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File: 84 KB, 900x673, the-mario-64-got-milk-commercial-v0-vp1l927w3mm81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20286255 No.20286255 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking love drinking milk. Why is there a war on milk and why do people get so angry when others drink milk?

>> No.20286264

Lactose intolerance jealousy

>> No.20286268

Browns are lactose intolerant and get extremely jealous

>> No.20286269

Milk is racist.

>> No.20286273
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just enjoy the fact that you can drink milk and they can't

>> No.20286285
File: 50 KB, 407x305, Fresh_Dairy_Milk-Byrne_Dairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because it's usually not chocolate milk, folk that don't drink chocolate milk are a sad pathetic lot.

>> No.20286292

a war on milk, since when? i enjoy it daily

>> No.20286296

A farmer down the road from me sells me raw milk, shit is so cash

>> No.20286299

Did you at least bang the farmer's daughter while getting some milk?

>> No.20286300

Sadly no, she's away at college but we used to hang out

>> No.20286302

There's no more of a war on milk than there is one on diaperism or mlp. Just because you feel socially ostracized for acting like a child doesn't mean you're "at war". It just means you need to grow up.

>> No.20286305
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There's a "war on milk" like there's a "war on christmas", it's just schizo shit invented by unemployable rust belt whites who need something to feel good about since the factory closed 30 years ago and they've been sitting around with their thumbs up their asses popping oxycodone pills and waiting for the south to rise again

>> No.20286307 [DELETED] 

Seething brownoids detected

>> No.20286316

Being able to drink milk without repercussions is a uniquely caucasian trait. Most everyone else is lactose intolerant, either genetically or due to being raised on formula.
In the evident push to erase whites from media, the act of drinking milk is a constant reminder of, not only their presence, but the presence of biological differences between races. Ergo, it's racist and must be met with contempt and censorship.

>> No.20286333

>gets called a child
>confirms he's a child with further childish behavior

>> No.20286337

raw milk is really tasty, so much better than pasteurized. but when i drink a liter i day i visit the toilet more often, kinda worth it though

>> No.20286343

Milk is an ingredient. You make things like cheese and cakes with it. Drinking milk is like eating spoons of sugar.

>> No.20286356
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You tell him. Milk has been based and redpilled ever since some tabloid did some outrage bait tier article about some irrelevant organization making a twitter post that nobody remembers except you.

>> No.20286399

Why is it okay to use milk to make a cake but drinking milk is like eating pure sugar? Cake has a lot of sugar.

>> No.20286451

>There's a "war on milk" like there's a "war on christmas"
But there is actually a war on christmas, that's why they tell you "happy holidays"

>> No.20286651

>Why is there a war on milk
There isn't.
>inb4 screencap of some retarded niche tweet with like 6 likes and 6000 replies

>> No.20286659

I don't like drinking milk but I've got no problem with people who do. Anyone who gets that concerned with what someone is drinking needs to shut the fuck up. Aside from bullshit like soda.
Sincerely, watergang

>> No.20286678


>> No.20286689
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>a war on milk, since when?

>> No.20286711

>literally replacing CHRIST with an X
>not a war on CHRISTmas

>> No.20286735

x is a cross

>> No.20286808

CHRISTmas celebrates the BIRTH of Christ, not his crucifixion.

>> No.20286810
File: 131 KB, 247x204, 1703351935869788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are the nipples on the shell or on the nut?

>> No.20286820

then why isnt it anywhere near his actual birthday and why does every other culture that does believe in jesus also have a winter celebration about that time

>> No.20286822

No I'm not.

>> No.20286824

doesn't *

>> No.20286826

>Why is there a war on milk
because "they" have tricked women and hipsters into pushing overpriced memeshit like oat milk and almond milk onto everyone

>> No.20286870

You can't say things like that about white people on here, especially not on this board. They will issue you a global ban for violating rule number three.

>> No.20286906

Because the sun dies for three days around the winter equinox and is reborn, signifying the start of the new year. The sun which hangs on the cross of the zodiac, which is the procession of stars, revolving around the fixed north pole star, Polaris. All there are 12 houses in the zodiac (apostles, star signs) which have planetary rulers. These houses are divisions of the ecliptic plane. But I've said too much already.
Christ is King.

>> No.20286908

>Drinking milk is like eating spoons of sugar.
what fucking planet are you from?

>> No.20286913

now THIS is the kind of schizoposting i enjoy

>> No.20286915

then shouldn't christmas be easter
stop sucking jew cock you schizo faggot

>> No.20286927

Is soured milk a thing outside of scandinavia? The name alone sounds so disgusting in english that it can't be.
I drink like a carton of that stuff in a day. It's like thick milk with a bit of tang to it.

>> No.20286934

You've been talking to yourself this entire thread. Are you ok?

>> No.20286939

No, milk doesn't sour anywhere else.

>> No.20286977

Nope. It's a nod to the symbol jews came up with after the crucifixion (they refused to write +) but still needed to do addition.
The practice entered the public consciousness after the slaves they had brought to South America needed to sign for receipt of sugar cane being shipped off of plantations. The DeWoolfs then brought the practice to North America where it became more commonplace due to the slave monopoly they controlled along with escapees fleeing North.
Inb4 le pol, just bored

>> No.20286994
File: 442 KB, 840x840, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just nut in water and sell it to vegans


Milk does have a ridiculous amount of sugar considering how much is drunk of it. People have a meltdown over a can of Monster because it has 10g sugar /100ml yet down a carton of milk without hesitation.

jews hate JESUS

Yeah Germans drink "dickmilch"

>> No.20287009

Browns be like "ayo dis drink too spicy"

>> No.20287021

jesus is a jew you faggot, all abrhamic religions are judaism

>> No.20287059
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>> No.20287064

not reading all that shit, your religion is a sadistic death cult like the other branches of your jewfaggotry

>> No.20287075
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>> No.20287083

pure whites are milk tolerant, the rest of the world isn't, for the most part, do the math

>> No.20287120

Yes, lets focus more on random "muh non-whites" and ignore the liberals trying to ban milk?

You guys will sell the country to get a change to feel your race (if you even have one) is better for a moment.

>> No.20287597

I could overhead press you, faggot.

>> No.20287634

More like sometimes abbreviating.

>> No.20287660

That's one thing we have in common.

>> No.20287699
File: 163 KB, 1193x690, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is absolutely a war on milk. At the federal level, interstate commerce of milk is illegal. U.S. Federal Regulation 21 CFR § 1240.61 states:
>No person shall cause to be delivered into interstate commerce or shall sell, otherwise distribute, or hold for sale or other distribution after shipment in interstate commerce any milk or milk product in final package form for direct human consumption unless the product has been pasteurized.

As you can see from pic related map only 11 states allow milk to be sold in grocery stores. A lot of states allow buying milk directly from farms, but a lot of that is very recent progress and many of those still require jumping through absurd hoops like herdshares. In my home state, farmers had their farms raided and thousands of dollars in equipment stolen by state agencies just for the very suspicion of selling milk to people, which only stopped within the last 10 years because of advocates of milk pushing hard to legalize herdshares. Even today, legislators in many states periodically introduce bills intended to curb or entirely stop the sale of milk entirely. To say there's not a war on milk is ignorant and you should get yourself more informed.

>> No.20287729
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>> No.20287749

do you really want raw milk from new jersey in the first place?

>> No.20287751

Just look at what they're putting Amos Miller through

>> No.20287781
File: 176 KB, 1256x1132, 1705256737051453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's pasteurized and homogenized, it's not milk.

