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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20259859 No.20259859 [Reply] [Original]

You did eat guilt free today right /ck/? You didnt eat animal products today, did you?

This pizza I'm eating is 100% cruelty free, animal free. No animal products.

Stop eating animal products, its really that simple.

>> No.20259861


>> No.20259863

That pizza was probably developed with animal testing, so you’re still a horrible monster.

>> No.20259864

>You did eat guilt free today right /ck/?
of course i did
>You didnt eat animal products today, did you?
weird non sequitur but I actually ate a lot of animal products like I always do
thanks for asking!

>> No.20259866


>> No.20259868

um sweatie unless you made that plate I'm pretty sure some poor soul DIED getting that to you and if you're a GOOD FUCKING PERSON you would feel some guilt over that

>> No.20259877

lots of small animals died for farmers to bring your produce, and ecosystems ruined by farmland

>> No.20259886

vegan food is the future
i hope they invent some device soon so animals can vocalise their thoughts and express how horrible what people are doing to them is

>> No.20259887

>a couple thousand small animals died in harvesting the veggies, wheat and sunflower

>> No.20259914

>You did eat guilt free today right /ck/?
Ate 100% guilt free
>You didnt eat animal products today, did you?
Of course i ate animal products
>This pizza I'm eating is 100% cruelty free, animal free. No animal products.
Farming of vegetables and grains kills tons of bugs, insects and small animals.

>> No.20259916

I wonder how much vegan activism it takes before people start to eat dogs out of spite.

>> No.20259918

A lot more lives are taken from grain and vegetable farming, than the lives taken at slaughterhouses. We're literally talking hundreds or thousands of lives for one vegan meal.

>> No.20259934

vegans sincerely hate animals, being opposed to eating meat instead of just opposing cruel factory farm tactics is just supporting wiping out massive populations of animals with extra steps

>> No.20259940

Of course, I had a can of oysters, two cans of salmon, a can of tuna (that I shared with my cat), and a can of sardines. I'm going to be having beef stew in a few hours when it's ready. It's good to be guilt-free when enjoying a satiating and delicious meal.

>> No.20259941
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OP is a hypocritical faggot chud. Nothing to see here.

>> No.20259956

>a couple quadrillion small animals died in harvesting the veggies, wheat and sunflower

Fixed that for you

>> No.20259969

How dare you steal food from animals, they need those vegetables you monster. Kill yourself immediately.

>> No.20259997

Absolutely false, more animals are killed in factory farming.
Dumb argument.

I am not against killing to eat food. Farming can be done without doing this but on a mass scale its harder. Sacrifices need to be made in order to ensure the survival of whites and high IQ humanity. I'm not suicidal.

I'm a vegan, I am against systemic genocide of billions of animals who are raised and confined solely to be slaughtered.

This isn't the same as a mouse getting chopped up in a combine harvester who got unlucky.

This is breeding solely to kill.

>> No.20260009

That pizza is filled with trans fats and 5x the saturated fat as a vegan pizza. If having a heart attack owns the vegunzz go ahead champ

>> No.20260019

Saying something is false doesn't remove the quadrillions of lives your food requires to exist. The biodiversity of the world goes down as your fad diet increases.

>> No.20260024

>i did bad thing
You did bad thing. Own up to it.

>> No.20260028

That's false though, quadrillions of small animals aren't killed. There aren't even that many of them unless you can't ants and insects as sentient animals.

I only consider mammals sentient animals.

>> No.20260030

fuck you, start eating meat, I'm tired of eating meat for two

>> No.20260060

Dumb argument. I will happily step on an ant pile and or use poison. Only mammals and reptiles are sentient.

>> No.20260063

>I'm a vegan
Which is why you should kill yourself.

>> No.20260070

Stop eating meat and animal products. You don't have to contribute to the suffering of tens of billions of sentient animals.

Its simple. Eat vegan products.

>> No.20260123

>Sacrifices need to be made in order to ensure the survival of whites and high IQ humanity.
and the sacrifice should be to withhold vital proteins that allowed people to power larger complex brains to begin with

>> No.20260127

>I'm tired of eating meat for two

>> No.20260139

no u

>> No.20260211

And what if that's eventually developed for plants too?

>> No.20260226

I ate animal products but I feel guilty and will eat lab-grown meat instead if it's identical to the real thing.

>> No.20260240

i consent to you eating my ejaculate, thats free range protein for you

>> No.20260246

I've only eaten like 3 or 4 cows worth of meat in my life. I wish I could eat billions, though.

>> No.20260248

I ate a bunch of pork, chicken, and beef today, and I feel guilt free.
Why would I feel guilty about that?
Do people of color feel guilty when they burn, loot, and murder so BLM Global Network can rake in tens of millions of dollars and give none of that money to any of the members of BLM or Antifa that made that possible? Why would a socialist feel guilty about taking advantage of useful idiots?
The weak are meat for socialists to eat.

>> No.20260249

can I have some?

>> No.20260254

So you're okay with eating fish and birds?

>> No.20260266

>So you're okay with eating fish and birds?
This anon thinks he is making an argument, as if he has a double digit IQ and an affirmative action college degree

>> No.20260282

>get called out for being a retard
>try to call the person who owned you retarded
Go eat a lizard, faggot.

