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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20261925 No.20261925 [Reply] [Original]

I just turned 21, what beer/alcohol do you guys recommend for a person who has never drank alcohol?

>> No.20261938

deep eddys lemon vodka

>> No.20261939

What the fuck does your 21st birthday have to do with anything?

>> No.20261943

don't consume alcohol into your body or else you will become unclean

>> No.20261944

In the United States of Ass you have to be 21 to buy liquor

>> No.20261952

PBR and drink half
For every drink of beer you want skip one and drink water in its place

>> No.20261954
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>> No.20261962
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>> No.20261972

Find some hipster/yuppie bars in your area. Try all the flights, all the high gravity stuff, all the ipas etc etc. Do this until you're about 25 or so, then just start drinking light beer and light beer only. For me, it's coors light. Once you graduate to light beer, you can stay drinking every night and apply for a druk apprenticeship.

>> No.20261973

PBR is a good suggestion as it is a widely available cheap beer with a pretty good flavor that distinguishes it from other mass produced cheap beers at that price point. If you want something a little lighter in flavor and body try regular Budweiser, Miller High Life, or Coors Banquet.
The water thing is optional, it helps prevent hangovers.

>> No.20261980

I've already been through rehab at your age, twice, americans are pussies

>> No.20261986

don't listen to these homosexuals.
listen to these homosexuals.

>> No.20261993

>needs rehab
>calls others a pussy
Lol pick one, homo

>> No.20262002

I'm trying mannn

>> No.20262003

<5% macrobrews, >$10 wine, and vodka or light tasting whiskeys
Avoid any alcoholic beverage in a plastic bottle or full of unneeded additives. Don't hit the bottom shelf.

>> No.20262004

In burgland, it's illegal to consume alcohol or even provide alcohol for/to anyone under 21. A lot of people wait until they are allowed to by law. I think everyone should wait until 25 to consume any drugs or alcohol. Would have been so much better if we let our minds and bodies fully develop first.

>> No.20262008

I'm the anon that replied after this one and this is also good advice. Booze was an acquired taste for me so I assumed craft beers would taste awful and be off putting to someone new to alcohol but then again not every craft beer is over-hopped experimental garbage.
I also thought about telling them to get regular Stoli, it's a good vodka for that price point. Starting off with liquor seems a little aggressive though. But then again, you read me like a book. I do enjoy having anal sex with other men and that makes my opinions on alcohol bunk.

>> No.20262016

Nothing. Alcohol is for losers.

>> No.20262023

This was my first. I quite liked it, though AO is the cider version of cheap macrobrew.

>> No.20262027
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>> No.20262040
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Grab a friend or three and drink down a barrel of XXX under a tree, by a beach if near one.

>> No.20262044


>> No.20262045


>> No.20262050

had a couple 40s when i turned 21 well i didnt finish them

>> No.20262054

Based Granny XXX poster.

>> No.20262058

>tfw people born in 2008 are 21 now

>> No.20262061

delete this

>> No.20262074

Happy birthday homo, I'll drink a shot of Evan Williams to you. Many happy returns and this that and the other thing.

>> No.20262076
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>> No.20262082

Wait thats not right at all.
Stop confusing my peabrain.

>> No.20262114

That's terrible math, lad

>> No.20262136

ayo, don't judge, the food and shelter is free there, you just have to pretend to be an alcoholic

>> No.20262151

2003 you fucking tard
Are you drunk Anon?

>> No.20262152

Don't drink trash, buy teal vodka like zubrowka... Potato vodka is as good as whisk* or r*m
Buy several cheap brands of portuguese, spaniard and italian wine

Famous liquor like rum is all the same, awful
Corona beer and smirnoff are bad

>> No.20262163

They guy's just 21, there's no reason to go too crazy. A big jug of Geogi is made here in the states and he wont have to pay stupid import taxes and it's in plastic so it wont break when he or his friends get too clumsy to hold it. I remember being that age.

>> No.20262164

smirnoff ice isn't vodka retard

>> No.20262166

do younger americans really not drink until they're 21?

>> No.20262172

That's what the government fucks like to say to help their political statistics go whatever way keeps their budget money up.

>> No.20262343

Honestly, get yourself a BUNCH of the little fun air travel liquor bottles. Liquor stores all have them. Get one of each that they have, and maybe canvas a few stores to get a good spread.

