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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 30 KB, 500x500, 00033357071003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20327708 No.20327708[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is the bottle so flaccid?

>> No.20327716

So you can squeeze it like a supple breast, and suckle on it's teat.

>> No.20327722 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 794x794, il_794xN.3201362681_rzzj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this THE thread?

>> No.20327784

So its like a hentai thing?

>> No.20327804

It's for ease of use, pedophiles are weak so they need supple bottles to not wreck their poor, frail bodies.

>> No.20327807

What the frick

>> No.20327842
File: 142 KB, 256x256, what the shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please let that just be an AI abomination.

>> No.20328050
File: 109 KB, 793x793, il_794xN.30109455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's just a cosdoll love doll. I thought because this is the pedo mayo thread with the fully naked child on the front.

>> No.20328063
File: 106 KB, 794x794, il_794xN.3016132524_jsdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't kink shame. It's just a harmless fetish.

>> No.20328399

Pedo mayonnaise fits 4ch

>> No.20328638

Our world is fucked.

>> No.20328660

How so? Sexual imagery everywhere even on mayonnaise bottles, what did you expect? At least it's just a doll. Nothing wrong with fucking rubber.

>> No.20328664


>> No.20328668

They are called MAPs now and no... More hebe age. That's just normal.

>> No.20328672
File: 44 KB, 794x794, il_794xN.2947473874_sgus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20329746


>> No.20329761

Doesnt this shit contain msg? Also soft plastic like that always feel crummy. I bet its filled with chemicals and shit that will get into your blood.

I learned something new today.

>> No.20329776
File: 52 KB, 794x794, il_794xN.3442971256_mqoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is chemicals.

You never knew lovedolls existed? Are you 12? Some people have exotic tastes.

>> No.20329783

You must have fun in prisons

>> No.20329788


Lovedolls arent/shouldn't be illegal fascist.

>> No.20329793
File: 126 KB, 692x1006, 1638338813582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20329799

Babies arent sex objects. Go ahead, try to convince people otherwise. Im sure they will understand

>> No.20329803

these are dolls, not babies

>> No.20329804
File: 110 KB, 794x794, il_794xN.3818548087_xrba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, that is silicone and/or TPE. Get your eyes checked. Where do you see an actual human baby?

>> No.20329808

Will you stfu already

>> No.20329814

Won't you fix your messed up thinking?

>> No.20329825

Sure buddy. Enjoy your life

>> No.20329828

cursed thread

>> No.20329831

How far from God's grace does one need to fall to have any of these saved to their computer even ironically.
And then post them to a fucking cooking board

>> No.20329832

You as well ;) it's a beautiful life.

>> No.20329837

>believing in God


>> No.20329848

Someone got diddled. Only way to explain the irrational reaction.

UGH I know, those fluffin heckin ungodly ones and their doll pictures I'm literally shaking rn

>> No.20329850

What people don't realize is they are much less expensive to buy and cheaper to ship than adult sized dolls. They can also be stored much easier than dedicating 1/3rd of your closet or a large shipping trunk.

Baby dolls are a great way for those who want something better than a onahole but don't want to invest so much money and space for a adult doll. Think of it as a starter doll.

>> No.20329851

Hue hue hue so fun posting pedo shit in cooking forum LULZ

>> No.20329855
File: 70 KB, 640x640, 751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exotic tastes.

>> No.20329858
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>> No.20329865
File: 9 KB, 284x200, s-l400_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20329871

This shit is sickening

>> No.20329875

>you must be 18 years or older to use this site

>> No.20329876

this has been the ultimate fucking derail of all time, yeah. wow, this is nasty.

>> No.20329878

>post pedo mayo
>get more of the same

What did you expect?

>> No.20329881
File: 25 KB, 400x400, s-l400(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20329884
File: 284 KB, 1080x1920, url(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20330110
File: 299 KB, 496x484, 1676408209107847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.20330120

No u

>> No.20330134
File: 27 KB, 515x289, 776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20330136

If you can get an erection while looking at the image of an infant, there is no amount of rationalization that will make your deranged actions normal or acceptable.

