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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.84 MB, 561x900, focaccia.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20306364 No.20306364[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20306365

This fucking thread AGAIN?

>> No.20306367

why is she STARING at me like that?

>> No.20306369
File: 43 KB, 944x672, sexoooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20306402

good morning sirs i hate women so much its unreal

>> No.20306406

>Men in the background
I stopped watchign

>> No.20306428
File: 89 KB, 561x900, 1705596847495225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20306457

shes a pizza pirate

>> No.20306480

Thank you for posting this, Anon. I am going to make my 1st focaccia and was thinking of this webm last week.

>> No.20306483

Why do people who dance in tiktoks activate my murderous intent so easily?

>> No.20306487


>> No.20306497

Who do you think arranges the cameras, the lighting, does the editing and account management? Every instathot has an orbital system of nerds doing unpaid labor for her attention.

>> No.20306546
File: 490 KB, 660x680, 1678519919102649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love blue eyed girls so much it's unreal

>> No.20306550
File: 45 KB, 750x751, 1680714798970434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is foccacia pizza just the same as "detr*it" style pizza? I want to make detr*it style, but that word reminds me of basketball americans and democrats, so I don't want to use it. I think I'm just gonna make foccacia pizza and say it's "that word" style

>> No.20306569

I want to eat her armpit

>> No.20306575


>> No.20306629

I thank G*d everyday for being a gay male. Women are the most vile and despicable creatures. Case in point.

>> No.20306641

I know, I was mostly joking, but I hope she didn't use more than her phone and maybe a filter for this vid.
It would be quite depressing otherwise.

>> No.20306659

They are, I agree. Unfortunately I don't like penis, testicles and male anuses. You're very lucky indeed

>> No.20306666


>> No.20306712

She should give me an oily handjob witb a blank expression like that. Mhm

>> No.20306773

>hates women
>adopts femoid sexuality

>> No.20306775

>oh boy lukewarm bread
I bet every one of them would rather have a regular ass pizza if they were being honest.

>> No.20306805

The face of a goddess ruined by retarded tattoos.

>> No.20306871

Yup, this is what a totally sane person would say

>> No.20306968

Don't be decieved; these tiktoks have filters that alter your face too look better.
Not just a make-up filter but physically altering the structure of the face.
Wish I saved the example I saw, in which you could see it turn off when she spun in a circle.

>> No.20307081

Why hasn’t she done more cooking videos after the popularity of this one with /ck/ chud fanbase. ‘Rena has certainly leaned into and provided more content after the food truck one.
Publish or perish

>> No.20307102

looks like this one girl I was dating but with way less tattoos, she had a dachshund too.

>> No.20307104

This! So much this euro sister!

>> No.20307122

because she already has a music career

>> No.20307126

because you're an incel. that's pretty obvious

>> No.20307128

Seems like there's a white knight amongst us: Sir Jared, protector of m'ladies.

>> No.20307137

God I wish Clairo would make me focaccia.

>> No.20307139

go seethe about women dancing, you fucking dork. lol

>> No.20307144

She made meme bread

No actual technical ability required, it just tastes of salt, oil, cheese and tomato anyway, she burnt the fuck out of it too

>> No.20307161

No, I wasn't the op you were responding to. I DGAF about tiktok. I was just pointing out that thou doth seemst to be one of the brotherhood. Sir.

>> No.20307166

I'm jealous. They need to invent gay pills already.

>> No.20307230

>noooo you have to shit and piss your pants like i do over women or else you're their defender!
low IQ thought pattern. VERY common on this site

>> No.20307233

Not me, Karen

>> No.20307234
File: 1.63 MB, 576x1024, 1703400105741269.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20307280

The girl in the back. lol

>> No.20307297
File: 932 KB, 1186x1505, IMG_2626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And right she is. It’s disgusting.

>> No.20307302

I'm positive she's so narcissistic she never even looked at the girl in the back when editing/captioning this and, once it was brought to her attention, she probably made another video shitting on her.

>> No.20307322

>gay male
Just say jewish

>> No.20308019

Say what you want but I was quite the sex haver in my heyday, and this titcow would be an exceptional lay.

>> No.20308024

Those aren't nerds, they're obviously there for the gang bang

>> No.20308027


>> No.20308130

>no tits
>no ass
>6/10 face

>> No.20308143


>> No.20308334

this is what happens when you think porn is real life

>> No.20308346

it's fake?

>> No.20308352

You still gotta be young to be that happy. The world is soul killing

>> No.20308353

kill yourselves unlovable fags

>> No.20308368

I was onboard until she chose to gyrate and then I went full incel threw my android across the room shouted “jezebel! Harlot! Bitchery and abomination!” Moms pissed

>> No.20308418

Yo cool it with the antisemantics, my goy. This board is a safe space for people of all races and genders!

>> No.20308424

No sauce disgusting

>> No.20308431

She need you panties ripped off
And three BIG BLACK COCKS in all 3 holes at the same time!!
Way up your pussey and way up your ass as far as they will go but even farther

>> No.20308437

Oh shit! Is that a webm that's been posted on /ck/ a hundred times already!? And you're just going to post it again in a new thread with no comment? Even when there was already a webm thread up? Amazing work, OP. I'm even more impressed that it's still up after half a day. I love this board. Real quality shit.

