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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20273192 No.20273192 [Reply] [Original]

My milk consumption was near a gallon a day at one point then I got it down to a glass a day.

Now I am back up to over a fifth a day. I know its silly but I cant seem to have any self control when it comes to milk

Otherwise my diet is normal.

Am I the only one?
What can be done?

>> No.20273196

imagine being an adult and drinking milk

let me guess, you're not sexually active?

>> No.20273207

Does anyone have that info of how the Rothschilds found out that pasteurized milk lead to a drop in fertility in mice then both the US and the Commonwealth nations immediately mandated pasteurization?

>> No.20273237

I like milk a lot too. I can drink a quart at a time pretty easily. Especially with a little honey in it.

>> No.20273243

You probably need to see someone. Like a psychiatrist or something.

>> No.20273246

Imagine having this opinion let me guess you have to dilate every day?

>> No.20273253

GOMAD is literally a real diet anon
Check out /fit/ sometime

>> No.20273298

what it is with zoomers hating milk?

>> No.20273301

>can't drink milk
lol brown

>> No.20273305

gomad is based
dont drink less milk just lift more, you do lift dont you?

>> No.20273309 [DELETED] 

theyre like 70% mulattos

>> No.20273356

Babies are being raised on formula more often than real breastmilk, which means their guts aren't being properly populated with bacteria that eat lactose, which means they're lactose intolerant. Drinking milk from the grocery store can't help with that because it's all pasteurized and homogenized and incapable of imparting the necessary bacteria for developing lactose tolerance.

>> No.20273363

less than 50% of them are white

>> No.20273370

are you fuckin stupid, every mammal is born able to digest lactose

>> No.20273471

That's the same for every generation throughout all history.

>> No.20273500

>I know its silly but I cant seem to have any self control when it comes to milk
i believe it's because of casein, it's a bit addictive.

anyways milk is good. but a gallon a day is a bit much. for a gallon 1824 cal with skimmed milk. 2470 cal with whole milk

>> No.20273511

You're lacking protein and potassium if you can't get off milk

>> No.20273524

Adults eat cheese and yogurt and sour cream, etc.

>> No.20273613

not in Western countries, until recently

>> No.20273636

A quart of milk has 32g of protein and 32% of your daily potassium.

>> No.20273670

Nature's protein shake

>> No.20273675

Sadly with all the allowed additives, milk is no longer good to drink. Cheese makers won't buy milk with additives (like titanium dioxide and aspartame, both allowed in modern "milk" without any labeling) so it's safer to eat cheese.

Milk you get from the store is basically a type of industrial waste.

>> No.20274090

Most can't digest milk due to being mixed breeds

>> No.20274095
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>> No.20274839


>> No.20274858

you're so fragile lol

>> No.20274955
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>a gallon a day
he's gonna make it bros

>> No.20274964 [DELETED] 

Whyte peepo really be like "this drink has too much flavor, I'll have milk instead"

>> No.20274972

black people be like
>dead at 40 from crack

>> No.20275011 [DELETED] 

Milk is delicious and flavorful. Especially whole milk.

>> No.20275218
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>> No.20275228

Imagine not being white in the current year.

>> No.20275231

I used to drink a gallon every day or two as well, I'm down to like 2 big cups total, usually one first meal and one last meal. I just hate it running out so fast so I cut down as much as I could.

>> No.20275248 [DELETED] 

NIGGER!!!!!! sorry for startling ya

>> No.20275430

Casein binds with the opiate receptors in your brain.

>> No.20275457

I have a glass or two of 2% every day or so.

>> No.20275458
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>My milk consumption was near a gallon a day
Unless you drank a glass every like half an hour I call bull shit.

>> No.20275478

I don't know but same. When it's milk if it's around I'll just consume huge amounts. Nothing else. But with dairy the craving just doesn't end til its gone.

>> No.20275489

Lactase enzymes are not produced by your gut flora but by human-DNA cells in your intestines.

>> No.20275580

>be me
>used to eat cereal every day as a kid
>turn into teenager
>develop lactose intolerance
>can no longer enjoy milk without shitting my guys out
>cheese is my favorite food
Life is pain. I'm not brown, but I'm eastern european white, so i guess i just got a bad draw on that part of my genes

>> No.20275600

Cheese has almost no lactose. If you react to cheese it might be an allergy. If you're lactose intolerant you should be able to still have unpasteurized yogurt, kefir, buttermilk, etc. because it contains bacteria that breaks down lactose.