>> No.20287877

im in a green state, should I give it a try? I've been told I am lactose intolerant but I think it was a misdiagnosis. I haven't had milk in over a decade though but things that include milk/dairy don't bother me. i have honestly forgotten the taste.

>> No.20287974

Give it a try, at the worst you'll shit yourself for a day or two.

>> No.20287984

You should definitely give it a try. A lot of people even report becoming lactose tolerant from drinking a few ounces of raw milk daily for a few weeks. Most likely because raw milk still contains lactose-eating bacteria and lactase-producing bacteria that colonize your gut and help you process the lactose.

>> No.20287987

You're late, they already posted it.

>> No.20287993

Nothing more scaring to an American than the freedom to choose more options.

>> No.20288022

when you put it like that it could be worse, fuck it ill see if i can find some

>> No.20288029

Fermented milk has a lot of these, if it cannot cure intolerance, nothing can.

>> No.20288041

I remember this story from when I was a kid, Watership Down I think. The moon and the sun chasing each other, it might have derived from some book from India. There are others with the same theme.

>> No.20288084

Vegans. The answer is vegans. They think you're raping the cow.

>> No.20288100

That's not scary to Americans, more options to an electorate is scary to politicians.

>> No.20288102

Maybe not for you, but there are quite a few Americans in this thread who are scared of people being able to choose vegetal "milk".

>> No.20288117

I can see that, likely west coast california types or upper west side manhattan types.

>> No.20288120

Indeed, it's a terrible option, but still just an option.

>> No.20288136

Is vegetal milk from a cactus, it's been some years since I've been to Arizona so am not around cacti too often in NY.

>> No.20288156
File: 85 KB, 590x604, anger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts communist image
Gee, I wonder what this guy's ethnicity is?

>> No.20288572

He didn't say evil. He said stupid. And not stupid for being white. For thinking like one of the stupid whites.

>> No.20288641

I love milk but I'm pissed that my mom let me drink gallons of it when I was a kid. I probably drank 90% whole milk and 10% water until my teens. Had no idea I was probably drinking 2k calories a day just in milk. No wonder I was a fatass at 11 years old.

>> No.20288651
File: 15 KB, 226x255, 1708724814215402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It isn't happening but it's a good thing if it is
>character says merry christmas
>subtitles say happy holidays
Reminder that the past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.

>> No.20288656

Do you have an example of this, I'm curious.

Also, haven't Americans tried to ban Christmas during colonial times?

>> No.20288665

Don't have a clip handy but the trannyslator for the global version of the princess connect gacha did that and much more. Every mention of Christmas from the translation was scrubbed even though the characters themselves and the decorations say Merry Christmas. There was a big uproar about it in the community but global is the red headed stepchild so sadly we were ignored.
It's not the only instance though and just driving around many american towns during december and you'll see a majority of businesses and institutions having happy holidays signs.

>> No.20288672

>It's not the only instance though and just driving around many american towns during December and you'll see a majority of businesses and institutions having happy holidays signs.
Couldn't this be a natural consequence of protestantism dying in the US? Younger generations barely step on churches.

>> No.20288674

sour grapes, milk is delicious

>> No.20288678

It's also not very profitable for major companies, as farmers raising cows take a good chuck of the profits.

>> No.20288681

No because japanese don't go to church and they love christmas and have no problem saying it. Only a complete brainwashed communist soytheist like the original poster would be offended by hearing it.

>> No.20288692

I don't get why you call these people communists, if anything all real life socialist regimes had holidays and celebrations on Christmas, even non-Christian ones.


>> No.20288693

>list of life achievements:
1. I can drink milk
2. ???

When has anyone ever seethed about milk

>> No.20288698

My mistake, DPRK doesn't celebrates it, all others do.

>> No.20288703

I am watching you seethe about milk at this very moment

>> No.20289340

The level in this commercial was inaccurate and it still bothers me

>> No.20289383

okay grandpa just go back to sleep

>> No.20289400

>a war on milk
the latest overblown thing for chuds to get mad about and play the victim over

>> No.20289407

were you bothered because you couldn't drink a gallon of milk in super mario 64 too?

>> No.20289475

Anon, I can drink milk too. I'm just asking what other life achievements you have

>> No.20289540

I don't find milk to be "refreshing", so drinking it in a glass by itself feels weird.

That said I have nothing against milk or using it in recipes.

>> No.20290424
File: 786 KB, 960x720, The_PTA_Disbands_-_94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20290510

Sounds like a good way to get poisoning

>> No.20290780

why does milk have a war on my intestines?
i have to give up milk and cheese so i dont get gassy shit attacks all week

>> No.20292150

That's like the most American thing ever. Having so many options that you're almost paralyzed having to choose between them is basically an American invention.

>> No.20292151

t. banned alcohol out of fear people would make the wrong choice, to drink it

>> No.20292158

>Just close your eyes Goyim

>> No.20292162

This. /pol/fags are more ignorant than your average black teen from chicago

>> No.20292172

We also just banned abortion in half the states, even though like 90% of the country were against it. It's almost like we have so much freedom in our political system that small interest groups with the money and determination can enact wildly unpopular policies. One of our political parties basically does nothing but convince people to vote against their interests.

>> No.20292177

land of the free, i guess

>> No.20292189

It's actually "anti-racist" progressives with hidden vegan agendas who both started and push the "all brown people are lactose intolerant" myth the most despite the long history of nonwhite cultures around the world who have consumed milk and dairy products in a variety of forms for centuries. They spread this nonsense because they think if they can paint milk as racist and exclusionary they can get people to drink less of it and support plant "milks" and further their agenda toward getting rid of cattle and livestock in general. /pol/ are just a bumbling group of useful idiots who are too focused on and giddy about edgy racism to see how they're being used.

>> No.20292193

It was not 90%

>> No.20292196

So they're as ignorant as anti-racist-blog-writers fans?

>> No.20292198

/pol/ is not one guy, but average user is American, not-really-white, male and dumb.

>> No.20292199

>even though like 90% of the country were against it
No, 90% of liberal whiners on twitter are against it. The silent majority is real, way more people are pro-life than feel comfortable admitting it publicly. And in any case, it doesn't matter what "the country" thinks of it when it's each state's decision. It only matters what the population of each STATE thinks of it, which is the whole purpose of overturning the unconstitutional ruling of Roe v. Wade.

>> No.20292201

Yes, /pol/ has always been retarded.

>> No.20292202

I've basically stated in my last two posts that having choices is not the same as having freedom. At the same time, having an entire aisle full of oat/soy/rice/almond milk doesn't mean the regular milk is no longer there, or that you for some reason can't buy it anymore. It's not about freedom with these people. They just hate certain things and certain people who don't affect them or their ability to drink milk one bit.

>> No.20292205

>They just hate certain things and certain people who don't affect them or their ability to
Please, take no offense, but sound like the puritanical movements that fill the American history.

>> No.20292213

I honestly think their average IQ is a little higher than the average IQ of the residents of Detroit

>> No.20292219

>the silent majority is pro-life but are just scared to say it
That's the dumbest shit I've ever read. The vast majority of people think there are absolutely situations when an abortion would be a good thing, but it's a difficult subject for anyone to talk about. Why the fuck would anyone be scared to say that they're against "killing babies"? How does that make any sense in your head?

>> No.20292220

Opposing major ideologies and religions in the US is a death sentence, unless you have your own to back you.

>> No.20292229

You think there's millions of liberal women who secretly hate having bodily autonomy but wont say it because that's not considered cool in their social circle? Are you actually retarded?

>> No.20292235

I do not think most women have a proper opinion on most subjects, they tend to go with the flow, I am sorry.

