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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20276336 No.20276336 [Reply] [Original]

Ciggies are /ck/, right?

>> No.20276338

press S to spit on smokefags


>> No.20276366

I could respond with a mean comment but I just smoked my second Newport of the day and am in a state of extreme zen
I respect but disagree with your opinion anon

>> No.20276367

yes, anyone disagreeing is a seething soyboy

>> No.20276370

>Ciggies are /ck/, right?

>> No.20276390
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If you're going to stand in a room with smoke and fire where every thing wants to cut poke or burn you, May as well enjoy the 2 minutes you get to go outside to smoke.

>> No.20276404

>stand in a room with smoke and fire where every thing wants to cut poke or burn you
tf are you talking about schizo

>> No.20276411

Chewing tobacco is technically food if you swallow the spit.

>> No.20276412

Presumably a restaurant kitchen. Do you not cook?

>> No.20276414

He works in the fires of hell so smoke breaks are his only relief from torturous demons

>> No.20276428

I take snus breaks. My boss doesn't like it but he can't do anything about it because I'm consuming nicotine.

>> No.20276431

oh I guess so
Im not a line cook, I just smoke when Im drunk on weekends

>> No.20276434

tobacco products have always been /ck/

>> No.20276447

You should quit OP. You really don’t miss it after a few weeks and I smoked for 10 years.

>> No.20276455

that's fucking stupid, S is for walking backwards in virtually every game ever

>> No.20276456

I didn't realize Baja Blast was a black people thing. No wonder I never got the hype.

>> No.20276460

everything short sighted and indulgent is a black people thing

>> No.20276476

Not strictly food and cooking (obviously) but out of the current selection of boards, this makes the most sense.

>> No.20276477

How are menthols and sprite "short sighted and indulgent"? I don't get the appeal of those either, but it's not something I can identify.

>> No.20276509

tobacco (especially flavored), soda, junk food, drugs in general, flashy things you cant afford, running out on your children, all stereotypical in black american culture, theyre the biggest demographic of obesity in america for a reason

>> No.20276542

This stuff is great, I need to get some more! I've been enjoying cheap norwegian shag and it's close but bali just works. Is it still like the old blend?

>> No.20276547

Flavored cigarettes have been banned in the US for over a decade at this point. I'll stay relaxed with a lip full of Skoal Cherry.

>> No.20276555

American Spirit black is the only tobacco I use for rolling cigarettes.

>> No.20276560

I like lighter roasted blends. I enjoy gently aromatics and I'm not embarrassed to admit it.

>> No.20276562

That's not even true, >>>/lgbt/ exists.

>> No.20276577

menthols are in the realm of flavored cigs, arent they trying to ban them too now?
and regardless theres still flavored cigarillos and shit at convenience stores

>> No.20276582

explain yourself without projecting, faggot

>> No.20276583

I'm not talking about tobacco and soda. I'm talking about Newports and Sprite.

>> No.20276588

Where else would you post a pack of fags if not >>>/lgbt/ ?

>> No.20276621

newports and sprite are cigarettes and soda
hope this helps

>> No.20276636

>socrates is a man
>therefore all men are socrates

>> No.20276637

Just be a pipe smoker if all you care about is how your hobby smells to non smokers.

>> No.20276649

ah yeah youre right, cigs and sugar water are as complex and nuanced as human beings, I forgot

>> No.20276650

You mean blunt wraps?

>> No.20276665
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yeah I guess thats what theyre used for

>> No.20276675
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Hasent changed much i think they allow 10% american tobacco here in the states. Likely for tax (import) purposes.

>> No.20276685
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Going on 30 years here but only like 20 on rolling them by hand.

>> No.20276691
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>> No.20276960

I'm not addicted doe, It just helps me focus and is fun to smoke with friends

>> No.20276982

>Ciggies are /ck/, right?
Only if you cook and eat them.

>> No.20276989

What's a Faguette?

>> No.20276999

same as a baggot

>> No.20277081

>gives you literally no high
>creates lifelong, harmful addiction
>satisfies nicotine cravings
>creates more.

name a shittier, more meme'd drug. Coffee gets you more high than cigarettes. They should be banned and all smokers should be forced to quit cold turkey.

>> No.20277091

>decent amount of effort on the box art
>laziest possible photoshop job trying to add the name to the cigs
It's a fucking formerly taco bell-centric mountain dew flavor. What are you on about, trying to make this a racial thing?

>> No.20277102

DPH and keyboard duster will ruin a life far quicker than cigarettes and smokeless tobacco.

>> No.20277105

cigarette smokers also permanently smell like shit, the smell gets into their hair, their clothes, the fabric anywhere they smoke like their car or home, the skin on their hands, and of course their breath (on top of yellowing their teeth). I get that smokers might like the smell and long term smokers can't even smell it anymore but to nonsmokers that shit is fucking gross, it smells objectively terrible. its one of those drugs like alcohol that just ages the fuck out of people and makes them look like shit with habitual use but at least beer and wine can taste good

>> No.20277107

White people order shrimp at Qdoba.

