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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.76 MB, 4032x3024, 20240221_184120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20287756 No.20287756 [Reply] [Original]

Milk Milk. Get in here Milk chads, post current milk.

>> No.20287766

Milk tastes like absolute dogshit

>> No.20287809

why do you know what dog shit tastes like?

>> No.20287821

you can guess a taste pretty accurately by smell

>> No.20287822

Milk has so many allowed additives these days that you'd have to be a goy to drink that filth.

>> No.20287848

For me, it's cravendale whole filtered

>> No.20287853
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>> No.20287860

Brown detected

>> No.20287949

You know youve been on this site too long when you look at this picture of Joes lemonade with the giant milk juggs standing behind it and the first thing you think of is that casting couch scene

>> No.20287978
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lactose free, and has a shit ton of protein to help hit my macros.

>> No.20287985

That's not really milk, it's industrial waste.

>> No.20288154

is raw milk worth it? why is it not the norm

>> No.20288162

It's pretty much banned in more than half of the US.

>> No.20288167

why though?
should I try to find it where I am or is it a meme like raw meat

>> No.20288168

fucking kek

>> No.20288170
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Give it a try, it should be possible to break the law in some states where it's not legal.

>> No.20288179

The one in the op pic is the first time i've tried it and it DOES taste slightly different from regular whole milk. Slightly less sweet kind of slightly herbal tasting, mostly the same. Though i'd imagine it tastes different from different farms. I live in Connecticut which is one of the states you can buy raw milk in grocery stores.
You definitely could go to a local farm and try asking, they cant sell it to you but they can give it to you for free i believe thats not illegal.

>> No.20288240
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boring skimmed milk

>> No.20288266
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But you do eat other kinds of shit, right?

>> No.20288339
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almost out

>> No.20288467
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2% is king.

>> No.20288524

He's not wrong, 2% is best for drinking straight
problem is you want whole for e.g. adding to hot drinks, and I'm not buying two milks

>> No.20288528


>> No.20288538
File: 226 KB, 683x1209, Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 13-14-45 Understanding Milk Additives What You Need to Know casa de sante.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20288551

so? stop buying chocolate milk retard

>> No.20288559

>If we all pretend this is only added to chocolate milk, then I can escape from being wrong
How about we don't play pretend, tranny?

>> No.20288565

Almost all milk has added sweeteners, thickeneres, and texturizers. They don't even have to put most of this garbage on the label.

The only way to avoid it is to get the health food store milk that comes in glass bottles and is $12 a quart.

>> No.20288571

oh you're the retard from >>20273192. at least wait till the old thread falls off the catalog before embarrassing yourself again

>> No.20288577
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Other thread, why? Also, why are you lying about milk not having lots of added stuff?

>> No.20288583
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stay mad thirdie

>> No.20288585

Fucking siczo.

>> No.20288612

It's a well known fact American milk has lots of weird stuff, and calling people names does not change this.

>> No.20288622
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>It's a well known fact American milk has lots of weird stuff, and calling people names does not change this.

>> No.20288624

I've had the joe's iced tea. Is the lemonade good?

>> No.20288636

A funny face, OMG !!!1!! now reality has changed.

>> No.20288825
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>> No.20288834


>> No.20288842
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>blocks your path

>> No.20289761

cooking lvl?

>> No.20289762
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currently being fed with this nearly every morning

>> No.20289763

Semi-skimmed for me and then only in small amounts

>> No.20289773

>Lactose intolerant

>> No.20291333

Sar do not redeem sar.

Please do the needful sar.

>> No.20291418

Obvious psyop

>> No.20291423

Seems like you the psiop.

>> No.20291464

you spelled it wrong dumbass

>> No.20291492

You'll have to be more specific than that.
India-Indians could be considered brown, and they fucking love milk and milk products.

>> No.20291494

I did this to psyop you.

>> No.20291508
File: 855 KB, 1536x2048, Milk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best milk comes from upstate new york. i've been all over the country so don't even @ me.
also i like blending a banana with whole milk for breakfast.
second is overnight oats with whole milk and trail mix in a glass jar

>> No.20291510

The best milk in the US, sure. But it's below average otherwise.

>> No.20291515

i said don't @ me. euro milk is all gay homo shit filled with chemicals that make you gay.