Then try them all, over time of course. Vodkas, gins, whiskeys, rums, etc. These little fun bottles are all bottom tier liquors, but they will inform you of your tastes. When you are done with this test, you will have a feeling for what liquor you like and don't like. Feel free to try cocktails with these little guys too.

Once you are done with the little guys, start working your way up the shelf with your preferred liquor choice to get more informed about the more expensive liquors in that type. Oh, and by the way, there will be regional/country differences and method differences when it comes to liquor products, so keep that in mind.

For beer, maybe do little flights or something at bars, or just sample single beers to get familiar with the various categories. Basically start small to try them, and work your way through the types to see what you consider piss water and what is good. It's ok to consider them all shit.

For wine, there are broad categories and regional differences within those categories. My recommendation is to see what region you like first, so just pick a category and sample US, CA, France, Italy, and other wines. Wine price here does not correlate to quality like with liquor, so keep it cheap. Once you find the region you prefer, then spread out into the other categories to see if your preferences hold or not. Mine did.

>> No.20262383

Correct. A bunch of white women organized (MADD) to make the drinking age 21 over here in the US to try to combat all the dunk drivers. They used underhanded means to make all the states comply by getting the feds to withhold road funds. Of course it did jack shit to the DUI cases because 'Merica, and it fucked over college kids and made date rape possible. So these bitches not only failed to accomplish what they set out to do, but they fucked over their fellow women by making 18-21 year old females vulnerable to date rape / drugged drinks because they couldn't get alcohol safely themselves.

And of course this shit is impossible to reverse because no one cares enough to campaign for the 18-21yr olds, and they don't represent a large enough bloc with power to fix shit. So you get this dumb as fuck grey area where you are an adult with respect to responsibility but not for privileges.

>> No.20262403

Everything in America should be 21. Booze, cigs, military service.

>> No.20262406

booze and cigarettes should be 16

>> No.20262413

military service should be 16 too
military training at 8 though

>> No.20262417 [DELETED] 

opium for the the rest of ypur life
Life swings back and forth like a pendulum between pain and boredom.
That's why poor anons settle with cheap burgers.

>> No.20262570

>Life swings back and forth like a pendulum between pain and boredom.
thats why im glad im a masochist

>> No.20262681

Alright fine, but this country immediately becomes protectionist and isolationist.

>> No.20262701


>> No.20262720

>what beer/alcohol do you guys recommend for a person who has never drank alcohol?
There's like 240 wildly different flavor profiles.
Just try a whole bunch of different shit and note what you enjoy and what you don't.

>> No.20263273

good way to make someone swear off drinking forever (its ok they always come back)

>> No.20263280

Light beer

>> No.20263305

if you have never drank alcohol, why do you want to drink it just because you turned 21?

>> No.20263325
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I would just stay away. I've drank since I was 16. I recently just fucked up so bad drinking that I'm scared I might lose my job. If you think you can handle it without getting addicted, have at it, but just don't get started if you have a bunch of mental baggage that will get you addicted. This isn't me trying to fear monger. Just don't drink until you get blackout. After that, there's no going back. You'll just keep doing it.

>> No.20263379

How do you even become an alcoholic? After I get blackout I'm so hungover the next day just thinking about drinking again makes me feel sick, I need a week to reset before drinking again. It's in my blood too, my dad was a severe alcoholic for 30 years.

>> No.20263408

Alcohol is overrated
Turns you into a fool
Much like cocaine, it's a boring drug for boring people

>> No.20263664

is your job really that good that its irreplaceable?
start applying now before you get shitcanned if youre really worried itll happen

>> No.20263675

Start like a man.
The green
9th centenary
And the exilir

All other liquors are objectively ass compared to this

>> No.20263680
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>> No.20263712

A good belgium lambic. Doesn't even taste like alcohol.

