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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20308599 No.20308599 [Reply] [Original]

Hello bros
I am back again with another OC thread ready to give it my all
Let's have some fun!
Let's shitpost and chat!
Show me your FUCKING pies for pi day
(Even though it's a day late)
What kind of PIE am I making? Well you'll just have to wait and see!

Thread theme

>> No.20308612


>> No.20308615
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For the dough
>300-350g of flour. I use a mix of king arthur and bakers roses. Also I just eyeball it with spoons. I don't use a scale
>a dash of salt
>a dash of sugar
>a lil bit of baking soda and powder
>1 egg
>1 tbls of sour cream
>1 tbls of apple cider vinegar
>1 stick of butter. Straight from the fridge, cut into cubes

>> No.20308621
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Fpbp welcome fren

>> No.20308626
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First step is to dump your budder cubes in the flour and rub it together like so. You can add your sugar and salt here now, but hold off with the others
Rub them together until it looks kinda like this. You dont want the butter to melt, so stop when it feels warm. You want it to be more like rough sand than thin flour

>> No.20308632
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A dollop of smantina (sour cream(ambrosia(the food of the gods)))

>> No.20308635
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Save some of your ACV to activate your baking soda and powder

>> No.20308641
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>> No.20308646
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Kneeding it is a bit rough. There's almost no liquid so it takes a long time to come together

>> No.20308651
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You dont want to kneed too much because you don't want the butter to melt. You want it to stay cold as you can keep it

>> No.20308657
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Forgot this one earlier, this is what your flour should look like before you add the liquid stuff

>> No.20308660
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I added a little more sour cream because it wasn't holding tight enough
You can add 2 tbls of milk and it probably does a better job
It will be eaiser to work with if it's a little more wet, but I didnt feel like grabbing the milk out of the fridge

>> No.20308667
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Almost there

>> No.20308673
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It helps if you take it out of the bowl towars the end. All the little scraps, just grab them and fold them in

>> No.20308677
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Eventually it should come together like this
Took me about 7m of mucking about with it. It probably would have been eaiser if I used milk, but you have to be careful to not get it too wet

>> No.20308685
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It's fine if there's a few cracks in it, it doesn't need to be perfect like other doughs
Put in in a plastic bag or wrap on a plate and sh0be it in the fridge for about half an hour while you prepare the rest

>> No.20308692
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Keep in mind!
This pie crust can be used for many different types of pies, especially savory. I've made chicken pot pies with this exact type in the past and plan on making shepherds pies with it in the future. If you want to use this for sweet pies, like apple or cherry, go ahead! Simply add a couple more teaspoons of sugar to make it nice and sweet and replace apple cider vinegar with lemon juice extract if you want! (Later in the thread I'll post other pies I've made)

>> No.20308696
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Wanna guess what kinda pie I'm makin??

>> No.20308702
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Damn straight motherfucker
This is two large bags of spinach (idr the gram amount desu) boiled for a few minutes, not too long, then drained and squeezed of excess water

>> No.20308705
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Beat up an egg in your bowl

>> No.20308713
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I'm using a full tub (I think about 400g) of cottage cheese, but I'm also adding some spoonfuls of ricotta. Personally I dont like pure cottage, so I always split it with ricotta. I ended up adding more of it anyways later on. I must have used about 600 total grams of cheese, idk

>> No.20308716
File: 2.68 MB, 368x654, 20240315_135353_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct your phone's orientation before adding the spinach. Im also adding some dill. Not too much (and it was honestly probably too much judging by the taste when it was done)

>> No.20308717
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Mix this silly bitch around

>> No.20308726
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Next I'm gonna add a couple spoons of gris (semolina) i think it's some kind of cornmeal or something idk exactly what it is. You add it to absorb some of the wetness so that the dough doesnt get all soggy

>> No.20308730
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Another dollup of sour cream, then a tbls of veg oil. These two are optional, if you feel your composition is already too wet, you dont need to add it, but w/e

>> No.20308733
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Seasoned with black pepper and lemon pepper

>> No.20308737
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And salt!
Make sure to taste it after you mix it up just incase it needs more seasoning

>> No.20308742
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>> No.20308753
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To conclude this portion
>2 large bags of spinach, boiled (lets just assume it was about 500g)
>around 600g of cottage/riccotta cheese. You can probably use whatever ratio you want, this is mostly cottage. Probably 3-1 or so
>1 egg
>some dill
>black and lemon pepper and salt
>1-2 tbls of semolina (gris)(cornmeal??)
>1 tbls sour cream and veg oil (optional, feel free to use olive oil if you want!)

>> No.20308756
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We're ready for the last part!

>> No.20308760
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Dont forget to budder your pan!

