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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.01 MB, 1200x1598, buttermilk's crispy chicken tenders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20292138 No.20292138 [Reply] [Original]

I miss them so much bros

>> No.20292144

shit was always dry as fuck

>> No.20292145

during the era of the flattop fried bacon, it was truly an enigma in mcdonalds history

>> No.20292157

3d printed chicken

>> No.20292178 [DELETED] 

i miss when reditors didn't post fast food threads on this board.

>> No.20292185

i have yet to find anything that tops the quarter pounder. why does it taste so good

>> No.20292188


>> No.20292254

If a McDonald's quarter pounder is the pinnacle of taste, I genuinely feel bad for you, anon. Don't get me wrong, it's simple and tasty and I'm not knocking it, but it's like a 7/10 on the tasty scale. Even their double cheeseburgers are better(seriously, try them sometime...not the McDouble, but double cheeseburger).

Someone in your life is fucking up if your homemade burgers don't taste better than a quarter pounder.

>> No.20292265

holy reddit

>> No.20292467

I know, right? I typed 5 whole sentences and I was a little too friendly and expressive. I'll remember next time to act like a jaded cynical faggot loser like you next time I post and keep my posts to two words lest I give retards like you a headache.

>> No.20292497

i remember these, they tasted pretty good but were also dry enough to scratch the inside of your throat.

you should try the mcchicken, the best fastfood sandwhich.

>> No.20292508

holy reddit

>> No.20292739

more like mcchicken MEHlects!

>> No.20292762

hang yourself

>> No.20292763

>remembered ordering 5 of them as a kid
>the motherly looking lady who took the order was surprised that I order it and joked that I ordered a lot
>didn't know what she was going on about, they're chicken strips.
>order came
>they were huge

for whatever reason, that was a memorable moment.

>> No.20292776

and yet good as hell

>> No.20292779


>> No.20292782

I sure as hell don't

>> No.20292789

never happened

>> No.20292840

These were good when they were first out. When they came back McDonalds got a different supplier and they were giant dinosaur tenders with fucked up meat texture. They weren't the same.

>> No.20292842

i like regular chickn nugget more :/

>> No.20292849


>> No.20292881
File: 44 KB, 500x352, ZyqfapZfYDrKKqp-800x450-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still devistated from when they got rid of the mushroom swiss angus burger/snack wrap. I still go there every now and then to get a couple Daily Doubles but if those ever dissappear I doubt I'll ever really go there again.

>> No.20292882

holy reddit

>> No.20292889

They don't have the same texture (they're battered not breaded) nor taste . I feel like dipping was optional for the Chicken Selects, for the nuggies they're kind of bland on their own and need a sauce.

>> No.20292962

goy slop thread

>> No.20293026 [DELETED] 

Goyslop - noun. Food made by jews to keep the goyim fat and stupid

>> No.20293063

>Economy is fucked
>McTendies come back
>You'd be paying $11 for 6 of them

>> No.20293080

Fun fact, McDonald's had to get rid of the 1/3 lb burger because Americans were so stupid they thought it was lesser than the 1/4 lb burger.

>> No.20293093 [DELETED] 

fun fact - if that's true it was just blacks and mexicans

>> No.20293096

First off, that was A&W. Second, it was the 80s.
McD's and Carl's have been serving third-pounders the last few years with no problems

>> No.20293098 [DELETED] 

if anything that makes it worse. the average IQ in america has dropped significantly in the last 20 years due to third world migration

>> No.20293115

uh wasnt it already like 10$ for 6 of them? i remember they were both dry and expensive as fuck.

>> No.20293683
File: 156 KB, 350x623, 1687153289075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaaa same. The japanese version of these was incredible. Spicy garlic and black pepper... so rich and meaty, tough and tender, just the right bite resistance a filling, hearty, nutritious tendie should be. Most japanese fried chicken is not like this I'm sorry to say, the traditional "kara-age" is a bundle of thigh meat prepared in a thin soy sauce batter and tends towards the soft and oily. Japan is a wonderful country with a lot of excellent cuisine, both its native dishes and its top-notch reproductions of french, italian, and spanish cooking, but getting a good ol' american tendie is not the easiest koi in the pond, as they say (they don't say, but they should).

>> No.20293733

we have them in the uk, they're called chicken selects
heh, britchads just keep winning

>> No.20294856

They were pretty much the worst chicken strips/tenders you could get. Even store bought are better. The one rare exception in fast food where this is true.

