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20252468 No.20252468 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20226717

>> No.20252490
File: 954 KB, 3040x1440, Screenshot_20240228_230836_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the mengku video Will has this very nice cup.
It looks like it's unglazed, yet mat.
Any idea what is this specific material called? It's not porcelain, so some kind of other ceramic.

>> No.20252506

I think these might be from their site, by an artist they featured, although I'm not sure
they look glazed, so it would be glazed stoneware

>> No.20252555

>you will never be an imperial Chinese bureaucrat and scholar-gentleman with an extensive collection of fine teaware
>you will never have a proper ruist wife that plays guqin and burns incense while you relax in your tea chamber after a long day of arguing for the suppression of the recent peasant rebellion (death toll: five million)
>you will never be personally gifted a fine piece of tiangqingni teaware from the emperor after passing your jingshi exam
>you will never study the philosophy of Confucius and compose tasteful poetry under the moonlight while you sip freshly harvested longjing
Why even live at this point

>> No.20252596

favorite ginger or turmeric teas?

>> No.20252609

Hagi ware?

>> No.20252626

Fuck no.
I've only had it mixed with cheap matcha, it's heresy but it tasted ok, never do it with a tea that you want to taste.

>> No.20252639

I like the pitcher

>> No.20252648

who doesn't like ginger?

>> No.20252695

For you guys who dedicate each yixing pot to only one kind of tea, how do you tell them apart? Do you give each pot a cute name?

>> No.20252700

He used to sell teaware from that artist. I haven't seen anything quite like it. Im sure he could give you some more info if you email him.

>> No.20252704

Peel and slice a pice the size of your thumb, simmer in a pot for 20 minutes. Or just buy a big bag of dried ginger and brew a tablespoon in a mug.
Same as above if you can find fresh tumeric at the grocers.

>> No.20252710

Only using it for one kind of tea is a meme, the most optimum choice is to get one zini, zhuni and luni. They all look distinct and each one covers everything that could benefit from clay teapots (zhuni: black teas, whites, oolongs - luni: teas with excessive smoke or storage aroma - zini: normal dark teas)

>> No.20252960

Any true teas that you can sip at night without getting a caffeine hit?

>> No.20253016

i like kyobancha

>> No.20253082

i havent had much sheng but fa zhan he isnt bitter/astringent? that was one of the first things i noticed when i first had it, maybe i overbrew? if fa zhan he isnt a bitter sheng, then what is?

>> No.20253115

Did white2tea stop offering free shipping?

>> No.20253126

The best advice is not to get two teapots that look similar. It's a huge world out there. Even if you have a favorite form, diversify.

>> No.20253141

where do aus lard anons buy tea from
I got a job so I can order stuff now

>> No.20253267

It had a little bitterness but compared to Lao man e, naka small trees, and ao ne me which I had tried before it was way less.

>> No.20253269

How long did you brew for and what ratio of tea/water also what water temperature?

>> No.20253316

i definitely need to drink more puer
probably like 5-6g in ~120ml gaiwan for 5 to 20 secs, i try to vaguely follow the pastebin/reentry. now that im used to it the tea isnt too bitter but it definitely caught me off guard when i first had it. i had a similar experience with green tea when i first had a gyokuro.

>> No.20253380

They only do that for sales.

>> No.20253670

The only thing you really have to worry about with Yixing is shou/heicha. You generally want one pot specifically for shou and one for liu bao and yadda.

>> No.20253738

How many western style steeps will you usually do on a single tea before using fresh leaves?

>> No.20253913

He says the name of the artist in the video.
It's some Ukrainian dude but due to the war he no longer sells stuff so I was wondering where I could get something similar or what to look for.
>for 5 to 20 secs
I usually don't go above 5s the first 5 brews or so.
Even something like 2-3s enough if you still have boiling water.
If you want stronger taste user more leaves not brew longer as that's where the bitterness comes from. Also the first 1-2 brews usually are on the weaker side since the leaves are still not ready.
Fa zhan he is one of the least bitter young raws I've tried, so it should be just inexperience not the tea problem.
There will always be slight bitterness in the later brews(think beer) but it shouldn't be anything unpleasant.

>> No.20254062

drinking it right now. bitterness is definitely on the lower side. but if you overbrew, it will come out
try a sample of Lao Man E if you want to see the bitter side of sheng

>> No.20254255
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First of all, a mountain should be able to have a mountain friend without starting any rumors.
Second of all, where is Pazhen?

>> No.20254273

it's lao tong zhi or haiwan, they're big gay
cake looks good if you want fresh sheng

>> No.20254299

How do we feel about unscented dish soap for unglazed teaware?

>> No.20254420

Just hot water after you finish drinking your tea you don't need more and let it dry nicely somewhere.

>> No.20254456

It makes my neckhair crawl. Any type of soap for unglazed teaware is wrong.

>> No.20254518

help a newbie out
going to get myself my first clay pot
I already have a nice porcelain pot for greens, light oolongs, yellow, and whites
what clay is best to cover most other tea types?

>> No.20254773
File: 371 KB, 1600x1049, tisanes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What tisanes do people enjoy?
I'd like some recommendations
I'm trying to reduce my caffeine intake and avoid it later in the day, but would still like a nice drink for relaxation.
My favourite is rooibos. I also like chamomile. Other than those two I tend to just pick up various blended teabags in the supermarket
Keen to just buy better quality loose ingredients though. Maybe even learn to forage and mix my own blends.

>> No.20254819

Sideritis is really tasty and has a different vibe to rooibos or chamomile, I'd give it a try. I've always got some sideritis and some rooibos on hand at the very least.
Also give that korean roasted barley a go it's toasty and comfy.

>> No.20254880

Thanks. I will definitely try the sideritis. Just watched a youtube vid about it and it looks really good.

>> No.20254910
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Homemade cookies with jasmine as we wait for the harvest

>> No.20255821

>Mom found the SCOBY

>> No.20256177

Thank you to the anon who recommended that xiaguan dianhong off of DTH. It’s gooood.

>> No.20256207

Anyone have any experience with the “18 kinds” wuyi oolong pack that floats around eBay and various tea sites? https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=18+kinds+wuyi+oolong

For that price it could be fun just to try, even if they’re mediocre.

>> No.20256407

Any of you kombuchads tried using ripe?

>> No.20256525


>> No.20256560


>> No.20256602
File: 234 KB, 725x485, 兎印のポット.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite teas for western brews? Grandpa is fine too. I keep forgetting about my water when boiling it.

>> No.20256614

what if took advantage of the SCOBY's natural weird appearance and used it as a coomjar. Mom would never find out.

>> No.20256829

You could invent a new type of coombucha

>> No.20256847

>resting tea
>storing new tea for weeks or months before taking a sip
People really do this?

>> No.20256862

I'm mostly a pu'er drinker and know pretty little about other categories

I had this hongcha and loved it https://tecompanytea.com/products/stonegate-breakfast-taiwanese-black-tea
their tasting notes of "candied plum, star fruit, dark chocolate" were spot on; is this typical of Keemun/qimeng black tea? Are there any you guys would recommend?

