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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20281457 No.20281457 [Reply] [Original]

These now cost $2.50..

>> No.20281462

and they suck ass

>> No.20281474

They're one of the tastiest items on the menu. What's better than the gold standard hash brown?

>> No.20281479
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3 dollars at Walmart
>i-i-its not the same!
it is

>> No.20281484

they can be even better if you sprinkle some cayenne pepper on them before cooking them in your air fryer

>> No.20281485

It's absolutely the same

>> No.20281487

But boy are they some good slop!

>> No.20281490

>air fryer
In some parts of the world, owning a microwave is a treasure, let alone having an air fryer.

>> No.20281499

You can cook them in a pan or a toaster too

>> No.20281599

Meanwhile at BK you can get 2 Double-sausage, egg, and cheese croissant sandwiches for less than 6 bucks despite the online menu saying they'd cost way more.

>> No.20281609

apple pies

>> No.20281640

what parts

>> No.20281659

sub saharan africa, you know how hard it is to cook a lidl frozen stir fry on a flaming tire pile?

>> No.20281661


>> No.20281664

who needs a microwave when they have pagpag

>> No.20281672

150% price hike
will never buy them again

>> No.20281755

I used to love the apple pies, but then they started coating the outside with sugar and I never got them again.

>> No.20281759

The apple pies were so much better fried instead of baked

>> No.20281771

yeah i heard about that, i havernt tried one since the big coof. i should really retract my statement

>> No.20281805

So what? As a Filipino Catholic you should know the 10 commandments. Thou shalt not covet… remember that one?

>> No.20281807

If you're still eating out in 2024 you don't care how much it costs, you'll be fat no matter what.
>Lol I'm skinny tho!
Fat is a mindset.

>> No.20281863

Anyone that still eats fast food after the past ~4 years of price hikes is marking themselves as less sentient than the average farm animal

>> No.20281866

they're 200% greasier than they used to be too. i don't get mcd's breakfast to have it run down my leg in 20 minutes

>> No.20282148

They look like something that causes cancer.

>> No.20282235

Im ordering 20 of them. My biggest armyism left over is my love of hashbrown pucks

>> No.20282258

I tried pan toasting, it's no where near as easy or as crispy as the air fryer. Toaster probably works but I am too lazy to pull that crap out.

>> No.20282384

The quality is probably better. It might not even use uranium oxide, glyphosate, cyanide or whatever additives (((mcdonalds))) and the (((fast food industry))) use.

>> No.20282387

you can buy a 3month supply of hash brown pucks at a restraunt supply stores for like 15$.

>> No.20282623

>cayenne pepper
>air fryer
Hipster scum

>> No.20283616

>uranium oxide,
Proof they use it? Surely the FDA wouldn't approve uranium for use in food

>> No.20283891

I wouldn't have used Walmart brand garbage, but otherwise came here to say this. For the vast majority of things the homemade version isn't the same as the restaurant version (don't give a shit if you think the homemade version is "better"; that's not the point), but for fucking hash browns they're all pretty much the same (and they're still cheap as fuck at every grocery store - they're also full of oil).

>> No.20284178

.05 cents worth of food

>> No.20284184

No they aren't. They're $1.89 and are also BOGO $1, so they are actually $1.50 each.

>> No.20284187
File: 1.12 MB, 670x900, 900_Row-One-Brand_1978-mcdonalds-ad-row-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another star in their breakfast lineup.

>> No.20284189

Who's getting more than one, you fat retard? The breakfast sandwich alone is already like 600 calories.

>> No.20284191

Three 600 kcal meals a day seem healthy to me.

>> No.20284224

They're still fried in HI

>> No.20284228

they're simply a delivery vehicle for getting old fry oil into your digestive system

>> No.20284234

these are pretty ok when you bake them in an oven or air fryer

>> No.20284278

I specifically remember the last time I had one of those, I woke up with a hangover and someone had recently told me that garbage food was the best for a hangover. So I went to McDonalds and stood in line with poor people and managed to make myself understood to the barely sentient cashier. Paid whatever it cost and took them home. I expected them to be bad but they were actually worse than I thought they could be. I think that was around 2008 or 2009.