>> No.20294862
File: 174 KB, 1024x768, IMG_1887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else remember when BK had buffalo tendies? They were good as fuck

>> No.20294902
File: 40 KB, 765x472, mcdonalds-Crispy-Chicken-Wrap-2 1-3-product-tile-desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>McDonald's crispy chicken wrap gone
>Sonic crispy chicken wrap gone
>no good replacement
Fucking hell, I don't care if they're "too difficult" to make, I just want a god damn chicken tender wrap with a bit of ranch.

>> No.20294920

>store bought are better
no wonder they got canceled
fast food thrives on irreplicability
there is a whole thread right now devoted to the question why you cannot buy fries as good as mcdicks fries at the grocery store
>you just can’t, OKAY?

>> No.20294939

I was thinking how I missed these the other day. They made your shit weird though idk

>> No.20294972

>the small 2 cheese, 2 patty burger tastes better than the large 1 cheese 1 patty burger
Anon, get checked for retardism

>> No.20294997

I hate how bad every fast food place is now compared to how they used to be.

>> No.20294998

popeyes chicken nuggets come close

>> No.20295283

more and more of these threads (ads) all over these boards and even reddit cooking topics leads me to believe they are thinking about, or already in the process of, bringing them back.

mcdonald's chicken sandwiches suck dick. i haven't tried their newest shot at it though, but got a huge corded piece of chicken gelatin or some shit inside each of the two i tried. absolutely vomit tier

>> No.20295287

how do you suppose they cook it now? cause you can still get well done bacon and it's not nearly as greasy

>> No.20295461

mcdonalds fries in the 2000s were heavenly, unironically

>> No.20295496

precooked and reheated, its not bad but not How It Was™

>> No.20295603

wendys got a better borger

>> No.20296099
File: 199 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_9704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the crispy snack wrap

>> No.20297444

And the premium ranch blt chicken sandwich

>> No.20297647

there aren’t any good tenders in stores

>> No.20297724

that anon is right and you're a little booger eating faggot

>> No.20298267

Which tells you just how bad these things were

>> No.20298637

This, they were horrifically bad and sawed your gums. People are only nostalgic for them because food was just generally better back then. What I really miss are their salad shakers and chicken salads. I was working for them when they were around. Was able to make the best damn salads for myself. I would pick out the good lettuce and get none of the nasty wilted stuff they used for the plebs. Put in some extra cheese and get two fresh chicken patties straight out of the frier. Slice them up and crunch up some crackers. Put them on the salad and drizzle over some ranch I had put in the freezer for a few minutes to get extra cold. Shake it up and it was the best damn salad I've ever had that wasn't homemade.
Also miss the arch delux, don't know why but it was so much better than their other burgers.

>> No.20298646

They aren't too difficult to make, in fact they were one of the simpliest food items you could possibly come up with. I made hundreds of them when they were being sold. It was literally just a microwave warmed tortilla with a few pieces of lettuce and a sprinkle of cheese and a chicken strip with some sauce squirted on top. You could put one together in less than ten seconds.
I don't know why they stopped selling them but it certainly wasn't because of time reasons.

>> No.20298647
File: 303 KB, 2016x1512, ledge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UK Bros... where has the chicken legend gone? God i miss it

>> No.20298654

>I hate how bad every fast food place is now compared to how they used to be
It's the easiest way to open normalfags eyes to clown world. "They" want you to forget that you could have it better.

>> No.20298739

Redditors type a certain way. And you cant make posts there unless you have enought points and you lose points for "racist" and "sexist" posts. This means all the posts you see have to fit a certain culture. So yeah reddit has a culture and you can see it when redditors post here sometimes. I think /tv/ is the most reddit.

>> No.20298759

Have an updoot!
Edit* ur a fag
Edit** ur still a fag

>> No.20298766

reddit spacing. go back.

>> No.20298786

reddit so gay. lol. not even joking.

>> No.20298792

What's the deal with this WcDonald's bullshit
I thought it was just a faggy meme on /ck/, I didn't realize it was an actual marketing campaign

>> No.20298808

faggot or not, his reddit detector is dead on, and mcdoublenigger needs to go back

>> No.20299611

there's a lot of grocery stores (the ones that serve hot food) that make chicken strips like these
you should scour around and bring your own pepper