>> No.20292240

>The vast majority of people think there are absolutely situations when an abortion would be a good thing
Did you personally interview all people to come to this conclusion, or did some liberal media source tell you that liberal views are totally, definitely, always the most common sense agreed-upon views and only crazy people ever disagree?
>Why the fuck would anyone be scared to say that they're against "killing babies"?
Because if you try to equate abortion with killing babies you'll be beset by a frothing mob of pro-choicers. Or at least that's what liberal media and the echo chamber that is social media has convinced people of, and that's exactly how the silent majority works: There are tons of people who all share the same view but because they're all equally afraid of the social consequences of voicing that opinion you never hear about it until it's too late. This issue is compounded even further because abortion is a women's issue and women are terrified of going against the groupthink openly even if they privately disagree with it.

>> No.20292242

I can assure you that the vast majority of women have very strong opinions about what is done with or to their bodies.

>> No.20292247

It is very hard to talk with people who repeat the official narrative as if this was talking or discussing.

>> No.20292250

>You think there's millions of liberal women who secretly hate having bodily autonomy
This wording right here shows exactly what I'm talking about in the first part of >>20292240
You clearly have a huge liberal bias and simply consider it a matter of course that the vast majority of people are liberal and conservatism is some fringe movement from a tiny minority, but it's not.

>> No.20292262

He is right about a lot of moderates having very light blue ideals. Most Americans are fine with abortion to a certain extent because it's beneficial to them and religion is pretty much dead. Not many want abortion totally outlawed.

>> No.20292263

>You clearly have a huge liberal bias and simply consider it a matter of course that the vast majority of people are liberal and conservatism is some fringe movement from a tiny minority, but it's not.
I'm not a liberal, and my point is that abortion is not actually a partisan issue for most people. Only a very small number of religious fundamentalists are pushing for the abortion ban. Taking away rights isn't exactly what Republicans think of themselves as standing for, and it sure as fuck isn't what anyone on the left believes. So who is this silent majority? Are you imagining a bunch of women who secretly hide a bible under the mattress because they're afraid of being called out by mobs of raving atheists? You

>> No.20292270

But very few want abortion outside a very limited set of reasons.

>> No.20292281

Those "very limited set of reasons" were already enforced under Roe. It's just the Right has pushed out this narrative "abortions as easy as fast food and creating a culture of sluts" and "abortions being legal up to birth". It's just fear-mongering.

>> No.20292286

>It's just the Right has pushed out this narrative "abortions as easy as fast food and creating a culture of sluts" and "abortions being legal up to birth".
The worse part is that they are not really wrong, the tone is a bit too heavy but generally this is what is being pushed by progressives in the US.

>> No.20292296
File: 141 KB, 1600x900, 171105151322-most-premature-baby-full-169[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those "very limited set of reasons" were already enforced under Roe.
"No questions asked up to 21 weeks" is not very limited at all. Pic related is a premature baby born at 21 weeks, which abortion supporters would callously call "just a clump of cells" if someone had a problem with a woman aborting it.
Mind you, states aren't even outlawing abortion as far as I know, they're just pulling back the cutoff to 7-10 weeks. But again, abortion supporters spin this as an outright outlawing of abortion because they're incapable of having a nuanced discussion on the topic or actually owning up to the reality of what it means to have an abortion.

>> No.20292299

Absolutely nobody is pushing the idea that abortion clinics are like McDonald's or weed shops, where you can just stop in on your drive home and have a quick abortion when you're 9 months pregnant. It's really stupid that you could possibly believe that. Abortion access should be easy, because in a lot of situations making someone have to jump through hoops is no different than making it illegal in the first place.

>> No.20292301

Both sides in American politics are pushing for radical puritanical crap, and 21 weeks is very late.

>> No.20292302

>making someone have to jump through hoops is no different than making it illegal in the first place
Like clockwork, just as I said.

>> No.20292313

What do you mean?

>> No.20292315

That outside people following the progressive ideology, no one wants abortions to be easy, accessible and not properly restricted to some special circumstances.

>> No.20292326

IDK about that. If you asked your average Joe, I think they'd say yes to all of those things

>> No.20292327

Most people want abortion to only be available in cases of rape, an imminent threat to the mother's long-term health, or in specific circumstances where the baby will come out with a gross deformity/condition that guarantees their life will be hell from start to finish. Progressives literally call abortion "women's healthcare" and want it to be easily accessible by all with no questions asked.

>> No.20292329

This is why the other anon is rightfully saying your view on what most people think has been twisted by your ideology.

What is described here >>20292327 is far more accurate.

>> No.20292331

It's not good for you!

>> No.20292335

>and 21 weeks is very late
21 weeks is the end of the second trimester and would have been a grey area under Roe, and required extraordinary circumstances to be performed. 90% of all abortions take place in the first trimester, because people don't wait 3 months before deciding they don't want the pregnancy. There's just no data to back up the idea that making abortion easily accessible would lead to people doing bizarre shit like not using protection because "why not just get an abortion?" or deciding on a whim in their 3rd trimester that they don't want a baby after all. Those just aren't things that happen.

>> No.20292338

Like clockwork what?

>> No.20292339

I really dont care what you think is right or wrong, but claiming most people think like you is at best being deluded, at worst lying out of malice.

>> No.20292347

>outside people following the progressive ideology, no one wants
Talk about projection. The vast, vast majority of women (and men who don't want to pay child support) would absolutely want to have easy access to abortion care is they had an accident. You're delusional if you think the vast majority of people are having sex and thinking, "welp, if I get pregnant it's only a lifelong commitment...oh well, sex feels good, whatever happens happens."

>> No.20292353

>more alternatives for (product)
>there's le WAR on muh heckin PRODUCTERINO
huff more lead fumes you inbred faggot i'll be over here with a nice tall glass of cold milk

>> No.20292356

>90% of all abortions take place in the first trimester
So why do abortion supporters so vehemently oppose laws that limit abortion to the first trimester and consider it akin to a complete ban of the practice? This kind of thing is the problem with the entire abortion debate in the US, there's too much extremism in the discourse. If you support abortion in certain circumstances or timeframes, one side calls you a baby murderer. If you think abortion shouldn't be allowed up to birth, the other side calls you a bible-thumping misogynist.

>> No.20292357

youre so close to understanding the problem, its staring you right in the face

>> No.20292358

> The vast, vast majority of women (and men who don't want to pay child support) would absolutely want to have easy access to abortion care
Then why not have a referendum instead of backroom lobbying?

>> No.20292359

Do you have a study or poll that reflects that? I wanna read it
I'm not that other guy

>> No.20292360

Progressives are more scared of pools, voting and referendum than rats fear shocks.

>> No.20292366

>list of life achievements:
1. ???

>> No.20292367

Well I found a poll, and it seems like people want it legal in few instances. I wonder how they feel about it being outright banned


>> No.20292368


>> No.20292372

>and it seems like people want it legal in few instances. I wonder how they feel about it being outright banned
Probably just as bad as abortion being trivialized.

But hey, progressives dont give half a fuck about the people, they know what is better and will do whatever it takes to get it done.

>> No.20292377

No, despite all the memes about Poland being trad and conservative, the country will swallow anything the EU pushes, try Belarus instead.

