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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20302846 No.20302846 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Soju hit so hard?

>> No.20302864

how bout I soju deez nutz

>> No.20302866

OP is a raging faggot so he'd probably enjoy that.

>> No.20302867

I am a woman

>> No.20302880

Because koreans are lightweights who get plastered at half the amount of alcohol, it's why they're all alcoholics

>> No.20302886

you will never be a woman

>> No.20302887


>> No.20302909

>Red cap

>> No.20302919

Literally the ONLY thing that matters is alcohol percentage. Soju does nothing, so it's not worth money.

I spend my money on cheap vodka - 40%, 11 dollars per 1.75 litres. I drink for the inebriation, not the taste. Take 4-5 shots and then put it away so I can't drink any more after already getting drunk.

>> No.20302922

cause it's 13% abv, dumbfuck

>> No.20302998



>> No.20303016
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I prefer sake, it's around the same alcohol percentage but tastes much better.

>> No.20303058


>> No.20303086


It's a social drug. Before I go to the bar I pre game with 4 shots of vodka because I don't wanna go bankrupt trying to get drunk on bar prices.

But once I'm there soju is one of those great sipping drinks and you can share shots easily too. People are way happier about sharing 14% soju shots than vodka.

>> No.20303096

how to fuck do you share a shot anon? Spit it in someones mouth?

>> No.20303101


I guess that's my bad, I forgot that normal bars don't really do this..

I go Korean bars or Asian events and they sell whole bottles of soju at the bar and give you a bunch of plastic shot cups.

Much more economical than buying normal drinks or shots.

>> No.20303121

Oh neat, kinda like a bucket of beers for shots

>> No.20303124

it doesn't

>> No.20303184

soju is expensive. Not made locally in my country. The price doesn't really justify the taste.

>> No.20303200

The fucking state of zoomers

>> No.20303199

>him bouncing and moaning on it
is this a drink guide for faggots?

>> No.20303209

Grow up boy

>> No.20303220

it is indeed a faggot bait thread. there isn't enough hate for homos here, so they find it home. as they intend to corrupt deeply any media possible to pursue their pedophilic fantasies.

>> No.20303277

Korean women

>> No.20303305

It's what korean women who like to peg men experience

>> No.20303317


>> No.20303321

i find schizos like you so entertaining, try to not project so much next time tho

>> No.20303397

I have a question. Why does this stuff always taste like it has artificial sweeteners in it? I like the flavors but the aftertaste just kills it for me.

>> No.20303623


>> No.20303684

i can barbecue and i'm black 6ft i will fuck you (7 in) and make you food

>> No.20303741

Show us yer cooter bitch

>> No.20304322

agreed but you have to find one you like

>> No.20304351

that's why it hits hard. you're a woman, women are more easily affected by alcohol than a man. sorry, its just the way you're built different. thats why women prefer wine and men are generally seen drinking lots of beer or a glass of bourbon (or whatever spirit you fags like)
I don't think my girlfriend drinks. I've never seen her drink any booze, and we've been together a long time. I think she told me one time that when she drank a couple times she ended up kissing girls lol so i dunno maybe booze just makes a person really horny, if you don't drink often. It doesn't make me horny, it just makes me sad.. Oh, the misery.

>> No.20304511

because it does anon

>> No.20304555

Why are women obsessed with g'ks and -g'kpop?

>> No.20304559

Case in point.

>> No.20304564

>Between 13 and 50% ABV
>Chances are what you get in stores is 13%
>Less than a bottle of cheap wine
>Barely more than an IPA
>Small bottle

I don't know, become an alcoholic I guess? I could probably drink 8-10 of those at 13% but I'm trying to quit drinking so I will not prove it.

>> No.20304726

initially i wanted to say you had no testicles and to send us pics of empty bottles but honestly im trying to quit as well or at least cut back, so good luck actually

>> No.20304727

Girls like fruity drinks. You rarely see female honos slamming $6 vodka like the men do, I see them with shit like Four Loko or some $2 fruity IPA a lot.

.t passes by lots of bums when shopping

>> No.20304737
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While we are on Asian drinks I picked up some $4 bottle of Sake from the gorccery store and thought it was nasty, should I try again with a $10 bottle hoping it wont be swill?

>> No.20304741

Good luck to you too, shit's rough especially around heavy drinkers and people who can only have fun if they're drunk while doing stuff. It's what got me started. Nobody wanted to do anything unless we were hammered, and I already had a higher tolerance than the rest of them, now it's a twelve pack of 8-9% beer just to get through the night most nights.

God speed anon.

>> No.20304751

You bought cooking wine and drank it bro. It was probably sweetened or had salt added. A bottle of cheap sake should be around $10 and that should be a pretty decent bottle so yeah, try again.

>> No.20304753

You're not a woman because women don't use the word 'mankind'.

>> No.20304760

Yes, I'm from a similar crowd. I was involved in a criminal syndicate (i am not a felon) and every night we would hang out, all we did was slam back cold ones for like 12 hours and listen to music. it was nice, but then one of the boys started to piss blood. He's only a few years older than me, so I got out of that life. But, I struggle now with poverty. Sometimes, the booze reminds me of good times. It's too saddening to have too much of, though.

>> No.20304783

The alcohol has caused my new poverty, friend. $18+ a day on beer. $500 a month at least, probably more. Ended up putting a six pack on credit last week, then the next day I had to buy some things I desperately needed for the house like garbage bags of which I was completely out, the total was about $18, same amount I'd paid for the beer the night before, and I realized how immediately angry the fact that I had to put $18 on credit for things I NEEDED made me and how fine I was with buying beer.

That was kind of my last straw. It ain't a good life, being drunk can be fun but the trade off of feeling like garbage 24/7, gaining weight and being poor isn't worth it.

>> No.20304801

yeah. that is exactly the same path my friend went down and why i left the criminal world. lots of people are like this, like cooks, gangsters, clerks, all kinds of workers. functional winos. boozers. i'm trying to find God right now. The world is a little intense. Don't put anything on credit, thats how they get you. don't owe any money to the banks. if you get put into debt, you won't have a choice on whether or not you want to work. most people are debt peons.

>> No.20304818

it doesn't. you're just a lightweight. Soju has a similar ABV to wine and I can go through a bottle in a few hours and be fine to drive still.

>> No.20304823

Well, do you know any brands that don't add artificial sweeteners?

>> No.20304919

It was labeled Sake, granted this was the white people groccery so maybe they just wanted to get hipster pennies

>> No.20304993

Why don't you just buy shochu and mix whatever you want?

>> No.20305064


>> No.20305623

I like the one with the fox on it. It has less sugar too, but its the plain flavor.

>> No.20305654
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>> No.20305671
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This is the most disgustingly homosexual images I've seen on this site in a long time.

>> No.20305675

nice one homo

>> No.20305685

cooking sake isn't labeled cooking sake
don't just buy any sake, do a little research first

>> No.20305687

It really doesn't. Its ABV is basically like normal wine

>> No.20306608
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>white people grocery
>hipster pennies

>> No.20307159

Not a lot of profit in a $4 bottle anon

>> No.20307218
File: 98 KB, 817x818, A79AD75F-8DA1-407C-9F92-6C62E6FCA15F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I find these "Korean women" ???

>> No.20307317

drinking is for morons

>> No.20309076

It's a weird larp. Something about how it tastes smoother than wine so it goes down easier. I dunno. It gets you drunk, nothing extraordinary about it.