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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20333349 No.20333349 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of spergy food preference do you have?

>> No.20333360

I’m not fond of ketchup

>> No.20333361

whenever i eat by myself, i mix apple jews with my beer

>> No.20333364

>happiest with $2 beef patty
>grateful for $8 meal

>> No.20333366

For the price of those patties, he could get a loaf of fresh bread and a good cheese, which he would enjoy much more.

>> No.20333371
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anon stop..

>> No.20333377

Make a frozen pizza with toppings
Scrape off the cheese and toppings
Eat the toppings flavored bread and sauce
Toss out the cheese and toppings

>> No.20333382

>he could get a loaf of fresh bread and a good cheese, which he would enjoy much more.
Are you a retard? This is his favourite meal. Why would he enjoy a different meal more.

>> No.20333385

>im not that individual but let me tell you how that other individual should like things

>> No.20333387

this is true about everything

>> No.20333395

checked for truth

>> No.20333441

is this guy a fucking cyborg

>> No.20333452

hello newfags

>> No.20333505


>> No.20333506

I went to a good local Portuguese bakery that’s been open for like sixty years and they were charging $10 for a loaf of their special Portuguese cornbread. It used to be like $5 not even a decade ago. It’s not like American cake cornbread, it’s real bread made with corn. Very good bread but not worth $10. I bought it but won’t be returning unfortunately.
>One of the finest examples of Portugal's bread tradition is the Broa de Milho, a hearty cornbread with a crispy crust and dense interior. It originates from the rural north of Portugal, where it's traditionally baked in wood-fired ovens along the Minho region.

>> No.20333568

i'm confused. so he just orders 4 plain burger patties? from where? or does he bring them with him?

>> No.20333743

I eat boiled, cold, 99% lean turkey breast

>> No.20333745

why not drink cider?

>> No.20333768

If he thought he could get away with it he would kill somebody. This man has no soul, there is nothing behind his eyes.

>> No.20333777

Sounds alright, if you'd stack it with a nice slice of cheese inbetween and add some onions and ketchup, maybe lettuce if you're a woman

>> No.20333798

Have you ever been curious what flavors could be like

>> No.20333800

I Didnt say it was plain

>> No.20333819

40yo virgin pseud who only eats microwaved protein patties and pretends to be a harvard scientist, getting pushed by the yt algo. something fishy about this character.

>> No.20333841

Stop. Eating. Carbs.

>> No.20333903

I want fresh, in season biologically grown fruit and veg. I only eat wild fish and game, animals that weren't fed by humans, I mean. I only eat Bresse, Brussels or Landes poultry. I only buy beef from old animals (5 years or older) and only the cuts I want: cheeks, shoulder, belly. I only buy organ meat if it's less than a day old. Not because I sperg, I know hw (and why) to cook.

>> No.20334486

i don't have soda often but when i do i let it flatten before i drink it because carbonation is the worst

>> No.20334612

This and broccoli. I've outgrown the period where I hated it but in general it overtakes any pleasant taste in a meal.

>> No.20334662
File: 253 KB, 645x1004, Lex Fraudman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course there's something fishy about him. He started his podcast as an absolute nobody and one of his first guests was the head of a trillion dollar company. His "fame" is being manufactured by someone, the only question is if he understands this or is dumb enough to think he's really an organic success.

>> No.20334686

Implying this guy read karamazov in one week

>> No.20334793

Or what.

>> No.20335474

Based Steve

>> No.20335481

Diet gives such insight into a person's character.
The youtube "intellectual" is a soulless shell of a man, big surprise.

>> No.20335503

CGP Gray mentioned the way he controls weight during travel is not eating carbs so he pretty much does the same as the OP pic guy, goes to mcdonalds, orders a burger and just eats the meat.
could be thats the source of the meme

>> No.20335509
File: 33 KB, 422x367, the killer movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what an unoriginal post. sounds like he ripped it off from the killer (movie from last year). besides, where would he get a burger patty for only $2?

>> No.20335538

frozen salisbury steak

>> No.20335541

Yeah, it was a "look at how smart I am" narcissistic post which he whined about when people pointed out how narcissistic he was being. He tries to cultivate a particular image and it keeps backfiring on him. But despite that, his backers are still pushing him and he's still going along with it, regardless of if he's aware he's a puppet or doesn't seen the strings.

>> No.20335551

you're one of those dumb, fat poltards that think athletic people can't run 10 miles either

>> No.20335587

Wow, look at the disparity in discussion between you and the people you are replying to.
You probably shouldn't call anybody "dumb".