>> No.20291520

If anything, it's American milk that is filled with chemicals.

>> No.20291522

how did your bottom surgery go?

>> No.20291523
File: 51 KB, 771x567, FDA 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone even posted FDA regulations.

>> No.20291530

>just look at the package and see how much sugar is in it
swing and a miss "ma'am"

>> No.20291533

Does bottled water comes with "fluorine" as an ingredient on package?

>> No.20291547

i don't know, i have a well and an RO filter.
>fluorine schizo posting
opinion discarded. stop @'ing me

>> No.20291550

>opinion discarded. stop @'ing me
How to be right about stuff 101

>> No.20291560
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9.5L stocked rn

>> No.20291574

>has to resort to schizo posting
>being right about anything

>> No.20291578

Maybe American milk is really not this bad if we ignore all the evidence.

>> No.20291584

what evidence

>> No.20291587

The FDA documentation you just said "it makes me upset so, doesn't really count", kek

>> No.20291588

his neovagina is leaking shit

>> No.20291595

Based samefag

>> No.20291607

I just got to this conversation, I dont get it

>> No.20291611

Just a few soy virgins jealous of avid milk drinkers.

>> No.20291613

You are trying to hard, milk-anon.

>> No.20291614

his brain is too focused on schizo conspiracy theories and state sponsored transexual pedophile propaganda to make any sense

>> No.20291616

>Exact 60 seconds between posts,
>exact same offenses
>I just got it
If it's not the milk schizo, still butthurt from the last thread?

>> No.20291624


>> No.20291625

Dude, do you have an humiliation fetish?

>> No.20291630

Im not humiliated anon, so I hope not

>> No.20291636

Trying to understand why you keep subjecting yourself to this.

>> No.20291643
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>> No.20291657

That very clearly says, "Lemonade".

>> No.20291669

subjecting myself to what anon? you take this shit way too seriously I think

>> No.20291679

Look at yourself, do you think you can claim others take this too seriously?

>> No.20291693

chilling in the milk thread is pretty fun

>> No.20291696

around the corner fudge is made

>> No.20291698

this nigga never had lemalk

>> No.20291699

Dude, you had a mental breakdown, and even after a few days you still started to spam u tranny,u tranny when someone mentioned it.

>> No.20291705

You're a MtF transgender fag

>> No.20291708

>MtF transgender fag
You are new to 4chan, arent you?

>> No.20291715

youre mistaking me for someone else retard, why do you assume only one person can be replying to your weird rambling

>> No.20291716

>>Exact 60 seconds between posts,
59 seconds*

>> No.20291720

Who knows, maybe the milk schizo was pushed always and I missed it.

>> No.20291734

I know where you live.

>> No.20291740


>> No.20291748

I have been using a mix of evaporated milk, condensed milk, and regular milk to make my shakes for years

>> No.20291947

that must be sweet, why don't you just add some sugar to whole milk? or do you like the thick consistency?

>> No.20293184

>When a poor little bottle of lemonade walks into a white neighbourhood.

>> No.20293192

I buy half and half to add to coffee but end up just drinking it in the middle of the night. It's so good.

>> No.20293696

that's nice, dear.

>> No.20293706

Wrong on FL. There’s raw Kefir at Sprouts. There’s Raw Cow or Goat Milk at a decent amount of “agritourism” places, you just have to label it as “pet food”. It’s $14-15/gal for Raw Cow Milk.

>> No.20293710

>you can bypass the law, so there is no law

>> No.20293713

>He doesn’t know/care about exceptions
Bro do you even law (DYEL)

>> No.20293718

Do you know there was never a prohibition in the US, because a doctor could give you a permit to drink.

>> No.20293736

>He blends his milk with bananas
BASED af. That's so fucking refreshing and satiating

>> No.20293755

>Buys wemmonade
R e t a r d
It's lemon juice water and sugar it takes 1 minutes to prepare
That one prob has a bunch of citric acid added that will rot your teeth

>> No.20293783
File: 771 KB, 896x2000, tesco-laugh-i-saw-jersey-847197175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been enjoying this fatty non-homogenised specimen. it is very oishi

>> No.20293784

>That one prob has a bunch of citric acid added that will rot your teeth
Don't lemons have citric acid too?

>> No.20293787

Dosage is a thing