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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 391 KB, 1500x1000, old-oil-poured-into-kitchen-sink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20301841 No.20301841 [Reply] [Original]

How much does it really damage your kitchen to pour oil down the sink?

>> No.20301845

I don't understand why running hot water for 5 minutes doesn't fix it?

>> No.20301852


>> No.20301859


it doesn't damage my kitchen at all. my landlord's kitchen, on the other hand

>> No.20301867

Unsaturated (generally, liquid at room temp) doesn't do much. Saturated can fuck things up as it goes deeper, cools, and solidifies.
Depends on how cold your lower pipes are. Running very hot water before, during, and after should make the grease's impact pretty minimal.

>> No.20301876

not my problem, simple as. if my landlord wants me to properly dispose of grease they’d provide a receptacle

>> No.20301887

that's your responsibility, you daft cunt. now, go buy that receptacle and make your landlord happy eh? he's providing your useless NEET ass with a valuable commodity, how about showing some respect.

>> No.20301891

I dont get this meme, what possible effect could it possibly have to drip a bit of oil into the same sink where I constantly wash hands and flush it with hot water, soaps, detergents, and other de-greasing crap? I worked in restaurants where pipes cloggage was a problem but only because they were dumping gallons of deep fry oil there daily

>> No.20301905
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Probably wouldn't try to fuck with an apartment complex but then again they probably have to pay for it if you fuck up their cheap pipe job

>> No.20301974

>having a land"lord"
modern fucking feudalism

>> No.20301978

I'm on the 3rd floor of my apartments so I don't really have to worry about it.

>> No.20301987

Nah, I won’t do that. You can whinge about it all you want.

>> No.20302028
File: 60 KB, 640x782, not-my-problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be safe, you should always chase the oil with a few pints of the ole' mellow yellow.

>> No.20302126

how come?

>> No.20302128


>> No.20302142

it will be your problem when mr rentberg tosses you out

>> No.20302552

>incredibly tall guy
>kitchen for ants

>> No.20302559

I've been doing this for 5+ years in the same sink and have had no issues. It doesn't do anything to your pipes, it's just a lie spread for the sake of environmentalism

>> No.20302566

I'm a realtor. When someone buys a house, they get an inspection, and a part of that inspection is an inspection of the sewer lines.

Yes, you can easily tell when a retard dumps grease down the drain. The kitchen stack gets literally filled with solid gunk to the point that your kitchen sink starts to drain slowly. Pouring something like "Draino" down your sink drain will only do so much. It doesn't really stick to the years of solidified fats and food puree that has accumulated on the walls of the pipe. Usually, it just gets accumulated on the kitchen stack, but sometimes it builds up in the lateral too.

Getting these pipes unclogged starts at about $300-400 for either a hydro-jet or roto-rooting, and sometimes one or both of those are difficult, impossible, or not good enough.

See above. And any restaurant that dumps gallons of deep fryer oil down the drain needs to be closed down.

It absolutely clogs up your pipes. I have seen (and smelled) it first-hand.

>> No.20302571

i wouldn't know because it's not my problem

>> No.20302580

i use the oil for my plants :)

>> No.20302581

how do you get rid of oil if not pouring it down the drain?
i used to pour it down the drain before i saw these threads, but now i fill the pan with water, empty it outside, and repeat a few times until most of the oil is gone. but theres always some stuck to the pan, which makes my sponge dirty as fuck when i go to clean it.
i feel like im doing something wrong.

>> No.20302606

that's Yao Ming idiot

>> No.20302610

Le kekkle.

>> No.20302612

just wait for it to cool and scoop it with a paper towel into the trash while contemplating the full weight of your question at a societal level and questioning whether the solution you are personally executing is applicable at scale

>> No.20302621

>seen (and smelled) it first-hand
Story tiem, plox

>> No.20302624

he's standing on a chair, pimp

>> No.20302629

I have to buy a new garbage disposal because I fell for it.

>> No.20302632

If it's a lot, I just dump it in the backyard.
If it's a little, I wipe it up with a paper towel and throw it in the trash

>> No.20302634

Nah, look at his head in comparison to the doorway. He's a giant or the house is for the vertically-challenged.