>> No.20275624

Perhaps it is an allergy, then? Basically all dairy gets my shitting. It's not that bad if I don't have alot, but if I have some dairy every day it adds up or if I have alot of dairy in one day I'll be poopin soft

>> No.20275718

Its the casein thats getting you anon, not the lactose

>> No.20275722
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>> No.20275941

its really easy if youre not a limp wristed faggot

>> No.20275977

I think I was always lactose intolerant but I just didn't care about the shits until I was older.

>> No.20276230

What kind of massive retard are you to lack the ability to think that maybe someone could drink more than one small glass at a time?

>> No.20276236

Advice for everyone here: do not do either of these things
>Verification not required.

>> No.20276397

Wtf is casein?

>> No.20276407

Protein. Dairy has casein and whey protein. Cheese is mostly casein as whey stays in the liquid. If you react to cheese then you're probably sensitive/allergic to casein.

>> No.20276712

Omg so healthy! Lil Timmy gonna gwow up big n stwong

>> No.20276742

>look mom I posted it again!

>> No.20276828

brainwashing victim

>> No.20276836
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brown incel hands typed this post

>> No.20276941

Ooooh, dem a little titties

>> No.20277014

Try raw milk kefir from a farmer. It's way more satisfying than pasteurized milk. Some /pol/tards associate kefir with being anti-white but sponsoring local farmers to produce more healthy stuff instead of the jewish grocery store is a good thing.

>> No.20277016

Selling raw milk is basically illegal in the US.

>> No.20277017

No it isn't

>> No.20277035
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>> No.20277036

It's more diverse and complicated. Selling raw milk directly is illegal in European countries too but that does not apply to cheese and kefir because fermentation makes raw milk safer.

>> No.20277041

It's legal in 14, but many of these have very strict rules.
Others either forbid selling raw milk, or limit it to buying directly with a farmer.

Europe is actually diverse, so it's a country-by-country basis.

>> No.20277056

Americans have been finding legal workarounds to bans on what they want to drink for a hundred years
Join a local private dairy club or coop.

>> No.20277060

So have anyone else, but if you want to drink raw milk in the US, you'll need to visit a farmer, legally or not.

Instead of buying it at the grocery store.

>> No.20277092

That's like saying you have to drive to a liquor store to buy liquor

>> No.20277112

No, this is like saying you sometimes have to drive to the liquor factory, and others cannot legally buy liquor.

>> No.20277192
File: 226 KB, 683x1209, Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 13-14-45 Understanding Milk Additives What You Need to Know casa de sante.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dairies will throw any old shit into milk meant for the consumer supply chain.

>> No.20277203

Not mentioning the funnies of the additives.

>> No.20277211

An ESL says what?

>> No.20277224

That in the USA, there's a tolerance for how much cow urine can be found on milk. This is meant to prevent small farmers from being put out of the market if they leave the pumps on the cows for too long. But what happen in practice is that American milk produces measure how much cow urine is present and add more until the maximum amount is reached, meaning milk in the US will almost always have quite a lot of piss.

>> No.20277242

Those aren't additives though. And big dairy operations' milk are probably more filled with feces and pee than small ones.

>> No.20277247

>And big dairy operations' milk are probably more filled with feces and pee than small ones.
This is wishful thinking, in the US not only piss (and shit) are not filtered out, as more piss is added if the milk is not... pissy enough.

>> No.20277273

whats a load of crap
Yes chocolate milk has sweeteners but they are making it sound like whole milk has corn syrup in it

>> No.20277281

>they are making it sound like whole milk has corn syrup in it
It's not false, while it's not an universal practice and I think it's banned in a few states, it often happens that producers add HFCS to milk, to make it "taste better".

>> No.20277291

You can't filter out piss and shit juice. And Europeans have allowable tolerances too.

>be presented with proof
>n-Noo I don't LIKE it
You're a Jew.

>> No.20277301

>And Europeans have allowable tolerances too.
Yes, but in Europe (as in most of the world) it is illegal to dilute milk with extra piss if it's below tolerance.

This is why one can say piss is an additive in American milk.

>> No.20277422

total lie

>> No.20277425

I wish I was lying, but it's true.

Just because you don't like something, it doesn't mean it's a lie.