>> No.20308557

I'll take the one in the back
She will milk my cows, feed my ducks and give birth to my 6 children

>> No.20308564

Howdy uncle sam

>> No.20308575

i dont understand the point of focaccia

>> No.20308627
File: 268 KB, 1023x780, MV5BNDcwMzU1NTcwOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDQyNjMyNA@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20308659

The judgy one in back will let you choke her, though

>> No.20309458

how do I become a sex haver
noticed a couple of girls interested every once in a while but I have no idea how to proceed

>> No.20309506

Have sex with them

>> No.20309515

You gotta get them blind drunk and fuck them on a couch

>> No.20309561

would so hard

>> No.20309604

I think everyone who uses the word "hangry" should be dragged into an alleyway and shot in the back of the head

>> No.20309643

she looks like a generic porn slut though

>> No.20309647

someone sounds hangry

>> No.20309696

imagine being a wagie and having table 9 make you do multiple takes of putting the plate on the table while they get their dance just right

>> No.20309887

Slight cringe while making bread isn't enough of a problem for me, to prefer getting sodomized by other men and all the mental problems that comes with that

>> No.20309890
File: 2.46 MB, 540x960, 1707550945403936.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok. It'll all catch up to her in the end.

>> No.20309901

What the fuck is this dumb bitch even talking about
>got high
>had a psychotic breakdown
>husband left
>no money
>record a youtube video
>make shitty music
>got raped
>got buckbroken by the plandemic
>cried the entire time
What is wrong with women

>> No.20309937

>got sexually assaulted on a first date with a famous canadian author
lol she relaxed around a pajeet, classic female mistake

>> No.20309958
File: 254 KB, 2048x1544, 1706346286226029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hangry hangry hangry!

>> No.20310105

Burger detected

>> No.20310138

The thousand cock stare

>> No.20310323


>> No.20310339

>me me me, look at me

>> No.20310453

>dead zoomer sanpaku eyes

>> No.20310745

This guy is on the right track >>20309515
You gotta be careful in this day and age though.
Myself since you asked....? used to do pretty heavy drugs frequently (coke a lot but crystal was the big one) and when you're in your late teens/early 20s those girls are often still pretty hot but insanely slutty and sexually aggressive pretty much like a porn movie. Buy do not and I repeat DO NOT fall in love and try and have a long term relationship with one because it will blow up in your face every time. Infidelity will be off the charts and there will be a time when you move past the getting high all the time phase of life and rest assured even if she's on the same page there may be a time she wants to relapse and it's a lot easier for girls to get high for free and hook up drugs than it is for guys. That will lead to certain betrayal. Plus those girls we used to hang out with are all busted out and gross beyond belief many years later. Heed my warning.
Now if you're older and mid to late 20s just go to bars and eventually you'll hook up with women that are late 20s/early 30s with no kids that are all about "sexual freedom," and "not being tied down." These are often mid to lower tier women that will invite you back to their shitty 1 bedroom apartment where they will have a nightstand drawer chalk full of condoms.
After that there's the 30 year old single moms that live off government assistance. They will put out within hours of meeting them like it's nothing, but they're gross and you'll feel ashamed afterwards. True story: I hooked up with one of these that no bullshit recommended we go to the homeless shelter (she wasn't homeless) for a free lunch the next day.

>> No.20310751

>document it all while making some cringey dance and post it online
forgot that last part

>> No.20310906


>> No.20311069

If any femanons are reading (I know you are), please know that the tattoo the bitch in the OP webm got has lowered her worth significantly in the eyes of a plurality of men.

>> No.20311097

Yup. To zero.

>> No.20311159

anyone got ID on the chef knife? it looks familiar and it's bothering me

normally I'd assume that it's not some fancy forged knife and is just some cheap shit from amazon with a resin handle like that, but the blade looks pretty decent and the bread knife is tojiro which means someone isn't allergic to spending money on knives

>> No.20311330

I want to get pegged by her, I feel like she'd be really good at it

>> No.20311363

honestly I'm not an anti-tattoo tradchud like so many on this board but tattoos just don't really do anything for me. They're kinda generic, and they distract from a woman's natural beauty. I don't hate them but I don't really like them, they make a person look basic, like they're a fad follower, and from a strictly sexual standpoint I prefer the looks of people with minimal/no tattoos. Makeup, too. Natural is just sexier and for w/e reason women hate to hear that

>> No.20311414


>> No.20311443

Someone put this thing out of it's misery

>> No.20311474

>Natural is just sexier and for w/e reason women hate to hear that
Because women are insane control freaks and acknowledging natural, immutable reality requires that they give up their delusion of free will.

>> No.20312609

was the cringey ahh dance neccesaary?

>> No.20312611

this is tether behavior brotha

>> No.20312621

>this stuns the autist

>> No.20312632

I'd rather be a sane homosexual than to have my soul gobbled up by a feral roastie. But hey, I do appreciate the genuine concern sweetheart. Maybe I can buy you a drink sometime eh?

