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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20299906 No.20299906 [Reply] [Original]

Im on my 6th day eating only a meal a day, that meal being plain rice... With nothing else, I have no money left so I need to do this until end of the month, will I die?

>> No.20299927

>will I die?
You'll begin to suffer from malnutrition and be so fucking sick of you'll wish you were.

At least try to take a multivitamin to offset some of the complete lack of nutrition in your diet.

>> No.20299934

probably not unless your diet was really shit before this too

>> No.20299964

>two more weeks
without protein you will damage your organs

>> No.20299968


Buddhist Monks do this shit all the time. Those temples survive off donations from the public, and in poor rural areas I couldn't imagine they're being left anything but rice the government gives to the poor.

>> No.20299969

This, I did the same thing for the same reason once and I started to dread having to taste it, and you’re going to be missing out on nearly every vitamin and mineral (esp electrolytes). If food banks are an option in your area definitely try it out.

>> No.20299978

They are not even a thing where I live

>> No.20299979

Shoplifting it is then

>> No.20299985

>will I die?
One would hope just so you won't post stupid shit here anymore m

>> No.20299986

You could make rice porridge

>> No.20299987

lol'd at the gif

>> No.20300011

Check out local religious establishments, here the sikhs give away hot meals.

>> No.20300020

The japanese navy was borderline crippled for an extended period because it fed its sailors only white rice: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takaki_Kanehiro

can you mix a small amount of anything else in? barley, beans, split peas, whatever they sell for a dollar a bag? maybe a bit of the cheapest vegetable oil too?

>> No.20300065

Well this is both interesting and worrysome, I think I will shoplift since here not even religious organizations come to help, if I go to jail (I been there already albeit 7 days) you get bread and vegetables soup with the rice, way better than what ill be eating anyways, problem is if I get caught shoplifting I will get beat into a bloody pulp kek and then released to the police

>> No.20300071

a little bit of oil, salt, and ideally something like beans/barley would be good. The rest you can google plant names that grow near you and 'safe to eat' and just chuck some leaves into your dish. they may not taste amazing but even a lot of garden weeds are pretty edible once they're shredded and mixed in.

If you're doing this only until the end of the month, you don't have to go for a perfectly balanced diet. the goal is to give your body just enough of other shit that it doesn't start having bad reactions to things.

if shoplifting is the only option, sure, but any kind of variety will improve the situation.

>> No.20300081

A man cannot live on [rice] alone

>> No.20300085

>The rest you can google plant names that grow near you and 'safe to eat' and just chuck some leaves into your dish.
I see this guy has done time in a North Korean labor camp.

>> No.20300090

Based and starvepilled

>> No.20300096

it would be extremely painful

>> No.20300098

You don't live in North America?

>> No.20300107

try sucking dick to get some protein in your diet

>> No.20300116

No and whats with us people assuming everyone speaking english hails from their country?

>> No.20300118

Because theyre retarded

>> No.20300121
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>Primarily American website

>> No.20300213

If you can afford multivitamins. You can afford vegtables to go with your rice.

>> No.20300216

At least get some fucking beans to go with it dude. Man cannot survive on rice alone.

>> No.20300226

A bottle of multivitamins can be surprisingly cheap and last a whole month.

But yeah, you can get vegetables a lot of cheape than people think.

>> No.20301073

fucking hell man at least eat brown (whole grain) rice and not the shit tier white rice

>> No.20301084

You're a big guy

>> No.20301091


>> No.20301113

Try to scout for fruit trees in the sidewalk or public property, if you live in a city you are fuckt

>> No.20301115

They throw all leftovers into a pot and make stew, that shit is probably extremely nutritious and calorie dense like sumo soup

>> No.20301117

That's not that different from what pirates ate
Plus they are too retarded to fish, what's up with that? Even soldiers in the middle ages went hunting

>> No.20301198

On the sixth day of starving, my true love cooked for me... nothing... I'm so hungry
.. : (