>> No.20260293

I wonder what it must be like to have such a low IQ that you aren't even self-aware.
I'm not going to lie. I'm somewhat envious. You have know idea how much happier I would be if I were capable of living my life in such an absolute state of ignorance.

>> No.20260296

Sorry for the obvious typo. Drunkposting.

>> No.20260307

>there are vegans who aren't against abortion

>> No.20260361

I ate 2 and a half pounds of meat from at least 4 different types of animals today. I plan on eating at least 3 more pounds over the weekend half of that from young suckling pig and venison. Thanks for doing your part and helping keep meat prices down for me bro.

>> No.20260365
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>> No.20260367

I'm against abortion if its a white baby for abortion if its a brown baby

>> No.20260385

Stop eating vegetables. You don't have to contribute to the suffering of tens of billions of sentient animals by taking food from their mouths. K I L L Y O U R S E L F

>> No.20260394

Is there a decent vegan melting cheese for pizza? I would try to make it, if it's cheaper than mozzarella, and isn't made out of seed oils or heavily processed stuff. I think you can make a kind of cheese from chickpeas? Is there such a thing

>> No.20260411
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Sing along /ck/


>> No.20260412

I make a pretty good version from my dick cheese. I can sell you some for a discount since you asked nicely.

>> No.20260418

I think vegans unironically have the moral high ground, but most people, myself included, don't actually care about the suffering of animals all that much as long as we don't have to see it. If I could make all meat lab grown so that no animals had to suffer to make it I'd go for it, but if it costs even a little more than good old beef or pork right off the carcass then it's no good for anything or anyone.

People are animals too anon, the only difference is that we're on top of the food chain. Pigs would farm us if they were the sapient ones with opposable thumbs. And I think it's really important to remember that we're still a part of the food chain rather than outside of it. We evolved as meat eaters, and I don't think we need to feel guilty about hunting and eating animals simply because we're aware enough to understand our own nature.

>> No.20260428

Vegans do not have the moral high ground. They pick and choose the suffering they care about and cause plenty of it themselves. The amount of land that would need to be destroyed if everyone could only eat veggies and grains would be an environmental disaster and would lead to the extinction of many animal species.
Just like peta they cause even more suffering and only embolden normal people to do the opposite. Their extreme stance only makes people do the opposite out of spite.

>> No.20260445

Do you have anything to contribute here?
I like to learn new foods and techniques, rather than fight with bots about politics or whatever. I'm not a vegan but I would make a vegan pizza if the vegan cheese was ok. Mozzarella is too damn expensive here.

>> No.20260448
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OP Here. Whilst you guys were arguing I went and got a midnight snack. A nice ripe, sweet, tangy orange.

Meanwhile the average meat eater would be passed out from a trans fatty heart attack.

>> No.20260450

Is it 100% organic bitch?

>> No.20260462

I offered you a valid alternative with 100% no additives, fillers, no hormones or pesticides were used in its production. But if you don't want any that's fine more for the rest of us. Beggers shouldn't be choosers.

>> No.20260466

Think of all the animals that could have eaten that and are starving.

>> No.20260530

>filet mignon, scallops and asparagus
I don't feel guilt, but I do feel full.

>> No.20260699
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>> No.20260702

>Meanwhile the average meat eater would be passed out from a trans fatty heart attack.
Artificial trans fat from vegetable oil is still killing hundreds of thousands of people every year.

>> No.20260714

Feeling superior because they refuse to acknowledge the massive amount of deaths and cruelty their diet brings to animals and humans alike, and the damage it causes to the world has got to be the funniest thing that vegans do

>> No.20260721

So some animals are okay to kill but not others?

>> No.20260726

this is a bait thread
op is not vegan

>> No.20260741

I'd never! Veganism is immoral.

>> No.20260745

what about the thousands of bugs that died to cultivate those flour and vegetables?

>> No.20260750

I'm not willing to give up meat based broth, animal fat, dairy, eggs, or fish, but could probably part with just about anything else even though I'd really miss it.

>> No.20260803
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I don't eat fried foods, sorry chud. Did you know fryer oil still has saturated fat. I don't usually cook with oil anyways.

That's a daiya pizza dairy free, it is vegan.

>> No.20260815

no one uses the word "chud" sincerely
this is bait

>> No.20260883

You're a deeply confused pescetarian.

>> No.20260895

Yeah man all those pizzas being tested on animals.

>> No.20260897

I ate guilt free today
I ate home made tomato sauce with cheese and a beef stew for dinner
I probably shouldn't have had that chocolate after dinner though

>> No.20260976

fortunately these people won't reproduce because vegans have notoriously low test, fertility, health and everything else

reminder to keep your kids away from vegan propaganda, it's one of the most harmful mental illnesses you can contract today


>> No.20260985

He's still died for you you know

>> No.20261017

>guilt free
How do you feel guilt over eating? That's some fat fuck behavior.
Drop the oreos and eat some yogurt, tubster.

>> No.20261035

I always eat guilt free. Fuck the animals. I'ma eat their ass.

>> No.20261206

I can see why you empathize so much with animals my fucking hamster could peel an orange better than that.

>> No.20262283

Yes indeed! I had peanut butter banana sandwiches for lunch. No animals.