>> No.20277426

Where was proof of anything presented in this thread?
Do you have any idea what proof is?

>> No.20277429

Are you the guy claiming that piss and shit are filtered out of US milk?

>> No.20277434

Yeah i just googled that shit and you are a fucking liar

>> No.20277438

No, you read someone you don't like and called it a lie. For once you should try to prove what you claim.

>> No.20277471

Imagine thinking you can "filter" pee from another liquid. Peak retardation.

>> No.20277474

Some people seen to choose the result they want, then invent claims to support it.

>> No.20277497

Just found the US standard for milk, and its far more disgusting than I remember.

>> No.20277526

The claim was made that corn syrup is added to milk without putting it on the label as added sugar.
This claim had no source
You can fuck right the fuck off

>> No.20277541

>Ok... I have been caught lying... but if I lie a bit more and pretend you said
You disgusting pig.

>Subpart B - Requirements for Specific Standardized Milk and Cream
>(c) Optional ingredients. The following safe and suitable ingredients may be used:
>(1) Carriers for vitamins A and D.
>(2) Characterizing flavoring ingredients (with or without coloring, nutritive sweetener, emulsifiers, and stabilizers) as follows:

Let me repeat
>(2) Characterizing flavoring ingredients (with or without coloring, nutritive sweetener, emulsifiers, and stabilizers) as follows:
>nutritive sweetener

All information that must be mentioned in the package is explicitly listed, example:
>(i) If vitamins are added, the phrase "vitamin A" or "vitamin A added", or "vitamin D" or "vitamin D added", or "vitamin A and D" or "vitamins A and D added", as is appropriate. The word "vitamin" may be abbreviated "vit.".

So yeah, you can add HFSC and not informe people.

>> No.20277552

*HFCS, my bad

>> No.20277571

Have you decided to run away? Come on anon, read the FDA document and repeat:
>The claim was made that corn syrup is added to milk without putting it on the label as added sugar.
>This claim had no source
>You can fuck right the fuck off

>> No.20277575

They aren't going to spend money to put corn syrup in regular milk
They add sugar to chocolate and strawberry milk

>> No.20277583

You completely do not understand what you have posted

>> No.20277588

Greentext is no source and you do not understand what you posted

Yes, you are a liar

>> No.20277589

So now that it has been proven that the FDA explicily allow HFCS and other additives to be added on American milk without informing people, you still want to keep inventing crap and saying:
>bu... but... companies don't do this to milk... this is only for chocolate or strawberry milk...
What a sad cope, this is American milk, HFCS and other stuff included, enjoy.

>Bro.... the document say this... but... if I play dumb... than US milk can still not suck
Sure, go ahead and try to explain A means not-A.

>> No.20277595

I knew you'd say "no proff, muttland number one" to cope.

So here is the full FDA document: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/cfrsearch.cfm?fr=131.110
Enjoy uncle Sam himself telling you US milk can (and usually has) sweeteners, pig.

>> No.20277599

This thread is full of P3TA lies and misinformation
Classic P3TA tricks like dicing up govco jargon laden regs to make a point that is totally false.

>> No.20277603

It's truly sad I cannot see your faces right now, remember to say the FDA is lying and in the "real US" things are not like this.

>> No.20277606

>It's all PETA disinformation... please... everyone ignore it.
It's literally FDA documents on how American milk is.

>> No.20277607

it also says additives must be declared on the label you retard

>> No.20277611

Not true

>> No.20277615

>Ok, American milk has corn syrup added... but it must be informed...
More wishful thinking, or lies, I don't know.

Where it's said addictive must be declared?
>Muh label (f)
Label (f) say it must be declared if "applicable sections of parts 101 and 130", and HFCS does not.

>just fake... not true
Repeat over and over while official US government docs are on the thread.

>> No.20277616

Dont argue with this troll, he gets paid by P3TA by the response

>> No.20277623

>Just... just ignore everyone, FDA documents are F3TA satanic forgery, they cannot be real... and...
Pathetic. Why do you guys lie so much? Is it to protect the honor of the US?

>> No.20277626

>Label (f) say it must be declared if "applicable sections of parts 101 and 130", and HFCS does not.
how about you share those bits with the rest of the class smartass, youre the one making these claims after all

>> No.20277633

>Let me quote label (f) without knowing section of parts 101 and 130 does not include sweeteners... because... I must win this internet argument
Why do you lie so much?

