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File: 41 KB, 500x500, How-To-Cook-Lentils-S1-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20321386 No.20321386 [Reply] [Original]

Why would anyone use lentils over beans? Lentils have an unpleasant tough texture and very little substance.

>> No.20321396

lentils have a very pleasant texture and taste good

>> No.20321409


>> No.20321441

>i am undercooking my lentils

>> No.20321446

Lentils are to be used as a substitute for grains, not beans.

>> No.20321461
File: 62 KB, 299x464, Hobbit-Ballantine-1989~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lentils are fucking delicious, you stinky bitch

>> No.20321465

They're healthy

>> No.20321474

They’re pretty nice when you sprout them, taste and texture is a lot like fresh peas

>> No.20321488
File: 58 KB, 679x451, Sazon_Goya-91sRu0c8gxL._SX679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought lentils instead of beans by mistake once and they're still in a cupboard, I don't know what to do with them. I'm thinking adding some sazon goya, what do you folk think?

>> No.20321489


>> No.20321501
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>> No.20321504

Add them to whatever stew you want really. They're pretty plain on their own

>> No.20321506

Which type of lentils? Red and yellow turn to mush when you cook them, so you can make a pretty good ground beef substitute with bread crumbs and Worcestershire sauce. Green and black lentils are best in soups or cooked and tossed in salad dressing.

>> No.20321507

What's a good recipe for making lentils?
I have a bag of them and want to use them up.

>> No.20321509

Depends on what kind you have

>> No.20321512

If the skin is the problem then you can find split/skinned lentils. I can find red lentils like this. You can cook them down until they're thick and make it feel more substantial.

>> No.20321516

Green lentils, a bag from goya.

>> No.20321530

I would make a hearty stew with green lentils, personally. You can also use them to cut your ground meat with in, like, Lasagna or something

>> No.20321533

I think that since I already have chile that I made last weekend then I could add the lentils next to it. I just don't know how to make the lentils, I've never done it before.

>> No.20321537
File: 20 KB, 816x234, 1696536015936517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lentils are cheap. Here's a recipe I screencapped from here and use fairly often

>> No.20321539
File: 273 KB, 720x1033, green-lentil-9 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lentils are the best, beans are for mexicans.
A nice pork belly and sausage lentil stew simply cant be beat.

>> No.20321550

I don’t need to soak red lentils that’s why

>> No.20321554

thanks, will try it out, now I need to find bay leaves

>> No.20321560

>confession thread: I have no clue about how to cook lentils, also I'd suck dick for days

>> No.20321567

FYI I use green lentils and stir a couple times around the 25-30 minute mark, otherwise I've noticed the ones on top don't cook as evenly.
Also you can reserve the bacon once crisped and use it as a garnish if you prefer

>> No.20321575

Lentils are much better soaked

>> No.20321578

>Lentils have an unpleasant tough texture
Skill issue.
>and very little substance.

>> No.20321581
File: 1.31 MB, 2150x2299, 1688274490436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn to cook lil bro

>> No.20321583

For how long are dry lentils to be soaked?

>> No.20321588

Them 'Tils are lookin good, lad

>> No.20321594
File: 80 KB, 1080x1138, 1674368191683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, one of my cheapest and easiest go to recipes for filling but clean tasting and feeling dinner is:
>get out my cheap rice cooker
>fill a drinking glass halfway with sorted lentils
>dump into cheap rice cooker
>fill glass full with jasmine or other rice(not brown)
>dump into cheap rice cooker
>rinse out lentils and rice well, dump water using lid to strain*(careful now, don't be slippin'!)
>tsp. salt, a shake of poultry seasoning, tsp. garlic pow
>2 full glasses of water(same glass you used before)
>½stick butter (4Tblspns)
>hit the little lever on the cooker
>when it pops up,(the lever on the cooker, I mean,) wait 10 minutes
Then eat with whatever meat and vegetables you want--or not. It's pretty damn good just by itself.
And yes, I can cook rice in just a saucepot, but you can't just walk away from that for up to an hour while doing other work like you can with a cheap $20 ricecooker.
>pic unrelated

>> No.20321598

That looks like a proppa sloppa and needs some celery and some fixins

>> No.20321608

This guy KNOWS his legumes!
>those digits...I feel something rising...
That stuff would be perfect for my rice cooker method--Don't forget the butter, it makes all the difference.

>> No.20321609
File: 40 KB, 640x480, shopping (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try these

>> No.20321615

Flawless execution, anon.

