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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20299289 No.20299289[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literally the most useless time wasting person on youtube.

>> No.20299294

CNN has a YouTube channel.

>> No.20299297

I could probably learn more from a CNN recipe than this asshole. All he does is make jokes and waste your time, fucking jackass can't just get to the point and he always clogs up every search result. Motherfucker is annoying as hell and I wouldn't hate him so much if youtube demanded I get recommended his worthless videos every single time I need a specific recipe. I hate modern youtube "television"

>> No.20299302

But he’s cute tho. I nominate that bald Canadian food guy who did the CraveCon food youtube convention with Daym Drops in like 2016 where they just fleeced a bunch of gullible fans.

>> No.20299307

i wish he'd take a seat on my face desuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.20299339

downvote. for a youtube cook he has a good variety of content and some okay recipes. i could have less of the gen z style snobbish commentary. but that's his audience. gotta respect the man for what he's made.

>> No.20299342

What the fuck happened to people where they need a recipe to entertain them?

>> No.20299360

Everything has to be content now.

>> No.20299369

And you know what that means, Mythical Beasts! Yes, it's time to play:
*Where In The World*
*Do These International /ck/ Shitposters*
*Come From*

>> No.20299376

Blocktube fixes this. You can block by channel name, channel ID, category, keywords in title, all kinds of things. It doesn't have OCR recognition and autoblock any video with Mr Beast's stupid face in the thumbnail yet, but I bet they are working on it.
On mobile, try BraveNewpipe.

>> No.20299391

his early videos were good, but now he is clickbait goyslop

>> No.20299530

Guga is worse. Both snobs with no real qualifications or achievements in the cooking industry.

>> No.20299546

holy shit Josh BUY AN AD

>> No.20299573

I hate that guga has got so many people pretending that picanha is anything but top sirloin. There's nothing special about it. Also, he'd never win any steak competition because he's afraid of char.

>> No.20299579

he's fucking ugly. i look exactly like him except with bigger eyes and a white person nose and I'm fuckugly too

>> No.20299586

Look at this guy I hate. Here, take a high res photo for your troubles. Here's a link to his YouTube, but don't go, it sucks, heh heh.

>> No.20299599

No but you should use the channel blocker add-on if you want to find an actual recipe and not be plagued by this queer

>> No.20299639

There are plenty of other options.

>> No.20299694

his recent video on "easy" recipes was hilarious. fucker smokes butter in a hotel pan for no reason. just cannot help but be as pretentious as possible

>> No.20299698

>video where he's making a burger
fast food is disguuuuusting you should kill yourself if you eat it
>video where he ranks fast food
mmm this is actually pretty good, 7/10

>> No.20299720

>Yo guys we are gonna spend half a day cooking and 50 dollars on ingredients, I wonder if it will taste better than McDonalds!?!

>> No.20299725
File: 160 KB, 1537x435, babish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20299730
File: 1.36 MB, 1705x1725, 34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20299733

I like the Mythical guys