>> No.20335597

that's a yes

>> No.20335606

Admonished by omission.

>> No.20335623


>> No.20335634

Homosexual by admission!

>> No.20335637

I like to eat Cervelat (a swiss sausage) with cucumbers and french dressing

>> No.20335639

I do this. It's a McDonald's patty. I get two w/ lettuce & Roma tomato.
I also eat egg mcmuffins every morning and often get two Quarter pounders w/ no salt, cheese or mayo and throw away one set of bun. Usually fill up two tumblers with unsweetened ice tea
McDonalds is regarded as slop but it's highly regulated, can be healthy and there's very little possibility of food contamination where I am. It's also cheap on the app

>> No.20335645

I fucking loathe these fucking fat cunts saying uhh McDonald's is akshuwally healthy. Fuck off you desperate scum. So fucking pathetic.

>> No.20336732

>>20333333 #

6 soft steamed eggs for breakfast
I also enjoy eating 2 mozarella balls like apples for breakfast, especially when travelling

>> No.20336757

>1 week to read The Little Prince
Yeah ok, could read it in one evening I think
>1 week to read Brothers Karamazov

>> No.20336775
File: 31 KB, 1186x667, chick-egg-shutterstock_2083148980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hesitate to combine chicken with egg because they're different stages in the life of the same animal. If the chicken is to be crumbed and fried, and beaten egg helps the crumb to stick better... well, I accept the practicality.
But don't go putting boiled egg in my chicken salad, or a fried egg on top of my chicken burger, or chopped chicken inside my omelette. That shit just weirds me out.

>> No.20336873
File: 176 KB, 255x280, No.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't eat mushroom. Any mushroom. I can't stand the taste, smell, texture. I won't eat food it's been in, or food that it's touched.

It's the only food hangup I have. And a source of frustration towards my parents who, despite eating everything else they put in front of me growing up, insist not liking mushroom made me a "picky eater". I'll eat basically anything as long as there isn't fucking mushroom in it.

>> No.20336876

This looks like a high school assigned reading list. Who is this supposed to impress?

>> No.20336882

Buttered toast with blackberry jam

>> No.20336947
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>I'm grateful for this meal and for this life
The meat I can understand, but life fucking sucks dude

>> No.20336951

i despise the banality of twitter

>> No.20336970

Prices on virtually everything customer-facing have become insane. I have no idea how people in full good conscience buy coffee every day. Anything outside of black drip coffee at any urban coffee shop is like a minimum of $5-7. A few years ago that could buy you a quick meal. Utter insanity.

>> No.20336988
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Reminder that he's a literal fraud

>> No.20337028

Plain fried egg on buttered toast with the yolk cooked all the way through. I also think sausage rolls are much better plain without tomato sauce.

Every now and then I might put sauce and pepper on the egg, but there's something in my brain that prefers a certain plainness in some foods.

>> No.20337067

>$2 per beef patty
>4 for dinner
So he's spending $8 per meal.

There are so many meals that would be better-tasting, more nutritious, and more affordable than 4 beef patties.

>> No.20337071

that you can get from a drive thru? I doubt it. That's 1lb of beef

>> No.20337127

Why would you get it from a drive-through? Just cook for yourself.

>> No.20337137

i meant in the context of the xeet in the OP. busy, traveling, working in the hotel room, etc.

>> No.20337149
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>> No.20337164

>a lot of watery sauces, oils etc makes me uncomfortable me out even if it tastes good. I don't want it getting on my lips and shit. Some sauces are fine though.
>hate foods with a dense or dry texture (e.g. steak or pancakes), prefer foods that are moist and spongy (all breads are kino)
>seeing the remains of dessert like cheesecake or mousse or something on a spoon after it has been in my mouth grosses me out
>green vegetables are bitter and yucky and you will not make me eat them!
Top that retards

>> No.20337166
File: 80 KB, 640x694, UW9sL5j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20337251

Depends on the hotel. If it doesn't have a kitchen, pre-cooked patties might make sense then, but you'd honestly be better off eating fast food then.
If the hotel does have a kitchen, then cooking is entirely possible. I was at a hotel for a convention, where I was basically busy from 6-6 for 5 days straight, but I was able to cook and that left me spending around $4 per meal for a much fuller outcome than a mere beef patty.

>> No.20337279

akshully all he needs is a few fried eggs for even cheaper and it becomes based breakfast for dinner

>> No.20337291

I heard protugese fuck their cousins a lot. Or is it just the islands?