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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20323214 No.20323214 [Reply] [Original]

Its just a steak thats cooked all the way through, whats with the hatred?

>> No.20323227

Define "all the way through". Be sure to mention internal temperature.

>> No.20323234

Im not measuring my steaks temperature, it just goes on the grill until i think its done

>> No.20323251

Beef becomes very tough and flavorless if it is overcooked (past medium) unless you braise or stew it in liquid or slowly smoke it barbecue style. If you overcook a steak you are basically throwing away money and disrespecting the dead cow.

>> No.20323256

I don't eat steak often but when I do I eat it well done with a1 sauce. Yes I'm a professional chef, no I'm not ashamed, and no I won't apologize.

>> No.20323258

How is cooking a steak how I want it considered wasteful?

>> No.20323308

based trump

>> No.20323310

The only "safety" reason to prefer well-done is if you are knowingly consuming diseased beef regularly, and even then it's a very marginal difference between well-done and medium

>> No.20323311

Because someone who deserved it more could have eaten it. If you don't like steak just eat a burger for Christ's sake.

>> No.20323318

cause you keep posting about other people's preferences because you can't reconcile that they enjoy different things

>> No.20323319

>sear for 2 minutes
>take out of the pan, cut in small pieces
>sear the pieces to maximize crust area (the tasty part)
Sue me

>> No.20323434

That's the old Trump. Today's Trump wants full on bloodbaths.

>> No.20323456

if you don't say medium rare you're being deliberately contrarian

>> No.20323460

Snobbishness, that's all. I like my meat well done and you can't do anything about it!

>> No.20323462
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Those aren't steakums and you feel very sad!

>> No.20323471

fuck off libtard

>> No.20323799
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>> No.20323818

How do americans always manage to brand their things in so retarded ways
It's like their whole population are low IQ toddlers

>> No.20323821

Compared to you euros and asians we're doing a lot better, but our advertising is targeted to you retards, you just don't get it.

>> No.20323853
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>> No.20323880

>eating undercooked meat is my personality

>> No.20323896

Doneness autism is retarded. I laugh imagining you freaks sticking your little thermometers inside meat looking for the right temp. I just sear the meat until it's appealingly brown and eat it. It's always a random roll between medium rare and well-done.

>> No.20323933

People are fucking retarded and have socially acceptable things they say for clout

>> No.20323958

I prefer the texture and flavour of seasoned rare or medium rare steak to well done (and freshly ground burgers medium to med-well). I find well done beef is better for things like stews that are tenderizing and flavouring the beef as it cooks, or anything that has sat or has to sit for a while without curing (burgers from pre-ground mince, cold cuts).

>> No.20324121

I hate the texture of steak cooked less than well done.

>> No.20324151

>eating overcooked flavorless meat is my personality

>> No.20324178

never seen anyone who likes well done bitch about a steak.

>> No.20324193

That's perfect advertising, it's designed to deceive you, it's not so much that the steakums inherently have no carbs, but they have a picture of a cheesesteak right next to it.

>> No.20324241

it's because they're too retarded to know any better. growing up all i knew was well-done because that's how my parents cooked the steaks. when i finally moved out and cooked steak not well-done, it was like unlocking a whole new world. i kinda resented my parents for not telling me about this (they probably didn't know any better either).

>> No.20324292

stopped at 'retarded', sorry, i just dont read posts when people use that word

>> No.20324297

why would you come to a site where you don't read 60% of the posts on it?

>> No.20324324

because 40% of them are worth reading

>> No.20324336

But that's "serving suggestion" it says so on the box, lower right. One has to add their own cheese.

>> No.20324344
File: 73 KB, 483x456, 1670933884996140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neither of these people see how retarded both positions are

>> No.20324350

That doggo looks a lot like biden

>> No.20324493
File: 344 KB, 800x806, steak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20324503

The finally one works for me

>> No.20324572

next time i cook steak, im just gonna dice it and cook it like i cook diced chicken breast

should be much better that way

>> No.20324577

And that's why you make and eat mediocre steaks

>> No.20324647

>Zero total carbs
Please explain this to a non american. I don't get it.

>> No.20324651

Marketing to appeal to fad diets like Atkins or Keto.

>> No.20324693

just a buzzword phrase to appeal to people whove fallen for the 'carbs make you fat' meme.
its amazing how many people dont understand the basics of nutrition; i even had to explain to my own mother that 'fat' isnt a bad thing, because she thought it was. she assked me if i wanted low fat milk, and was surprised when i said to make sure it has fat, god bless her.
all these products with 'low fat' have made her think fat makes you fat. the woman has no idea about calories or anything like that.

>> No.20324710

5, Its the only one cooked fully. Enjoy the food poisoning.

>> No.20324770

your mother makes and eats the most mediocre shits, and you wish you could even amount to mediocrity you niggerfaggot

>> No.20324798
File: 35 KB, 557x519, s5zt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do amerigoys refer to average as something bad
Really tells everything you need to know about this country

>> No.20324828

Because these "people" are subhumans with so little to offer the world they feel the need to latch onto eating undercooked meat to feel "manly".

>> No.20325499

This shit only exists outside of this site because some folks just can't leave 4chan on 4chan.
See also: American Politics.

>> No.20325731

Ito would be proud

>> No.20325745

Anon, this is a blue board...

>> No.20325751

*snoooort* ah...yeah, that's the stuff...

>> No.20325775

I eat blue-rare steaks but sometimes I get a craving for well-done

>> No.20326175

I always ordered medium rare, but one night I grabbed a ribeye from the store and accidentally cooked it rare.