>> No.20302723

It's nothing dramatic. Just that when you open up the clean-out on the kitchen stack, you can really tell when people dump grease. It gets caked on the sides of the pipe, and since everything you put in your sink is passing through and usually sticking to it, lots of bacteria colonize it. It stinks when you open it up. Usually, the kitchen stack doesn't stink when you open up the clean-out. Also, depending on where you live, the sewer lateral from your house to the sewer main (under the street) might be made of clay. Roots will commonly get in there, but honestly, most of the blockages at this point are from people flushing baby wipes and shit like that.

>> No.20302751


>> No.20302782

It's perspective you dumbass, he's closer to the chair frame than the doorway is.

>> No.20302786

your pipes travel a long ass way to get to the city sewer
unless you're pouring gallons of boiling water down the drain at a time it isn't making it there at that temperature

>> No.20302838

Find out yourself it an easy experiment

>> No.20302842

Because oil is flammable dipshit

>> No.20302848

Um, no. That’s not why hot water isn’t enough to clear out your sewer lines.

>> No.20302849

Eventually your neighbors shit will be in your bathtub.

>> No.20302851


>> No.20302854

so, whoever buys the house pays for the pipe-cleaning? I'm a poorfag so it's never going to be me hence

>> No.20302855

Probably remodeled for a wheelchair user

>> No.20302869

so are you people telling me when I cook with coconut oil I'm supposed to pour the tiny bit of leftover oil into the compost bin or something

>> No.20302888

You can just wait till coconut oil solidifies and scoop it up

>> No.20302893

drink it, faggot

>> No.20303155

list of whose problem that is:
>real estate agents
list of whose problem it isnt:

>> No.20303316

Eat my fucking shit, fuck your stupid pipes you worthless leech
Give me the means to properly dispose of my oil or have fun having to shell out money fixing everything after I find a new place and vanish because we both know I’m not getting that deposit back anyway

>> No.20303325

Awful lot of loser rentoids on this board.

>> No.20303406

What if I have a septic tank?

>> No.20303514

>Wait why is there water leaking in my apartment from under my sink????
>Gotta call the landlord!
And then the landlord takes weeks to fix it and your apartment gets water damage that you ultimately have to pay for since you can't prove it wasn't your fault. KWAB, maybe you should've been smarter

>> No.20303517

He is standing on a chair though; you can see the backrest at the bottom of the picture

>> No.20303530
File: 219 KB, 292x292, 6a2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you worthless leech
this rentoid calling me a leech, lol lmao even

>> No.20303533

>you worthless leech
It ain't your property homofag.

>> No.20303556

You want a plumber in your apartment?

>> No.20303579

>your kitchen
MY kitchen? haha no MY problem

>> No.20303581

kek, in the Balkans we even dump coffee grounds from Turkish coffee into the sink

>> No.20303583

yeah maybe he will fuck me

>> No.20303649

What's so different about Turkish coffee grounds than regular?

>> No.20303668

Use enymes and problem solved. It will even dissolve hair.

>> No.20303715

I can fill several jars full of oil in the span of like 3 months, all that going down the drain would fuck you over in the long term when you have to pay out the ass to get somebody to fix it in 5-10 years. Just use an old glass jar, everyone has jelly or pickles in their fridge.

>> No.20303724

It depends on negotiations.

These products only work when they can sit in place for a few minutes, like a clogged P-trap. When you drain them and there's no solid for them to clog behind, the liquid just zips down the drain and doesn't stay in place long enough to have any effect.

>> No.20303725

did that for a few months until the drain started reeking of rotting coffee grounds. the grounds pass in the drain just fine but leave an oily residue that sticks and rots and then your whole place smells like a trash can in a hot day.

>> No.20303727

>>real estate agents
No, it's not our problem. It's the problem of whoever owns the house.

>> No.20303743

But then you have glass jars full of oil. What do you do with those? Don't say throw them out that isn't a long term environmental solution. They'll just end up in the ocean if you do that and it absolutely is your problem. We desperately need a new plague or world war to literally decimate humankind.

>> No.20303753

Respect is reserved for people, not parasites.

>> No.20303763

I fail to see how landlords are parasites when you, the rentoid are the one smooching off of their property that they worked hard to purchase. You should be thankful they allow peasants like yourself to rent, for a fair monthly price, an apartment that you more than likely can't afford to purchase.