>> No.20256875

Generally I'll try one thing right away from an order and then try the rest over a month or so. Just to spread out the fun of trying new stuff.

I got this far without learning there's roasted black tea out there, sounds nice.

>> No.20257294

yeah it's a nice daily black, isn't it?

>> No.20257618
File: 637 KB, 1337x800, Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 14-19-47 2024 Peak Vulture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2024 Peak Vulture is out
worth a buy? I enjoy Lumber Slut, but have not tried other white2tea ripes

>> No.20257627

Sideritis, willowherb, peppermint, verbena, jujube leaf, tulsi, hawthorn leaf, dandelion root, and nettle are some of my go-tos. There are plenty of others that are more medicinal and less tasty.
>Maybe even learn to forage and mix my own blends.
If you're in a low-pollution area you can just pull pine needles off a tree and brew those niggas up. It's not the most exciting but it's free and allegedly loaded with vitamin C and other good stuff.

>> No.20257659

also, any general reccs for their best value offerings?

>> No.20257673

Thanks. Will add to the list.
> If you're in a low-pollution area
I'm lucky to live in a nice rural area in northern UK. I used to go foraging when I was very young for bilberries. People still do it, but not as much. Keep meaning to get back into it as it's a shame that part of the culture is dying out.

>> No.20257731

Very cool. We don't quite have those in my part of the US but I have some bagged bilberry leaf that I put in tisane blends sometimes and it's comfy, a little weak but pleasant and supposedly excellent for vision.
>it's a shame that part of the culture is dying out
True, but there are young people who want to bring that stuff back. In America a ton of people have gotten into fermentation and gardening in the last five years or so; it's only a start but it's nice to see. We've seen what happens when generation after generation has no capacity for self-sufficiency and it's not pretty.

>> No.20257895
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Bought new pot, very tight lid, has the maker's signet and came with the paperwork. Zhu ni clay

>> No.20257911

Oh shit thanks for the heads up
Try Camphornought.

>> No.20258126

I bought a tong.
It's definitely worth a buy. Nice, dark, rich. Nice treat. Darn cheap. Pretty distinct from Lumber Slut, imo, but Lumber Slut is the more unusual, let's approachable shou. Peak Vulture is easier to enjoy.

>> No.20258174

Spruce is also good, especially in spring when the branchtips are soft and green, just cut them off. Just make sure you don't have it confused with a yew, you make yew tea and you could die.

>> No.20258607

Might be a long winded question, but I feel like it's still worth asking. When I buy Jasmine green tea from the store, or Sencha from my local Japanese market, it's an amber color when brewed. However when I go to my local Chinese or Thai Restaurant, the serve a green tea that's a deep green color after being brewed. Similarly when I watch videos about Green Tea farms in Japan and they show the brewing process it's a deep green there too. What kind of green tea produces that greener color? It always seems to have a better flavor whenever I try it.

>> No.20258728

I hear nip green tea drinkers are autistic about freshness. Has to be from the current year. Some even put it in the freezer to slow down oxidation/aging. Do any of your retailers display the year of harvest?

>> No.20258782

Chinese green tea is pan dried while japs use steam.
Could be other reasons as well, I'm not interested in green tea so couldn't be bothered to go down that rabbit hole.

>> No.20258790

Do you think FL will release new hidden locations again?
I'm more interested in those then autumn famous locations that I can get from other vendors.

>> No.20258861

William and wife are touring in europe right now might have some time before harvest to visit new locations before having to work in their tea gardens and process. Hope to see new ones too but new releases will be in a "long" time from now. Not sure about the weather in yunnan either depending on the location we could have another "dry" year and might get really good tea like last spring.

>> No.20259043

Sencha will be a bit greener when it's fresh
If the tea you like is green and cloudy, it might be fukamushi sencha

Generally I feel like jap teas are more often very green when brewed, Chinese greens are usually yellow amd clear

>> No.20259134

Are any of the white teas from white2tea worth it?

>> No.20259259
File: 35 KB, 434x252, Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 23-56-00 Purchase 2022 Moon Waffles and 2 other items.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the damn FOMO "value" gimmick got me again. I didn't love Snoozefest that much (not bad for 15$ admittedly but not outstanding), but I did like Lumber Slut a lot. I think I'm less picky with ripe in general and I'm curious to try more boutique ripes. just hope it isn't super fishy, I've never bought ripe from the current year before

the white teas all sound identical, but I guess moon waffles is the cheap one that people seem to like more than turtle dove?

>> No.20259506

Ah I see, no there's no date of harvest on the brand I bought, and it just came in a bag on the shelf, no special packaging or refrigeration for freshness. I'll seek out more high quality stuff in the future when I can.
Will see if fukamushi green tea is what I'm thinking of. Thanks for the direction.

>> No.20259528

newfag here can someone spoon feed me on what the thing is that they spill the gaiwan water into
what's that drain thing called

>> No.20259560

What's the cheapest drinkable raw puer?

>> No.20259618
File: 1.24 MB, 2721x2402, 20240301_185119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, what does the engraving say? Also where did you get it? I picked up this one from realzisha.com recently.

>> No.20259899

Where to get a decent tea table inexpensive?

>> No.20259946

I like moon waffles, but I have very little experience with whites.
Good picks. A friend of mine is real into lumber slut. I might buy him a beanie.
Highly rec the brick.

>> No.20260057

>brick tea
doesn't that shit give you fluoride poisoning

>> No.20260078

No thats tetley.

>> No.20260104

you can make up by not brushing your teeth. or try not eating toothpaste

>> No.20260121

i just drink bigelow teas, black. am i allowed in here?

>> No.20260132
File: 26 KB, 687x190, rfferfe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i knew it
i can't believe the puerh lesbians would try to trick me like this

>> No.20260133


>> No.20260194
File: 3.73 MB, 2268x2513, PXL_20240302_034902391~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All bricked up on a Friday night.

>> No.20260362

thoughts on the white2tea club and Yunnan Sourcing subscriptions?

>> No.20260399

I got some tasty stuff from the w2club. Full sized green hype, higher end 50g cakes, teas that don't get listed on the site, fresh chinese greens, maocha, weird liu baos like the chapos and raw spring. I think its worth trying a couple months. You'll get something that piques your interest for sure.

>> No.20260684
File: 3.64 MB, 7629x4742, mysteryancha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first tea I had out of my Lucky Yancha Box from Old Ways Tea was a mystery tea, there's no label or text on the package at all lol.
Somewhat metallic minerality, med/heavy roast, walnuts, bamboo, tobacco (specifically a Connecticut cigar). Pleasant and long lasting aftertaste with a difficult to describe sort of tingly mouthfeel. Impressive longevity, I didn’t count the steeps but I had a focused 2.5 hour session and I am wired lol.
Overall a really enjoyable tea. I don't have much experience with yancha and I'm excited to work my way through the rest of my order.

>> No.20260840

local teashop in Helsinki
the place is real treasure coz the owner actually goes to China to buy the pots and teas

haven't checked what it says. tea vendor said its probably a snippet from a poem

>> No.20260846

Google Gemini says at least one row means: come, sit down, have tea at noon. It is a common idiom used to invite someone for tea, especially during lunchtime.