>> No.20277108

you have to be 18 to post here anon

>> No.20277113

>what are you on about, trying to make this a racial thing?
Taco Bell and Baja Blast aren't really thought of as black things. Something like 90% of people who buy Newports are black. I know it's not a real product (at least I hope not), but the crossover doesn't make any sense to me.

>> No.20277121

I smoked for a couple years and it only took a couple months of total non smoking to find the smell of people who smoke in cars to be personally revolting.

>> No.20277127

Taco Bell makes me think stoned white suburbanite teenagers at 1 am, Newports are 100% a middle aged black person that loiters at gas stations on a weekday morning sort of vibe

>> No.20277154

anything other than stimulants is faggotry.
other drugs:
>make you want to lay around and/or eat

>don't need to eat or sleep
>don't get too hot or cold
>can run barefoot in blistering winds
>BTFO's obesity and laziness

if society liked stimulants as much as they did alcohol and tobacco we would be living in the future.

>> No.20277163

nicotine is a stimulant dumbass

>> No.20277234


>> No.20277262

Coffee and cigarettes in the morning and alcohol in the evening is so common because uppers and downers are used for different reasons. Try going on a 3-day amphetamine bender and get back to me with how that no eating or sleeping is working out for you. Substance dependency has been normal in all human societies since before written language was invented. You can argue some things are better than others, but lots of things are perfectly fine if not being abused or are inherently harmful.

>> No.20277421

>If you're going to stand in a room with smoke and fire where every thing wants to cut poke or burn you
based hellraiser cenobite

>> No.20277439

when I went to the US I bought Newport because they were the cheapest one at the 7/11 and then people told me those are cigs for middle aged black men
I dont know but back then (right before covid) they were menthol. but the funny thing was that I was in a state were rolling papers were outlawed by some old laws dating to the 19th century. you had to cross the border to buy them. gotta love the US for this kind of things, the day I left Oregon legalized psylocibin and Georgia banned abortion, on the same day

>> No.20277483


>> No.20277548

RI actually. would love to visit Kentucky and other rural states.
also is rolling tabacco popular in the US? I was among the few smokers among my colleagues, one of them even called them cancer sticks. completely different from europe desu

>> No.20277554

meant for >>20277483

>> No.20277841

yeah and all nicotine delivery methods suck ass

>> No.20277904

smoking is good
vaping if youre a faggot

>> No.20277927

If you like Bali try Stokkebye's Amsterdam Shag
>yo dawg, i heard you like smoke, so we put smoke in your smoke
I get some every once in a while, I like to take it camping

>> No.20278035

>smoking is good
not really. if you get a buzz from cigarettes beyond your first ever cigarette, you weigh 90 pounds. and pipes are harsh as shit and the buzz only lasts like 10 seconds. i got a gandalf churchwarden and my throat just hurts after using it. and vaping i don't feel like dealing with yet another device i have to charge.

hookahs are good but they're a pain in the ass to set up and clean up

>> No.20278074

Unless you're a retard that eats them, no.

>> No.20278085

smoking while drunk or high is the only way to do it, but its a fine drug

>> No.20278097
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The Edgefield cheep-o smokes keep going ups in price, I just paid $66.35 (here in MI) for a carton.

I might have to switch to Monarch(?) which I tried but didn't like but are around $55 a carton.

>> No.20278307

>smoking while drunk or high is the only way to do it
oh of course. that's why i think hookah, the fastest way to get the most amount of nicotine to the brain, is the best delivery method. smoking as a daily habit is disgusting

>> No.20278316
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Fuck dust-off.
Can legally order the real thing off Amazon.

>> No.20278329
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>> No.20278343
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Looks like we got an Ass-Sucking Sodomite here.

>> No.20278353

um no sweaty that would be the down key

>> No.20278370

I keep getting adds for flavored ones. If I was 19 again I might be tempted

>> No.20278488

Tried a flavored one it was oily and made my rig taste/smell foul.

>> No.20278534

anons please don't use inhalants

>> No.20278548
File: 58 KB, 726x741, Retards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are literally talking about smoking and nicotine delivery systems, by definition inhalants.

>> No.20278577

you're talking about nitrous and fucking keyboard duster

>> No.20278613

are poppers inhalants cuz i aint quittin

>> No.20278645

I bought my first pack a few weeks ago and by the end I would smoke 3 cigs per lunch break. Then I got sick and didn’t wanna smoke anymore and haven’t smoked since, I don’t really feel like going back which is good, don’t really know why I even started in the first place but I don’t plan on going back

>> No.20278650

dude that shit literally makes you retarded, just smoke cancer sticks instead

>> No.20278662

what do green or diamonds taste like?