If you really feel like doing this, we can check section 101 and 130, and see with details that this argument of yours is a false cope like every single one before.

>> No.20277636

i would let her drink my milk - iykwim

>> No.20277638

>This is all fake, US milk cannot have sweeteners
FDA document on milk shows is can
>This is all fake, because you must put on label
Wow, you sure is a disgusting guy. Seriously, why do you try so hard to lie about US law?

>> No.20277644

still waiting for you to cite those sections properly.

>> No.20277650

Ok, dude I lied and got proven wrong, let me lie more... reeeeeeeeeee

Section of part 130 (general) says:
>(e) Section 403(i) of the act requires the listing of all ingredients in standardized foods. All ingredients must be listed in accordance with the requirements of part 101 of this chapter, except that where a definition and standard of identity has specific labeling provisions for optional ingredients, optional ingredients may be declared in accordance with those provisions.
While section 130.110 (milk) says:
>(c) Optional ingredients. The following safe and suitable ingredients may be used:
>(1) Carriers for vitamins A and D.
>(2) Characterizing flavoring ingredients (with or without coloring, nutritive sweetener, emulsifiers, and stabilizers) as follows:

So let's isolate:
>(e) ... optional ingredients may be declared in accordance with those provisions
>(c) Optional ingredients ... nutritive sweetener
As you can see, nutritive sweeteners 130.110.(c).(2) do fall under "optional ingredients that doesn't need to be put on the label according to 130.(e)

So yes, in the United States of American, HFCS can be added on milk and not appear on label, are you happy?

>> No.20277660
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that's not a standard of identity you moron. holy shit you have no idea how this works

>> No.20277661
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>get pimples from prolonged dairy consumption so have to take breaks
life is suffering

>> No.20277665

>I... I... can just play the igno.. ignorant... then... let me laugh
Just pathetic, US milk can and often has corn syrup and it's not on label, if you don't this, go cry to the FDA, instead of lying on 4chan.

>> No.20277668

dude he literally showed you're wrong its time to admit what you said is wrong.

>> No.20277679

try turning 18

>> No.20277691

there are no exceptions for putting hfcs in milk sweetie, that's why you can't provide a single article or anything show8ng such a thing happening (your inability to read the code doesn't count)

>> No.20277694

>US milk can and often has corn syrup
no it can't
>and it's not on label
this is false

if it were true you could find a nutrition label that has a higher amount of sugar, or any amount of added sugar and massively higher calories per serving
unless you are also trying to say the FDA allows you to put incorrect calorie/nutrition numbers on food

>> No.20277699

>Bro... bro... ok, you got my last lies, so let me invent new ones...
So now you're trying to pretend that HFCS must be on label because 101.100 (exceptions are on 101.4) doesn't state HFCS, ignoring that 130.110 list all nutritive sweetener as optional and 130 says optional ingredients don't need to be on label.

I mean, you're not the dumbest of 4chan, but you're not smart.

>> No.20277702

>no it can't
Keep repeating even when FDA documents say it can be added.

Imagine if the US was as in your mind, instead of how it is?

>if it were true you could
If you head-canon was law, right?

>> No.20277708

so find a bottle of milk with more than 150 calories per serving then
find some milk with more than 0 added sugars
oh wait
you can't

>> No.20277720

>Ok, let's ignore what the FDA sais... this is not a real proof... now go to to a store, take a pick, and the pick must say 150 kcal... or I win.... oh wait I can't
What kind of cope is this? At least with each post, you show what kind of people "USA USA USA" copers are.

>> No.20277726

i admire your dedication to this

>> No.20277730
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either the milk has added sugars or it doesn't
so find some that does, retard

>> No.20277731

It's just tired of the same guys lying about "the US is not this bad, it's great" on everything.

For once it's good to it proven they were lying.

>> No.20277739

>huh? what is the FDA? This is the US and I make the rules, I just said that if it's must one the label, see... glorious US milk has not HFCS... because... you cannot find a label that fit hte rules I made up
The FCA is pretty clear, US milk can have nutritive sweeteners (HFCS included) and they don't need to be on label.

Aren't you trying a bit too hard?

>> No.20277740

this is really your line in the sand about americas reputation? phantom corn syrup in milk?