>> No.20263729

I got served a beer in a restaurant in America when I was only 20 and we were visiting (my parents had checked the law and it said it was okay if the parents were fine with it).
At first they were a bit uneasy about it but when we talked a bit and we have very strong scandic accents they figured we weren’t undercover. Laughed a ton together, had amazing burgers, they also gave free dessert.
Best burger I’ve ever had.
I love United States Of America, they have very nice people as long as you’re in the right place, We left a big tip too (accidentally like 50% lol).
As long as you don’t go into like 1 of 5 shit places average person is super nice, open and friendly contrary to what I’ve read online.
I love america so much

>> No.20263796

Store near me sells 30 packs of PBR for real cheap and that's what I got

>> No.20263814

Mike's hard lemonade. Angry orchard cider. I'm about to get shitposted on for recommending these because they are not serious drinks for serious drinkers and if you're among pros you will be mocked for drinking this stuff. But they have that reputation because they are for noobs. Light normal beers like pbr or rolling rock are ok but if you never had beer before its gross, just tastes like rotten bread. Hard seltzers are easy to drink and worth a shot. You should also just buy small bottles each of every brand of hard liquor you know the name of just to get a baseline on what's what. Jack Daniel's, Johnny walker, jameson for whiskey. Kahlua, bailey's for liqueurs. Last 2 are actually good for noob mixed drinks too.

>> No.20263827

>2003 was 30 years ago
How much more over can it get? We really are here forever...

>> No.20263838

Only autistics, anyone with friends starts drinking around 16 or 18 but the legal purchasing age is 21. Sometimes if you get lucky then a local gas station or liquor store won't check ID but these are not always easy to find and that would be breaking the rules which is unthinkable to the kind of anxious queers in question.

>> No.20263848

I'm the same way but there's 2 things. First off if you're miserable enough in your life, the relief of the drunk makes the tradeoff more worth it. Secondly though you can just power through it and drink even though you don't feel like it, you'll get used to it. If you really want to fuck yourself up especially if you are a hangover sufferer is to do hair of the dog. Use drinking to cure your hangovers. That will make you an all day every day alcoking in no time.

>> No.20263913

everyone in college had fake ids to get into the local college dive bars
Either that or you just figure out which local deli won't id you when you buy three 4lokos

>> No.20263924

>what does the minimum legal drinking age have to do with being new to drinking
Gee, I dunno...

>> No.20263952

how do you even get blackout drunk?
at the drunkest i've ever gotten, i was unable to really think or do anything and just laid on the floor waiting until i was less drunk
no nausea or stomachache or anything, just drunk to an unpleasant degree that i can't imagine actively wanting to exceed, and i was still able to remember it

>> No.20263969


>> No.20263976
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Drink higher proof + Don't stop drinking

>> No.20263999

You smoking weed or cigarettes? That will have this effect

>> No.20264067

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.20264072
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>Only autistics

>> No.20264099

He's right. People who socialize normally are involved with alcohol well before they turn 21.

>> No.20264148

Diskin Cider Six One Five.
One of the greatest alcoholic beverages of all time.
Fruit Tea Cider.

>> No.20264171

i could hardly think to pour another shot, and regardless it was getting actively unpleasant
i can't imagine wanting to drink past that point, and even if i did i can't imagine being functional enough to get up to any mischief, and i was still not past the point of blacking out
at the time? no, just booze

>> No.20264332

I'm not clear how you got to 21, without drinking alcohol, but you better stick to "girl drinks" until you know what you can handle. Flavored seltzers, wine coolers and shit like that. See how you fare.

>> No.20264353

I had my first beer when I was 4 years old.

>> No.20264490

this was my first alcohol as a teenager

>> No.20264512

if you've never had beer and you don't know what it tastes like then don't drink it. it's yucky. if you like sweet drinks like soda you can just do a rum and coke but the malt beverages are good too like mike's hard lemonade/black cherry lemonade, smirnoff ice (red, white, & berry is incredible but it's summer only)
drinking water before bed is important too. you'll probably wake up hungover and if you don't feel like shit you're probably still drunk.

>> No.20264521

when i blacked out for the first time i was drinking smirnoff ice mixed with rum. happened when i was 29. i woke up on the ground with my pillow and my blanket and throw up on my pillow, apparently i went to bed and threw up in it and got up and just laid down on the ground with my pillow and threw up again. i had to throw my pillow out i couldn't get the smell out. my rug is still stained from all the sugary food coloring i still had in me.

>> No.20264528
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>2008 was unironically 15 years ago
Where the fuck did the time go?

>> No.20264530

After a barrel or three of XXX maths not going to be top priority

>> No.20264536

>smirnoff ice
What are some kind of female?
Who blacks out drinking smirnoff ice?

>> No.20264539

16, mate. this obviously isnt the mathematician thread

>> No.20264561

Goddamn you're right. Eh, you might as well write 2020 off anyway with all the covid bullshit that went on during that time. Everything feels like one long, bad dream since that year.