>> No.20278674

What brand was it and why did you choose it?

>> No.20278677

Who tf here is talking about having sex with computer duster? Lay off the weed and brewskis

>> No.20278681
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And i said duster is poison. May as well inhale butane.
NO2 is used medically for dentistry and small semi-invasive surgical procedures.

>> No.20278693
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Cigars, pipe tobacco and cigarettes are enjoyed as part of the finest of meals, yes.

>> No.20278699

cheap tobacco most likely

>> No.20278783
File: 166 KB, 853x1280, cooking-890880_1280-2825830679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you aren't taking a smoke break as a cook, you are doing something wrong

>> No.20278799

Either black or red Marlboros, i just picked whichever was cheapest at the gas station

>> No.20278960

That would be maverick 100's.

>> No.20278969

t. smokes about one fag a week and regrets it every time

>> No.20278977

i love nicotine but smoking really doesn't agree with my lungs or stomach. when i worked in catering i'd be so looking forward to my smoke break, then end up feeling so poisoned from the smoke that i actually felt worse coming back in than i did going out

>> No.20278997

Just buy a can of long cut.

>> No.20279003

Newport menthol are pretty expensive these days, especially in New Hampshire.

>> No.20279110

diamond is one of the few they can swill sell in CA with the flavor ban so make of that what you will

>> No.20279584

i don't understand why they haven't sold just the tobacco for wrapping given how the majority of people buying black n milds are using them are discarding the inner tobacco. maybe it's too hard to package and keep the moisture in or something. plus economies of scale with cheap cigars like that

>> No.20279598

I been going through em way too fast on night shift lately

>> No.20279624

Marlboro red. The soft pack

>> No.20279650

If liberals didn’t exist we could have these

>> No.20279658

>if the side that prides itself on consoomerism didn't exist, we'd have this cigarette that is peak consoomerism
???? at least have some consistency in your beliefs

>> No.20279731
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>> No.20279742


>> No.20279749
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i havent smoked in so long but if i hear i got a uncurable disease and would die within a year anyway i'd start smoking these again. so good. reminds me of the time a polish femboy stayed with me here in holland for a month or so and we fucked and smoked these and a ton of weed.

Now I'm sober and clean for a couple of years but I miss it bros.. being young. don't smoke if you never did it though, trashy habit that will stain your teeth and costs money just to feel like shit later in life, and worry about lung cancer. I know it's just jew media that pushed this crap on us but these threads always get me wanting a smoke.

>> No.20279768


>Now I'm sober and clean

Nigga you were fucking a dude. You'll never be clean

>> No.20279770


Excuse me, do you have Prince Albert in a can?


>> No.20279778

and you'll never experience love at all. What about it faggot?

>> No.20279784
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smoking ciggs is dead
its either zyn or the vape mouth fedora
maybe the occasional cigar
When i use to smoke it was halfzware shag, specifically sampson, drum wasn't as good.

>> No.20279785
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Years ago I used to frequent concerts and would carry a pack of Dreams to dole out to ladies who asked for a cigarette. Every so often it would lead to a hook-up but eventually I wised up and realized that carrying these smokes around made me look like a homo. That, and the government banned them like they do with all fun things

>> No.20279786
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zyn zyn zyn

>> No.20279795
File: 102 KB, 827x1152, crash-and-burn-tucker-v0-uqusxl2c0hhc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they targeting right wingers with advertisements, celebrity endorsements and public relations stunts?

>> No.20279796
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I remember always laughing when i saw claims that cigarettes used furity flavors to appeal to kids until i bought a pack of dreams when they were about to get banned. Shit had sugar on the filter and tasted like artificial raspberry or some shit. Blew my mind that the mythical candy flavored ciggs really existed.

>> No.20279802

homos (left wingers) don't do tobacco.

>> No.20279804

You ain't supposed to inhale pipe tobacco, you fucking druggie.

>> No.20279872

my sentiment exactly, once I get sick enough or old enough Im smoking like a fucking chimney

>> No.20279923
File: 148 KB, 1700x1700, conservative-dads-ultra-right-100-woke-free-american-beer-web-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they're the easiest cohort to swindle in current year. zyn doesn't do it but all you have to do is slap on "we're anti-woke!" and you're a millionaire

>> No.20279964

Based beer.

>> No.20279970

>omg, right-wingers are evil for considering blacks to be stupid
>everybody is clearly equal
>except for those stupid right-wingers

'A regime [the Third Reich] which invented a biological foreign policy was obviously acting against its own best interests. But at least it obeyed its own particular logic'.
- L'homme revolte

>> No.20279994

It's called a fronto leaf.

>> No.20280009

>brings up blacks for no reason
>brings up unrelated quote for no reason
kek absolutely seething because you know i'm right

>> No.20280014

Non sequitur.