>> No.20301207


>> No.20303205

Go to a Sikh temple they give you free meals

>> No.20303318
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>foodbanks still open
>soup kitchens still open
>anonymous pick-ups still a thing
>establishments that go out of their way to give their excess to the poor still very much a thing
>dumpsters without locks still prevalent
Unless you are literally stranded in the middle of nowhere there is NEVER an excuse to starve. And all of this comes before just taking something. You're going to let yourself starve, instead of taking the food that will likely get tossed out anyway? For what? Your pride? You think you're Christ or something? Something to prove? What manner of pride, or delusion. Good fucking grief man.
You are handed blessings every day, and refuse them all. No wonder you're in Hell right now.

>> No.20303348

>doesnt take the time to read the replies on which OP says he is not from the us
>replies anyways
Based retards

>> No.20303359

>sikh temples only exist in the usa
looks like the retard is (you)

>> No.20303381
File: 84 KB, 1024x1024, fytjhyfj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure where you live but i was in between jobs for a bit and donated plasma for $100 a pop.
its not so bad, you just chill for 30 minutes and let the machine do its work while you watch youtube or listen to music.

>> No.20305366

There are children in Arica who do not eat anything at all for months. They are still alive.

>> No.20305368

For you

>> No.20305370

What's plasma?

>> No.20305371

7 minutes without air, 7 days without water, 7 weeks without food

>> No.20305375

also go to a food bank, dingus

>> No.20305378

I have found that any person posting on this board about how they are imminently going to die, have never died.

>> No.20305406

hunt and fish nigga, animals are yours by right

>> No.20305409

Toilet mushroom guy got hospitalized for half a week
Toilet hand grenade guy was a different board, though
I don't have any interesting toilet stories

>> No.20305427

I've been hospitalized twice for shits I took but I'm not going to make creepy pasta about it. We're human beans not human doings, remember that.

>> No.20305430


>> No.20305673

You won't die. Your health won't be great either. You should look for some cheap beans to go with it so you can get some vitamins and protein.

>> No.20305684

don't shoplift when you can dumpster dive.

>> No.20305774

Most white rice is enriched, but you’ll still lack certain vitamins, like vitamin c, which is important. After a few weeks without it, you’ll start to get skin issues, your gums will bleed and you’ll feel lethargic. Eventually you’d die, but not within a month, assuming you had enough beforehand.

The biggest problem is the lack of the amino acid lysine, which you mostly get from animal protein.

If you added lots of green peas, then you’d solve both issues.

>> No.20305813

for me it was Fifi

>> No.20305814

what cuntry

>> No.20305834

if they died how would you know? they'd be dead and thus unable to update us

>> No.20305846

They'd crosspost on /x/

>> No.20305849


>> No.20305871

Go sell some shit, dumbass. Or go dance in the street for money. If you are from a shit country you could tell your sobstory on reddit and they would probably donate money to you, they'll want your photo so they can get clout for their generosity though.

>> No.20305902
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no but depending on the amount of rice you'll suffer malnutrition and get fatter at the same time because your body will start hording any calories it get.
i did this as i went through puberty and no matter how much i exercised i wasn't losing weight and even gain some and i'm talking swimming 1 hour a day, biking 10 miles and weight lifting. Which on a rice diet with a few bits of chicken breast i figured i'd have slimmed up but no, 5 years of that and all i got were vitamin deficiencies

>> No.20305933

the fourth state of matter

>> No.20305937

I don't know why people pretend it's possible to starve to death in a first world country (unless you are and intensely mentally ill 4chan poster who does it intentionally)

>> No.20305950
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maybe not to starve to death but you can quickly diminish your health to the point where you become susceptible to illnesses that you should easily be able to stave off.

>> No.20305976

>sikh temples are everywhere

>> No.20306207

Look at how this evil guy turns something as pure as giving out food into fearmongering of minorities.