>> No.20277748

>You cannot put HFCS in American milk
>Ok I lied, you can put HFCS in American milk, but it must be on label
>Ok I lied, you can put HFCS in American milk it doesn't need to go on label, but... US reputation is intact
What are you even trying to do?

>> No.20277750

it also lists flavorings and fruit juices as optional and guess what? you have to list them just like sweeteners

>> No.20277754

It's lactose, silly

>> No.20277755
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wow look at that

>> No.20277758

>ok... the FDA say you can add HFCS... but... if we interpret the law like this... then... guess what? It cannot because I'm playing dumb.
All nutritive sweeteners are listed on (b), fruit fruit juice (juice is not a nutritive sweetener) are listed on (c).

(c) does not magically erases (b) because "USA USA USA".

>> No.20277761

>Bro... bro... it's me, the guy caught lying a dozen times, are you read for more lies? This label here decided to list sugar... so... how about we pretend FDA documents are fake and lying?
Do you think anyone is taking you seriously?

>> No.20277766

then why is the nutritive sweetener listed as an ingredient? oh wait, it's because they have to

>> No.20277768

Im just asking why you cling to this very frail little conspiracy you cant prove instead of going after any of the shit that proves america is shit that happens in broad daylight

>> No.20277770

>then why is the nutritive sweetener listed as an ingredient?
Are you trying to invent stuff about what is written? Nutritive sweetener are optional for milk (130.110), but not for strawberry or chocolate milk.

>Bro... it we ignore the FDA documents... then it's a little conspiracy and I won....
You're trying too hard.

>> No.20277777

he's either just a troll, an ESL, a retard or some combination of those three

>> No.20277781

>It's just a little conspiracy,
No, HFCS in US milk is documented by the FCA.

>it proves nothing, USA number one.
It proves US milk has HCFS added, despite the desperate effort of /ck/ patriots to pretend otherwise.

>Dudes... if we just ignore, then... then it'll go away...
Nice quints, but ignoring reality will not make mutt issues go away.

>> No.20277784

do you believe this is only a milk thing or are they maybe injecting the chicken and lettuce with corn syrup too?

>> No.20277787

quints of truth
schizo troll btfo'd

>> No.20277790

>Ok... the FDA documented this... but... if I mock you... then... then...
Maybe it's worth check US government regulation to see what more is added with HFCS and other toxic stuff? There's a reason why the US is famous for low food standards.

>> No.20277797

it was a simple question
why should they bother listing hfcs in any other products if they can just leave it off?

>> No.20277799

Checking this sort of stuff is not a bad idea, I knew American milk had HFCS, but I never knew you could paint it white, nor that dry milk mixed with water can be legally sold as milk.

>> No.20277802
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your entire premise is based on your inability to interpret federal code, either as a result of a brain problem or ESL thirdieness. american milk is the same as any other milk and you've failed to show any proof otherwise except a section of the federal code you l've interpreted incorrectly. keep seething though, we save so much money living rent free in your head

>> No.20277804

>Ok... so... milk doesn't need to list HFCS, why do other products need.
Apparently because milk has a very unique definition (130.110), that list nutritive sweeteners as "Optional ingredient" instead of "Ingredient".

>> No.20277807

vitamins are also optional but they're on the label

>> No.20277809

>FDA documents are not real, ok?
>You ESL
>You 3rd worlder
>US milk is GREAT, ok?
>Why don't you lie with me?
>me rich
>rent free
This must have been the most desperate post I've ever seen.

>> No.20277810

Despite you starting to go bald at 18, that's not how things work.

>> No.20277814

>vitamins are also optional but they're on the label
No, vitamins (A and D) are listed on (a) - definition, not on (b) - optional ingredients.

Have you read the document, or just keep inventing a cope after the other?

>> No.20277815

>The FCA is pretty clear, US milk can have nutritive sweeteners (HFCS included) and they don't need to be on label.
but adding any sort of sugar would change the amount of calories in the milk
so if milk contains the same amount of calories, we can pretty easily know that nothing with calories has been added

>> No.20277817

where are you from anyway?

>> No.20277818

Sorry, Vitamins are also listed under (b), but they are listed under (a) as an "ingredient (optional)" and (d) says Vitamins must be explicitly listed.

>> No.20277819

stop projecting you bald pizzaface

>> No.20277823

>but adding any sort of sugar would change the amount of calories in the milk
So what? Unless the US is not using your wishful-thinking as a law, they just need to put the amount of calories right.