>> No.20264565

That covid stuff was a government scam, yet another scam, and meant to sell masks. Follow the money as always.

>> No.20264572

It's not just a scam, it's a control thing.
Government types want to control so they were seeing how far they can go.

>> No.20264576

White Russian
wtf that's like saudi fucking arabia

>> No.20264579
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I honestly loved covid, the lockdowns, the social vibe of people trying to stay far away from each other in stores and everything. Watching the number go up. It was so comfy until it turned out to all be a psyop. I don't even care anymore though, I just want to go back even if I know it's all fake this time.

>> No.20264590

You're right, but it won't work unless we stop culturally elevating the overconsumption of alcohol. Getting hammered is pathetic, but we're taught that we need to do it regularly to properly socialise.

>> No.20264591

Those saudi cunts aren't behind anything, look toward iran they're the real cunts.

>> No.20264595

have you been around people before? you DO need to do it to socialize, otherwise its completely unbearable

>> No.20264596

No mask there, you're going straight to jail!

>> No.20264601

Anon is right but missed overpopulation v what we have and energy and why new energy sources are shelved because current holders are scared of new things like cold fusion.

>> No.20264603

If they're not drunk it's much more bearable, but in social situations they're usually drunk because they think they need to be.

>> No.20264614

Joke's on everybody else on this one too, I was wearing masks before covid just to hide my face in public because i'm a paranoid antisocial mental freak.

>> No.20264615
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>> No.20264619
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Here's a quote from Szasz

>> No.20264883

Don't you fucking dare.

>> No.20264903

Alcohol is an acquired taste in a very literal sense, so none of it will taste good to you. If you'd grown up in a civilised country, you'd have drunk small amounts of wine or beer occasionally at meals since your early teens and have acquired a palate. As it is, you'll probably want some sugary shit to drown the ethanol taste, and you're probably drinking for the sole purpose of getting intoxicated. Vodka, mixed with fruit juice or soft drink, best fits those needs. Once you've reached your desired level of shitfaced, resist the temptation to "maintain" by drinking more, instead switch to either straight juice or a much weaker mix. Try not to get heavily intoxicated at all until you have plenty of experience drinking. Stay safe.

>> No.20264926

>just turned 21
>never drank alcohol before
I'd recommended getting somd friends.

>> No.20264929

Shit up Pajeet. You were born unclean and alcohol won't make me like you.

>> No.20265238

nothing. only pussy ass bitches like OP obey the law.

>> No.20265326
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Chug these as fast as possible. It will actually be easy to do since it tastes like carbonated orange juice.

>> No.20265561

A Shirley Temple.

>> No.20265568
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Beer and whiskey only. Don't ever drink vodka, only alcoholics drink vodka. Try different cheap beers and see what you like then move to craft beers. It's almost st Patrick's day so get a guinness extra stout.

>> No.20265581
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Probably this one, OP

>> No.20265586

Aw fuck, how do I make my photos not sideways

>> No.20265590

>I just turned 21, what beer/alcohol do you guys recommend for a person who has never drank alcohol?
You should be out drinking with your friends. 4chan should not be your friends. You should not be spending major milestone life experiences on 4chan.

>> No.20265594

by not being a retard so in other words, never

>> No.20265625

There's well and truly nothing worse than a phoneposter, especially when that phoneposter has absolutely no conception of how their photos are stored and transmitted online.

>> No.20265639

My contribution to AI would beg to differ

>> No.20265643

But he's not going to appreciate any beer or whiskey for quite a while, because he's been teetotal until now. This is why alcopops/coolers have a market, no teetotal is going to like beer. Straight vodka is for alkies but it can be mixed with a wide variety of toothrot drinks to disguise the taste until his nose comes in, then he can switch to respectable drinks.

>> No.20265982

Huh? The only way to appreciate beer is by drinking it. You don't ease into it lol, beer is nothing

>> No.20266357

>Once you've reached your desired level of shitfaced, resist the temptation to "maintain" by drinking more
Trash advice, the best way to drink is hard liquor until you hit the target then switch to light beer or something similarly ~4% to spend as long as possible in the optimal drunk zone

>> No.20266479

>The only way to appreciate beer is by drinking it.
Obviously. But the taste of ethanol itself is an acquired one. Hence, start a teetotaller on sugary girly drinks until they've acquired the taste, assuming the goal is for them to actually enjoy themselves.

