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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 238 KB, 419x423, corn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20330307 No.20330307 [Reply] [Original]

So I've got a big thing of popcorn kernels, how do I make good popcorn? Usually when my roommate makes it He just ends up making it plain, but I want a salty buttered taste. It doesn't need to be super intense. Any advice anons?

>> No.20330323

Use clarified butter/ghee to pop the kernels. You get the buttery flavor without the milk solids burning. , Also get some very fine popcorn salt that will stick better than coarser crystals.

>> No.20330325
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Pic related is just like a movie theater.

>> No.20330329

I'll be honest, I bought flavacol and used it and it's pretty good popcorn salt, but it never really tasted like movie theater popcorn.

>> No.20330334

can you please clarify

>> No.20330349
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>> No.20330353
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You've got options.

>> No.20330363
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All the butter flavored popcorn salts I've tried never really taste like butter. They have more of a weird cheesy flavor than buttery. The best way to make your popcorn taste buttery is to use real butter. My favorite way is ghee made from grass-fed butter for popping, and season with plain Morton super fine popcorn salt.

>> No.20330367

I automatically dismiss the opinion of anyone who uses the word "ghee" unironically, and chalk them up as a homosexual pseud.

>> No.20330401

Ghee is four letters, and most people on a cooking forum are going to know what it is. It's just a more efficient means of communication. My opinion on the matter is that all ghee is clarified butter, but not all clarified butter is ghee.

>> No.20330420

If you brown the butter in a pan you get rid of that soggy texture and it tastes pretty good. For salt you want the smallest grain/finest ground you can get so it sticks better. You can usually find "Popcorn salt" by where you buy the kernels. I prefer white kernels to yellow.

>> No.20330427


>> No.20330429

>Also get some very fine popcorn salt
Got a spice grinder? Blitz normal kosher salt until it turns into a fine powder. There's your popcorn salt.

>> No.20330432

>(((kosher))) salt
the jews want you to develop a goiter

>> No.20330443

>Pop popcorn
>Allow pot to cool
>Melt butter in pot and heat it until it's bubbling
>Remove from heat
>Pour in popcorn and sprinkle over salt
>Put lid on and shake
>Pour popcorn in a bowl
Wala. Been using this method my whole life.

>> No.20330444

My brothers please hear me! The glory of the white kernel over the yellow kernel is at hand. For too long we have suffered under their yolky coloration and it is time the supremacy of the white kernel be recognized. There is a solution to yellow menace.

>> No.20330452

>buy a box of good 'ol ultimate butter orville's
>put in microwave
It just werks. Bless that old man's heart.

>> No.20330469

Microwaving stuff is less fun than cooking on a stovetop.

>> No.20330474

i value my time

>> No.20330662

So do I, therefore I don't suffer through eating shitty microwave popcorn when I could be eating delicious popcorn made on the stove in the same amount of time, if not less.

>> No.20330672

>less time to make popcorn on the stove than a microwave
>conflating time with taste to move the goalposts
I accept your concession.

>> No.20330687
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Actual great advice on /ck/???
6X today...
Did CERN fire up today? Did we slip into the universe nextdoor??

>> No.20330701
File: 754 KB, 420x314, MJ-KING OF POP-CORN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all pop white on the inside...

>> No.20330728

If you pour the popcorn back in the pot with the melted butter on the bottom wont it just make all the popcorn on the bottom drenched in butter?

>> No.20330739

>the POP of the corn distributes the butter

>> No.20330756
File: 38 KB, 768x768, 1710114289556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have the right pan you can pop popcorn surprisingly fast on the stovetop. I have this Japanese stainless saucepan that works incredibly well. It's a thin single layer of stainless so the heat transfers straight through from the burner to the kernels almost instantly. It really kinda sucks at anything other than popcorn, but I bought it specifically for popcorn, and it's fairly cheap. I've never timed it, but it's definitely less than 5 minutes from putting the popcorn in the pan, to having a bowl of popcorn. If you actually value your time you will put in the minimal effort to make that time more enjoyable, rather than going the fast lazy route for a mediocre experience.

>> No.20330763

Now you have to wash a pan and prepare the ingredients, holy fuck are you a dumb deluded bitch. Imagine ever thinking in any realm of possibility that using a range is faster than a microwave for something.

>> No.20330784

>Now you have to wash a pan
I literally just wipe it out with a paper towel. Like 5 seconds and it's good to go for the next time I want popcorn.
>prepare the ingredients
I have a jar of ghee always on the counter, and the bag of popcorn, and salt are the only other "ingredients" to grab from the same cabinet. It's no more time or effort than going to the pantry, grabbing a package of microwave popcorn, unwrapping it, and putting it in the microwave.
>holy fuck are you a dumb deluded bitch. Imagine ever thinking in any realm of possibility that using a range is faster than a microwave for something.
Maybe you have a shitty range, and pans that suck? My gas range with that pan can make popcorn extremely fast.