>so if milk contains the same amount of calories, we can pretty easily know that nothing with calories has been added
Diluted milk + sugar has the same calories as normal milk.

>> No.20277826

>Reeeeeeeeeee, why won't you start to lie to make me happy? Quick, tell me your country so I can change topic.

I'm from a magic land where lying is wrong, even if it's defend imaginary views on the US.

>> No.20277832

131.110 does not say that those ingredients may be undeclared, neither do parts 130 or 101 which are referenced in paragraph F

>> No.20277836

>neither do parts 130 or 101
Care to tell us what these say? Instead of just claiming they do not.

>> No.20277839

>Diluted milk + sugar has the same calories as normal milk.
no, it would have a different ratio of sugar/fat
so you would see drastically different numbers on the label

>> No.20277850

>no, it would have a different ratio of sugar/fat
Yes, you're not wrong.

>so you would see drastically different numbers on the label
Guess we'll need some autistic anon, if possible someone who is not lying as he speak like a few here, to check some labels IRL to see if fat/sugar rate vary on milk.

Now, 1 or 2 copers will claims labels all have the same values, but they'll say this because it makes them feel right, not because it has been checked.

>> No.20277852

>theyre allowed to put hfcs without listing it because it's an optional ingredient according to this document
>but uuuuhhh, they can just lie about the calories, they just can!

>> No.20277855


>> No.20277860

>Bro... bro... it's me, the guy who got caught lying 13 times... here is my newest one... what if we pretend you said something you didn't?

I asked you to tell me what is written... not to link. And you managed to link the index, not the document.

What an idiot.

>> No.20277870


>> No.20277872

by the schizo's logic they shouldn't have labeled the carrageenan since stabilizers are mentioned in the same paragraph as sweeteners, that's a strange discrepancy.

>> No.20277873

>it's me, the guy who got caught lying 13 times.
I jumped into this conversation like three posts ago you coping fag

>> No.20277880

My bad, it opened the index the first time I opened.

Have you read 130.3.(e)?

>> No.20277881

>And you managed to link the index, not the document.
yep, you better start reading

>> No.20277884

I usually buy a gallon of milk on Saturday and by the following Friday I have about a half a glass left

>> No.20277886

>Bro... if you don't read the whole document... whatever I invented is true... if you read... it's also true

>> No.20277899

These two documents should take an hour to read, yet you're here claiming it has no mention whatsoever.

This seems to be very dishonest.

>> No.20277902
File: 3.10 MB, 2712x1658, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't hard
find whole milk that has numbers different than any of these because it simply does not exist

>> No.20277905

yes, but the milk identity lists optional ingredients, not a labeling provision. instead it defers to 130 and 101 which contain no labeling exceptions for these things. don't feel bad, legalese is difficult to parse for native speakers, it must look like complete gibberish to you

>> No.20277914

>It's not hard... admit I'm right... until you fulfill some condition I made up... then I'll make another like in the last times.
Another "jump hops or I'm right" cope.

>> No.20277923

Holy shit the dairy industry pays our shills too? Look at the PANIC setting in here.

>> No.20277924

>Claim to have read a long document in a couple of minutes
>It must be gibberish for you, that's why you MUST be wrong.
How about we actually read the documents instead of just pretending you're right?

We can start with 130.3.(e), actually read it, then we continue.

>> No.20277937

>jump hops or I'm right
>Yes, you're not wrong.

so if walmart, target, and kroger
who make up 99% of grocery stores in the US
don't do this, then who the fuck is?

>> No.20277948

>le hecking based corporations... and... and...
I'm talking to someone that seems to be better, you wait.

Since you can read a few thousand words per second, you should have ended, but let me post it here for other anons to see:
>(e) Section 403(i) of the act requires the listing of all ingredients in standardized foods. All ingredients must be listed in accordance with the requirements of part 101 of this chapter, except that where a definition and standard of identity has specific labeling provisions for optional ingredients, optional ingredients may be declared in accordance with those provisions.
>[42 FR 14357, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 58 FR 2876, Jan. 6, 1993]

>> No.20277961

eastern european or russian?

>> No.20277968

its really not hard logic to follow esl

>> No.20277969

>Reeeeeeeeeeeee, quick, ignore the document... how about i call you Russian?
Wow, I really expected more from you.