>> No.20321624

>you can make a pretty good ground beef substitute with bread crumbs and Worcestershire sauce [and red lentils]
Fucking how? They disintegrate into nothingness. I use European lentils (green/brown/whatever colour you call them in English; the common motherfuckers) in certain dishes as a variant instead of beef like keema or, yes, burgers (+lentil flour, to help hold it together).
No breadcrumbs necessary.

>> No.20321631

Add more breadcrumbs

>> No.20321689


>> No.20321694


>> No.20321965

They don't fall apart when I make them into burgers because lentil flour. Stop trying to make me mix breadcrumbs into pea soup.

>> No.20321975
File: 83 KB, 1024x577, FycPtxsXsAIOkWq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goo good g'joob, motherfucker

>> No.20322327

>eat chickpeas for protein
>end up getting bad constipation and feeling sick and nauseous
>switch to lentils
>same thing
so what are my options for cheap protein now

>> No.20322331

5lb sack of $2 flour provides 227g of protein.

>> No.20322332

Curry with beans instead of lentils sounds disgusting. You need to try more Indian and Nepali food. Lentil curries can really rival any meat dish out there

>> No.20322334

You felt bad and got constipated because you probably went from 2g of fiber a day to 30+g and/or you don't drink enough water. You're supposed to slowly increase fiber intake if you're one of the 95% of Americans who get less than 10g of fiber a day

>> No.20322338

Those two look like they need good jug of XXX and a room.

>> No.20322343

>Curry with beans instead of lentils sounds disgusting.
that's just your SAAR conditioning. White ppl don't eat vegetarian curries unless they're leftists.

>> No.20322344

yes i went from starving every day to this. so should i just push through it and keep eating lentils and drinking?

>> No.20322347

It's up to you, I did when I upped my fiber in take. Throw in some metamucil to help things out until your gut biome adjusts

>> No.20322348

More mask conditioning, wear the masks, do what some government shitheads say, get your vaccines.

>> No.20322350

it's weird and cringe that you guys suddenly started spamming indian memes with a serbian accent

>> No.20322356

Red lentil soup, with some rice and chicken goes a long way

>> No.20322359

Tbh I switched to vegetarian curries because I was always disappointed with the meat quality and Indian restaurants and can't be bothered to cook for myself after work. Vegetarian curries are really tip notch though

>> No.20322360

How can you tell any indian anything or serbian accent on an American message board?

>> No.20322368

>unpleasant tough texture
Anon, you need to cook them.

>> No.20322369
File: 491 KB, 408x1668, Bamboe-Bumbu-Indonesia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO, these Indonesian curry's blow the stuff out of anything from india.

>> No.20322375

That could work. I usually just make a stew out of them with some onions, carrots and smoked sausage and seasoned with thyme and parsley.

>> No.20322388

Some beer might work too

>> No.20322396

bilbo would have been thinner by the time he met gollum

>> No.20322447

I have a billion packs of lentils from the food bank. I'm gonna make a stew tomorrow.

>> No.20322457

I spilled baked lentils all over myself watching Cars 2 in theaters & a black teenager shouted "this nigga eating lentils" & everyone laughed.

>> No.20322467

You're imagining a much thinner bilbo at the start than I am

>> No.20322478

You should try beluga lentils.

>> No.20322500

they cook faster

>> No.20323489

I don't want to fart a lot.

>> No.20323497

make sure that it's not shart alot, that can get messy.

>> No.20323590

Lentils require less preparation and cooking time. They are handy if you want to cook a large stew in 45mins to an hour or so. It isn't absolutely necessary to soak them overnight as it is for beans. Green lentils are nice in a pork based stew (bacon, chorizo, pork belly or ribs, black pudding...) with some vegetables. Red/yellow lentils are best as a solo side dish especially as a curry.

>> No.20323757

>It isn't absolutely necessary to soak them overnight as it is for beans
I never soak any beans ever except chickpeas.

>> No.20323782
File: 134 KB, 1024x771, pooppoopeedoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can fried them.

>> No.20323784


>> No.20323812

Ban successfully evaded, Anon-kun.

>> No.20323888

well then you are slowly killing yourself and failing to digest most of the nutrients

>> No.20324015

vegan-ass nigga

>> No.20324128


>> No.20324267

>Why would anyone use lentils over beans?
I can make them on a whim and don't need to soak them first

>> No.20324270

Counterpoint: lentils are great. Beans are too.

>> No.20324278
File: 3.47 MB, 384x480, 1696821477526182.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tough texture
have ya tried cooking em, OP??

>> No.20324298

I used to do that but government twatbags are trying to ban gas stoves and that's retard level. These control level government fags are getting out of hand.