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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20313477 No.20313477 [Reply] [Original]

>The food that zoomer hates


>> No.20314792
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>> No.20314798

zoomers are gay
they'd rather have shit tier tendies than freshy sliced roast beef

>> No.20314813

I don’t understand the appeal of roast beef. I know I am providing you free advertising by even discussing this. But sliced roast beef is like a cold cut. I may as well eat a ham sandwich. There is no reason for a fast food place to exist just for this.

>> No.20314821

OK retard. Wish you never replied in the first place.

>> No.20314823

roast beef

>> No.20315040

I never eat there unless the Beef and cheddar is on the 2 for 7. No point in paying 5 bucks a piece otherwise.

>> No.20315045

literally anything that isn't Taco Bell

>> No.20315046 [DELETED] 

I wish you never replied as well

>> No.20315115
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This and Carl's Jr are fatfuck trucker food.

>> No.20315205

I thought the girl mascot was telling the other mascot to stop but then she joined in top kek

>> No.20316641

Arby's is great, don't know what the fuck people are talking about, so is Dairy Queen.

Although Arby's chicken is fucking garbage.

>> No.20316675

Its not just a zoomer thing, nonwhites absolutely hate roast beef too, its seen as wypipo food

>> No.20316681 [DELETED] 

Fucking hell, you're so boring. You just parrot a load of shit.

>> No.20316708

>that zoomer
Which zoomer? I need to know who I'm pissing off.

>> No.20316724

I think that's the first case of head canon I've ever seen

>> No.20316728

over priced hot sandwich with shitty cheese and ham? Yes .

>> No.20316790
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>> No.20316794
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Ham? are you Viet?

>> No.20316802

>But sliced roast beef is like a cold cut
It's supposed to be a hot sandwich, retard. Maybe not in the shit-tier part of town you live in where your food is served cold.

>> No.20316807
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>> No.20316815
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If only you knew the joys of eating a large beef n cheddar dripping in arby's sauce and horsey sauce. If only.

>> No.20316816
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>love fast food slop
>Arby's is too much slop I can't enjoy it except just one beef n' cheddar before I hate what I'm eating
"Cold cuts" and fast food do not belong. It's justifiability drunk food at most.

>> No.20316839
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>> No.20316961

Strange men's cum from a woman's freshly fucked pussy. Me and my partner had this young zoomzoom over to pound the living shit out of her and when I went over to clean her out he snorted and said I was a strange old man. I wanted to tell him to get out but my spouse told me to be the bigger man and that she wants him to come back in the future.
Ohyea, all that vaping makes their cum pretty sweet, would recommend.

>> No.20316969

Saying weird stuff to be shocking and interesting has run its course. You aren't shocking me, you aren't interesting, you aren't funny, you just come off as a wannabe internet comedian

>> No.20316976

Cool story bro. Seethe about zoomers with us cool guys or visit another thread.

>> No.20316977

The only reasons to go are for the french dip and curly fries.

>> No.20316982

lol hit a nerve huh

>> No.20316983

I won't. Seething is pathetic
I didn't even read your post. Just skimmed the first and last line

>> No.20316984

Yet here you are. Enjoy the other threads anon

>> No.20316986

I'm hear to debate, so yeah, here I am

>> No.20316990


>> No.20316992

Did he have a bbc?

>> No.20316996

No, just some young college buck we met through tinder. He had the fluffy hair and everything

>> No.20317011

i've only been to arby's once and it gave me the most violent food poisoning of my life

>> No.20318756

>nonwhites absolutely hate roast beef
this board is just an anthropological treasure trove

>> No.20318798

The roast beef is the food of our gods, brother
(I am a half white zoomer)

>> No.20319388

arbys hate was a millennial meme like hating nickleback that just bled over, despite the fact that both are popular

>> No.20319407

> half white
So, not white then lol

>> No.20319720

There's something to be said about that, but I don't want to get off topic or make you made

>> No.20319727

You cant pull a big rig into those shops anon.

I like Carls but they have gotten expensive as fuck even with coupons, still have good memories of getting those biscut sandwiches for breakfast in college. El Diablo burger was fucking great too

>> No.20319730

As a no white who loves brisket and forms of cooked beef roast beef has absolutely no flavour or texture

>> No.20319731

based french dip enjoyer

>> No.20319732

what did you order, hard to imagine what they could fuck up there.

KFC once gave me pink chicken

>> No.20319786

Ham sandwiches are cold and dry. Arby's serves hot sandwiches and fries and other shit

>> No.20319929

>This and Carl's Jr are fatfuck trucker food.
Aren't they the same thing

>> No.20320136

Goddamn anon, if this ain't just the most retarded thing I've read on this board in some while.
Yeah, there's no "reason" for any food establishment to exist, especially fast food. Why go anywhere when you can just make your own? They exist because there are people that like what they offer.

>> No.20320201

>be the bigger man
that stopped when you started letting your wife fuck other dudes, faggot

>> No.20320208

> nonwhites absolutely hate roast beef
Lies and slander!

>> No.20320215

>zoomers hate [thing]
is it really that easy to advertise in here? I know /ck/ is a below average board but holy fuck

>> No.20320248

It's for flyovers that don't have access to delis or a decent market.

>> No.20320271

>Citation needed
I saw more black people going into MGM roast beef in DC than you've seen in your entire life.
They always like lots of horseradish on their roast beef.

>> No.20320272

Fast food shill threads are so fucking tiresome
Arby's roast beef is a liquid slurry formed into a shape and then cut up. It is goyslop and plebfeed of the purest form, like all fast food.

>> No.20320275

The first mascot is based but the second mascot is gigabased

>> No.20320319

Nope, I stand corrected. THIS is the most retarded thing I have read on this board in some while.
Hey dipshit, where do you think that food that you find in your market and deli comes from?
Hint: the shit doesn't just magically appear there.
The "flyovers" are eating a hell of a lot better than you because they're eating fresh what you have to wait days or weeks for to be delivered to your shithole markets.

>> No.20320329

Actually my deli gets state local lol
NYchads stay winning

>> No.20320364

>But sliced roast beef is like a cold cut. I may as well eat a ham sandwich.
Is this supposed to be bad? The fuck is wrong with ham sandwiches?

>> No.20320366
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>He buys his beef pre-roasted
Oh no no no lol

>> No.20320374

The french dip has the same meat as the regular roast beef and the beef n cheddar, literally the only difference is that it's on a sub roll and has processed swiss cheese on it

>> No.20320478

You’re the same guy who gets violent diarrhea from Taco Bell too, right? You have a gut issue. Normal people can eat a taco and not develop dysentery from some of the most regulated businesses in the world.

>> No.20320485

Every town over 5,000 people has a Walmart or Kroger or grocery store with a deli. If they don’t, they have local delis and stores instead. It’s astounding what you people think of small town living.

>> No.20320491

post it, cowards

>> No.20320593

Citycucks legitimately think anyone who lives in a town of less then 500k gets their food exclusively from McDonalds and the gas station

>> No.20320669

Haven't been to one in years.
I assume it still smells like liquid smoke and a thousand farts.

>> No.20321104


>> No.20321931

Okay. I guess I can put a ham sandwich in a microwave and call it a hot sandwich. Which is literally, exactly what Arby’s does with their sandwiches. They take a regular, cold sandwich, put it in a microwave, and then call it a hot sandwich.