Let me go back to the label anon.

>> No.20277971

why are you dodging the question?
eastern european or russian?

>> No.20277973

>If I keep calling you ESL, then lies can become truth, right?
No, this is not how thing works.

If anything name calling is a pretty good evidence you're desperate and/or lying.

>> No.20277978

i blend in a banana in whole milk and maybe a bit of kefir in the morning. it's the only reason i have to live.

>> No.20277982

>Forgot FDA documents... why are not admiting to be Russia? reeeeee
It took a lot of time for the Russian spy cope to spam.

>> No.20277985

it's not name calling
it's fairly important context, and without you admitting it you are leaving out a very important part of your argument

>> No.20277993

see >>20277905
the standard of identity does not list specific labeling provisions for those ingredients, it merely says that they are optional ingredients, therefore they must be labeled like normal which is why the strawberry milk >>20277755 lists both a nutritive sweetener as well as a stabilizer. you can hardly type conversational english, it's clear you cant correctly read english legal code

>> No.20277995

>Bro... just admit you're a Russia reeeeeeee
It's the third post you call me Russian, after I FDA documents were not in your favor.

>> No.20278002

you certainly seethe like a zigger

>> No.20278003

I asked if you were eastern european or russian, but I guess you are russian after this response

find any milk with a nutrition label different from what's expected?

>> No.20278012

I'll be going to work.

The /ck/'s American patriot force can keep spamming copes, and calling me a Russian, for daring to post US government documents.

>> No.20278015

>after I FDA documents were not in your favor.
just say where youre from lol

>> No.20278024
File: 232 KB, 467x467, 1705036631944987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept your defeat on behalf of america

>> No.20278028

Someone posted US documents showing something bad about the US, and now he must be a Russian? This shows quite a lot about how great the US really is.

>> No.20278029

>uuuhhh actually I have to leave now but youre still coping!!

>> No.20278039

man, is this supposed to be some FSB training or something where you make up some retarded shit to attempt to show that you can defend it or something?

like a training ground before you are sent to the facebook/twitter front lines?
cause if this is the quality of your response it isn't great

>> No.20278040

lol I guess going to work can wait huh?

>> No.20278042

You kept lying until his time was over, this as much of a victory as Afghanistan, it shouldn't be much time until this "the US puts sugar on milk" thing is back.

>> No.20278049

why are you trying to cut down on your milk intake? were you growing tits?

>> No.20278055

better get going or you're gonna be late :^)

>> No.20278070

holy shit this thread really fell apart

what happened to arguing over PDF's?

>> No.20278079

someone claimed milk in the US has corn syrup in it some guys doubted he posted documents confirming it and shit hits the fan

>> No.20278081

get to work wagie

>> No.20278087

its not me who wasted two hours claiming someone is FSB because he made me sad

>> No.20278093

nah, it's like 3:30am in moscow which explains why this dude is so scatterbrained
time to go to bed

>> No.20278107

this makes that link worth saving

>> No.20278115
File: 26 KB, 691x411, 8sgj5eaxr2931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I am so glad I ducked out of this trainwreck once the sugar milk fairy showed up

>> No.20278131

it was a fun ride tho

>> No.20278136
File: 49 KB, 785x577, FDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure it was

>> No.20278139

I wish I could put my nose in her coochie mama and sniff the warm lil milky feembraps

>> No.20278142

I thought you had work?

>> No.20278150

you dont need to be a vatnik to open a link

>> No.20278182

>But what happen in practice is that American milk produces measure how much cow urine is present and add more until the maximum amount is reached
This doesn't happen.

>> No.20278186

do you think women fart out of their vagina? thats not what a queef is

>> No.20278187

>Something note nice about the US
>This can't be real
Here we go again, lads.

>> No.20278200

in certain parts of yuroland, they don't even dilute their milk with cow piss, they actually use hog piss due to a slightly sweeter taste, so its not like you guys are any better

>> No.20278215

This sort of thing is only funny when it's real, otherwise it becomes toddler humor.

>> No.20278225

The EU is actually phasing out cow milk by 2030 out of consideration for muslims and africans

>> No.20278228

>noooooooo its not real you're just making peepee jokes
the only joke here is your pig piss drinking ass, euroid

>> No.20278233

>Hehe, my milk has piss, but what if yours has dog piss?