>> No.20292384

That's not true, though. We had a law for 50 years and it was fine. It divided pregnancy into trimesters and had certain conditions for each trimester. In the first trimester it was your choice. In the second, especially approaching viability, there would have to be extenuating circumstances. And it was illegal in the the 3rd trimester unless the doctor determined it would be necessary to save the life of the mother (more or less). There's so many laws being put forward around the country I don't know what first trimester one you're talking about. One of the big first ones to go into effect was 6 weeks. That's a month and a half. Women get their period once a month. Missing one period (or just not noticing that you're not bleeding from the gash between your legs) is not a realistic timeframe to realize you're pregnant, decide what you want to do and discuss it with the involved parties, and then get the procedure. Most women don't even know their pregnant at 6 weeks. It's a way of making it practically impossible for most women to get abortions while Republicans can say, "actchually it's not technically banned so I guess it's your fault for being so irresponsible."
tl;dr - pro-choice people want reasonable restrictions, which is what we had. The Right wants a complete ban, and are using any loophole to make it as difficult as possible until they can get a full ban.

>> No.20292389

I'm not talking about a problem. I'm talking about how most people think and act, which is what we're talking about.

>> No.20292396

Most people would ban progressives from voting or publicly speaking, if given the chance.

>> No.20292404

Been drinking it for over 9 years...no problems yet other than delicious cold creamy delight

>> No.20292405

I think there should be no-fault abortion up until 3 years. Some people aren't cut out to be parents, and there's no way they all figure it out during pregnancy. There's a lot of people running around that wouldn't be here if we had those kind of laws. That's an improvement I'd like to see.

>> No.20292406

>85% of people are against an abortion ban
Well, it's not 90%, but it's pretty close. You do understand how polls like this are swayed by whatever narrative people are hearing, right? If you're being told Texas is going to make it illegal except in cases of rape or incest (I don't even think Texas wants that), you're probably going to think, "fuck that, make it legal in all cases." But if you spend all day watching Fox News, you're going to hear nothing but open boarders and after-birth abortions, and get really upset and say these things need to be shut down without really understanding the issues.

>> No.20292414

>if... if we count people who want to heavily limit it on our side... then we are not a noisy minority.

>> No.20292419

Thank God the US is a democracy and not a me liberal, me know, me choose totalitarian regime.

>> No.20292420

But all the smart and interesting people tend to be progressives. Why would most people not want to hear smart and interesting people speak?

>> No.20292423

Well how do you suppose we hold a survey without using people that have been exposed to propaganda?

>> No.20292424

>But all the smart and interesting people tend to be progressives.
Not really, progressives are no smarter or more interesting than your average fanatic cult member. Every day you should knee and thank your god that the US tolerates your kind, unlike back home.

>> No.20292428

>We had a law for 50 years and it was fine
It was not fine, it was an unconstitutional ruling that infringed on the rights of individual states.

Okay, now group it BY STATE. How many people were polled? What states do they live in? The opinions of Californians and New Yorkers should not determine what happens in Texas or North Dakota.

>> No.20292434

He is a cultist, but data on who was interviewed can be found here: https://news.gallup.com/poll/244097/legality-abortion-2018-demographic-tables.aspx

>> No.20292436

"Legal under certain circumstances" doesn't mean "heavily limit". It's the exact same shit as the "open boarder" thing. Literally nobody but a few fringe retards want open boarders, just like nobody wants it be legal to have an abortion in the middle of labor because you "changed your mind".

>> No.20292438

>1,011 people from an undisclosed mix of states should speak for the whole country and every state
These polls are always so gay, nothing but disinformation.

>> No.20292439

>"Legal under certain circumstances" doesn't mean "heavily limit".
Tard, the research you posted do ask if they think limits should be high or low, if they said under some circumstancees, and 13 percent said legal in most circumstances, while 36 said legal in very few circumstances.

So no, most people who said under some circumstances mean very high limitations.

>> No.20292446

Not even this fake all survey say this bullshit:

U.S. adults
>Legal under any circumstances
>Legal in most
>Legal in only a few
>Illegal in all
>No opinion

>> No.20292451

>it was an unconstitutional ruling that infringed on the rights of individual states
It was a bad argument, but it didn't infringe anyone's rights. It effectively made abortion a constitutional right. The reason it took 50 years to be overturned is because when the culture decides certain things should be the case, there's no real incentive to be against it on the basis of a bad argument. Nobody believes that.

>> No.20292456

>fuck the supreme court and rulemakers, I have the one true ideology, and this is how things MUST be.

>> No.20292459


>> No.20292462

Believe or not, yes, milk

>> No.20292469

lmao at getting into an argument on behalf of the rights of "rule makers". are you six? lol

>> No.20292472

I will take the US congress over a cultist like you anyday.

>> No.20292473

Are we still talking about that?

>> No.20292475

And your mom takes congress from a rottweiler every weekend

>> No.20292484

No, milk-schizo was banished back to his basement, now people are arguing if war on milk is real and it derailed

>> No.20292489

I think we're talking about abortion now. How did we even get here?

>> No.20292493

I didn't link that poll. Most polls are bullshit. Because again, "legal in only a few circumstances" depends on the narrative you've been fed. Here's my list of circumstances,
>before the fetus is viable
>to save the mother's life
>if the baby is not going to survive and going through delivery would be extremely risky or harmful to the mother's health, as determined by their doctor
Hey look, that's just "a few" circumstances. I can count them all on one hand.

The point is, the ONLY people who wanted Roe overturned where religious fundamentalists who want ALL abortion banned. NOBODY was calling for a reform. They want it GONE. And that's 10-15% of the population. I don't give a fuck about a state's right to take away the rights of its citizens. That's the fucking point of federal laws.

>> No.20292501

>war on milk
>liberals think all society think like them
>abortion support data show this is real
>abortion support data show this is fake
Basically this.

>> No.20292502

>I don't give a fuck about a state's right
Then you live in the wrong country, try Canada.

>> No.20292504

>war on milk
Is this a Big Dairy marketing scheme?
I don't drink regular milk due to my mild lactose intolerance and personal tastes. I do enjoy yogurt though.

>> No.20292509

Some ideological folks want to ban milk due to ideology, but they are pretty weak.

>> No.20292510

>fuck the supreme court
This, but unironically. Also, fuck the senate. It's the most anti-democratic institution in the country.
>bumfuck retarded farmer in wyoming with a 4th grade education's vote counts for ten times as much as an informed, college educated voter who lives in a more populous state
Yeah, fuck that shit. The supreme court isn't even supposed to make the rules; they just interpret the law. They decided to ban abortion. It was politics, plain and simple.

>> No.20292512

>bumfuck retarded farmer in wyoming with a 4th grade education's vote counts for ten times as much as an informed, college educated voter who lives in a more populous state
Should count a hundred times more, taking in account the former are not ideological fanatics.

>> No.20292521

>a state's right
A state's right to what? Who are you quoting?

>> No.20292526

The US, as the name says, is a union of states, not a republic. States have rights by default, citizens get those from the state, indirectly.

>> No.20292533

>all of my information comes from church and fox news
>i'm definitely not an ideological fanatic
>i just do the normal thing and go along with whatever i hear like everyone else i know
>people shouldn't think too much about these things
>everything is fine
>everything is fine

>> No.20292540

>I am too ideological to know how others live
This is why their vote is worth more than yours.

>> No.20292542

No, you said "a state's right", not "state rights". What state right were you referring to?
(And the US is a republic; try not paying your federal income tax and see how that goes for you.)

>> No.20292548

>And the US is a republic
No, it is not. Even if this makes you upset.

The US being and US is what justify the senate as superior to the other chamber.

>> No.20292555

The US being an US

>> No.20292559

You clearly don't understand multiple words you're using.

>> No.20292563

>You dont agree with me... so... you dumb
You know what an union of states is? Despite being the thing that give name to the country, most Americans do not even know why the US is called the US.