>> No.20330798

And yet even still, it's an order of magnitude easier to just turn on the microwave for a minute and then have popcorn with none of your gay bullshit extra steps.

>> No.20330823

If any of the steps I've described are too difficult for you, I struggle to imagine how you have managed to survive this long with the mental faculties of a toddler. If your time is allegedly so valuable that you'd rather eat an inferior product just to potentially save a minute or two, then I'd say your time isn't valuable at all. You're just a lazy faggot.

>> No.20330828

If cooking popcorn from kernel on a stove was so much easier than using a microwave, lazy people would be doing it your way. Checkmate. GGnoRE

>> No.20330884
File: 117 KB, 1041x810, !!!OOOOOOOOOLBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was going to intervene on your behalf...but you're doing FINE against this shit'Tarded troon with sand in it's hatchet gash.
>*apopoplectic rage* for no reason *intensifies*
>just eat the consooomer poisons you dummy!!
I think it's the same sad little faggot who attacks EVERYONE for no reason other than attention.
Starve it.
>Lazy retards are BETTER for overspending on toxic crap
This midwit troll doesn't even play chess, I guarantee.

>> No.20330907 [DELETED] 

chess is bland boring banalshit for people with an utter lack of imagination and excitement in their lives. literally phone-game tier

>> No.20330939
File: 10 KB, 1111x740, Up Arrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still Sandy, huh?
So...You get PAID to shit up these boards, or are just a Janny on "vacation"?
You don't HAVE to KYS, but it would improve the world significantly.
Probably in a 10 mile radius in meatspace, and drastically on any online venue you're on.

>> No.20331148

>1 big pot
>1/4 cup kernals
>1/2 tsp flavacol
>2tbsp melted unsalted butter
>1-2 tbsp oil

>put oil in pan with 3 kernals and heat on med/high until kernals pop
>take out popped kernals and put in unpopped kernals and flavacol
>toss kernals in flavacol and oil mixture
>put on lid and let popcorn pop tossing occasionally
>when its all popped pour melted butter over popcorn in pot
>toss popcorn in butter
>pour into big bowl
>take hit of salvia and eat popcorn if able

>> No.20331155

Any of those small seasoning jars at Trader Joe's is fair game too. Everything bagel, sriracha, pizza, and elote. I use those... I add a lot.

>> No.20331163

you need butter as well.

>> No.20331166

i value tasty food more

>> No.20331803

It's not like movie theater popcorn but nutritional yeast on popcorn is amazing. I also bought vinegar powder for salt and vinegar popcorn. If I'm feeling fancy I'll do garlic and anchovy popcorn.

>> No.20331874

No. You do it quickly. Pour the popcorn in, salt in, lid on, shake thoroughly.

>> No.20332330

What I do is, put a bunch of coconut oil in a pot and dump a bunch of salt directly in there. Then add the kernels and put on the lid and cook them until they're all popped. Then when you take them out, they will automatically already be salty.

>> No.20332430

>i don't know how to use something and have no ideas so i bought it lol what do
I think you should huff exhaust.

>> No.20332898

I use bacon grease to pop the corn and season with Lawry's. Pretty good.

>> No.20332908

Get a popcorn maker.
Melt butter in the microwave.
Grind salt into the butter.
Spoon over finished popcorn.

Putting butter into wherever it is cooking is just going to burn and make cleaning annoying while just popping popcorn you don't have to clean the popper at all other than maybe shaking it off.

>> No.20332912

Anyone tried melted butter in an old spray bottle?

>> No.20332950

You need to swirl it around like that fat fuck

>> No.20332955
File: 8 KB, 163x310, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy this and use this. It's the chemical slop that makes popcorn from the movies/ballpark/whatever taste so much better. You can buy one carton of it for like $12 and it'll last you years. Use Orville Reddenbacher's chemical slug oil you can buy in the grocery store to pop the kernels, as well.

There are more gourmet ways to make popcorn, but honestly, those two things are all you need.

>> No.20332977

>le self hating 4channer
>reddit spacing

>> No.20333014

>chemical slug oil
kek what

>> No.20333703

write a macro there is no excuse for laziness

>> No.20333793

How do you feed grass to butter you homo

>> No.20333802

If you were so lazy you wouldnt be bothering to type out these posts

>> No.20333804

How is the flavacol supposed to get on the popcorn inside if you put it in the shell outside

>> No.20333812
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>> No.20333815

i don't know it just does. it works great. but flavacol is way too concentrated to treat it just like a topping like regular salt. getting a glob of it on one piece makes it unbelievably salty. So I guess tossing it in the kernels and oil distributes it more evenly then if you tried to just toss it on the popcorn.

>> No.20334950

Not him, but when you make popcorn in a pot the oil splashes around a bit when the kernels pop, which could potentially distribute anything light enough to be carried by the oil.