>> No.20266493

Yes this is exactly what a 21 year old kid who's never tasted anything harder than his momma's milk should do on his first night out.

>> No.20266512

All alcohol fucking sucks and only serves to ruin your body and mind. It makes you age and wears out your organs, it makes you dumber. Alcohol is just socially acceptable poison.

>> No.20266513
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OP here. I don't have any friends so I can't ask anybody else (well there's my dad but he stopped drinking a decade ago).
I guess I should worry more about that, huh?

>> No.20266524

Meant for >>20265590

>> No.20266531

>Alcohol is just socially acceptable poison.
True! Hence its enduring popularity. You're more observant than most of your straight-edge retard ilk.

>> No.20266535

If you don't have any friends then maybe don't take up drinking.

>> No.20266536

She has some nice girly pits

>> No.20266626

Misato is a cutie

>> No.20266794

>Old hag
No thank you!

>> No.20266801

>old hag
More milfs for me then

>> No.20266813
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sure thing oedipus

>> No.20266819

>kid thinks I want to fuck my mother
You're sick man.

>> No.20266833
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>More "mother I would like to fuck"'s for me!
>WTF what makes you think I want to fuck my mother???

>> No.20266834

too fucking stupid to even deserve a you

>> No.20266836

Drinking is a social activity. It makes communication easier, deepens bonds with your friends, and creates memories that last a lifetime. Usually good, sometimes bad lol. Call up your friends and see if they want to do something. I'm surprised none of them has asked you to go out already, drinking age birthdays are usually a good excuse for celebration.

If you don't have any friends at all you have bigger problems and you need to get that resolved, drinking alone definitely won't help anything. That should seriously be your #1 life priority. I'm not even kidding, having friends is more important than having a job.

>> No.20266838
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>> No.20266859

That's....not how that works....at all.
Yeah, it's A mom I would like to fuck but that doesn't mean I have any sexual attraction to my own mother. It just means I'm into older women in general.

>> No.20267015
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Sure thing.

>> No.20267146

No, apparently you have it backwards, it's your mom who wants to have sex with you from an early age and then in your later years you will begin to yearn for your mother's bosom again. You'll remember your mom's tits were the perfect tits all along and your whole life was you searching for those tits.

t. Boomer

>> No.20267166

Don't start drinking
>t. alcoholic
anyways start with juice and clear liquor. vodka cranberry, screwdriver, etc. Or just do the 21 year old thing and dump cheap vodka into soda. But seriously don't start.

>> No.20267167

>-2% abv
>basically kool-aid

>> No.20267185
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Flat is justice.

>> No.20267246

Is your mom flat? What race?

>> No.20267271

I'm not attracted to my mom, wannabe motherfucker.

>> No.20267659
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>> No.20267676

Me neither. Now your dad on the other hand...

>> No.20267679

>dumb frog
>calling anyone else a loser
fucking kek

>> No.20267680

>In burgland, it's illegal to consume alcohol or even provide alcohol for/to anyone under 21.
lol retard
It's illegal to sell or to serve alcohol to anyone under 21.
It is legal to possess or consume alcohol while under 21 as long as your parent or guardian gave it to you or permits you to drink it.

>> No.20267735

>implying you were called a loser
meds now.

>> No.20267744

It's all shit. Beer is for fat poor people with no taste. If you want to get shitfaced then just knock back cheap mixed shots like you've already been doing.

>> No.20267829

just get a few nice belgian beers, especially if you just want to try stuff and arent ranging to get loaded. take note of the abv and stay under 6% if you can because youre a lightweight newb, which is perfectly fine. absolutely no reason to start slanging a bottle of whisky and trying to be Jim Morrison (unless God has called you to do that - but the path is either long and hard or short and easy).

>> No.20267994
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Unfortunately, ever since my first taste of alcohol at maybe 9 years old, I loved the taste. I loved the exhilaration, the flush of bubbly warmth, that numbness around the lips and fingers; you're swimming through warm bathwater, the room spinning about your bed, as if Peter Pan has picked you up in his arms and is flying away to Neverland.
I continually found myself seeking the bottle whenever I was desperate for a moment to pause and rest, like a breath of fresh air before returning to the constant drowning in the raging hurricane of failure after burnout after tragedy that defined my younger years. I felt as if every day I woke up I was regaining consciousness in an endless torture session, locked in a dark damp concrete room with a psychopath grinning as he amused himself with whatever new misery he could inflict on me today. My thoughts were consumed with which loved one he will take away from me next, what other possession I will be deprived of, who next will bend my bones and break my heart into smaller and more pathetic pieces.
The only respite I had at my disposal was another $11 handle of rectified spirits to drift me by one more day, hoping it would be the last. I'd cherish the raw, burning vapors that wafted off the bottle as if they were the single bloom of spring lilacs amid a field of rotten corpses. There is no more bittersweet fruit than that of the frothing barleycorn.