>> No.20292564

Loaded question.
Prove your assertion.

>> No.20292566

Oh shit! It's the Brazilian retard. Yeah, you're right. The US is anUS.

>> No.20292567

>an union
Why are there so many browns here?

>> No.20292570

Hey, arent you the guy who calls everyone a Brazilian? I wonder if you are the milk schizo too.

>> No.20292571

>It only matters what the population of each STATE thinks of it, which is the whole purpose of overturning the unconstitutional ruling of Roe v. Wade.
This this this.
kys if you think otherwise

>> No.20292574

But this upset liberals...

>> No.20292575

>That's the dumbest shit I've ever read.
It shouldn't be. If it is, you've literally never participated in politics or gone outside and touched grass in your life.

You're strangely detached from reality if you don't understand ideological browbeating and the power of the mass media in modern industrialized nations.

>> No.20292578

No one is gunning to ban milk. Even the hard green vegans and corpos shilling alt-milks have accepted their defeat.
The weaker ideologues are the lactophiles that make chugging plain milk their entire personality.

>> No.20292581

>No one is gunning to ban milk.
There are a few vegans and radical progressive. But it is like the lets ban alcohol puritans, they will never do anything.

>> No.20292593

>Even the hard green vegans and corpos shilling alt-milks have accepted their defeat.
And the nitrate shills?

>> No.20292608

>hey, i recognize you from the last 3 threads where you called me a brazillian!
>but i'm totally not the same guy you keep calling a brazillian!
>those are definitely all different people!
>i just happened to be in all of those threads and knew you were talking to someone different every time!
Lol. You're funny.

>> No.20292613

I think I saw you a couple of days ago, was it in the MRE thread?

>> No.20292622

>if you don't understand ideological browbeating and the power of the mass media in modern industrialized nations
I lived through four years of Trump. I'm well aware of the power of the mass media to get people to vote against their interests. But you're the one detached from reality if you think everyone who voted for Trump wanted Roe overturned.

>> No.20292632

No. I don't post in MRE threads. It's possible someone else recognized the retarded Brazilian. He always talks about how much he hates Americans in broken ESL, and uses the exact same
>You dont agree with me... so... you dumb
greentext format in his posts. He might as well use a trip or an avatar he stands out so much.

>> No.20292636

If it was not in the MRE thread, it was in American supermarket section, you are the bananabread anon, arent you?

>> No.20292692

You're not American, so I'll explain it for you. When someone on the Right says "state's rights" they're talking about slavery. Not in the sense that they are necessarily advocating for going back to slavery, but that's where that call for "state's rights" comes from; it's a dog whistle. It's never about giving people more freedom. It's about the federal government saying that all Americans have certain basic rights, and individual states can't discriminate or treat certain groups as second-class citizens. The Right likes to turn this around and say that they're the ones advocating for rights and freedom, and the left hates those things and wants the government to control every aspect of our lives.

Just assume they're talking about slavery if you're not familiar with the specific issues. They're talking about their to own slaves being infringed. It's always a matter of them wanting to take away the rights of people in their state, which is why they have to use such broad language that obfuscates what they're really saying and makes them look like the victims.

>> No.20292696

>States rights means slavery, fuck state rights
Got you.

>> No.20292697

Yeah, I figured that would go right over your head.

>> No.20292699

If you want people to read your posts, try not writing pearls such as:
>When someone in the Right say "state's rights" they be talking bout slavery.

>> No.20292701

I know how to use an apostrophe. That sounds like you're quoting yourself.

>> No.20292717

>I know how to use an apostrophe. That sound like your quoting you
People from each state choose how they want to live, sounds good to me, and should sound good to anyone who doesnt want to impose his ideology by force.

>> No.20292737

not supporting states rights is supporting the federal government's enslavement of the entire country
you really swallowed that propaganda whole and decided it was your original thought huh

>> No.20292740

It seems he want to use the federal government to impose his... superior beliefs.

>> No.20292761

It sure sounds like you’re pro-choice… What were we arguing about again?

>> No.20292766

I am in favor of citizens of a state being able to choose how they are ruled, not for some progressive imbeciles to use shady means to push their ''pro-choice'' agendas.

>> No.20292771

And did you intentionally change “you’re” to “your”? Or do you actually not know how to greentext? That’s a serious question. I don’t doubt the possibility that ur really that dumb.

>> No.20292774

So you don’t know how to greentext, and have just been using copy/paste? Yikes.

>> No.20292830

>i am in favor of citizens of a state being able to choose how they are ruled
So if a state government wants to enslave half the residents of that state because a few people in the administration were able to pass a law that makes it legal, when half the population of that state really, really doesn’t like the idea of having their rights taken away that’s okay? But if that happens on a federal level that’s bad and evil and authoritarian?

How do you no see the cognitive dissonance? What is it about states’ rights that make them special? Why not make it a county thing? Or a town thing? Or just a direct transaction between individuals? That’s the libertarian idea, right? Just deregulate everything and let whoever has the most guns do whatever they want?

>> No.20292835

>I cannot understand such thing as too big to for the people to rule, so it is you who must be stupid.

>> No.20292839

you arent nearly as smart as you assume you are

>> No.20292866

>ur dumb
>u just dont get it bro
Okay, then explain it to me. What specifically makes a state “the right size” to be what determine these things? You know different states have wildly disproportionate populations, right? We already went over this in relation to how undemocratic the senate is.

I know exactly what you’re saying, anon. I’m trying to explain to you how you’re using arbitrary standards because the current system works in your favor by those standards, and you’re not making a coherent argument for why that should be the standard across the board.

>> No.20292868

>What specifically makes a state “the right size” to be what determine these things?
Believe or not, its size.

>> No.20292895

But why? There are almost 10 times as many republicans in California as there are in Wyoming. Why does California get to tell nine Wyomings that they have to follow the rules the libs want? Isn’t that exactly what you’re against?

>> No.20292910

Yeah, maybe California should be divided in two.

>> No.20292916

>What specifically makes a state “the right size” to be what determine these things?
nothing you moron, thats explicitly the point of states rights, shit is very dependant on the state your talking about so why should it be left up to an average of all the states

>> No.20292923
File: 252 KB, 1080x1080, mpuk9lpis9k71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alternatives for (product)
>said "alternatives" attack product with deceptive claims
Yeah wow
>invade country
>attack inhabitants

>> No.20292925

I like the taste of fresh milk, but I'm absolutely disgusted by the smell of it right after you open. No matter how fresh it is, shit smells rancid.
Does raw milk smell like that, or is it a byproduct of pasteurizing and bottling it up?

>> No.20292933

Why? Because of the population size? What is the standard you’re using? What if I said I think we should combine North and South Dakota into one state? Fuck it, throw in Wyoming while we’re at it. That would still only be less than a third of all the republicans in California if you split it in two based on party lines. Congratulations, you just lost two Republican senators and the ones from Dakotomying still have three times the voting power than the citizens of the New Republic of Northern California. Do you not see where this is going? You want things one way when it works in your favor, but not when things are reversed.

>> No.20292935

Too big and plagued by progressives.

>> No.20292938
File: 21 KB, 337x294, 1438903120587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>war on milk
holy shit

>> No.20292944

So it’s reached the point where you just resort to,”my team good, your team bad”? That’s disappointing. I was having fun and thought I made some really good arguments. I guess that’s the problem. When you realize you have no chance of winning you flip the table over and run out of the room crying like a toddler.

Why do you even engage in these kinds of conversations when you’re completely incapable of defending your viewpoints? Did you forget you weren’t in a safe space like /pol/?