>> No.20330139

>Sexual imagery
a naked baby isn't sexual imagery, you're just extremely mentally ill

>> No.20330141

All I was saying is that it fills a niche and if you want something better than a onahole and don't want to invest many thousands on a adult doll or maybe you don't have alot of space, this might fill that need.

Maybe you should cry about the sickos that fuck dismembered/quadriplegic "hips".

>> No.20330146

Ok pedo. I know how much you love looking at a naked baby when you squirt mayonnaise on stuff.

>> No.20330149

>All I was saying is that it fills a niche and if you want something better than a onahole and don't want to invest many thousands on a adult doll or maybe you don't have alot of space, this might fill that need
No, it does not. The ONLY niche it fills is wanting to fuck infants. Everything else is cope. There is nobody on this planet buying toddler sex dolls because "it's a convenient size".

>> No.20330161

Obviously you don't visit /jp/s onahole thread because one of reasons many people don't buy large dolls is they don't want to invest more in a flight case, don't have the room, or can't easily conceal them.

>> No.20330169

Also, you need to drill into a wall stud to store them on a hook ideally or areas start to flatten or the material breaks down if posed in certain ways for too long. You need something a little larger than a shoebox or a Rubbermaid box for baby dolls.

>> No.20330177

>Obviously you don't visit /jp/s onahole thread
No i do not. I like keeping my worth as a human (coombrains aren't human).

>> No.20330180

You're loss ;)

And you lost the convo because of your ignorance so run along now little boy.

>> No.20330200

Being a coomer means you lost at life. Not sure why you're proud of this, but it's probably because of your chemically broken brain.

>> No.20330283

Here you are ;)

>> No.20330370

8. Circumcision decreases the risk of urinary tract infection.
7. Circumcision reduces the risk of heterosexually acquired HIV infection in men.
6. Circumcision lowers the risk of STDs.
5. Circumcision protects against penile cancer.
4. Circumcision reduces the risk of penile HPV infection and the risk of cervical cancer in female partners.
3. Circumcision prevents chlamydia infections and subsequent pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and infertility.
2. Circumcision decreases the risk of balanoposthitis and phimosis and the later need for postneonatal circumcision.
1. Circumcision improves sexual function and creativity.

>> No.20330408

This is jewish cope

>> No.20330464

>he can't refute

>> No.20330472

you won't ever get carpal tunnel if you chop both your hands off too. Do it today!

>> No.20330521

>he doesn't even know what circumcision is

I laugh.

>> No.20330534

>he doesnt even know how many nerve endings there is in the foreskin

sad your parents abused you

>> No.20330541

Seems like your parents were neglectful not having this important preventative procedure done at an early age.

So sad :(

>> No.20330547

nah they should have done a lobotomy for you too. Less chances of brain cancer

>> No.20330550

i rather have the choice myself, TYVM

>> No.20330614

Anti Vaxer detected. Enjoy letting your kid get measles mumps and rubella.

>> No.20330623

i dont live my life fixated on circumcision. But here you are copy-pasting that comment in a unrelated thread. You're trying to justify the abuse done on you. 'My parents must love me, there's no other way!'
Seems like it fried your brain lol

>> No.20330632

God exists, anon.
Just not your idea of him, that's fictional.

>> No.20330643

I'm sorry your parents neglected you. :(

>> No.20330649

idk man I'm not the one going on 24/7 about circumcision

you aren't ever getting your foreskin back too. Imagine not even knowing how it feels like.

>> No.20330654
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why exactly did a picture of mayonnaise attract a bunch of pedos and schizos? Am I missing something?

>> No.20330685

Hidden MAP thread. This mayonnaise is a dog whistle. You knew this right frog poster?

>> No.20330692

>bbabey titz
time to NUT

>> No.20330693

>He's still here spitting venom because of the pain his parents neglect brings him

Poor little fella.

>> No.20330704

>avoiding my point
>p-please go away now
i accept your concession lol

'what does grass feel like?'
'what does rain feel like?'
'how does having a foreskin feel like?'
yes anon I can answer all of those questions