>> No.20260856

Bottom row of the teapot appears to be 兴是看山煙 (xīng shì kàn shān yān) which translates to "happiness is watching mountain smoke."

This is a line from a poem by Tang Dynasty poet Li Shen (李绅) titled “山居” (Shān jū) which translates to "Living in the Mountains". The full poem reads:

闲卧茅檐下, (Xián wò máo yán xià)
风雨 夜听 寒。 (Fēng yǔ yè tīng hán.)
兴 是 看 山 烟, (Xīng shì kàn shān yān,)
静 对 松 溪 谈。 (Jìng duì sōng xī tán.)

This translates to:

Relaxing under a thatched roof,
Listening to the wind and rain at night.
Happiness is watching mountain smoke,
Talking quietly while facing a pine stream.

>> No.20260868

The tea tray?

>> No.20260880

Does anyone know anything about the "MINGNABAICHUAN" brand?

>> No.20260981

i enjoyed the turtle dove but i have a bunch of white tea coming from them any day now (i made my order back in january), so i guess you can wait for my post describing them

>> No.20260991

Nice. Ended up just buying a sample of the moon waffles.
I'm not very experienced with whites and they seem a bit confusing to buy. The taste descriptions all sound the same and the prices vary wildly.

>> No.20261016

Thank you to anons who suggested airing out a chunk of YS cozy ripe to get rid of the fish smell. I left it out on my desk for like a month and all of the smell disappeared, I enjoyed it more than I though after that.

As others said, the extra green ones are fukamushi (deeply steamed). In my experience, 1 year old fukamushi doesn't really change it's color. Asamushi (light steam) tends to be yellow or yellow-green.

>> No.20261119
File: 661 KB, 1181x615, 1703671366053297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a rec for another cheap white cake? Nearly out of this one, pretty solid for the cost. Maybe I'll just buy a random one at fullchea or DTH.

>airing out
Works rather well doesn't it, I like doing that to take the edge off the storage smells for yeeon stuff as well.

>> No.20261134

I remember one anon was a big fan of the Bada white from Chawangshop and another one really liked the Lao Bai Cha from KTM
if you're brave, there is also the very cheap white cake on Awazon. 3$ for a 100 gram sample and if you buy a tong it's like sub 2 cents per gram or something

>> No.20261143

>very cheap white cake on Awazon
I forgot about that, they also have those $2 squares of white. I think that's the one to go for as my cheapo ripe is low too. Thanks anon

>> No.20261159
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God I love awazon

>> No.20261161

I've only ever had tea bags or jugs of tea. I recently got a tea travel set with some cups and a little gaiwan/pot combo, and some little samples of various Chinese teas. I followed the directions, but between the three or so different teas I tried, it's very hard to pick up any kind of taste or unique taste between them. Directions included for the teas did give slightly different steep times, but even if I steeped them for a little longer they still were relatively flavorless to me. Tried different water levels too, but no luck. Am I just desensitized to this stuff?

>> No.20261166

There's plenty of bad tea out there so it's kinda hard to say. What have you got?

>> No.20261182

Could be meh tea or just an effect of being used to sweetened tea. What did you get?
Remember that you can always increase leaf amount and steeping time if you want the tea to be more flavorful. There is no single right way to brew tea.

>> No.20261184

Might have some of that cheeky Fuhai ripe from there today

>> No.20261198

The names directly from the website are
>Qimen Red Tea, Roasted Iron Goddess of Mercy Oolong, Ancient Tree Raw Pu'Er, Liubao Black Jasmine.
The specific set I got had pre-portioned sizes, but you're more than likely right. I don't think I have a place near me that sells Chinese specifically, but I can probably find bigger bags/portions of loose leaf so I can do that.

>> No.20261213

Good lad. Almost all gone now, it's fun to throw in the thermos without a care. I'd be getting another cake but I'm trying to focus on trying new stuff and my budget's restricted. Some day I'll pick up a few to stash away.

>> No.20261245

from Jesse's Teahouse? I heard he just buys the tea on Taobao and marks it way up so it might be kind of mediocre. but it probably shouldn't be total shit
when in doubt, just increase the brewing parameters. the orange pu-erh and liu bao you could even simmer on the stove. the raw pu-erh should give you a strong flavor too if you push it a bit

>> No.20261336

I've been mulling over one of the two as well. Feels like something worth trying for a while. It would be cool to have something curated simply show up without having to think too much about it. Given that it would be for education's sake, maybe YS is the better call. I would be a little annoyed if I got a tea I liked but didn't have any follow up to go with it. I suppose I could contact them and press Paul for details.

>> No.20261347

>Lao Bai Cha
+1 for that KTM shou mei. It's like $15 and tastes like honey. Needs more material than you might think. Maybe that's typical of whites? My experience is limited. Either way, I bought a tong. I reckon it's me you're referring to, now that I think about it.

>> No.20261482

I like black tea and am new to the wider world of tea types and making. Do you have a specific site from the rentry list you think sells the best black tea? Is there a specific type of black tea you like the best?

>> No.20261748

Based on what I have seen YS seems to mostly give you a rotating selection of relatively typical teas, whereas W2T includes a lot more experimental or unusual teas. YS is probably better if you want want a try a bunch of miscellaneous Chinese teas but don't want to pick your own samples. W2T is probably the better option if you want to try new or novel teas. The Old Ways tea club also looks compelling if you want a bunch of yancha.

>> No.20261825

This is a controversial take but in my opinion Fullchea is the best place for a beginner. The tea is not expensive and good value for money. Just don't buy the absolute cheapest tea.
I think these should be solid picks

>> No.20261842

I liked the ones I got from Kingteamall. especially the Jin Jun Mei and aged Shai Hong
my favorite was probably the Tanyang Gongfu I got from thetea.pl. I should buy more, too bad it's not available from most sites

>> No.20261906

Next year I swear! I hate being a poor. Missed out on the Old Ways Tea Lucky Yancha Box too. Feels bad man. At least I still have a deep stash of tea to hold me over until greener times.

>> No.20262131

Based. Hope you enjoy the brick.

>> No.20262158

Nice, I hope I like it. I don't believe the claims of this being extra low markup or something, but I wanted to try more ripes from w2t anyway

>> No.20262526

I'm drinking this Lao Cong Shui Xian from my oldwaystea sampler.
This is a really good tea and the first Shui Xian I have had. I think it is one of the best in the 2022 bundle.
The description is on point, spicy and woody. Really delicious actually.

>> No.20262662
File: 2.78 MB, 1701x3024, PXL_20240302_221932957.MP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lesser evils

>> No.20262721

are you using an ipad as a teatray

>> No.20262810
File: 2.37 MB, 2268x2728, PXL_20240302_230727200.MP~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah it's a scale.

>> No.20262843

how unfortunate.

>> No.20262845
File: 284 KB, 779x704, Screenshot (1293).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna do this as soon as I've finished off some of my shitters.