>> No.20292947

485 characters because someone said too big, quite a sight.

>> No.20292974

No, you said, “too big and plagued by progressives.” Let’s unpack that. You’re comparing the majority population of a state to a plague, while simultaneously claiming that the majority population of a state should be the sole arbiter of that state’s laws.

Are you aware that the majority of US citizens are women? And the vast majority of women actually want bodily autonomy? I know you’re stuck on the state’s rights thing, even though you can’t explain why, so let’s talk about Texas or Florida. You know both those states are full of liberals. They both have far more than a state like Vermont, which has been reelection a fucking socialist for decades. So are the (let’s be honest) fascistic governors of those states a “plague”. If not, why? Those are pretty fucking big states. Is it really size that matters? (That’s a rhetorical question; I have no doubt in my mind at this point that you’ve never had sex.)

>> No.20293017

how do you milk chocolate?

>> No.20293019

>they hated him for telling the truth

>> No.20293073

While the sentiment is on the right track, that’s actually an incredibly uncritical take from anything resembling a Marxist perspective.

>> No.20293079
File: 312 KB, 1965x2025, 1700339046952142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too. I go through so much of it. I'm literally about to go out to buy more. I drink like 2 litres a day

>> No.20293396

even doe we can smoke weed because of state's rights

>> No.20293429

weird fucking thread. that commercial brainwashed me into chugging milk as a kid though.

>> No.20293432

Pasteurized milk isn't milk. Actual (raw) milk is largely illegal in the US except through specific loopholes. There is absolutely a constant push from legislators to ban milk and it's only as legal as it is today thanks to the hard work of dedicated activists advocating for people's right to access milk.

>> No.20293615

>"war on milk"
Not in my country. You retards keep inventing these instances of faggotry to while away your tedium, don't you?

>> No.20293622

>Pasteurized milk isn't milk
schizo post

>> No.20293712


Give me some UHT milk instead. I love the slightly sweeter taste and distinct aroma.

>> No.20293714
File: 96 KB, 640x862, 7ae488e63ab4d3e0d13163f02a702524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should get the 90s/00s sexy celeb campaign going again.

>> No.20293723

milk is just liquid sugar bro lmao

>> No.20293731

imagine just UH UH UHing to young taylor swift like really just making her MMMMMMMMMMMMMM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEE after going BAMBAMBAMBAMBAM into her over and over again until she NNNNNNNNNNNNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNMMNN's all over your meatstick

>> No.20293732

It has more fat and protein than sugar. Lactose doesn't affect your blood sugar as much either.

>> No.20293737

they put enough sugar in there to make it mostly sugar, its not natural, havent you read the paperwork?

>> No.20293746

I read the nutrition label.

>> No.20293764
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He’s right though

>> No.20293794

had multiple black people ask me for milk and cereal while working at a hospital in NY this winter
They would straight up tell me how much milk they wanted

>> No.20293802

but secret FDA documents have been resleased that show it's legal to add HFCS to milk, which means you're literally drinking simple syrup with other ingredients

>> No.20293811

I am pretty sure FDA documentation is all public, Americans simply do not read it.

>> No.20293817

>Pasteurized milk isn't milk.
it is an impressive feat the amount of totally left-field shit you people come up with. How do you even come up with this stuff? Someone needs to make an /x/ iceberg for milk

>> No.20293821

There should be a point where so much stuff is added to milk that it stops being milk

>> No.20293825

Lots of milk has HFCS when it's made into something like chocolate milk. It's not in plain milk.

>> No.20293827

I dont know, milk tasted very sweet when I visited the US.

>> No.20293829

pasteurization doesn't add anything schizo-kun

>> No.20293832

>Processing food does not change it, at all

>> No.20293866

Good quality milk can taste sweet. Lower quality milk develops off flavors and makes it harder to taste the sweetness. Not saying the milk in your country is low quality but we have both in the USA so maybe you just had some really good milk. There is no sweetener in plain milk. I saw the thread where someone was saying it's allowed to add HFCS to plain milk and not list it but that's not what it was saying.

>> No.20293869

The problem was that it tasted like corn syrup, but I assume this has more to do with how the cows were fed.

>> No.20293886

If you were drinking plain milk then maybe you just heard how Americans add corn syrup to everything and thought about that while drinking it.

>> No.20293888

Or maybe its an aftertaste left by other stuff I ate.

>> No.20293893

>I saw the thread where someone was saying it's allowed to add HFCS to plain milk and not list it
that person is incorrect

>> No.20293895

So incorrect the progressive need to shill otherwise.

>> No.20293906
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>> No.20294000

That's the opposite. States are giving their citizens more freedom, not taking it away. And weed is still federally illegal; it's just that nobody cares because - just like with abortion - it doesn't hurt anyone and is generally culturally accepted by all but a fringe minority.

>> No.20294092

>when states exercise their rights in defiance of the federal government for something I approve of it has nothing to do with states rights!
You're retarded.
>abortion - it doesn't hurt anyone
Retarded AND dishonest.

>> No.20294113

You dairy fans are missing the opportunity to use CRISPR to engineer a race of milkmaid women who look better than cows and fart less. At the end of the day relying on another species for your milk is unnatural.

>> No.20294139

The problem is that you want this abstract idea of "states rights" based on some idea of libertarian, Gadsden bullshit, while in reality what you want is to take away rights. It's not a matter of "things I like" versus "things you like". It's a matter of "are people being less free or more free?" I'm saying you're being hypocritical (dishonest, really) when you act like you're fighting for the underdog against the big hand of the government, when what you're doing is literally trying to subject people to the big hand of the government.

And no, abortion doesn't hurt anyone. i mean, it can be traumatic and life-altering, but it's usually done because it's deemed to be the lesser of two evils.

>> No.20294152

>and fart less.
I'm out

>> No.20294163

not him but you have exactly zero evidence to base that opinion on
>abortion doesn't hurt anyone
I dont think even an ai would say something this retarded

>> No.20294217

What I want is for individual states to make their own decisions based on the will of the people within that state, WHATEVER THE RESULT. Some states have banned abortion, some states have legalized it further, some states have added limitations, AND THEY SHOULD ALL BE ALLOWED TO DO ANY OF THOSE THINGS. If you don't like how your state is run you can participate in activism to CHANGE YOUR STATE or you can move to a state that better aligns with your own beliefs if it's such a fundamentally important issue to you. What I'm not okay with is people from ONE state telling ANOTHER state how they must be run. The federal government exists to maintain national defense and make sure interstate commerce is coordinated smoothly, not to force states to go along with some moral crusade. For the record, I don't think the federal government should be allowed to ban abortion nationwide for the exact same reason.

>And no, abortion doesn't hurt anyone.
I think you're forgetting someone.

>> No.20294248

Possibly. A lot of stuff does have corn syrup in the US, plain milk just isn't one.

>> No.20294279

Every surgical medical procedure is going to "hurt" the patient to some degree. The point is that they're (usually) making that decision themself, not inflicting harm on others.
>hurr durr, not even ai would say that
AI doesn't understand ethics or the nuances of language. It shouldn't be the arbiter of anything.

>> No.20294310

But why is the state the standard you go by? As I've said numerous times, states are all different sizes and have wildly different demographics. They're incredibly arbitrary and only correspond to geographical lines on a map drawn centuries ago, and rarely align with anything resembling a homogenous culture.

Of course states have rights, but the idea is that all Americans should also have certain basic rights, and if one state wants to limit the rights of its citizens it should be the federal government who comes in and says "no, all Americans have this right so put down the whip and I'll put down the M4."