>> No.20280136

yes you brought up those non sequiturs because you had no argument but still wanted to express you were angery at me

>> No.20280148


>> No.20280236

>Because you found something difficult to understand, or are unaware of how it works, you made out like it's probably not true.
yeah i guess that one could apply to you as well. it could be a number of them honestly

>> No.20280247

Nah, just you.

>> No.20280273

>n-no u...
average discussion with the smartest rightoid

>> No.20280290

'A regime [the Third Reich] which invented a biological foreign policy was obviously acting against its own best interests. But at least it obeyed its own particular logic'.
- L'homme revolte

>> No.20280318
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I roll my own. Pueblo with a bit of CBD for taste.

>> No.20280331
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you seem quite confused as you're now repeating yourself. i'll help you point it out since you're struggling and i kinda feel bad (not really though). i was talking about the propensity of the modern right to fall for marketing that promulgates the message that they're with them, that they're also against wokeness. then your first line is some nonsense strawman about right-wingers hating blacks, something that has nothing to do with my post. you fumbled before the play even started. didn't even read the rest of your post. got it now? good, don't reply to me again.

>> No.20280336

>you fumbled before the play you* even started.

>> No.20280450

get over yourself libtard. Sissy liberals banned flavored cigarettes for the sake of black people and they're trying to do the same to menthol cigs

>> No.20280541

Then can I put some faggots on a baguette? Is that a meatball submarine sandwich?

>> No.20280580

yes except they call it a meatball submissive sandwich in their tongue

>> No.20280619

This, but for weed. Weed is a drug for people too gay to act so drugs.

>> No.20282242

>too gay to act so drugs.
at least I can still form a sentence

>> No.20282314

I miss baccy so much it's unreal

>> No.20282317

>Non menthol
Why even bother then?

>> No.20282323
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Flavored cigs is crossing the line but flavored alcohol is a okay.

>> No.20282343

theyre both gay and encourage retards who cant handle the drug to indulge and consequently overindulge

>> No.20282357

Why are tobacco threads allowed to stay up on a cooking board but not hopeless alcoholic threads? Fuck you illiterate janitors. You get three Michelin stars for exceptional faggotry.

>> No.20282385


>> No.20282390

bro you can get all kinds of cigs imported from Philippines for dirt cheap, I do and Im in burgerland

>> No.20282893

>bought a nice pipe to smoke with
>50g of pipe tobacco is 150$
This country really is a no fun country.
I mean, can you tell me what sort of hobby a man can have here? It's like manly hobbies are not allowed and all that's left is feminen ones.

>> No.20282935

Aren't Aussies pioneers of homebrewing because of your country's retarded alcohol taxes?
Also I don't know precisely how legal it is, but you can buy whole leaf tried tobacco on some American websites that are exempt from tobacco sin taxes because they're sold as natural pesticides (which is true). Buy some virginia, lataika, burley or whatever whole leaf tobacco and shred it yourself and mix it. If the customs agents are real cunts tell them you're growing organic vegetables and are going to pulverize the leaves into powder, mix it with water and spray your plants to kill aphids.

>> No.20282958
File: 271 KB, 1232x918, Screenshot 2024-03-09 at 01-26-52 Buy Brown Brothers Wine Online (at Everyday Low Prices) ASAP Brown Brothers Wine Delivery in Australia BWS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aren't Aussies pioneers of homebrewing because of your country's retarded alcohol taxes?
No, I don't think so, but I'm not much of a drinker. Wine is cheap as heck here, from what I can tell. They do tax 'alco-pops (e.g. vodka cruisers)' a lot though, to discourage youths from drinking.

>that are exempt from tobacco sin taxes because they're sold as natural pesticides
Never heard of it. Doing a quick Google didn't show much besides studies and whatnot.

>If the customs agents are real cunts tell them you're growing organic vegetables
I wonder if that'd work, they don't seem to tolerate these 'loopholes' much here.
I think customs would take it anyway and you'd have to go to somebody higher up if you really want it pardoned.

>> No.20283101

>4% alcohol
Pick one

>> No.20283117

If Mountain Dew was popular in West EU during the mid/late2000's before they banned flavored cigarettes, this probably would have been a real thing.

>> No.20283122

All the cool people you have a celebrity crush on are "SmoKeFaGs" little child.

>> No.20283145

Cheap, fast and unhealthy dopamine hits

>> No.20284222

for me, its american spirit blacks
im enjoying one rn

>> No.20284798

How do i do this? Cant find any info about it

>> No.20284844

theres a couple sites but admittedly they can be shady, you can probably find some reddit posts with anecdotes about which ones ship to your location reliably

>> No.20285348
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>> No.20285738

I know exactly what you meant; I don't care.
I skipped a few steps of our argument because I know exactly how they go. But you saw an opportunity to 'own the right' and took it.