>> No.20262869

By the way, are there any hacks to lowering Awazon's shipping cost, like cramming as much as you can under a certain gross limit?

>> No.20262927
File: 28 KB, 847x553, 1685210497473327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah not really it scales linearly by weight with a $9 minimum. Just order at least 400g. Well I guess you can order more expensive tea to make the shipping feel worth it, but generally your cost per gram including shipping will still be pretty nice.

>> No.20263022
File: 49 KB, 1135x554, 1685933445410814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism got activated. Awazon doing alright

>> No.20263044

Good work

>> No.20263254

Cheers cunt

>> No.20263314

strong black tea with milk is what i like. I dont do black tea gong fu style.
Ceylon, assam, and black tea blends i make myself. I do sometimes add Jin Jun Mei to my blend to have my black tea be a bit malty and deeper flavor.

>> No.20263318

why dont you want to show yoru country? lmfao.

>> No.20263358

im not from USA, so its embarrassing.

>> No.20263393

as an american, trust me, being from here is far more mortifying.

>> No.20263597

Polack detected

>> No.20263946

Nice teapot. Where did you get it?

>> No.20263958

brasil mentioned

>> No.20264116
File: 3.10 MB, 5472x3648, BambooPot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I bought it from moodyguy.biz
It has a nice effect on yancha

>> No.20264597
File: 1.59 MB, 1293x862, Screenshot 2024-02-17 at 18-58-52 Autumn 2023 Lao Man E small trees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really enjoying that Autumn Lao Man E. really interesting scent of herbs, animal musk and maybe some very heavy jasmine. very strong mineral flavor and mouthfeel, bitterness is there but not over the top
I wonder how the Spring version would compare. more sweetness and huigan would make this god-tier

>> No.20264646

Been testing what teas work with my new zhi ni pot. So far shui xian phoenix oolong and bai mudan have been excellent.

>> No.20264648

zhu ni i meant t. >>20257895

>> No.20264664

This is just cable/dac/tips pairing all over again.
Please don't bring technicalities to this thread as well.
This was one of the few places where common sense prevailed.

>> No.20264671

This is my budget pick https://www.fullchea-tea.com/products/2019-chinese-tea-dianhong-honey-rhyme-gold-screw-black-tea-red-teas-200g-box
This one is probably my favorite from around 20 different black teas I've tried so far

>> No.20264865

What specifically are you objecting to?
I think that some people in the tea community overstate or mystify the effects of yixing, and I think that some people get overly autistic about pairing certain teas with certain clays.
But I don't believe that the idea of zisha muting certain flavors is really controversial.
When I said "It has a nice effect on yancha" I guess I could have been more specific and said "On several occasions I've had yancha side by side out of this pot and porcelain and found that the pot seemed to mute/ round off some of the 'higher notes' of the roasted flavor in a way I find pleasant."

>> No.20264918

What does airing out tea mean, how do you do it, do you do it and with which teas?

>> No.20264936

yea that. thanks anon

>> No.20264975

Why are all the famous puer regions bitter and astringent?
Like what's wrong with people?
Naka, lao man e, bao Lan zhang... all of it says it's bitter.
I guess big Dao doesn't sound as bitter but I'm having my doubts that even $300 cakes are the real deal and at that point I might as well get something else.

>> No.20265014

almost all young raw pu-erh is some level of bitter and astringnent, it's part of the fun. it will often be bittersweet or tart in a good way. if you just want mild and sweet, you'd probably be better off trying some other type of tea, like oolong or white tea
you also generally want bitterness for aging, very mild pu-erh tends not to age well.
milder famous areas include Yiwu, Jinggu, maybe Jingmai.

>> No.20265026

>mystify the effects of yixing, and I think that some people get overly autistic about pairing certain teas with certain clays.
Every niche hobby will atract snobs with unlimited pockets spending ungodly amount of money on things that doesn't matter.
Eventually testosterone kicks in and dudes have the need to out snob the other snob which leads to all kinds of mumbo jumbo bullshit.
Then you are left with hobby that attracts these sort of people(hipsters yuck).
They have no knowledge just money and look down on to the "plebs" that didn't spend thousands on some piece of pottery or some shit.
This behavior is literally everywhere I look. People dismis opinions of others because they didn't spend as much money/time as them, therefore they have to be wrong.

I will call out this behavior every time. Get a fucking stainless steel or glass or any other inert material cup and throw some leaves in it.

This should be snob free zone. If you want to chase mystic technicalities that only 1000 years old trees brewed in iceberg water can provide I suggest reddit.

>> No.20265179

You're the only one here being a snob here. You are the one looking down on people who said nothing more than "I like the way my pot makes tea."
>This behavior is literally everywhere I look.
>I will call out this behavior every time.
What behavior? People enjoying their tea with their teapots? Nobody is looking down on anybody for their choice of teaware except for you.
It's pretty much indisputable that unglazed clay brews tea that tastes different than a neutral porcelain or whatever. Is it necessarily better? No. Is it worth obscene prices? No. Is it some sort of magic or a requirement for good tea? Of course not, but it's worth discussing. And really I just like the way yixing pots look, I find the art, the craftsmanship, and the history behind them interesting. I think they're cool, and I'll keep posting about them.
If you see actual snobbery, by all means call that shit out, I'll be calling it out with you.

>> No.20265358
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There are a number of reasons you may want to let a tea rest after you purchase it. "Airing out" usually refers to ripe puerh or some scrappy young raw puerhs that can be dank in various ways for various reasons. In this thread, it typically refers to tea being left out on a countertop for a week or longer, but it could also refer to letting the tea sit in storage for a while. Presumably, this storage is a pumidor that has regulated humidity and possibly temps.
One can also "let a tea rest" after delivery which is adjacent to "airing out." At some level of abstraction, a cake of tea can be thought of as a moisture battery. It can hold a moisture charge, expend or increase its moisture amount. When a tea is delivered, it may have spent a long time in dry airport cargo, on a boat, sitting in a customs office, all sorts of less-than-ideal places. Allowing a tea to rest in proper storage for a week or longer can reintroduce the moisture that makes a tea juicier. When it's dry, it can be flat, muted.
There's probably some dogma in there somewhere, but that's the short and sweet of it.

>> No.20265591

I have nothing against you or your pot.
But this is how it usually begins.
Shit like "you can really hear the difference with this 1k cable, 2k dac, and 4k iem with bazillion drivers" which turns very quickly to who has the biggest dick contest.
>If you see actual snobbery, by all means call that shit out, I'll be calling it out with you.
Glad to hear we are on the same page here.

>> No.20265598 [DELETED] 

If anyone here is familiar with the bubble tea flavor "hokkaido" (yes ik it's a Japanese province) do you know what kind of tea they use for this flavor? I'm addicted but can't keep shelling out almost $10

>> No.20265603

If anyone here is familiar with the bubble tea flavor "hokkaido" (yes ik it's a Japanese prefecture) do you know what kind of tea they use for this flavor? I'm addicted but can't keep shelling out almost $10

>> No.20265629

Haven't even started on mine yet, I've been hitting the oolong and ripe constantly, good to hear it's nice. I sampled the spring lao man e which was pretty potent.

