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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20292441 No.20292441 [Reply] [Original]

>going out to get a midnight snack
>see this in the lobby
>no one is around
should i eat it? im kind of broke so...

>> No.20292444

Sure but vacate the premises first you broke fuck.

>> No.20292445

its a trap dumbfuck

>> No.20292455

i haven’t had a good, warm, dog-hot in ages

>> No.20292457 [DELETED] 

that's mine. i left it there for safe keeping. don't fucking touch it.

>> No.20292464

At least take a look at it. You can always wash the dog and grab some new bread at tomorrow mornings breakfast buffet.

>> No.20292471

Just steal leftovers off the room service trays.

>> No.20292481 [DELETED] 

i just said it was mine. if anyone fucking touches it i'm going full death con 3

>> No.20292490


the government doesnt want you to know this but anything you find at the park is free.

>> No.20292495

Yup. Go for it. Just inspect it first. Nothing tastes better than a free hot dog.

>> No.20292529
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I would run the hat through the laundry and keep that too.

>> No.20292546

i dont wear hats. curly hair.

still havent raken the dog...my girlfriend says its sus but i could simply eat it anyway

>> No.20292549


>> No.20292552

A guy at my new job caught me eating his leftover pizza that he had just thrown into the trash can and I just want to disappear.

Just like a lot of people on this board, I am just trying my best to survive. During my lunch at work, I don't eat and distract myself by going for a stroll during my lunchtime so that I don't have to torture myself by seeing other people eat their lunches. Yesterday I was starving and didn't feel like taking a walk so I just sat down in the communal eating area and scrolled my phone. There was only one guy sitting not too far from me eating a pizza and busy on his phone.

I noticed that he didn't finish it and he got up to leave. He just tossed the box with the remaining pizza into the trash can and left. The way I was so hungry I started toying around with the idea of fishing it out of there as it was still in its box. Eventually I gathered up enough courage and got up to retrieve it. I picked up a slice that I hoped was untouched and ate it. I was taking another bite when the guy suddenly came back.

We maintained eye contact as I was chewing his pizza that he had thrown into the trash just minutes ago because I didn't know what else to do. It all happened so fast. He had a look of horror/disgust but he didn't say a word, he just awkwardly hurried past me to get some water then hurried away. I felt so dirty and disgusting. I threw away the remaining pizza and it dawned upon me how utterly pathetic I am. I never thought that I would stoop so low. Now I am a nervous wreck because I don't want to be labelled as some weirdo who eats people's leftovers from the trash.

>> No.20292610

ppl i went to college with thought i became a drug addicted crazy person because thats entirely what my habits and actions would indicate

i cant imagine having a job that sounds hard in general. my girlfriend and i used to take discarded college party pizza all the time and i would go to random ass seminars on like jobs in life insurance or w/e and eat all their pizza and wings and just take the leftovers sometimes if i was feeling bold

we would also go into the campus kitchens storage which was only badly locked and steal 5pound boxes of ghirardelli brownie mix and 1 gallon cans of apple butter and gallons of honey. must have stolen thousands worth. we also went into the kitchen behind one of the buffets after hours several times (dont even remember how we got in there) and stole pounds of bacon and whole hams.

my girlfriend learned this from her friend who would legit walk out with ikea bags full of hams...she also took home sacks of discard food from starbucks, so many sandwiches ..that girl had the most colossal zongers and could climb buildings like spiderman like she needed that food to go.

>> No.20292625
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went to check on it and...theres a drink now

im scared...

>> No.20292630

nobody cares anymore, faggot.

>> No.20292641

>guys look at this stuff I left in my arm chair
>guys look look I put more stuff, updoot me!

>> No.20292831

i did actually find the first two there... but its also true that you shouldnt believe anything you see on teh internet.

this post was actually a deep state coded message communique but you'll probably doubt that too, mr skeptical. a hot doc and nothing but a pileus :)

>> No.20292847

youre a schizo, congrats

>> No.20294826

im not saying youre wrong. the problem is that i keep turning out to be right.

>> No.20294834

did you eated the hot dog lol holds up spork XD

>> No.20294925

no it was still there this morning *sporks your eyes put" :v

>> No.20295034

Everyone is always right when they "research online" whatever opinion they hold, individually. Complete with sourced studies, documents, videos, links, show hosts and blogs. It's truly a marvel how flexible the truth is if you mix in the tiniest bit of uncertainty.