>> No.20268314

My sympathies to those who actually unironically like the taste of alcohol. I'm a drunk and I think it tastes like variously well masked gasoline. It was over before it began.

>> No.20268357

Dragonberry Rum

>> No.20268364

You can only do it if you drink high proof liquors real quick. I've never done it, but america's relationship with alcohol is a weird one.

>> No.20268905

Beer and related oblations:

Avery Rumpkin, a Rum-barrel aged pumkin ale clocking in at 20 ABV. While being $14 for a 12oz bottle, it’s hands down the best beer I’ve ever tried.

Schofferhoffer grapefruit hefenweizen is the tastiest low ABV beer w 1.8-3.2% ABV; also, Modelo Cheladas is a runner up.

Busch Lite Apple is the best macrobrew that we will likely never see again on the market despite popular demand.

Guinness Draught, a stout with a nitrogen widget and the only beer with some nutrients

Dogfish Head and Flying Dog breweries have the best flavor profiles with obscure, novel ingredients: SeaQuench a 5%ABV ale brewed with black limes and sea salt that will hydrate you.

Don’t start with IPA’s unless you are predisposed to bitter tastes. No one starts out enjoying them, I handed an noninitiate a Dogfish head 120 min IPA and how he chundered like a frat boy who accidentally took a swig of someone’s dip spitter.

Belgian Trappist monks brew the top rated beer in the world Westvelteren IV according to BeerAdvocate but I’ve never had the chance to confirm or deny.

Boozehounding: stay away from anything that comes in a plastic bottle as ethanol is a solvent and microplastic crosses the blood brain barrier. Stay away from Four Loko or any malt liquor.

Brooklyn hooker - a shot of Jameson whisky and a pickle juice chaser

Strong coffee w Bailey’s Irish cream, French whipped cream, Biscoff cookies & Stroepewaffell, and NAS Perique

If I order a mixed drink my go to is a Manhatten with Maker’s Mark whiskey, Grand Marnier orange liquer, and Angostura bitters w Orange/cherry garnish.

The best budget liquor from an ABC store is Bacardi Black Rum for $20/1.75L aged for 3yr. The longer it’s aged the smoother it is and the fewer congeners ergo less hangover.

Ethanol is a poison and one of two drugs you can die from withdrawals. So if you have an addictive personality stay away or else one drink will be too many and one thousand will not be enough.

>> No.20269270

Bros I’ve been priced out of drinking daily… used to be able to afford $20 of booze a day
Cost of living in Toronto has become so abysmal I literally can’t do it anymore….

>> No.20269280

That's not true at all, you complete fucking idiot. Go ahead and post your source. I'll wait

>> No.20270274
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>> No.20270780
File: 47 KB, 1024x683, beer plank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just turned 21, what beer/alcohol do you guys recommend for a person who has never drank alcohol?

Get some friends together and go to a local brew pub and get a plank, which is a wooden board with small glasses of different beers. This way you can try different kinds of beer to see what you like without having to buy a whole pint of something you might not like.

>> No.20271257

In the presence of a parent or guardian is more strict of a rule than with permission of a parent or guardian.

>> No.20272067

I recommend you don't. Alcohol is poison.

>> No.20272138

I can't imagine this situation. I started to drink when I was 10 years old.

>> No.20273600
File: 89 KB, 1000x750, beer planks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20275376

I started with Fireball, it goes down well.
Now I just buy whatever cheap whiskey is at my local place.
Last time I got some I added redhots and made my own fireball for cheap.
Can't stand wine, beer is barely drinkable.
Best bet? Mike's Hard or some other low proof cocktail thing.

>> No.20275388

>how do you even get blackout drunk?
You're playing games at your friends place and he says
>come on, one more drink
and then you lose track of your drinking since you are also doing something else.
I got blackout drunk once, never again.
Half a bottle of blueberry Smirnoff.