>> No.20265649

yeah, it's nice. very particular flavor, different from other raws I've had which is pretty fun. solid longevity too, for an autumn tea
maybe you could do a side by side comparison of spring vs autumn lao man e?

>> No.20265711

I'd love to, but I drank all that some time ago. And it was a bit long ago to recall the finer details too.
Maybe when the spring releases roll around I'll pick up another sample and check it out, I'll still have the autumn cake then.

>> No.20265942
File: 611 KB, 1280x790, dayi 7562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burnt caramel, strawberry, earth... the 7562 is hitting good today!

>> No.20266040
File: 221 KB, 492x653, cha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Indian black tea get cloudy when chilled?
No sugar or milk or anything added.

>> No.20266093

I guess it is tannins binding to some of the chemicals and becoming insoluble.

>> No.20266102

Sounds like you're upset you don't have the means to experience what others can?

>> No.20266131

I went to a local Asian market and grabbed an obscenely large bag of what looks to be "Teazone" black tea for like $3. Tastes alright. I've been brewing my stuff pseudo gongfu style and only get maybe 1-3 steeps with my portions, though. I think I'll try other Blacks from yunnan.

>> No.20266178

if you want to level up your yunnan black game, you could order some of the stuff from fullchea that an anon has been shilling lately: https://www.fullchea-tea.com/products/2019-chinese-tea-dianhong-honey-rhyme-gold-screw-black-tea-red-teas-200g-box
these should also be good:

>> No.20266352
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The Fullchea Ali store doesn't work anymore for some reason.
Any other worthwhile vendors on Ali?
I just want something with cheap shipping to place a small order to keep me alive till this years harvest.

>> No.20266363
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>> No.20267083

I'm not >>20266102 and I think comments like that are unnecessary.
>Shit like "you can really hear the difference
I'm not familiar with the debate you're referring to. I know it's probably not convincing to you, but with yixing you really can taste a difference. My experience tells me that's the case, the few people I've spoken to in person agree, and everyone I've seen discussing yixing online seems to agree as well. If you ever get the chance, try it for yourself.
>But this is how it usually begins.
So should we not be allowed to discuss a few of Farmer Leaf's teas since people like to mythologize "gushu" in a similar way?

>> No.20267378

Tea is banned from aliexpress so you aren't going to find good sellers there.
Fullchea will still let you pay through aliexpress if you email them a list of what you want they will make a custom listing on alix

>> No.20268315
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>> No.20268538
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What do you like to do with your time during gongfu style session?

I've always brewed western style and then enjoyed the tea doing whatever, usually browsing the internet
But I find myself switching to gongfu style as I've gotten more into tea. I drink tea alone and not in a group.
I'm really enjoying exploring teas from around the world and I'm going to buy some tiny gaiwans so I can taste / compare teas in parallel.
It's nice to set aside some time for tea and I think it's good for the mind.
I'm thinking it would be better to get off the internet and be more mindful whilst enjoying the tea.

I've also trying to spend more time enjoying classical music (and to a lesser degree traditional music from around the world).
I thought this would be a nice thing to pair with tea tasting.
Maybe pair up music from the same region as the tea? (I don't know much about Chinese classical music though)
I thought about reading, but it would be a bit clumsy to do whilst preparing tea.

>> No.20268546

I also like listening to music while drinking tea
as far as classical goes, there is that song cycle by Mahler based on Chinese poetry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeVxez6PWQI

>> No.20268886

I always do a full gentoo emerge while sipping sum tea

>> No.20268889

Any ebay sellers then, or generally online tea shops with free shipping?

>> No.20268904

I think Farmerleaf has one of the lowest free shipping minimums at 30$. cspuerh has free delivery at 50$ and -20$ for first time purchase
Dragon tea house has cheap shipping IIRC

>> No.20269016

Okay guys, since summer is here in a few months, I've been praticing my cold brews, and I recently found an excellent hibiscus tea that is just the right amount of sweet and tanic. Currently I just pour cold water into a mason jar, let it sit overnight (about 8 - 10 hours) and then pull out the tea.

But I really want to sweeten it up a bit with some honey, but the stuff I use isn't the imiatation kind, so it doesn't mix into cold tea. Do I just brew it the regular way, add some honey after it is finished brewing and then cool it down? or is there some way I don't know of?

My grandma' asked me to learn how to coldbrew since Arizona is too sweet for her, but a regular cold brew is too bitter.

>> No.20269071
File: 237 KB, 1000x1000, duoteli first grade liu bao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drinking this Duoteli First Grade liu bao
spicy, wood, nutty, dry book paper vanilla, dark chocolate, roasty, just a touch of that beetroot and a quick though short sweet aftertaste
any reccs for some more good liu bao? doesn't have to be old

>> No.20269107

If you do not add Upton tea to the reentry there is a chance Americans may die! Good luck jack Bauer.

>> No.20269111

Where did you pick that up? I want some
Kinda pricey but this stuff is great if you like the deep chocolate tones
They have a pretty wide liubao selection for a us vendor.
Puerhshop has some recent liubao additions, haven't had a chance to try them
The big basket three cranes liubaos that YS offers are worth trying.
If you haven't tried a liubao that has spent a good number of years ageing in Wuzhou you definitely should.
This one sounds fun too

>> No.20269127

Regular honey won't mix well into ice cold things, but if you mix honey in just hot water and try to fully dissolve it, it will incorporate much better into cold things. Let the water cool afterwards so you don't have to add more ice. Try a little honey and a lot of water (1/6 ratio) and step up the amount of honey if you think the water can handle it without getting too thick.

>> No.20269133

thanks! I also saw chawangshop has some cheap Three Cranes basket
I got the Duoteli at TheTea.pl, but it's sold out now. they still have some Worker's Stadium though

>> No.20269135

Ended up buying from them. I just noticed that I bought a wuyi rock sampler from them years ago.
And while the ebay shop doesn't exist anymore, they have a website. Completely in russian. But surprisingly enough they accept PayPal.
maybe worth a notice in the pastebin

>> No.20269167

Any chemistry geniuses here? How come that when I add milk or cream to indian tea, it turns a lovely caramel colour, but when I do the same to chinese blacks or pu'er, it just becomes pale?

>> No.20269175
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these are the teas I ordered

>> No.20269177

The oolong sampler is the same I bought back on ebay. It's "duckshit" not wuyi

>> No.20269181

Chawangshop isint the cheapest but the guy usually picks nice teas to stock.
This tea is pretty interesting for a liubao, pretty intense with some more prominent bitter notes also chocolate
This can is full on beetroot soil cellar flavors,

>> No.20269214

That is such a stupid simple solution, I don't know how I didn't come up with it myself, cheers anon, I'll put over a batch overnight and see how it works out!

>> No.20269215
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they have interesting theme teas

>> No.20269233

Fuck. I bought those commie teas. Ended up spending almost 100€ on tea, even though this was supposed to be "a small order"

>> No.20269241

What are the actual advantages of tuos, if any? Compared to bings, they seem to me more expensive, less space-efficient, and harder to break apart.