>> No.20303767

fucking typo...

>> No.20303789
File: 280 KB, 1400x927, DSC_3978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mix it up with some raw oats and feed birds with it.

>> No.20303792
File: 146 KB, 446x299, molto mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smooching is funnier

>> No.20303800

>be paid for doing absolutely nothing
>not a parasite
Landshitters are the scum of Earth and should be exploited, harassed, and swindled at every opportunity.

>> No.20303828

- stop fucking deep frying its bad for you
- stop overusing oil
Problem solved. Most people dump too much oil on the pan, ideally once you're done cooking there should be a thin film of oil you can wipe with a paper towel and rinse the remainder off with soap

>> No.20303831

A landlord doesn't produce value, he does no work and takes no risks, he's just a parasite mooching off of the hard work of others.

>> No.20303861

Ok but what the fuck do you do while you wait for your landlord to send Enrique over in a week and in the meantime your kitchen sink is fucked?

>> No.20303867

Don't worry, Mr. Subletstein has a room

>> No.20303874
File: 37 KB, 634x437, CNX_Econ2e_C22_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think rent is bad wait until you find out about keynesianism lmao

>> No.20303876

>doesn't produce value
Because a home isn't value, right
>does no work
Because the management and maintanece of multiple properties is just so easy, riiight
>takes no risks
Because having to deal with fluctuating property values, destructive tenants and everything involved in your livelihood being expensive to maintain isn't right, riiiiiight

>> No.20303883

I am an ER/ICU nurse. I always ask Commies like you what I "produce" and you never give a clear answer.

>> No.20303917

You do a service. They, as waitresses and cashiers, should know this.

>> No.20303925
File: 356 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_3238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what happens if you dont have a grease trap idiots

>> No.20303928

Not my problem. Landlord’s problem.

>> No.20303930

>keeps your security deposit

nothing personnell kid

>> No.20303934

Just drop a couple rats down there to eat that up

>> No.20303938 [DELETED] 

I wasn’t getting it back anyway you stupid nigger.

>> No.20303949

Based and smoking cigarettes inside pilled

>> No.20304035

miser musle or whatever drain cleaner you can get your grubby hands on, if it doesn't work you can at least say you tried

>> No.20304151

I live in a cheap complex, in one of the more expensive states. None of what you say is true. They/you don't produce a "home", even using that term when it's specifically rooted toward houses< is disingenuous. It's an apartment. Don't get grandiose. Next, correct, the landlord, not per se the manager, does no work. They hire others, mainly that manager, to do all that for them.

Now let's address the takes no risks portion. In flyover states, which I'm sure you're based in, fluctuating property values? Yes. That - is a concern, mainly in stuff like a recession or juuust after the housing market crashed for a brief interim. That "fluctuation" otherwise speaking, unless the shit government decides some new regulations are woefully past due on your modern day monopolies, those go "up" - every - fucking - year. Destructive tenants is legitimate, if only you had access to information to screen people.

Sorry you have trouble honestly representing how good you have it for fear of losing it, revolt, or legislation being passed that leads to some unintentional honesty.

>> No.20304162


>> No.20304169

Im on septic and ill stab you if i catch you doing this

>> No.20304183

Do residential homes have grease traps? My house is super old so it obviously doesn't, but do newer houses?

>> No.20304205

Nobody is going to visit you, fucking loser.

>> No.20304231


>> No.20304237
File: 513 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_3235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my grandma swears there used to be one here on her 50's house but doesnt remember if it was there originally or if it was installed after. now she has to use a PVC bridge pipe because cast iron was cut out

>> No.20304239

if they can get a plumber to certify that the buildup occurred during your rental period they can 100 percent sue you for the damages and labor

>> No.20304244

It was like that when I got here

>> No.20304255

Hmm. I don’t think they can.

>> No.20304264

My usual tactic is to offhandedly mention the kitchen sink seems just a little slow, but no worries haha its probably nothing :) Then when it clogs up finally you have a basis for blaming the previous tenant.

>> No.20304309

it's no different than intentionally damaging any of the other property. if the city can charge you for grease damage to their pipes then your landlord can definitely do the same.