>> No.20312687

Nice numbers

>> No.20312700

>no tits

tranny pedophile detected, does keffal know you are posting on his behalf?

>> No.20312709

What the fuck are you talking about? That bitch is flat as a board.

>> No.20312722

Tattoos almost always look bad because retards just throw random shit on their bodies. Though when I was young reading Wayside School made me want a tiger fighting a dragon
Don't you lose control of your anus after a while? Do you have to wear diapers?

>> No.20312726

2/10 would not bang. She succeeded in getting my attention, so good job on that one I guess

>> No.20312785
File: 71 KB, 1029x643, landsharkayahuasca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally this tweet

>> No.20312799

somebody post the datura story

>> No.20312800

She added way too much oil to the mix but other than that looks pretty gud

>> No.20312822


>> No.20312823
File: 457 KB, 1562x2418, 1686120139400298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>dead zoomer sanpaku eyes
people like that now

>> No.20312829

Raccoon eyes have always been hot to me and I'm an oldfag

>> No.20312836

wasn't talking to you james

>> No.20312844

you know a james into that also?
i thought he stuck to /b/ for amateur porn

>> No.20313162

it's a vain attempt to try and stand out in the saturated world of internet cooking videos.

>> No.20313204


>> No.20313327

Why are there so many guys in her house?

>> No.20313425

But an extremely small percentage of men even worth making eye contact with. You really think your opinion on this topic really matters?

>> No.20313427

Faggacia is such a shitty food

>> No.20313472

Yeah being gay is so great when 99% of gay men are 3x as mentally ill and bland as the average roastie. Every day I meet women with aspirations and dreams, who don’t gesture and eyeroll during every conversation, who don’t act like flamboyant NPD dits in every situation. If you love everything shallow in life then being gay is heaven, if you hate it then it’s hell.

t. gay

>> No.20313538

I'd rather stay an incel than be gay.
lol it's like failing in life

>> No.20313551

yh, idk how people live without the driving force to bear and raise children with a good wife, id be an obese neet without it
unless they are still children themselves

>> No.20313554

I don't want any children. My genetics are trash so it's best not to reproduce

>> No.20313571

>ctrl + f pit
>1 of 1 matches
gay faggots

>> No.20313758

>She's barefoot the whole time

>> No.20313768
File: 55 KB, 474x458, 1710685046063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My B&R negro

>> No.20313792

calm down vince

>> No.20314122

>The thousand cock stare

>> No.20314138
File: 605 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240317-125035_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too anon. so smooth

>> No.20314151

woah...didn't know rockkick was capable of swinging that way

>> No.20314164

Never trust a woman with large hoop earrings.

>> No.20314168

she's not good-looking enough to make me think about how much I hate women

>> No.20314657

She doxxed the girl and had her followers harass her.

>> No.20314829

>had her followers harass her.
Followers are unhinged people and they don't think about how their actions come across in the aggregate. All it takes is letting your "followers" know who the woman is and they will, sometimes without even knowing they're doing it, begin a harassment campaign.

The fault does ultimately lie also with the influencer for cultivating an unhealthy "fandom" of obsessive individuals who become rabid in defense of her, but every big influencer does this. Social media striving is fundamentally wicked.

>> No.20314839

There are way too many men in that bitch house. There were three of them at the end. Way too many.

>> No.20314852

Nice larp. She actually found her and she apologized, they're still friends

>> No.20314854

Based knower. I too found great success in picking the low hanging fruit.

>> No.20315595

I'm jealous. As a heterosexual straight male I have to either put up with w*men or die alone.

>> No.20315614

>guys fortnite dancing in the back
based i wish i was there with them

>> No.20315952

i want to sniff her pits

>> No.20316393

she's not happy, do you retards not know anything?
the people posting this stupid shit are the most empty, unhappy assholes in the world.
that comic of the bitch setting up a picture of her cat pretending to have a fun night then bitterly staring at her phone for the next 8 hours is 100% accurate to most of the general population, not even just women but their behavior is more irritating and seemingly irrational and hollow.

>> No.20316417
File: 1.60 MB, 1080x1390, 1704435553080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does she randomly have a non-face shot?

>> No.20316419
File: 148 KB, 540x1272, 64941c21d20847eefd3f5f29adffc229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20316460

How do I get a wife like this?

>> No.20316463

were you one of the dudes in the video?
If yes, then you should start by asking her out.

>> No.20316477
File: 22 KB, 300x414, 1677137686439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20316488

This is why we need to reject the AoC meme

>> No.20316529

arrrr matey let's plunder some booty

>> No.20316702

That's not a women you want to marry my friend. Look at her eyes and her mannerisms. If you value your life and sanity you will not go beyond a mere glance at a life forcing draining creature such as that.

>> No.20316866

Based. Though really there's no need for all the seething straight incels, every sexuality has its drawbacks. Women are just a slightly bigger drawback than usual

>> No.20316887

She's fucked a lot of guys. A lot

>> No.20316891

She dresses like this to enhance her culinary skills and for no other reason whatsoever, right?

>> No.20316907

It's nice seeing a woman in her natural environment.