>> No.20306337

post paypal

>> No.20306574

Why not a crypto wallet

>> No.20306579

That's a good plan. Because once they catch you hunting or fishing without license, they'll put you in jail (since OP obviously can't pay his fine) and there's free food in jail. Brilliant.

>> No.20306882

plasma balls

>> No.20306890

A bottle of multivitamins with a 180 day supply is like $15 on Amazon.

>> No.20307843

youre better off not eating at all; if you arent eating enough, your body self-cannibalizes

>> No.20307911

don't rinse your rice. some is tossed with vitamin powder to prevent malnutrition from scenarios like this. rinsing it will remove the powder.

>> No.20308544

>problem is if I get caught shoplifting I will get beat into a bloody pulp kek and then released to the police
Why won't you say what fucking country this is?

>> No.20308598

i unclogged mine 8 times last year

>> No.20308693

look on craigslist for people giving away free animals. rabbits, goats, shit like that.

>> No.20308697

you'd be better off if you fasted and completely skipped the rice. I'm totally serious, eating rice prevents you from getting into ketosis, it causes your blood sugar and insulin levels to fluctuate and that makes you more tired and hungry than if you fasted and ate nothing.

As others have said, either way do eat multivitamin and get some electrolytes (basically salty water).

>> No.20308715

Based mega thirdie. Phillipines pilled

>> No.20308719

There is no way this site is 30% female

>> No.20308721

>has money for internet access
>somehow cant afford food
get your priorities straight, bro
better yet, start training runescape accounts and selling gold for USD or crypto like the venezuelans do

>> No.20308829

They're counting trannies as women

>> No.20308832

>what is public wifi
>what is kali linux
>what is tethered wifi from your cellphone
Stupid firstworld toddler

>> No.20309054

of course they are, they're not nazis or nothing like that

>> No.20309099

oh shit I passed the maximum age 2.5 hours ago

>> No.20309136
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Bro, food banks are everywhere. No one has any reason to live like this.

>> No.20309145

Fat and stinky suck but a retarded bf is endearing

>> No.20309624

Wrong. I like fat and stinky but high iq

>> No.20310047

shit nigga get yourself some ebt or go to a food bank

>> No.20310112

Keep it up, nothing of value will be lost lol. Bravo for taking yourself out of the gene pool and thus helping improve the human race.

>> No.20310119

Why not oats? Much better nutrition and also cheap. The less processed oats, the higher nutrition + probably costs less.

>> No.20310141

Start foraging and hunting small animals like squirrels

>> No.20310506

What kind of absolute shithole do you live in?
There are at least 4 places in my little town alone, where you can get free food.
Also dandelions and wild garlic is in season here, so you can just go and pick them if you are into foraging. That should take care of a lot of the vitamin deficiencies. Especially dandelion grow basically everywhere and you can use it like spinach with the rice. Just don't eat to much, since it can be a bit rough on the stomach when you are not used to it.

Protein is still a problem, but it won't kill you to go without it for some time. Maybe just go fishing or something

>> No.20310521

>will I die
No you'll be fine. I just went through 14 days of absolute fast (i.e. no food at all, just plain tapwater) and I survived just fine. The average human should be able to last twice as much without serious issues. Take vitamin supplements if you want to stay on the safe side.

>> No.20310550

or, alternatively, for the same price get rolled oats, milk, canned/dried beans and some frozen veg (dirt cheap like peas, carrots, spinach etc.). Vary your meals between porridge and rice&beans&whatever veg you have. Nice, satisfying and nutritionally somewhat more balanced than just plain white rice.
Go dumpster diving, or try to get the reduced price "almost-off veg basket" in places like Lidl, Aldi etc.
Buy cheap lemon or lime juice in the little plastic bottles and put a few drops for taste together with a pinch of salt and sugar in your water. Boom, instant rehydration drink.

>> No.20311075

They suck each other's dicks constantly for protein dude.

>> No.20311089

Mutt's law variant C

>> No.20311605

Semen from gloryholes is not food

>> No.20312979

Then explain how your mom got so fucking fat