It was so good I only get rare now.

>> No.20326408

Once you've tasted one rare steak you've tasted them all. It has this weird "raw" flavour that's kind of interesting but not ideal in my opinion. The trade-off is you get a slightly nicer texture. I'd rather cook it properly and get all the lovely fats soft and delicious.

I settle for medium-well simply because it's so easy to overdo it once you reach well done, better to err on the slightly undercooked side.

>> No.20326423

If you wanted to chew leather you could have cooked another cut of meat. It's wasteful like turning a nice sour dough into chips is wasteful.

>> No.20326428

Retards bought it thinking they'd be getting a sandwhich with steak bits. Zero total carbs is a nice way of saying bread not included.

>> No.20328182

People are obsessed with eating raw beef the same way they are with eating raw chicken

>> No.20328198
File: 19 KB, 353x270, toughness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you agree that we should lynch blue faggots just as much?

>> No.20328580

who doesn't like a bump of steak

>> No.20328582

They're already having difficulty breathing, just let them die on their own.

>> No.20328904

Honestly, as I've gotten older I prefer my steaks more fully cooked. Ironic.
Medium is about the expectation I have.

>> No.20328933

For me it's about the type of steak. The more fat, the more I like it cooked. A filet mignon I'm happy to eat on the rare side, but to me a ribeye is best when it's just about medium. Anything more than that is still not my jam …except for ground beef, which I like well done. Yes, even on burgers.

>> No.20328967

I used to think exclusively like that too but I learned that there are cultures that eat raw meat with no issues, and even my own culture has 1 food involving cooked bulgur, not cooked red raw meat that you ground up, a few smallish chunks of walnut, a small amount of red pepper paste, a sprig of parsley and then dipped into olive oil, called Kibbeh Nae and it tastes really good, digests well and I’ve never gotten sick from it no matter the frequency or quantity I consumed it, so I realized cleaner cuts of meat are actually safe to eat raw and that that issue of food poisoning is more of a factory farming issue and cross contamination hygiene issue(and thus applies to unwashed vegetables and cooked meat too) not raw meat being inherently bacterial.

>> No.20329777

Things will grow on the outside of beef and work their way in. It's why the pellicle gets cut off of aged beef. The reason you're not supposed to eat packaged ground beef raw is that everything that was on the outside of the meat gets spread throughout, and has had some time to grow (presumably below 4C, but there's still a possibility that a colony of whatever HENSS/etc. microbes could take hold at that temp within 24h).

But yeah, well raised, well butchered, and well prepared meat is safe enough for most people most of the time... and on the other side of that, close-quarter monocultures (factory farming, pulp forestry, even zoos, gardens, and lawns) can sprout interesting diseases and pests that can wipe out crops, livestock, and people.

>I agree, with a slight "but"

>> No.20330005

Yes, black and blue is disgusting. The meat should be at least warm in the center. Raw beef has its place, but not in steak.

>> No.20330127

I like my steaks crispy, tough, and dry. I also like them rare. I can appreciate the whole spectrum, but I lean more towards burnt nowadays

>> No.20331408

>I eat my ice cream at room temp, what's with all the hatred?
>I boil my eggs for 4 hours, what's with all the hatred?
>I cook my pasta for 30 minutes, what's with all the hatred?
Respecting non-optimized choices was a mistake.

>> No.20333189

>Respecting non-optimized choices was a mistake.
This. Ovens set on high, 12 hours per shift, 2 shifts per day, everyday except Christmas, 5+ years, only way to do it.

>> No.20333346

It's his steak
>It's wasteful
It's his steak, he's eating it

I like pittsburgh rare. He's allowed to have what he wants.

>> No.20333352

Mediocrity is not ideal. If it is youre dumb or depressed

>> No.20334556

your mum's a blue board!!

>> No.20334565

every time i ask for medium well the bonehead chef gives me medium rare. it's time to admit that most steak chefs aren't cut out to cook a steak. they don't know how to fucking do it.

>> No.20334581

An actually good chef doesn't need to ask. He just cooks the steak perfectly, in a way to maximize the flavor.

>> No.20334719

>or slowly smoke it barbecue style
different cuts of meat, usually with a lot of connective tissue.
you don't smoke a sirloin or a porterhouse.
the only technically correct way to cook a steak cut is no more than medium. it just objectively gets much tougher and drier after medium-rare, which is the perfect steak according to many, for a reason. Cuts with a lot of marbling like kobe can probably withstand a longer cooking time, but just because the meat juices get replaced by rendered intramuscular fat.
in short: do you like well-done beef? Fine, just don't use a steak cut to cook it like a steak, because you're ruining it

>> No.20334879

>every time i ask for
most people order wrong, the most common one is:
moron eats at restaurant X all the time and orders "medium rare" sends it back as being underdone. cooks know what medium rare is but cook it the way they want, next time they come in waitstaff says "moron is here for his medium steak" gets his medium steak and continues to think it is medium rare.

moron goes to another restaurant and asks for medium rare. gets upset because he got a medium rare steak.

now because of all the idiots out there, where ever I go and order a steak medium rare the poor bedraggled wait staff has to tell me "warm red center".

I asked many years ago why they all do this now at all restaurants and they told me because too many morons have fits when they order a steak a certain way, then get it but it's not what they expect because the other restaurant they go to don't know how to cook meat or because of what I posted in the first paragraph.

personally I order medium rare and as long as the steak gets to me is rare, medium rare or at most medium, I'm OK. but 99% of restaurants get it right everytime.