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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20279583 No.20279583[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm eating like a KING

>> No.20279589

Thanks for helping me decide what to eat tonight.

>> No.20279591
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>> No.20279605

how many days a week does this faggot post the same fucking sandwich?

>> No.20279901

multiple times each day actually

>> No.20279913

where do one get can get such sammy?
asking for a friend ...

>> No.20279956

you have no friends, esl

>> No.20280058

>I'm fresh out of prison

>> No.20280075

this sambo looks yummo

>> No.20280083


>> No.20280728

You have to be from Boston, move to the Midwest US (preferably Nebraska, but there is some leeway here), and make special orders from a fancy shop so you can build these motherfuckers

>> No.20280754
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>> No.20280761
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Go fuck yourself.

>> No.20280862

alfalfa on a sandwich!? well this is an exciting new innovation

>> No.20280869

good for you

>> No.20280886

Sprouts are awesome
You can lightly pickle them, they soak up dressings and condiments, you could throw some foie gras on there and pretend it's health food, just about anything's possible with some sprouts

>> No.20280959

*pretend to be from Boston
Grindah anon is from a town an hour outside the city

>> No.20280965
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...just like the last 48 times.

Are there no limits to reposting-autism?

>> No.20280970
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From what I've got so far autists can not comprehend memory lasting past what is currently part of the catalog.
But...my pets are smarter than them.

>> No.20281026

Oh fuck, I missed the thread where he confessed to being some shit munching south shore fuck (I assume). New Bedford?

>> No.20281070

He said the Worcester area

>> No.20281119

Born and raised outside Wistah

>> No.20281140

Where do you buy the hoagie bread or how do you make it yourself

>> No.20281160
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I live in a country which is a sub/hoagie/grinder desert, so it took lots of trial and error at different bakeries to find something suitable.

The so-called "tiger baguettes" at Coles are flaky but also dense and chewie. They're perfect.

>> No.20281279

Just say you’re in Australia, you dishonest white trash Worcesterite.

>> No.20281294

why am I disonnest. I'm not the one posting other peoples' food pretending it's mine

>> No.20281304
File: 191 KB, 1024x1024, EC7627A5-41ED-4D6E-A734-0DF56B71D977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this new joint just opened up a couple blocks away from me. try not living in a third world

>> No.20281314 [DELETED] 

When the riots begin it’s the first to be fire bombed.

>> No.20281318

>why am I disonnest.
Probably because you’re Worcester trash who pretends to be from Boston and you present a “Boston Grindah” that looks nothing like a Boston sub and you’re not even from the city to begin with.

>> No.20281332

type that again without crying, faggot

>> No.20281361


>> No.20281754

now THAT'S what i call a groindah
hope you have a good day, groindahnon, whichever one you are

>> No.20281764
File: 121 KB, 1080x1226, 429783042_832311978910895_2501208819653184711_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as usual real grindahman isn't the OP, but also as usual I have witnessed the thread

have a good day anon

>> No.20281781

Fuck OP and fuck the original grindahman. He pretends to be from Boston. He pretends his “grindah” is a real Boston “grindah”. He thinks people from Boston call subs “grindahs”. Grindahnon is a giant phony who fled his homeland for the Chinese colony of Australia.

>> No.20282002
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grinders are meant to bring us together anon, not tear us apart

>> No.20282006

Being controlled by satanic elites brings us together. Grinders are the most devisive subject in humanity

>> No.20282052

Fuck you too if you support grindah anons dishonesty. It wouldn’t be a problem if he had initially said, “I’m from a town an hour outside of Boston, here’s how we make grindahs”. But no, he choose to say “I’m from Boston and here’s how we make grindahs”. They’re not even called “grindahs” in Boston. As someone who is actually from Boston, these fake Boston fucks who are from towns an hour outside the city but claim to be from Boston and misrepresent the city really piss me off.

>> No.20282251

you have absolutely terminal autism

>> No.20282265


>> No.20282319

No, I don’t. The person with terminal autism is the sped who keeps posting this phony fake fraud of a Boston “grindah” all over /ck/.

>> No.20282346

the difference is hes based and youre cringe

>> No.20282375
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I just checked, and this is the 34th time OP has reposted this image in just under 2 months. Nine of those were original threads. The first one listed the ingredients and was an innocuous attempt to start a discussion about Italian subs. The other 8 were,
>i made this
>rate my sandwich
>imagine eating this good
>Rate My Sammwich.
>we eating good tonight, fags.
>eating good tonight fellas
>I'm eating like a KING

OP is a literal psychopath.

>> No.20282376

Hi anon - I am the original OP and I only ever posted my sandwich once. Every single other repost has been this twisted autist. It's fucking bananas.

>> No.20282380

I saw it on /pol/ once or twice.

>> No.20282382

Well if that's true, I thought your sandwich looked pretty decent the first time you posted it, and your picture was worth making a thread about. The 33 times it's been reposted don't make any sense. It's not THAT interesting of a sandwich. Maybe it hit some hiroshimoot algorithm and has jus been reposted way too much by the AI bots that are obviously making a third of the threads these days.

>> No.20282411

I think it’s some insane anon who keeps posting it to taunt me. I’m the anon who melts down and bitches at the original grindah anon about being a phony who isn’t really from Boston.

>> No.20282418

So...New England cultural bullshit is more cringe than an AI bot glitching out?

>> No.20282427

>to taunt me
why is there a third anon now pretending to be the original OP now as well

le sigh

>> No.20282431

oh wait I get it now. fucking hell this is getting complicated


>> No.20282445

have it your way
at be gay
naw but that doesn't look very good hope it was

>> No.20282941

It isn’t bullshit. New Englanders take their petty regional tribalism very seriously and pretending to be from Boston when you’re from a shithole town an hour away is a grievous insult to real Bostonians. Marky Mark wouldn’t stand for it and I won’t either.

>> No.20282959
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>> No.20282978

>That'll be $24.99 plus tax and tip.
>Oh, you'd like a drink and chips...?
Maybe with a small drink you can keep your lunch under $30

>> No.20282990

>the AI bots that are obviously making a third of the threads these days.
I wish we could go back to the days when we thought AI was going to destroy 4chan. I can honestly say I'd prefer posting with AI that can reasonably approximate funny American autists then actually post with the foreign retards flooding this place all convinced they are as funny as the American autists but are actually boring and lame and dont understand anything they're posting about. If the intent was to make me xenophobic, it's succeeded. I seriously hate 80% of the "people" posting on 4chan in 2024.

>> No.20283030

I always find it hilarious when a non-American says something like, "/ck/ would be so much better if all Americans were banned." They usually only engage with bots and other non-Americans, usually talking about shit in America. It's so easy to spot. It's like how gay dudes can immediately spot other gay dudes, except in this case it's just being able to spot people with no sense of irony.

>> No.20283311
File: 216 KB, 780x1055, 1709916865256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies please IP ban the grinder spammer this is getting ridiculous. This screencap isnt even half his posts

>> No.20283372 [DELETED] 

sorry chuddy, reported for calling a ban

>> No.20283442

Ironic. Calli for a ban isnt an offense, but announcing a report is

>> No.20283463

double gottcha

>> No.20283467

Is it possible for a man to be in love with a sandwich?

>> No.20283470
File: 28 KB, 1080x270, 1709922050545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really

>> No.20283471


>> No.20283483

Jannies got em lol