>> No.20269415

If you actually buy then for Chinese domestic market prices they are pretty cheap (like $10-$20 for a sleeve). They tend to be heavily marked up by western facing vendors.
The tuo shqpe has supposedly been around for a long time, im not sure why it originated but its possible it was developed so people could spend less money at a time and purchase a smaller amout of tea. Its possible its just some regional tradition. I think they used to be packaged in longer sleeves made out of bamboo and its possible the long narrow tubes were easier to transport on horseback.

>> No.20269523

It's a trick from baking, won't mix well with the other wet ingredients so you mix it with some hot water. Hope it works for you, just try and find the goldie locks zone between water and honey so it doesn't dilute the tea to much.

>> No.20269614
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For sure! cheers anon, I really do appreciate it!

>> No.20269776

I started blasting tibetan throat singing for a laugh, some of it's terrible (there's guys doing lame euro metal with tibetan shit mixed in) some of it's alright.
Maybe I'll hit up Hawaiian stuff next.

>> No.20269784

What's the verdict on zhu tang?
Worth the money or just get fa zhan he instead?

>> No.20269810

For the same price range I liked the Tang Fang Liang Zi more than Zhu Tang. This year Fa Zhan He is good for the price and has quality of mid range, it's preference between fa zhan he and other good mid range on the site honestly. Depends on what you like or looking for specifically.

>> No.20269842

I got a free sample, I can write some impressions tomorrow if you want. I had two sessions with it so far and one of them impressed me, the other I didn't enjoy as much.
If I recall correctly it has a really good floral aroma

>> No.20269859

Gregorian chants

>> No.20269894

I like listening to traditional yunnan folk songs. Really enhances the mood.

>> No.20269938
File: 1.24 MB, 854x856, 2017 Yunnan Sourcing Gu Shu Bai Cha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my very favorite tea I've ever had: https://yunnansourcing.com/products/2017-yunnan-sourcing-gu-shu-bai-cha-old-arbor-raw-pu-erh-tea-cake
It's the only tea that's ever given my a distinct and appreciable head-change (a high?), and the taste/aroma are wonderfully complex. I'll do a proper writeup next time I break it out.

Unfortunately the prices have gotten obscene over the past few years, and YS appears to have stopped producing that line-up entirely. Anyone have a recommendation for a similar sheng on a budget?

>> No.20269977

We might need that writeup before being able to recommend a similar sheng, even if it's specifically a similar cha qi you're chasing.

>> No.20270002

honestly the 2023 Tang Fang Liang Zi sample I got hasn't impressed me so far, I find it a little boring

>> No.20270004

>a Jinggu varietal called Camellia Assamica Taliensis that is very large and features hairy white buds
Taliensis puer isn't super common but it shoild be possible to dig some up.
Yeah YS yearly price hikes on puer is a bitch.

>> No.20270026

speaking of pricing, I've noticed the price on some Dayi productions on Kingteamall has gone done recently, a rare sight
for example, I'm sure the 2023 7572 was 29 and not 26$ and when I bought my 7562 it was I think 17.50 and not 15$
I'm not sure what's the cause of this

>> No.20270038

I had to push it a little more than usual to enjoy it myself. Best sample was the ao no me but not any cakes left to buy...

>> No.20270054

yeah the ao no me sold out fast. I'm excited to try the Nannuo sample they gave me as a freebie, it will be one of the more expensive raws I've tried and it should be more up my alley than the Tang Fang Liang Zi (I tend to prefer more agressive raws and the Menghai area in general)

>> No.20270062

Lao man e might be good for you then I had a sample too of it one of the cheaper cakes but had the characteristic bitterness. Better to soft brew strong ones than over brew soft ones to get the strong mouth feel imo

>> No.20270074

Yeah I got the fall cake. It's good stuff, strong mouthfeel, savory, mineral, unique fragrance. I'll have to try the spring one at some point.

>> No.20270084

The new spring 2024 lao man e might be expensive, I don't know how much you can put into a cake. The 2023 spring was really good for teas I don't know if 2024 will be as good. Spring 2023 small trees for lao man e is 100$ or something like that might be the best ratio price/quality at the moment on the shop. I'm waiting for the next release for spring in few months for my next order, I made big orders with the 2 discounts last year. Will see the new releases i'll looking for new areas to try. Hope to get some oolongs back too from ailao i'm running low.

>> No.20270134

Sorry I was banned for being too based, and also too based to cycle my router, and then I forgot about this thread because I didn't have this browser open.

I'm guessing most people have never thought about this but I'm glad you found it based, and the answer to your question is I don't know probably depends on what trace amount of caffeine needs to be in there to count.

>> No.20270169

>but when I do the same to chinese blacks or pu'er, it just becomes pale?
because you havent steeped those long enough yet and/or too leave tea. (i drink those with milk and boil it on a stove) Need to brew it extra strong when adding milk. Indian teas need steeping time and idk why. Their taste is also more concentrated with shorter steeping times. but they are less viscous than chinese blacks and puerh.

>> No.20270173

>and/or too leave tea. (
and/or too little tea.
>Indian teas need steeping time
indian teas need less steeping time.* fucking esl.

>> No.20270205

Why aren't you using tea intravenously?

>> No.20270239

dont need to, i take caffeine pills.

>> No.20270529

about to crack my second cake of fall 23 lao man e from farmer leaf.
Good stuff, its got some real energy behind it.
I would love to taste some lao man e with about 20 years of clean taiwan storage on it. I bet it would get pretty sweet in the right environment.

>> No.20270658

Sounds like that was the real Autumn winner from FL. I need a cake.

>> No.20270657

>some of it's terrible (there's guys doing lame euro metal with tibetan shit mixed in)
are you talking about sunn o))). i love sunn o))). that and earth and other doom metal i think is great for drinking tea.

>> No.20270671

Breasts that leak tea

>> No.20270689


>> No.20270691
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>> No.20270692
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>> No.20270701

do these things not grow mold inside them?

>> No.20270785

Nah, sunn o))) isnt for me but I wouldn't call them lame or terrible.
I misremembered as tibetan but it's actually mongolian.

>> No.20270865

Newfag here. Currently in Nepal, are there any good tea that you guys recommend I try?

>> No.20270876

Yorkshire Gold

>> No.20270890

Nepal makes a decent amout of plantation tea, similar in style to Indian teas but also somewhat distinct. Just try and find some locally produced black or green tea. Look for teas with large whole leaves and not crushed small pieces.
Im not really sure what the tea culture is like or where you would go to source nice teas. Maybe if you look around you can find a tea shop near you.

>> No.20270904

My first experience with liu bao was a 100g sample of 45007 that I recently finished. A few days later I had to order some more because I was fiending for that shit. I got the 75117 as well, it just came in today and I'm enjoying it. I'll have to do a side by side comparison of the two soon.

>> No.20270968

>My first experience with liu bao was a 100g sample of 45007 that I recently finished
Good choice.
I really think that a solid few years of humid storage is really the way liubao is meant to be.