>> No.20284300

$2.89 here in CO

>> No.20284435

it's calorie dense but non-digestible, so a great alternative for sugar

>> No.20284460

better without all the skin (its where all the hair is)

>> No.20284469

I was already triggered when I saw they were $1 each. They're not bad for $0.50 like they should be.

>> No.20284476
File: 60 KB, 680x453, Dominos-Loaded-Tots-with-Labels-Resize-Crop-DH-TOH-Courtesy-Dominos-Pizza-LLC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is the worst $7 you can spend on food in your path

>> No.20284751

They don't even have the option to buy 2 anymore. It's fucking $2.50 for a single hash brown. Whoever is in charge of pricing at mcdonalds needs to be put in front of a firing squad.

>> No.20284890

>can get a sleeve of 12 at costco for 8 dollars
how is mcshits in business

>> No.20284924

>I wouldn't have used Walmart brand garbage
You do realize that like 90% of the "off-brand" shit at all the giant retail chains come from the same manufacturer's as the "real" stuff, right?

>> No.20284985

I don't get why fast food places charge so much for potatoes. It's an extremely cheap ingredient, I feel like it would be a good opportunity to lure people inside and get them buying more expensive products like burgers to accompany the inexpensive stuff. Plus you load them up on cheap potatoes and soda and they leave the restaurant feeling full and satisfied, and feeling like they got their money's worth rather than ripped off, thus encouraging them to come back more frequently. I should probably be running a fast food chain.

>> No.20285683

It's nowhere near 90%, and even when it's true, it's rarely the same product. Look into bourbon if you want to get a good idea of how it really works.

>> No.20285950
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>> No.20285956

>hurr durr hipster
enjoy your mcslop faggot

>> No.20287645
File: 838 KB, 960x1973, 20240309_154257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last time I complained about the prices of their hashbrowns I lost a tire and was stranded in Illinois for 4 fucking hours.

>> No.20287672

The man's doing what he can to survive and support his family. He's a true warrior.

>> No.20287677

eating trash is lazy.

>> No.20287707



I thought the robots are about to take over?

>> No.20288137

Holy fuck it's like $7 for big mac

>> No.20288153

And they taste like shit. I am sure they switched to some shitty new cheaper oil.

>> No.20288157

Taco bells hash browns are 1.80 near me.

Also their breakfast overall is actually pretty fucking good

>> No.20288203

>lashes out with ad hominem after his troll thread was thoroughly destroyed

>> No.20288233

KEK absolute state of America

>> No.20288257

Am I high or did they use to be 2 for $1 a few years ago? Does McDs still do all day breakfast? Haven't been in so long but I'm getting a hankering

>> No.20288658

Not only do they taste the same, but you can deep fry them in a tiny sauce pot with minimal cleanup.

>> No.20288661

I wish you foreign Euro/UK tourists knew how stupid this word makes you seem. You all have the edginess of 9 year olds.

>> No.20288668

as-if they're any cheaper in your shithole country.

>> No.20288734

Spoken like an underageb& who never had them when they were actually good. These days they're always soft, underdone, and soggy with grease.

>> No.20288794

ever walk into those places and try to order anything? it's a slow process.

>> No.20289244
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>> No.20289248

Who the fuck even buys fast food any more? In 10 years these stores are going to be extinct.

>> No.20289287
File: 1.24 MB, 297x312, 1559015318257.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$2.29 for two sausage mcmuffins
>$4.98 for hashbrowns
how could they justify this when potatoes are dirt cheap no matter the time of the year?

>> No.20289883

deepfrying these things is fucking retarded. They have so much oil inside them they fry themselves in an oven.

>> No.20290127
File: 90 KB, 676x900, 1684598537918996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaaa too much oil i'm scared
Cope harder, air frying homo. Everything is better deep fried.

>> No.20290129

Thanks fatso. We already knew that.

>> No.20290151

Potatoes don't come peeled, shredded, seasoned, formed, and fried. You're paying for the labor and transportation costs more than the potato part.

>> No.20290192

There is no "we" here, tourist.

>> No.20290207

There sure is, and you're fat enough to be called we in the plural sense, not singular.

