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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20320660 No.20320660[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The world's best chief is coming to dinnar tonight, what do you make for Him?

>> No.20320668

This is like the 5th Gordo thread this morning. Knock it off

>> No.20320948

Hmm, is Ramsays business dying down or smth?

>> No.20320964

Pic unrelated

>> No.20320968
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here's tonight's pasketti and slop chef
sorry it's my first time making fresh pasta

>> No.20320970

Grilled cheese

>> No.20320974

top ramen

>> No.20321141

some poopies on a plate

>> No.20321246

box mac n cheese with cut up hotdogs, my specialty *chef's kiss*

>> No.20321382
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>> No.20321392

he's not a chef anymore. he's a tv personality and celebrity

>> No.20321398

Cast iron served on the forehead at 60mph

>> No.20321478

How do you get a Michelle star? How many are available?

>> No.20321481

I think you mean *chief's* kiss

>> No.20321528

For our first course we will be smoking American Spirit butts
Next will be an apperetif of however much of a 1.75 litre bottle of military special vodka is desired by all parties; liberally garnished with crying jags and panic attacks
For the main course it will be 6-12 hours of restless sleep with a side of paralysis
Gatorade and benedryl for desert
Bon apetit

>> No.20321555

Having known Gordon for many years, he is not critical of other peoples cooking in their own homes. He will happily eat anything put in front of him.

He is actually quite a nice guy. He will, However, flair up up at somebody that claims to be a Chef and cooks crap!

Can you you blame him for that?

>> No.20321637

Checked, Can you tell Him I said hi?

>> No.20322065
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>chief's* kiss
you're right, my bad!

>> No.20322083

make it really poorly seasoned and then when he complains you yell at him, unload everything.

>> No.20322098

stop posting this hack

>> No.20322284 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna unload cum into his flabby old butthole

>> No.20322956

Instant ramen cooked in diesel.

>> No.20323002

>pic unrelated
i'd make 'em a good ol' sco'ish syle brea'fist i am.

>> No.20323165

What does he like? hmm I don't know. I would be really nervous if i had to cook for the chief. Would he eat modestly would he accept my meal of one course? would he require an appetizer? I don't know. I would probably serve him a 3 course meal of Peas. as the appetizer. Potatoes. as the side, and chicken as the main course. Chicken would have a sauce on it.

>> No.20323825


>> No.20323849

Sous vide ribeye cooked to a perfect rare and finished with a sear and butter basting to get it to medium rare. As a side, roasted potatoes with garlic and rosemary.

>> No.20323850
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one of these, obviously

>> No.20323858

A grilled cheese – because he can't make it himself. I'd also show him how to open a bag of chips without needing a knife.

Also tell him he's a hack and a cunt and not to cry boohoo lol.

>> No.20323974

topkek. best choice. That'll teach him