>I think you're forgetting someone

>> No.20294311

it ceases to be "your body your choice" when another human being is growing inside you, cant have both

>> No.20294327

I'm not a religion fag. I don't believe in the soul. We have to draw a line for when it's a human, and viability seems like a pretty good one. If you say you don't believe in religious shit either then you need to be more clear in what you're actually arguing. A "potential human" is not a human. You could use the same slippery slope argument in the other direction and say jerking off is mass genocide of potential humans. It's dumb and unproductive. Unless you believe in a soul, you can't believe that abortion is murder.

>> No.20294329

>he fell for the lactose intolerance meme

>> No.20294369

>But why is the state the standard you go by?
Because cities and counties are too small, but the country as a whole is too big. States are nice regional divisions of manageable size that can be governed in a far more personal way than the entire country at once.
That's not to say cities and counties are irrelevant, either, it just makes more sense for a big issue like abortion to be handled in a unified way across a whole state to reduce intrastate quibbling like someone hopping a county line to get an abortion or something. But forcing one policy or the other on the whole country is absurd.

>states are all different sizes and have wildly different demographics
Which is EXACTLY why one state shouldn't speak for another. That's literally the point, every state is different and what works for one doesn't always work for all. The country is too big and diverse to apply such controversial policies unilaterally.

>They're incredibly arbitrary and only correspond to geographical lines on a map drawn centuries ago, and rarely align with anything resembling a homogenous culture.
State culture being eroded by a greedy federal government that pushes for less state identity is part of the problem and all the more reason to be against federal encroachment on states. It's like the global homogenization of globalism but on a smaller scale.

>put down the whip and I'll put down the M4
The federal government should step in when states are violating the constitutional rights of their citizens, but that's not what Roe v. Wade was.

Keep thinking, it should come to you eventually. There's definitely someone being harmed by abortion. Who indeed?

>> No.20294390

>I'm not a religion fag. I don't believe in the soul.
NTA, but ironically, I became more pro-life when I became less religious. If there's a soul being put into a body by God, then killing that body before it's ready shouldn't really be a problem because God should just be able to repurpose that soul and nothing is really lost. Judaism has a similar argument where they believe a baby has no soul and is not a living being until it breathes in its first breath after being born. But if there is no soul, and you're nothing but a unique body that lives and dies with one chance at everything, abortion is cutting that life short and permanently denying the existence of that human in any form forever.

>> No.20294400

>Why is there a war on milk
>and why do people get so angry when others drink milk?
someone with money told them to.

>> No.20294417

Rumor has it that milk isn't really good for you or the cows. Something about fats and sugars or mass breeding cows.

>> No.20294424

>States are nice regional divisions of manageable size that can be governed in a far more personal way
I already brought up the example of California, which has nearly 10 times the amount of Republicans than Wyoming, which is the most red state. You can't make an exception and say California is too big, because that's completely arbitrary. Again, as I said above, you can make the same argument for the Dakotas being combined into a single state, which would make the Senate far more democratic.
>State culture being eroded by a greedy federal government that pushes for less state identity
That's just bullshit. You think some people (the ones you agree with) represent the state, and all the other citizens aren't "real" citizens. That's not how politics works. You have to deal with the other people who have different values than you, not just say "they don't count, because I said so!"
>when states are violating the constitutional rights of their citizens, but that's not what Roe v. Wade was
Roe v Wade literally determined that abortion was a constitutional right. What the fuck are you even talking about?
>There's definitely someone being harmed by abortion. Who indeed?
Nope. I'm drawing a blank. Is it some protestant fundamentalist thousands of miles away who's feefees get hurt based on their superstition? Enlighten me, anon. Who's getting hurt?

>> No.20294425

Only children drink milk and you are a manchild if you still drink it.
I can spot a milk drinker from a mile away, just look at their estrogen man tits.

>> No.20294435

So you're against any form of birth control, and think everyone should always be having sex solely to make babies? And I guess men should be knocking up different women every few weeks, because sperm don't last that long and letting them go to waste is ending the life of a potential human? Murder is worse than rape, so why not let men just rape random women to get them pregnant? Think of all that potential being cut off from never having a chance at life.

That argument is incoherent. The only way you could possibly think that abortion is taking a life is if you have some superstitious belief about the soul entering the egg the moment it's fertilized by the sperm cell or whatever nonsense you tell yourself.

>> No.20294460


>> No.20294491

This is why people always shit on and derail milk threads. They're always just stealth /pol/ threads. And wasn't the milk meme from like half a decade ago at this point? Grow the fuck up.

>> No.20294505
File: 381 KB, 1440x879, 7b005988-f7d9-42dc-8a8c-7acd2f76abdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, as a man I only eat meat, not loser child milk "food" or woman vegetable garbage. I line my walls with meat, so everyone can see how manlyman I am.

>> No.20294511

>wasn't the milk meme from like half a decade ago
its from about 6000 years ago and isnt really a meme so much as it is genetic fact

>> No.20294527

Greesy 14 year old /pol/ incels were meeting up at Chipotles with gallon jugs of milk to affirm their "whiteness" 6000 years ago? I don't know if Chipotle has been in business that long, but I'm pretty damn sure the concept of "whiteness" didn't exist back then.

>> No.20294535


>> No.20294548

>I already brought up the example of California, which has nearly 10 times the amount of Republicans than Wyoming, which is the most red state.
>You can't make an exception and say California is too big
>you can make the same argument for the Dakotas being combined into a single state, which would make the Senate far more democratic.
What does any of this have to do with delegating more self-government rights to each state? States being different sizes and demographics supports my reasoning for wanting each state to make their own decisions. I don't care what California decides to do because I don't live there. If they want abortion they should have it, if they don't then they shouldn't. But in either case it shouldn't be up to the federal government to force it on them. I don't know what tangent you're trying to push the discussion toward with all those unrelated remarks.

>You think some people (the ones you agree with) represent the state, and all the other citizens aren't "real" citizens.
>You have to deal with the other people who have different values than you, not just say "they don't count, because I said so!"
I didn't say or imply any of this. Not sure what you're actually arguing against.

>Roe v Wade literally determined that abortion was a constitutional right.
Then they should have amended the constitution, because it's not in there. Roe v. Wade was one side of an ideological debate forcing their opinions on the entire country.

>Enlighten me, anon. Who's getting hurt?
The subject of the abortion.

>> No.20294552

>Grow the fuck up.
lol you're the one seething because milk lives in your head

>> No.20294556

human = sperm + egg
sperm - egg =/= human

>> No.20294561

>Enter thread thinking it's going to be a funny milk debate
>It immediately devolves into /pol/ shit race debates.

>> No.20294573

Yes, I understand you believe that. But most people don't. So if you're trying to convince anyone you need to explain WHY that's true, not just state it as fact. I've never heard a non-religious justification for defining human life that way, so please, indulge me. I love learning new things.

>> No.20294604

You want to know a secret? If you aren't the mother or the father, your opinion really doesn't matter at all. You have no say in the matter, and neither should the state. You literally have no skin in the argument, regardless of your very questionable intentions. If you can't look at history and realize that you can't legislate morality, you need to do some serious thinking about your actual intelligence, and your place in the cosmos.

>> No.20294617

oy vey

>> No.20294646

Exactly. That’s the point. Anon is trying to argue for personal liberty but is doing so in a way that would allow the government to take away your personal liberty. It’s completely incoherent.

>> No.20294652

So parents should just be able to kill their kids? After all, you can't legislate morality and if you're not the kids' parents you shouldn't get a say in whether they're killed or not. Why should the state get involved in parenting?