>> No.20290216

based ESL is not to be fucked with. Get him!

>> No.20290383

> They use straight poison
I bet they do

>> No.20290429

>implying "we" can be singular
The ESL understanding of language is so damn bizarre.

>> No.20290889

He's two-spirit, and they're both gay.

>> No.20290910

Focus on the thread faggot not someone playing you for a clown you stupid fuck. Jesus Christ.

>> No.20290916

this nigga has a keen eye for everything gay

>> No.20290920

Why are foreigners so angry? Is it the lack of freedom?

>> No.20290963

It's jealousy. They hate us cuz they ain't us.

>> No.20290982

Jealousy is when you're afraid someone will take something from you, envy is when you want something someone else has

>> No.20290992
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It doesn't really matter in common usage.

>> No.20291012

McDs dumped all day breakfast during the pandemic. Biggest victim and their menu hasn't recovered since. Same old got slop. I love a big Mac but the prices now put it closer to shake shack which is an all superior burger and not the cheap guilty pleasure it used to be.

>> No.20291015

You're on 4chan. Nobody hates you except yourself.

>> No.20291100

...and yet here (You) are.

>> No.20291103

Stop deflecting. I know you think you're insulting me but you're completely wrong. I've come to grips with my self hatred years ago. Welcome, you're amongst friends.

>> No.20291116

Shouldn't you UK faggots be overthrowing your government instead of shitting up American social media with your gay, awkward comments? I swear you fuckers are everywhere now.

>> No.20291117

The West has unironically fallen

>> No.20291129

fat fuck

>> No.20291135

>t. starving thirdie

>> No.20291216


>> No.20291444

3.49 in California- more than a fucking bacon egg and cheese biscuit. Wtf

>> No.20291528

>Potatoes don't come peeled, shredded, seasoned, formed, and fried
Meanwhile muffins come fresh from muffin trees and pigs explode into sausage patties on death.

>> No.20291568
File: 28 KB, 450x450, 1684889405775634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are mass processed on a production line. just like frozen za's or any frozen french fry. some manufacturer is not placing pepperonis on a frozen za or shaping hashbrowns. food suppliers have gotten very efficient

>> No.20291590

It depends on the product being manufactured. For something like frozen pizza its almost never true but for fucking hashbrowns it's usually all the same shit.

>> No.20291622

Hashbrowns are so basic that any food scientist could look at an ingredient list and recreate them. That's why they're all pretty much the same. But when a store brand product is made in the same factory, on the same equipment, with the same ingredients, it's usually still a little different than the name-brand, because it's still typically a separate production line, or is using the lower quality portion of the ingredients.

>> No.20292134
File: 87 KB, 640x480, Muffin Films The Muffin Tree_13.751s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muffins come fresh from muffin trees
Yes, but don't talk to them.

>> No.20292200

>I got it wrong so I'll post an article as to why it's OK for me to be stupid

>> No.20292216

No, I was saying,
>You're being a pedantic ass about something that not even language scholars agree on.

>> No.20292228

Literally when do things stop getting worse...it feels like nothing has gotten better in this country for two fucking decades. Everything just costs more, tastes worse, and is smaller. I miss going to McDonald's and just getting a fucking super sized fry because fuck you, I can. Give me that double quarter pounder and super sized fry meal for 5 bucks. I don't fucking care how many calories are in it. Fuck.

>> No.20292237

>n-n-no I-I-I w-was s-saying
Stop crying like a little bitch. You got called out. It's not my fault that you're fucking obtuse. Don't add being a weak little cunt to the list of your wrong doings. Be brave, take the hit. Shit, what a snivelling, cowering little weakling.

>> No.20292258

Feel better now?

>> No.20292259

No not until you're dead.

>> No.20292271

Great deflection. I'm glad you concede. I'm waving at you

>> No.20292283
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>> No.20292355

You could take this, a jimmy dean's breakfast sandwich, wrap up in yellow and white paper and no one could tell the difference.

>> No.20292479

I have no idea what your conversation was and I'm not going to read it but you are a supreme cringe edgelord. Imagine roleplaying as some hardass behind your phone on an anime cooking forum.