>> No.20271012

Now we need one that squats over the cup and pees in it

>> No.20271620

Jun Chiyabari makes some good black teas, the Imperial Black I've had was great
perhaps you might be able to get some very early darjeeling style blacks?

>> No.20271721
File: 2.62 MB, 1293x862, Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 10-26-09 Spring 2023 Zhu Tang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying the Zhu Tang today. it's quite sweet, sugar bean, strongly floral aroma. on the soft and gentle side. for my taste Fa Zhan He is better value, less sweet and floral but with that nice citrusy aftertaste. if you want an upfront sweet sheng with strong florals, the Zhu Tang isn't a bad choice though.

>> No.20271876

Okay it didn't turn out exactly the way I wanted it to, I think I could've used more tea leaves, let it steep for longer and a bit more honey, but all things considered it is pretty decent for a first try. I've racked some more tea for tomorrow, so hopefully it'll turn out better!

>> No.20272219

God i want to try it now, tea budget is rinsed
Anyone know if there's any good liubao at fullchea or DTH?

>> No.20272302
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lookin forward to this commie shu brick

>> No.20272309

>77 лeт
how is this? if youre serious

>> No.20272326

*how much is this*

>> No.20272371

It's referring to the 77th anniversary of the end of WW2.

>> No.20272382

ah that makes more sense

>> No.20272395
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The brick is 250g I think. bought 3 of em.
Also bought this Stalin 100g sheng cake for the lulz. Though just one since I don't really have the ideal storage for aging puerh.
shou is something I can always drink. can't do much wrong I guess.

>> No.20272399

shou is my favorite as well. let me know how it is when it comes and ill think about picking up one of these silly bricks

>> No.20272430

I will.
The duck shit oolong sampler was pretty decent as far as I can remember. Someone posted the Ebay link ITT back in 2021 when that seller still was on that platform.

Now for what was initially intended as a small order before the spring plucking, ended up draining me short of 100 shekels.
I placed 2 consecutive orders with a value which should usually get me free shipping.
I asked them to refund that amount and they set they'll instead send me another tea of the same value.

Let's see how it goes. I want to believe that there are some honest chink merchants out there. It's not aliexpress after all.

>> No.20272450

Why the different inventories between YS .com and .us?

>> No.20272452

Here's your mass murder commie sheng cake https://tea-expert.net/magazin-kitajskogo-chaya/puer/00162-cn-rus-agreement-72yr-100
I never really got into sheng for some reason. I always found them too bitter and overall dry tasting. Regardless of manufacturer - Taetea etc.
I think it just comes down to my suboptimal storage condtitions. Western europe is just too cool and dry so the tea loses its character.

I thought about trying to put the tea in an airtight cupboard with some kind humidifier. Thoughts

>> No.20272457
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>> No.20272495

.us has a smaller selection, but ships from Texas. .com has the full inventory and newer stuff, but ships from China

>> No.20272543
File: 1.01 MB, 900x599, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all yurop and amerifags. Do you have some trick to keep your puerh from drying out?
How do you keep your storage room correctly humidified? https://teadb.org/why-shelf-puerh-storage-in-the-west-is-usually-bad/#more-6100 https://teadb.org/why-shelf-puerh-storage-in-the-west-is-usually-bad/#more-6100

>> No.20272551

Buy a boveda pack.

>> No.20272554

>The brick is 250g I think. bought 3 of em.
Good man. Three samples. Looking forward to your thoughts. You should think about getting a pumidor.

Speaking of pumidors, I think I'm going to try adding a heating element to one for a while as an experiment. Not too crazy, maybe 80 degrees F or so. Probably also introduce a fan for circulation. At 65 Rh, that makes the dew point close to room temp. I would probably need to have a cool-down period before pulling cakes out from it. Anybody else playing with active heating?

>> No.20272650
File: 111 KB, 960x640, 1709660128759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of tea expert he added this really bud heavy mengku ronshi shu recently that's only $31 a cake.
It is from their ying de sub branch and not the main factory but it might be fun to try and see how it stacks up to their more premium ripes.
Also he has some little 100g tea cakes he pressed himself

>> No.20272659

People in the west usually store puer in large sealed boxes where humidity can be controlled.
There is info in the pastebin

>> No.20272784

Just in case you are a Canadian (or a Euro thinking of ordering from .us for whatever reason), it's cheaper and not usually much slower to order from the .com site. Of course there is always the chance that your order will mysteriously wait around in China for months.

>> No.20272975

looking for north korean tea. any kind. mostly just for the hell of it. especially if its sheng or shou and has a nationalist wrapper.

>> No.20273016

I saw this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPAXhVBGCLw
basically there are people building self regulating "pumidors" themselfes
might be an interesting tarduino project. The duino moitors humidity and temperature and regulates everything to the set values

>> No.20273035

I meant ESP. So I can monitor my tea over the wifi

>> No.20273350
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How big should the container be for such a 30g pack and maybe ~3 300g cakes?

>> No.20273401

For 3 cakes it might be easier to just get a 2 or 5 gallon mylar bag and stuff them all in it.
A full sized cake is like 7.5 inches wide and maybe 2 inches deep, so you could also look for some plastic food storage tub that would fit it.
Lots of people also use various sizes of coolers to hold their teas.
If you grocery store sells the large plastic bags for turkeys those are a really cheap solution.
Whatever you decide to use give it a good wash with some water with a splash of white vinegar in it open it and stick it next to a window for a few days, make sure it doesn't stink like plastic or the tea could pick up those smells. Washing should be unnecessary for mylar bags but you still probably want to open them and air them out a bit

>> No.20273520

What does good ripe puer taste like?

>> No.20273547

Black forest cake.

>> No.20273557

Earth, bread dough / cookie dough, creamy, dark chocolate, burnt caramel, wood, forest floor, some red fruit sometimes
Notably it can be really thicc like an espresso (strong body) and there is a mix between the sweeter pastry flavors and the woody and earthy ones

>> No.20273673

This really interests me, but I've only had fishy ripe with faint taste of nothing with nothing.

>> No.20273701

which ones have you had? some people just find all ripe fishy and nasty by default, but to me good ripe isn't fishy

>> No.20273741

I've been drinking this sample

>> No.20273751

Buy a 100g portion of this if you wanna know what good ripe has to offer
Maybe throw in 100g of this too for free shipping and to try a nice modern factory raw

>> No.20273777

Shouldn't be too bad. Maybe let it rest for a while? I feel like sometimes the fermentation taste gets stirred up during shipping

>> No.20274307

An alternative to boveda:
I "borrowed" some tyvek from my workplace and used that to cover small mason jars (that I already had) filled with the salt water sugar mix.
If you have to buy the tyvek and jars it might not be worth it over just buying a boveda.
My pumidors have maintained a pretty constant 63-66% rh with these.
In the past year or so (since I started using these improvised bovedas) I've had to add a tiny bit of water to the jars only one time when the humidity started to drop.

