have a good chat and a hearty laugh

>> No.20337587

>Hoppette posting has spread beyond /k/
Please no

>> No.20337622
File: 404 KB, 1754x562, 1710543672425826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neet incels
so you're a roastie who cant cook unless a man instructs you on a website but we're the incels because you needed our help to make some fucking stiff crust.

You realize you have such problems with recipes because you are incompetent right? that all our NERD INCEL TIME has led us to be ablle to navigate a website without ads or other bullshit or skim past it in search results while you click every goyslop network ad and drive it's traffic to the top like the train of rubberless cocks you service in an effort to seem liberated and a girlboss?

I can think of like 20 channels and 5 websites I would trust to find the recipe you asked for but you're so stupid you couldn't find the answer without screaming at co/ck/s while simultaneously blaming us for you hitting the wall.

>> No.20337715

>dough is a formula
You are not a cook.

>> No.20338845

Yeah I would say there is not such thing as an absolutely true formula for all dough. Usually doughs are made by trial and error to get the one you absolutely love. But I think OP just wanted a typical, hand proven lard crust recipe because he didnt want to waste his ingredients on experimenting with shit.

>> No.20338935

Is that hop?

>> No.20339520

Did he finally troon out? I figured it was only a matter of time.

>> No.20340803

>LTR gf
loser tranny retard gf?
sounds about right

>> No.20341620

Butter in a savory crust like a Quiche? Thats fucking ultra downy retard thinking right there. You dont use butter for these things because butter will melt quicker and make your crust soft and not as crispy. Not to mention it will be harder to work into the dough becuase of its low melting point. Always use shortening or neutral rendered animal fats for savory (or even sweet crusts) if you want a crispy flakey texture instead of a shitty soggy soft mess of shit.

>> No.20341738

>i don't feel like wasting lard and flour trying to find out what the correct numbers are.

>> No.20341769

Holy shit what a fucking sperg. I bet all europeans are like this autist.