>> No.20278240

retard hes talking about braps. totally different from queefs dummy

>> No.20278252

thats what Im saying, he seems to think the coochie is the booty hole

>> No.20278262

>i-i-if i pretend it's a joke, then it's not real! that will trick everyone!
Dick choppers have a stronger grip on reality than you.

>> No.20278268

>Dick choppers
This reminds me of an map, but I don't think it's suited to post on /ck/, it's a bit off topic.

>> No.20278413

milk is for babies, white men love to drink milk, white men are babies, and that's why they are so easily cucked

>> No.20278756

obvious bait

>> No.20278972

even our milk is living rent free in your head

>> No.20278974

I'll not to lie, I'm disgusted enough that I keep thinking of American milk.

>> No.20279000
File: 1.10 MB, 370x335, tom-delonge-wtf1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck did I just scroll through, and more importantly, did OP get an answer

>> No.20279021

You just saw the clash between sugar-milk an autistic, and mutt-lord the resident schizo

>> No.20279027

One shouldn't drink milk like that. You need to take it into the mouth as a suckling infant does and let it mix with the saliva. This is important for proper digestion. Julius Evola talks about this

>> No.20279180

>MIDF exists
you're the proof

>> No.20279184

yeah they can add like, whatever to the milk

literally whatever that's GRAS

>> No.20279403 [DELETED] 

>Europe is actually diverse
Mashallah, habibi!

>> No.20279415

i got the same issue, i just stopped buying milk cold turkey. instead drinking a gallon a day i splurge on 1 litter of that over pasturaized carton crap.

>> No.20279953

>1 litter

>> No.20281390

ur gross fagget

>> No.20282886

Damn guys, i picked up a gallon last night after work and its over half empty

>> No.20283499

I think they are gone now,
Can we resume the thread or is the moment gone?

>> No.20283586

What a stupid image and thread
in my country we eat dairy products like crazy everyday but drinking milk as an adult will get you mocked
>aww little baby needs his milk

>> No.20283591

Thats because your country has fallen victim to propaganda

Your grandfather proudly drank milk

>> No.20283610

my grandfather is the first to make fun of those who drink milk and he says it while eating a cocumber-yogurt salad with cheese on the side

>> No.20283937

Your craving some creamy animal fat. Get it from another source.

>> No.20284319

I drink chocolate milk, because it's based.

>> No.20284336

jews and noneuropeans

>> No.20284392


>> No.20284990

i'm mexican but i drink milk everyday though (the raw kind)

>> No.20285024

milk gives me the shits somethin fierce so i stay away from it.
i mainly drink prime because i bought 800+ cans of it for $100 at a wholesale auction.
ive had 7 today. the moon one is the best right behind the red one.

>> No.20285328

>if only you knew how bad things really are.jpeg
food chains in america are fucked it's hard to get actual milk

>> No.20285334

All is great in the US, FSB agent

>> No.20285339

he might be in new york, they have issues right now because theyre too cucked

>> No.20285382

I'm from california albeithoughever

>> No.20285383

nigga what? just go to the store and buy it lol. it's that easy

>> No.20286447

kys shill

>> No.20286453

>milk has tiny amounts of vitamins and stabilizaers in it
I despise people like you.

>> No.20287811

Would you drink milk that I peed in? Just a little bit, 2-3 drops

>> No.20287892

sorry, not from yurop

>> No.20287899

Same thing happens to me.
I'd like answers.

>> No.20287936

Honestly, the solution to no cereal is to use oat milk instead. Its flavor profile makes it feel relatively unobtrusive in things like cereal and baked goods.

>> No.20287989

I live in VA where your pic claims raw milk is "illegal" and all I has to do is sign uo what what's essentially a subscription service where I pay a fee up front to "purchase" a share of a cow and then pay each month for the care of this cow fraction, and the farmer delivers my "share" of this cow's milk to my door every week. It was incredibly easy to do.

>> No.20287994

Unfortunately, being able to just buy milk is too much freedom for the land of the free.

>> No.20288040

People also skirt the law by selling raw milk as "for animal consumption only"

>> No.20288689

who is that, why is she drinking milk like that, and why is her face so flushed?
I want to facefuck milk mommy

>> No.20289935

cutting is really hard for me because milk is like 600kcal a litre.

>> No.20290050

spotted the porn addicted coomer