>> No.20304314
File: 1.84 MB, 2896x2160, 1710286472032341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually never heard of this before.
I'm 43 too. I could be like your granddad.

>> No.20304315

No, I don’t think that’s correct.

>> No.20304438

It'll be your problem when I don't renew your lease and have you evicted

>> No.20304451

No, it’s still your problem to get it fixed. I’m going somewhere else.

>> No.20304457

Damn, commie buttholes look like THAT?

>> No.20304461

Good luck finding a place to rent when I tell all of my fellow landlords that you're scum and you shouldn't be rented to (this is a real thing, retard. Lmao)

>> No.20304478

the "good stuff" is literal straight acid and comes in a bottle with an extra plastic bag around it just in case
it's also not good for your pipes and should be used sparingly
idk why people have such a big fucking problem letting their oil cool, then dumping it in the trash
95% sure this guy has rightoid derangement syndrome

>> No.20304489

You're supposed to save it and pour it down fast food bathroom sinks, it's recycling the oil so they don't have to buy as much.

>> No.20304674
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>i've never seen it so it doesn't exist!
low IQ thought pattern. VERY common on this site.

>> No.20304701

that is very, extremely illegal.
>t. ethical landlord

>> No.20304738

No it's not

>> No.20304940
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>> No.20305152

This is not how apartment buildings work. The point at which oil clogs cause problems are far enough from your personal kitchen that there are often redundancies in place, and if not then quite a lot of people will be effected and the management company is likely to get it fixed fairly quickly since like 40 units have backed up plumbing. That is if it's not so far downstream that it's the city's problem, which is even less likely to have an immediate impact on your personal kitchen. Furthermore, it's not at all possible to trace this kind of thing back to one individual. So taking all of this together, it becomes clear that it is quite literally not your problem.

>> No.20305163

lardlords will 100% jew you on your deposit every time so there's no point even trying to take care of shit. they did it to themselves

>> No.20305167

>ethical landlord

>> No.20305471

>What do you do with those?
reuse them.

>> No.20305560

I always got my deposits back.

>> No.20306360

This is 4chan, he's not capable of that level of introspection. Hell he probably didn't even understand what you typed.

>> No.20306529

So you are saying it is ethically my responsibility to pour oil down the drain because fuck landlords?

>> No.20306589

Personally, considering that it antagonizes landlords, causes issues for the local government, and is more convenient for me to do than any alternative oil disposal method, it is effectively necessary to dump oil down the drain. It's not my problem - it's my duty.

>> No.20308134
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>>20301841 >>20301845 >>20301852 >>20301859 >>20301867 >>20301876 >>20301887 >>20301891 >>20301905 >>20301974 >>20301978 >>20301987 >>20302028 >>20302126 >>20302128 >>20302142 >>20302552 >>20302559 >>20302566 >>20302571 >>20302580 >>20302581 >>20302606 >>20302610 >>20302612 >>20302621 >>20302624 >>20302629 >>20302632 >>20302634 >>20302723 >>20302751 >>20302782 >>20302786 >>20302838 >>20302842 >>20302848 >>20302849 >>20302851 >>20302854 >>20302855 >>20302869 >>20302888 >>20302893 >>20303155 >>20303316 >>20303325 >>20303406 >>20303514 >>20303517 >>20303530 >>20303533 >>20303556 >>20303579 >>20303581 >>20303583 >>20303649 >>20303668 >>20303715 >>20303724 >>20303725 >>20303727 >>20303743 >>20303753 >>20303763 >>20303767 >>20303789 >>20303792 >>20303800 >>20303828 >>20303831 >>20303861 >>20303867 >>20303874 >>20303876 >>20303883 >>20303917 >>20303925 >>20303928 >>20303930 >>20303934 >>20303949 >>20304035 >>20304151 >>20304162 >>20304169 >>20304183 >>20304205 >>20304231 >>20304237 >>20304239 >>20304244 >>20304255 >>20304264 >>20304309 >>20304314 >>20304315 >>20304438 >>20304451 >>20304457 >>20304461 >>20304478 >>20304489 >>20304674 >>20304701 >>20304738 >>20304940 >>20305152 >>20305163 >>20305167 >>20305471 >>20305560 >>20306360 >>20306529 >>20306589
You are all niggers