>> No.20295101

no i read books. i found out how to save america from a collection of Coleridge (in particular the Bristol speech) and found out what went wrong from The Spike (1980)

the relationship of my activities in the past year to that latter book are such that it would strike you dumb to know i only found it at a thrift store last month...

im still working on my thesis but essentially from the time of Shakespeare and the short-thereafter establishment of the Poet Laureate in Great Britain, it has been understood by men of letters that, essentially, the man of any culture who is the greatest artist with its language is its hidden emperor. this does not mean, of course, the best-selling or most popular artist. it means he who is the best in the ancient and fundamental art of the word, and can thus impress himself upon any person & through them the nation by sole dint of the pen.

it follows that countries which speak the same language are this inseparable as political bodies, and are almost invariably guided in the main by the more powerful of any competing bodies: it was spoken as early as 1766 by Pitt that should America gain political independence, he would advise all gentlemen of means to establish themselves there, as a free America would come to dominate old Britain by its inevitable weight of size and resource.

It has been a long time indeed since two English-speaking countries warred. Yet though the greater part, America, in equilibrium sits atop the smaller, Britain, it is, to paraphrase Burke, possible for the smaller, by waiting for the inevitable opportunities and chances that come to the watchful, to wrangle the greater.

Now may be just such a chance. The two great American parties are alike disliked. It might take but the thin end of a wedge to move a mountain, in such a storm...especially with good strong letters

>> No.20295106

>Essentially positing that eloquence and talent for language are the most essential of human talents
>dribbles out a sentence like "Yet though the greater part, America, in equilibrium sits atop the smaller, Britain, it is, to paraphrase Burke, possible for the smaller, by waiting for the inevitable opportunities and chances that come to the watchful, to wrangle the greater"

>> No.20295114


Now there's a dildo...

>> No.20295125

how is this possible?

>> No.20295144

You write like a teenager trying to prove how smart you are, but it has the opposite effect and makes you sound retarded.

>> No.20295313

Sir, that is the King's good English.


Read yourself, and return with your best, gentlemen.

>> No.20295316

we're both broke. artists

>> No.20295381

that's mine. my boyfriend put some of his special "sauce" on it and I was going to eat it later.

>> No.20295939

this is why youre small

>> No.20296043

So what did you have for snack?

>> No.20297507
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nothin but a cold one

>> No.20297516

cut your fucking nails

>> No.20298506
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and what if i dont? i make the rules

>> No.20298514

Happens all the time with drug addicts

>> No.20298522

Ahhhhh! It’s the Jersey City Nailer!

>> No.20298552

did the baby like his little ba-ba?

>> No.20298770
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only thing im addicted to is this brand of potatoes. legit 100x better, i have no idea how.

and cafffeeeeeen rawr

>> No.20300515
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>he doesnt know about granny sips

>> No.20301124
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got a manicure. happy?

>> No.20301136

cuuute! :3 but there is a cake trapped in your hardened jelly sphere ;___; you need to let it out and so you can eat the chocolate cake :)

>> No.20301325

thats one of my eyeballs...and also thats a dry persimmon.

>> No.20302081
File: 172 KB, 665x718, 1596844275824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP didn't take it and eat it or at least take pics for the thread
Faggot. As expected of OP.
t. grabbed an abandoned fast food bag with a burger in it that someone left in the college lounge at one point on a Monday. Got told later it was there since Friday, but I think they were fucking with me. I didn't remember seeing it and It was fine; didn't taste weird or anything and it didn't even give me the shits. But it could also have been all the preservatives they put in that stuff.
Don't really remember what it was, but I remember it being pretty good. I forgot exactly what chain it was from, but it was one I didn't consider as mainstream as McDonald's or Burger King, but not entirely obscure or local.

>> No.20302538

An actual haunted hot dog typed this

>> No.20302553

yeah im kind of a pussy but ironically if i hadnt had a one dollar fifty cents big wanging wiener from costco earlier that day i probably would have been tempted. enough.

>> No.20302557

oops i didnt mean to say enough like a command lol

yeah im always getting old food and leftovers boxes from various apps, if its not actively off tasting i never worried

only things that have made me sick were an improperly sealed thing of dried pineapple chunks and chicken nuggets from burger king when i was a kid