>> No.20308767
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Cut off about 1/4 of the dough for the top

>> No.20308771
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Although that looks more like a third
Side view so you can see what good pie dough looks like

>> No.20308778
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Roll this bitch out

>> No.20308786
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I always have trouble getting it perfectly round. That's not a big deal, it honestly looks better when it's asymmetric anyways, imo (cope)

>> No.20308792
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Measure with your pie pan. Should be larger but not by much

>> No.20308794

my girlfriend went out for her pie

>> No.20308797
File: 2.96 MB, 368x654, 20240315_140553_4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro strat incoming bros
(Make sure you've got flour underneath so you can easily do this)

>> No.20308802
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almost perfect

>> No.20308806
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If there's a bit that has too much dough, you can rip it off and patch an area that doesn't have enough
Don't make it perfectly even though!

>> No.20308812
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Press it in with your fat sausage fingers. You can sort of push it further up the sides like this, too

>> No.20308815
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Some more gris, just to make sure the bottom doesnt get soggy at all

>> No.20308817
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Roll out the top
Make it about the same size as the pan

>> No.20308820
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Cut some vents

>> No.20308827
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If you really want to, you can lattice the top. However I usually only do that on sweet pies. Sweet pies = lattice. Savory pies = vents. In my humble opinion

>> No.20308828

your girlfriends pie came to me

>> No.20308833
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Same strat
Set it to the side while we fill the pie!

>> No.20308836
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>he bough? Doomp et.

>> No.20308837

Are you the chicken puhpieposter yes?

>> No.20308841
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I'll never tell :3

>> No.20308845
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Slick as fuck bros

>> No.20308856
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Use a fork to kinda seal the ends together and give it a neat lil design at the same time

>> No.20308871
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Top it off with some sesame seeds.
I got lazy at the end and decided to not cover it with a beaten egg on top. It's fine if you dont, but it does end up looking much better if you do. It's hard to get it golden brown if you don't

>> No.20308877

mmm, delicious you'll make a fine wife... someday

>> No.20308880
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And we're ready for the oven!
All of this took about 1h and change total of work, so it's a pretty fast thing to make, especially when you consider this can feed 3 people for 3 days when you eat it as a side dish (that's how long it lasts my family)

>> No.20308895
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In the oven she goes
>400 for about 10-15 minutes
>then, lower to about 350 for another 25+ minutes
I ended up raising it to 365 and leaving it some extra time on top of that. There's not really a chance to burn this type of pie unelss you're doing like 500 or something. Last time I posted, some anons said the crust look a bit undercooked, so I tried to correct that this time. It was in the oven for almost an hour

>> No.20308900
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This was at about 40m when I decided to leave it for longer. If I had used egg on top, it probably would have been golden brown by now

>> No.20308907
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Spinach and cottage cheese pie for pi day!

>> No.20308911
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You should let it cool down for about an hour. You can cut into it hot, but it's best to let it rest until it's just warm!

>> No.20308915
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Look at that profile bros

>> No.20308923
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Absolutely yummy
In the end, the single problem was that I used a slight bit too much dill, so that taste was a tad strong. But other than that, it's super good!

>> No.20308935
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Well, I'm all out of pics and gifs to post! I hope you all enjoyed my thread! It felt like I was talking to myself the whole time tho, so please share your thoughts and your own pies and stuff from now on.
I've made several OC threads before, so you may recognize me, but my last couple did not have as much engagement as my earlier ones, so I don't know if people actually care too much about my autistic ramblings.

>> No.20309035

thank you fren
i intend to relax and read your thread
the effort is always worth it, keeping this place alive

>> No.20309042

But im a boy, anon

>> No.20309053

As long as a single anon enjoys my threads I consider them a success (one anon even used a recipe I posted to make his own version once, that was very cool)
(But I won't lie, I would definitely be happy if I got more (You)s in these threads. I had a 'zah thread half a year ago that reached the bump limit, but none of my others got that far)
Still. It's fun to record stuff just for the sake of it anyways and I enjoy being in other anon's OC threads on here
This is probably one of the best boards on this shitty website

>> No.20309248
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it appears they took away the ability to see how many posters are in the thread, it happened a few days ago i noticed my thread had only post/img/page but the rest of my tabs were all 4...until i reloaded the page.

>> No.20309264

Yeah i know that. It sucks, but even without it I was posting nonstop with almost no other anons saying anything
Place feels empty

>> No.20309267

it was the seshami seeds on your chikkypuhpie and half-assed filling, anon, this one looks ok i guess but you still go for sashimi sneed fine whatever but you'd get more updoots if no sesame just my opinon i olove you still. always and forever - donna lewis

>> No.20309292
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Holy shit its donna tart
I love that one quote from you the one about books
I haven't read your book because I don't read woman authors (authorettes, as I call them (derogatory))

>> No.20309309

Ok no I see you're confused I'm Donna Lewis I wrote the song I love you always forever but sometimes people get me confused with Donna tartar you should read the secret history it's pretty ok thank you for respond to me though and thank your for pretty GIFS that's what I always say anyways have a good ngiht Good luck thats what I walwys say

>> No.20309310
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you post to fast
you gotta chum the waters then slowly reel out your bait until you get a few hits and snag a troll to keep bumping your thread for you then you can post freely

>> No.20309327
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But I feel like it's disrespectful to edge anons on with slowposting. Of course I could post over the course of the whole day instead of doomping my content at the start, but it feels unfair. Maybe I'll try that next time
Have a good night anoen pls come back tomorrow and show me your pies
I will read the secret garden by donna
You should read till we have faces by JRR. lewis

>> No.20309380

good thread, looks very yum and motivated me to face my fear of baking and finally use my oven

>> No.20309434
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Pie is especially easy as long as you have a good baking pan for it! But even then, you can make do with whatever you have!
Good luck and have fun!