>> No.20274357

How do these youtubers immediately drink boiling hot tea without waiting 5 minutes for it to cool

>> No.20274390

i can do this. its a mix of getting used to drinking hot liquids and also because you are pouring a fairly small amount of tea into a small cup or into a pitcher and then into a cup, meaning it cools quickly and a lot of heat is lost between the pours into different containers.

>> No.20274475

The secret is to pour the tea into a fairness pitcher, then then from there into several smaller cups. Then it will be more cool quicker.
Also just do it, slurp aggressively to airate and cool the tea, don't glup it and it's not that bad.

>> No.20274552

Why does everyone seem to use a glass pitcher instead of ceramic?

>> No.20274565
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When brewing small volumes like you do with gongfu brewing the tea cools much faster than larger volumes. Also high pouring or pouring multiple times speeds up cooling.

>> No.20274568

It is transparent so you can see the color of the tea better.

>> No.20274687

so you can see the tea like the other anon said and so it cools quicker so you can drink it faster, because glass does not retain heat as well and more is dispersed into the air

>> No.20274699
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i left a tea cold brewing for like 72 hours. i'm gonna get diarrhea when i drink this, aren't i?

>> No.20274863

This is truly the next step after omorashi

>> No.20274891

ripe puer aged 20 years cold brewed for one month (reaction)

>> No.20275033
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1am drinking puer

>> No.20275112

when you think about it it really is the best feeling

>> No.20275290

Thank you anon. I'll definetely look into that.

>> No.20275291

I keep making embarrassing posts while tea drunk

>> No.20275316

Would you describe xiaguan funk in ripes as animal-y/leathery? I only had a sheng from XG but two shous from moychay have the aforementioned distinctive flavor profile.

Next purchase will be from KTM, if my yuropoor bank allows payment (refused to YS). I never had big factory names standard recipes and it's a shame.

>> No.20275443

What year/series was your funky XG ripe? Asking because my 2014 Xiao Fa had zero funk so I'm curious.

>> No.20275446

>I never had big factory names standard recipes and it's a shame.
lately Dayi prices on KTM have decreased a bit, so it's not a bad time to grab some cakes
for Xiaguan I can recommend the 2008 tuo in the pink box, I quite enjoy it

>> No.20275481

Are milk oolongs a meme (for those who enjoy oolong?) I've always wanted to try one but never got around to it.

>> No.20275488

I like unflavored Jin Xuan varietal. the flavored stuff varies though, sometimes the added flavoring is really nasty and synthetic smelling

>> No.20275492

Unflavored would be best for me, I am sensitive to artificial flavors at the best of times. Thank you anon.

>> No.20275644

just chipped my gaiwan... thankfully it's only a small chip, so it's still usable

>> No.20275649

2012, zero funk either. Was sheng and I don't like sheng.

I guess I looked up KTM after your post. I'm too broke to justify ordering now, I hope prices won't go up too much.

>> No.20275660

for ripe you'd probably want to try a Dayi 7572 (2023 one is the cheapest), a V93 tuo, maybe one of the larger leaf recipes like 8592
from Haiwan, 9978 is nice
from CNNP, 7581 and from Xiaguan the Xiao Fa Tuo

>> No.20275710

Noted, thanks. I'm also a big fan of lao cha tou and they have by far the largest selection I've ever seen. But for now I'll drink my moychay and the remains of YS orders.

>> No.20275749
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will you buy the 5kg carton of Haiwan lao cha tou?

>> No.20275797

Lolno that's almost a year worth of tea and I'm too broke anyway. I might get a sample, though.

>> No.20275825

there's also a half kilo brick of these. could be cool to compare to the Dayi brick

>> No.20276003
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>Next purchase will be from KTM, if my yuropoor bank allows payment (refused to YS).
Why not buy right from the source? You will get fucked over by shipping either way, you might as well save some money

>> No.20276094
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What type of tea is this? It’s labeled as white but ive never seen one like this.

>> No.20276110

Looks like silver needles

>> No.20276117

Anon once described the house funk as mushroom brothy. I think that's the most accurate, especially for sheng. Older tuos, ripe or raw, will have a distinct aged smoke note. One might consider that duo profile as their distinctive funk that gradually evolved to have much less smoke.
I'm a Xiaguan fan, fwiw.

>> No.20276131

No needles, dunno if you can see on this shitty pic

>> No.20276135
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>> No.20276167

Silver needles. It's called that because the leaves look like needles, not because it's actually needles.

>> No.20276173

Dont the “needles” usually end up in the tea? Mine isnt nearly as fluffy as i would imagine silver needle is

>> No.20276194

Bought the 2014 Haiwan 9948, I wasn't expecting much at $20, but it's just bad.
It has almost no taste, just tastes old.
Like ripe but without the funk that makes me gag.
I will stay with young sheng.

>> No.20276308

In my experience the fluff/hairs/needles don't usually make it past the strainer. Were the dry leaves fluffy?

>> No.20276317

Maybe make it stronger? For a raw that age I would expect plum or apricot fruitiness and some wood

>> No.20276329

Complete outsider to tea and not really interested, but after seeing the current state of 4chan I just wanted to drop by and say that this is the highest quality thread I have ever seen. I hope you lads continue on forever.

>> No.20276400

Maybe you should try some ripe puer anon..

>> No.20276701

A little bit. The bag says white pu erh king. Can a white tea be pu erh?

>> No.20276730

Sometimes you hear "white puerh" to mean white tea made from leaves that come from trees they usually make puerh from. It's just a marketing term really, it's not processed like puerh.
As a guess this might also explain why it's not very fluffy, different cultivar.
For comparison

>> No.20276737

it definitely doesn't look like a pu-erh to me, the picking is too even. I think it is silver needles, maybe from the pu-erh province

>> No.20276788

Your favourite black tea with milk?

>> No.20276812

What's the kind of tea I get in Chinese restaurants? I thought it was just fancy chamomile

>> No.20276815

CTC assam

>> No.20276821

Its usually cheap roasted tieguyanyin brewed very weakly.

>> No.20276877

Appreciate it. While i have you here. Yunan sourcing doesnt ship to my country :(. What other websites do you recommend for a good variety of chinese teas?

>> No.20276915

If you can't use YS, you can check out
But watch out, they stock pretty good tea and also terrible tea. So don't buy the cheapest stuff, and you might want to post what you're ordering in the thread first. With those provisos it's a pretty good shop imo.

Maybe that's chrysanthemum? I usually end up with cheap slightly pile-smelling ripe.

>> No.20277261

Maybe it's white tea from somewhere near Pu'er City? I dunno,.

>> No.20277328

First hit's free, kid

>> No.20277368

Kingteamall has good variety too. there's also white2tea if you don't mind the hipster craft beer marketing. I guess it depends where you're at

>> No.20278533

Too pricey. Lao cha tou shouldn't be more expensive than the opposite. BTW, is there a succinct term for the part of the wet pile output that isn't lao cha tou?

>> No.20278595

Jasmine tea.

>> No.20278685

It'd be maocha I think.

>> No.20278826

That's a little broad, but probably not wrong.

>> No.20279247

Midnight ripe. Start the day off with a little treat.

>> No.20279358

new thread incoming

>> No.20279364


>> No.20279509