>> No.20294666

Nobody is talking about killing kids, retard. The only thing being discussed is a person’s right to decide whether or not to have kids in the first place. Wanting to take away that right seems barbaric, and I don’t understand why you would think otherwise.

>> No.20294695

It's an extreme example to prove the point that you do think morality can and should be legislated, because you wouldn't be okay with living in a country where it's legally acceptable for a parent to kill their own kids even though it doesn't affect you and you're not a parent of those kids. So your whole argument is based on something you don't even actually believe.

>> No.20294730

At what point did I ever say anything to imply that I don’t think morality should be legislated? Let alone that that’s what my argument is based on? Of course I don’t think murder should be legalized. That’s fucking retarded, and isn’t an example at all of what we’re talking about unless you’re a religious nut and think terminating a pregnancy is murder. But guess what? Religious freedom only extends as far as your right to practice your religion, and absolutely does not, definitionally, give you the right to impose your religious beliefs on others. That’s what this is about. The three Trump justices were all chosen by the heritage foundation specifically for their conservative Christian beliefs. ACB was literally in a fucking Waco-tier cult as child. Look it up.

>> No.20294746

I garentee you that cat is neutered just like it's owner.

>> No.20294755

Why do conservatives love walking past homeless people and seeing dead stray cats on the side of the road? What went so wrong in your childhood?

>> No.20294787

The fact that there isn't a porno based on this is a travesty

>> No.20294808

>At what point did I ever say anything to imply that I don’t think morality should be legislated?
In the post I was replying to, which said:
>If you can't look at history and realize that you can't legislate morality, you need to do some serious thinking about your actual intelligence, and your place in the cosmos.

>Of course I don’t think murder should be legalized. That’s fucking retarded
So you do think that morality can (and should) be legislated, counter to your previous claim that morality can't be legislated and your implication that it's stupid to think otherwise.

>unless you’re a religious nut and think terminating a pregnancy is murder
You don't have to be a "religious nut" to think terminating a pregnancy is killing a distinct human life and that doing so may be immoral, as evidenced here: >>20294390

>The three Trump justices were all chosen by the heritage foundation specifically for their conservative Christian beliefs.
It doesn't matter to me, I disagree with the supreme court's decision because of how it infringes upon the rights of states to write their laws in accordance with the will of their populations so long as the constitution is not violated.

>> No.20294871

The post you linked wasn’t me, and wasn’t the one you were even replying to. And I replied to the second post you linked explaining why it was incoherent. If that was you, I’d still like to hear a non-religious justification for the idea that abortion is murder. There are plenty of post-hoc arguments out there, but I don’t think any of them hold up.

>> No.20294899

Sperm will never, ever become a human.
Eggs will never, ever become a human.
Sperm mixed with an egg will (probably) become human.
It's like calling a pile of flour a loaf of bread. You can stick it in the oven as long as you like, but without water and yeast it will never, ever be bread.

>> No.20294905

anyone have that pic of the nazi lady sitting in an armchair while her servant refills a milk footbath for her, with bottles of immaculate milk surrounding the chair? they were dressed period appropriately.

>> No.20294908

oh, and her servant wore a white balaclava.

>> No.20294923

>you can't legislate morality
you are incredibly dim
legality =/= morality, but there's usually a fucking huge amount of overlap

>> No.20294946

Once a sperm and egg cell have joined and the DNA has combined you have a human that's growing as a unique and separate entity with its own past and potential future. Ending its life is killing a human, it's really as simple as that. All the arguments about "personhood" or conscious awareness or whatever else are just rationalizations. I hear all kinds of things like, "Yeah, it's a human, but it's not a 'person'," as if that really means anything when it just doesn't, people just tell themselves these things to feel less guilty about ending a human life.

Once you accept the premise that there's no soul and the material body is all you have, there's really no difference between an embryo and an adult beyond how much it's developed. But babies also develop into kids who develop into teens who develop into adults. You could arbitrarily decide that any of those levels of existence isn't sufficiently deserving of "personhood" and justify killing them.

Like my example of a parent killing their own kid: Let's say the kid is 3 years old. He's only alive because of the protection and care of his parents. If they stop feeding, clothing, and sheltering him, he simply wouldn't survive. So why can't his parents decide he's too much of a burden and kill him? He's not an independent person yet, he can't survive on his own, he's a parasite feeding off his parents' resources and giving nothing in return. Who are you to force those parents to take care of him?

It sounds like a ridiculous example, but it's not. An embryo is as much a unique human entity as a 3 year old. The justification for declaring one a person and not the other is completely arbitrary, either way it's a human life.

But why aren't sperm an egg cells human? Because they're incomplete, they don't have a full set of human DNA and they are incapable of growing into a human under any circumstances other than being joined together to create a human embryo.

>> No.20294954

A lump of dough that you’re proofing isn’t bread either. We have to set the bar somewhere, and I don’t understand why conception would be the right place unless you have some superstition about souls and shit.

>> No.20294974

two reasons:

1. just world hypothesis. anything that reminds them that someone else has it worse makes them feel good about themselves. if homelessness exists and I'm not homeless it means I'm a good person.

2. the existence of a desperately poor underclass gives them a good supply of targets for their heroic the punisher clint eastwood charles bronson guns. every rightoid lives for the opportunity to kill someone and get away with it.

>> No.20295055

Milk is wonderful. And tastes great.
I drink milk as often as I can.
But I have to say a saw many "mini docus" on several local channels about what is left after pasteurization and Co and that it's healthy effect is, after that, litterialy 0.
And I remember a wave of anti milk projects in which many kids got (6 years ago maybe) got "chalk teeth". Mother's (Instagram and co following bitches) refused to give their mothermilk and normal milk from cows - kids got chalk teeth which were like... Old dry cookies in consistency. Every parent (hopefully) know what I mean.
However..milk /= milk

>> No.20295059

Fuck off to /b/

>> No.20295091

I'm like this because I grew up poor, the only people that transition are rich kids that don't know what they have, physically and metally they have never had true hardships and aren't actually working people. Also I have a adopted cat :D.

>> No.20295097

>nitpicking metaphors
My point is that left alone, inside a womb, egg + sperm WILL grow into a baby. I draw the line at where if left to it's own devices, it will develope into a child. Once the creation of a human has started, terminating that process is denying that human's future.

Before then, it's all "if"'s.

>> No.20295099

>every rightoid lives for the opportunity to kill someone and get away with it.
anybody who thinks you aren't a troll is mentally retarded

>> No.20295147

killed the bait 3/10

>> No.20295158

Bait?? nigga homless people are homless for a reason, most of them aren't even homeless they just have someone in a corner begging for money and then have someone pick em up later. all of em can afford milk,

>> No.20295170

i swear to god if any of you other faggots reply to this low tier bait ill parboil your balls

>> No.20295181

I'm sorry anon, it's been a really slow day at work. Why else would I be on ck, shit board

>> No.20295327

>nitpicking metaphors
You didn’t make a metaphor; you made an analogy. A metaphor isn’t an argument. And I wasn’t “nitpicking” it. I was showing how it was a bad argument. This is exactly what I meant by “post hoc”. You already held a position and were looking for an argument that justified it. But why is conception the right metric to determine what is and isn’t a person? In the first trimester we’re talking about a clump of cells. It has no self awareness and doesn’t resemble anything we can empathize with. It’s completely arbitrary, and you’re really just saying it will turn into a person with certain conditions being met, but all the conditions up until that point aren’t essential, “just because.”

>> No.20296576

I'm black. I literally use heavy cream in my coffee and used to eat my cereal with half and half.