>> No.20309465
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my threads don't get traction until i've already given up on them only to find it still up days later

>> No.20309496

Gonna be honest
Not too happy that you (You)'d my post with that image anon

>> No.20309503

Damn this is great.

>> No.20309542
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>> No.20309886
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Thanks man
Here's a chimken pot pie I made a couple weeks ago

>> No.20310125

Thanks anon. Actually inspirational.

>> No.20310151

you'll notice that people don't say too much when you don't fuck up. people here want to be dramatic and argumentative. they don't want quality.

the pie looks good. I'd pay 20 dollars for it without a regret. dill me up senpai. I'd really like to learn how to make pies since pot pies are one of my favorite foods and I'd love to be able to make my own British pies.

basically the only cooking tool I don't own is a stand mixer because it's very confusing which model you should buy.

>> No.20310817

Then what's even the point of threads if people dont talk to eachother?

>> No.20310886

Can trade sneed for tallow?

>> No.20310908

What's tallow, precious??

>> No.20311230

beef fat

>> No.20311288
File: 1.74 MB, 2040x1536, Resize_20240316_111152_2655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We pie posting. Salted caramel apple pie for today.

>> No.20311302

>Correct your phone's orientation
>actually switches back to portrait
Chubby retard.

>> No.20311452

Waitwaitwait... were you the anon who posted the pot pie recipe a few days ago?
If so I am yule log anon. And im gonna try the pot pie recipe you gave cause it looks great.

>> No.20311644

Kino aesthetic breh
Would moonch

>> No.20311649

Yes I am that anon and that anon is me
Have fun! I've made that chimkenpopoie like 4 times in the past few months. It's one of my favorites

>> No.20311735

Thank you!
Need to ask: you were using grits to absorb moisture for this pie. Do you have a way to keep apple pies from leaking too much moisture? I heat the apples to reduce their moisture, but my apple pie always ends up with a small puddle on the bottom

>> No.20312343
File: 1.38 MB, 1816x2618, 20231129_192719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I use grits to reduce the moisture. I honestly haven't made apple pie in a long time so I don't remember exactly what I did to help that. I think mine also had a bit of a soggy base. I think the trick is just to heat the apples on the stovetop until it turns into a "apple jam" kind of thing. You obviously want it to still be a little wet, and you still want the chunks in there, too, so I guess it's just about the timing on the stovetop. When you see that the "jam" is less watery and more solid, i guess. Also, I would wait until everything was cool before filling it. I don't remember if I did this or not, but you might be able to get away with putting a thin layer of brown sugar on the bottom before doomping the apple jam in, it MIGHT work the same way, but im not too sure
Here's an apple pie I made a while back. Next time I make one I'll be sure to note exactly how I did it
As you can see, mine does have a lil puddle, too

>> No.20312356
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Hi! It's Donna lewis here again! Have youever had a dream Made a pumpkin pie? I'd like to see a pumpkin pie. Sometime...eventually...xoxoDonna

>> No.20312463
File: 1.10 MB, 4000x2250, IMG_20240227_160841680~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donnah my beloved
I have not made poompkin pie in this format yet (and don't believe I ever will as I do not like poompkin
My mom likes it though so, we have made it in the past, but it looked different and had a different type of crust. I've also made it like this >pic rel. But that is not pie, it's more like a flakey roll pastry type thing and I don't even think it was poompkin that we used but sqoosh
Note that the pic is only with feta cheese, but it can be made with shredded poompkin or squoosh

>> No.20312476

hmm yes looks good

>> No.20312478 [DELETED] 


>> No.20312526

I appreciate it, I'll let it cool next time and see what happens
Double nigger

>> No.20312587

only good post itt

>> No.20312650

I'm OP and I agree

>> No.20312754

how are you OP if i'm OP?

>> No.20312756

I'm (You)

>> No.20312807

This seems gross
This looks delicious
I kneel.

>> No.20312878
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oh shit

>> No.20312888

nice pie

>> No.20312908

Very handsome. I rarely make savory pies (and when I do it’s chicken pot) but your pie makes me want to do a ‘nach pie sometime.

>> No.20312928

I recently started making pie crust for quiches. I follow Sally Baking Addiction recipe.

Any tips about keeping my dough together better? It usually cracks a little too much. I'm always nervous about overworking it or some shit.

I'm also godawful at fluting the edges. :(

>> No.20313052
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>chimken pot
My man

>> No.20314133
