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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20312891 No.20312891 [Reply] [Original]

Not entirely book learned as a cook but this was my attempt at a classy Ramen:

>Baby Bok Choy
>Cremini mushroom
>Fresh Garlic
>Thai Pepper
>Bean Sprouts

Does anyone have any tips, tricks, ect to up my ramen game?

>> No.20312894

yeah I read somewhere its an ancient ramen tradition to let me eat it, gives you good luck or something

>> No.20312900


Look man, I'd cook you Ramen if I could.
I'm sure you're chill.

>> No.20312914

Way of ramen youtube channel

>> No.20312916

>meat not seared
also is that raw garlic and raw bok choy?
if so, use a pan with a lid when you cook your mushrooms and stuff, and toss in your garlic too
when thats mostly cooked, toss your bok choy in, along with like 1-2 tbsp of water (just put some water in your hand and throw it in) and put the lid on
leave this for 30 seconds and then put it on your ramen, it will significantly improve your bok choy

also, this is just a point of personal preference, but i'm partial to fried runny eggs for instant ramen
this is because the broth quality generally isnt great, and if you break the runny yolk into the broth it adds a lot in terms of body and depth of flavour
its also really convenient, since you can cook your vegetables and eggs in the pan, toss in water, lid it, and it cooks the albumen on top of the egg for a nice sunny side up along with your vegetables

>> No.20312926


Dope, Thanks man.

This is all stuff I would never think about as a food normie.

I appreciate you.

>> No.20312929


Sweet, i'll give them a watch.

Thanks man.

>> No.20312952
File: 23 KB, 894x331, thepan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have an ikea near where you live they have this shit and its like $20
it might not be the best pan but its really good for things like this, its wide enough to fit all the stuff you want to put on top, and lets you do what I described really easily
plus its really nice to use if you want to get a good sear on any kind of meats, put it on medium-high heat, let it get hot, throw in a bit of peanut oil, and when you start to see a little vapor/smoke come off it toss in your meat and you'll get a really nice sear which will add a lot to the flavour

>> No.20312969

also, if youre adding thai red chilis I would cook those with your garlic and mushrooms and everything else youre chucking into the pan
it might just be the image quality, but those chilis look raw and frankly they're wildly improved by cooking alongside your garlic and vegetables
while youre at it toss in some ginger, and treat it the same way you're treating the garlic

>> No.20312970


my landlord has one, I'll use that.

Thank you!

>> No.20312975

They are raw, like I said, Im not a learned cook.

>> No.20312999

At least your ramen looks like it was flavorful even if you claim not to be a learned cook. The ingredients are good as well, very diverse and you know like experimental. Looking the traditional ways of making ramen will probably be illuminating to you it is a pretty intensive process to make real good ramen but very rewarding in the end. Kind of requires a few specialty ingredients but you can also just fuck around with it. Also a big upgrade you can make is instead of using instant ramen noodle which I believe you had in the OP, to use true ramen noodles or even make your own. Also the soy sauce pickled egg ajitama look into that, soft boiled egg pickled in soy sauce very delicious

>> No.20313003

generally, any time youre cooking something using garlic, onions, ginger, chilis, peppers, or even most spices, the flavour will be a lot nicer when you cook them with very little in the pan near the start
for example, lets say i'm making what you made and i want to include
>thai red chilis
>bok choy
>fried egg

first off, prepare everything you're going to make how its going to be cooked, this way you can just chuck it in when the time comes and youre not fumbling around while your food is overcooking or burning. Smash the garlic and ginger with the flat of the knife and then chop up whatever chunks are left, its much quicker than trying to dice it

Turn your heat on medium high, wait till the pan is warm, add peanut oil, just enough to coat the bottom of the pan, wait for a little smoke coming off the pan (really a little, not a lot, theres no meat so you dont need it properly hot first)
throw in the chilis, garlic, and ginger for about 30s and keep them moving so they dont burn
now add your mushrooms, and crack an egg or two on the opposite edge of the pan, salt the egg
keep the mushrooms and other stuff (not the eggs) moving, and once you see a golden brown edge on the eggs, toss in your bok choy, 1 tbsp of water, cover for 30s, and put it all in the ramen

Once youve done it 1 time it will be pretty easy to time it so your ramen finishes at the same time as your toppings

overall you've chosen good ingredients and i hope you have good luck trying this stuff out

>> No.20313150
File: 1.62 MB, 640x360, sizzled sauce.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good mang. Instead of the raw garlic, pour a little smoking hot oil over it in a dish first. Just use your smallest pot and do it slowly.

>> No.20313300

tranny sloppa

>> No.20313671

>prepare 10 different ramen toppings
>still using the garbage instant noodle and broth

>> No.20313677

As food it's nice, but it does not embody the spirit of Ramen.

Ramen isn't about the condiments. What you got there is a steak in broth with some noodles under it.