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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 215 KB, 640x853, is-lobsters-bugs-v0-rmxf6ep14k3c1.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20246461 No.20246461 [Reply] [Original]

How long did you have to force yourself to eat seafood before you convinced yourself it was edible?

Also accepting answers to the same question but for whiskey

>> No.20246467

I'm from a seaside city from a peninsula country. There was never a time I didn't like fish. In fact, my first solid food as an infant was cod.

>> No.20246476

Oh, and as for whiskey, I don't know shit about it but I got a bottle of Basil Hayden in a trade with a Mormon once many years ago and enjoyed it instantly. I'm not sure I've ever had any others and I'm only 80% BH is even whiskey so if it turns out that it's not, you can ignore this completely.

>> No.20246478

don't like fish and never have, gave up trying about 10 years ago.

I will eat crawdads, shrimp, and lobster though consider them overrated. I just decided to try them and went "meh it's ok".

I'm 57

>> No.20246480

I liked seafood immediately
whiskey took like a month to get used to

>> No.20246491

>I'm 5'7"
What does your height have to do with anything? Manlets, when will they learn?

>> No.20246507
File: 928 KB, 624x348, you dense motherfucker.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'2" and 57 years old

>> No.20246515

Let me ask your something, daddy: do you got a big dick?

>> No.20246523

I don't eat shrimp, lobster, or crab.

>> No.20246528

you should really not be so gay. my dick was big enough for your mom.

>> No.20246536

Listen, kid. Even pretending to be an insufferable faggot on the internet is still being an insufferable faggot.
You little shits are so fond of
>read a book
And maybe that would help you understand the difference between bugs and fucking seafood.
Now I'm saying that to say this, I loved shrimp right away as a kid. Never cared for cooked fish and still don't. I really do love raw salmon, though. For whiskey, I started at 18 and didn't truly enjoy it until I was 35. Could always drink a lot but at that older age, something just clicked.

>> No.20246537

It's not gay to ask about your dick. It would be gay if I asked about your vagoogoo

>> No.20246541

forgot to mention that whiskey has never tasted good. always taste like alcohol.

>> No.20246542

Always liked seafood since I was a kid. Whiskey however I've accepted i don't enjoy the taste and don't drink it.

>> No.20246545 [DELETED] 
File: 336 KB, 483x407, retardcl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not gay to ask about your dick. It would be gay if I asked about your vagoogoo

>> No.20246588

Same for me. The only thing worse than whiskey is tequila. Whiskey tastes like something you'd use to clean an engine. Tequila tastes like you'd use it to run an engine.

>> No.20246675

That picture's a man. >>20246537 is a woman.

>> No.20246692

You could've just said "no, I have a tiny penis; it's basically an ingrown hair."

>> No.20246703

I'll eat any actual fish but shellfish grosses me out and I'm NOT jewish
Squid and octopus are fine but don't really seem to taste like anything

>> No.20246712
File: 56 KB, 640x640, Ardbeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's bourbon but thats whiskey too.

>> No.20246715
File: 74 KB, 850x602, earthchan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20246761

Shrimp was always great. I wasn't a fan of fish growing up because it always was fishy, which after I grew up I realized our poor asses couldn't afford fresh fish, and actual fresh fish was tasty as fuck. Lobster from cruising was always fucking awesome, but most chains can't cook lobster to save their asses, another hard lesson. Parents always loved crab, I avoided it until I had dungeoness, and fuck that shit is good. Still don't care for crawfish, they are always part of boils and they make em too fucking spicy.

So yeah, I had some rough patches because seafood is a tricky bitch to cook right, and there are more retards in the world making food than competent chefs. Now I can fully appreciate sushi and all the finer seafood options out there. Honestly I didn't miss anything seafood - the area I grew up in didn't have good fish. Now that I'm on a coast, I get to enjoy the good stuff.

>> No.20246771

I believe all scotches are whiskies, not whiskeys.

>> No.20246779

So another lesson people don't really talk about. Bottom tier whiskey is absolute dog shit, might as well be a dude pissing in your mouth terrible. Just the worst. Like swill terrible. This is NOT the case for any other alcohol liquor - rum, vodka, etc. All of these have drinkable bottom tier entries. Like $15 bucks cheap. Whiskey however, is straight trash at that price point. You have to get into mid or top tier whiskey types to have any that are drinkable. This means whiskey is overpriced and overvalued - and this is what fucks over people new to drinking. You try the cheap shit and go "how the fuck do people drink this lighter fluid shit?" and swear off drinking forever, thinking that is just how it is. Meanwhile, any other bottom shelf liquor is drinkable, or even delightful. And whiskey enthusiasts are the wine snob equivalent for liquor. There are no "snobs" for rum, vodka, or gin, outside some basic brand loyalty. So you see these faggots having a good time with TOP shelf drinks on social media, and you get over-hyped when you try bottom shelf shit, and that leads rise to the "how do people drink this shit" threads.

>> No.20247187

My grandma watched us when we were very young. She, being Irish, rubbed whiskey on our gums whilst we were teething. I've liked corn juice sine I was around a year old.

>> No.20247195

Seafood is great, you got filtered

>> No.20247223

One second. Seafood is great.

>> No.20247501

Please tell me you're trolling. bottom tier vodka is fucking horrendous. The premium stuff barely tastes like anything and is very smooth.

>> No.20247506

>How long did you have to force yourself to eat seafood before you convinced yourself it was edible?
I've liked seafood since I was small, I especially loved my mom's shrimp scampi
>Also accepting answers to the same question but for whiskey
I don't hate whiskey but I don't care for it, I usually just stick to vodka and mix it with shit.

>> No.20247509

i used to like seafood as a kid, i don't like the flavor anymore as an adult
nearly everything i didn't like as a kid i like now, this is the one thing that i used to like and now don't
i can still overlook it but i'm not a fan

>> No.20249163

projecting are you? yes you are.

>> No.20249182

I think you probably have a weak constitution. Feeble people like you will be fodder at the start of the apocalypse. Stay cucked.