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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20244727 No.20244727 [Reply] [Original]

Milk chocolate is the best. I always find darkfags to be tryhards. That or they're coping for being lactose intolerant.

>> No.20244729

What if I like to eat dark chocolate and have milk to drink with it?

>> No.20244732

It's a good compromise but don't act like it's the norm

>> No.20244749

I'll make it trendy so it becomes the norm.

>> No.20244762

dark chocolate is like licorice, it can work as a way to balance something too sweet(which is limited). but on its own it tastes like shit. it's mainly consumed merely bcs retards thinks it's fine dining buying 5$ mass-produced darkshit chugged down with some red wine they bought at their local gas station

>> No.20244763

We get it, your childish taste buds cannot like anything but candy.
We dark choco chads will just dip our cock or the chocolate into YOUR cup of tea and call it a day.

>> No.20244767

>americans think non-american gas stations sell alcohol
Lol, lmao even.

>> No.20244770


You're eating PGPR, not dairy...when eating "milk" chocolate. It's an industrial waste product that's technically edible. Gonna be a hard no from me. Good luck being able to find chocolate in any western country that isn't produced with this carcinogenic sloppa.

>> No.20244773

Do you live in Sweden or something? in Spain it's normal for gas stations to sell alcohol

>> No.20244813
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>> No.20244823
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>imagine paying for chocolate watered down by milk and sugar
>imagine being a tastelet

who's actually coping?

>> No.20244827

Milk chocolate is good but 72% dark is my favorite.

>> No.20244831

Dark chocolate is good for baking but eating it by itself is fucking disgusting. You're a try hard if you do that.

>> No.20244839

This, yurocucks will cope like they do when they talk about american cheese. They like dark chocolate because they are BBC obsessed faggots.

>> No.20244851

You're like these people that say they love coffee but only drink it with tons of sugar and milk

>> No.20244858

OP here, I actually drink my coffee black without sugar/cream. The thing is, when I eat a sweet treat, I expect it to be sweet. This "oh me likey 95% dark chocolate it tastes like nothing yum yum" deal is off-putting. For coffee I just expect a caffeine shot to get me through the morning, nothing more nothing less, so I choose the more convenient method to drink it which is coffee alone without bells and whistles.

>> No.20244866

I like the bitter taste but I like milk chocolate as well. The only kind of chocolate I cant stand is the one where they substite milk for soy. They don't even tell you when they do this.

>> No.20244869

in europe we have sweet dark chocolate

>> No.20244899

No I fucking hate milk chocolate and I love milk and butter chocolate, lather my hairy fat Italian nuts with your worthless bitch ass tongue

>> No.20244938


>> No.20244967
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Why choose dark chocolate, or milk chocolate when you can have both?

>> No.20245002

I can appreciate dark chocolate every once in a while, but milk chocolate is much more lavish and enjoyable. Dark chocolate is like sipping a shot of espresso, milk chocolate is an actual dessert.
Milka is based and absolutely delicious for being so cheap

>> No.20245031

Here in Canada, pretty much every gas stations have beers and wines.

>> No.20245033

>not eating milk, white and dark at the same time

>> No.20245037

hahahaha, oh man that one is precious. I hope for his sake it's pure ethanol...

>> No.20245043

It's called refining. Imagine eating pressed bitter sludge LMAO

>> No.20245050

They all have bugs in em

>> No.20245383
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>> No.20245387
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Nope not hard...

>> No.20245417

they do you faggot larper.

i buy the ones in lidl. they are cheap and tasty. i just don't like super sweet chocolate anymore.

>> No.20245430

dark chocolate is best
I'm white, so I'm not lactose intolerant
You're gay

>> No.20245437

Water and hfcs ain’t refining shit you just have a toddlers palate

>> No.20245579

You're eating dark chocolate wrong. You have to let it sit on your tongue until the bitterness passes, then you can enjoy the other flavors. If you just chew it up you won't get anything out of it.

>> No.20245601

You're eating shitty milk chocolate.

>> No.20245662
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>milk is now "water"
>muh hfcs boogeyman
Just admit defeat and stop eating raw ingredients

>> No.20245777

>the norm is good
you have to go back

>> No.20245853
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For me it’s chunky

>> No.20245867


>> No.20245868

You broke the matrix

>> No.20245871

>Water and hfcs
Not everyone buys poverty chocolate faggot

>> No.20245912

Based. Dark Chocolate is too bitter.

>> No.20245963

Incredible. You're a nation salivating over BBC, you're all cuckolds.

>> No.20245972

I enjoy both. WHAT NOW?

>> No.20245979

With water? Have you ever tried to melt chocolate in water?

>> No.20246179

you have to be over 18 to post here

>> No.20246186

your dark chocolate is shit then, cos it has 10x the flavour of milk chocolate. mc just tastes like highly refined sugar. then again, sugar is one of the only three flavours the american palate can detect (the others being salt and grease)

>> No.20246657

>haha I purposely dont eat things that taste the best

>> No.20246756
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umm... excuse me... but hear my opinion. i am a walking controversy, a unique human, i am not bound by binary thoughts. You never thought you might find me did you? a being who doesn't follow your rules? a deviant from the mean? oh but you did, i enjoy both of those chocolates, your argument is INVALID, and so is your IQ.
Hehehe... sucks to sucks i guess

>> No.20247979

>try hard

Do you guys really think like this? Like people who eat things you don't like are posturing somehow and hoping other people notice and give them secret cool points because, what, you think dark chocolate is perceived as some elitist, foodie's choice? You think those of us who pass up super sweet and mild milk chocolates (or god forbid, WHITE "chocolate") and instead buy and eat darker chocolates are going against our own preferences and forcing ourselves to choke down what we actually find inferior? As much as I find the thought strange and preposterous, I can only speak for myself, and I truly prefer dark chocolate. No one sees me buying or eating it, it's just for me. I do not find it disgusting. It's not bitter baking cocoa, it's just dark chocolate. And I've got nothing against milk chocolate, I just don't like it as much. Especially if it's cheap and waxy like Hershey's.

>> No.20247986
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Hello, Newman.

>> No.20247988

Taste is subjective, retard.

>> No.20249768

>sweeter and fattier = better
by your logic, anyone who doesn't just drink corn syrup and heavy cream is wasting their time

>> No.20249780

I prefer dark to milk
but I prefer whole nut (chocolate with whole hazelnuts) to both

also with dark chocolates stronger flavour I need less to be satisfied with my dessert.

>> No.20249819

>sweeter and fattier = better
That's how human taste buds work, yes. Adding sugar, fat, and salt can make almost anything more delicious.

>> No.20249857

check out this tryhard

>> No.20249861

it's fucking chocolate, no one needs a hierarchical opinion on eating chocolate

>> No.20249873

Evolution wise, the non-burnt palette prefers balance and complexity. That's what's most desirable in nature.

>> No.20249987

Soft hands that never built a thing typed this post.

>> No.20250633
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Milk chocolate is good but it's hard to eat a lot of it at once. My favorites are probably these 70% cocoa truffles, they’re so fucking rich and good. Anything beyond that is a little too bitter though

>> No.20252032

>like less sweet chocolate

dark chocolate is only required to have 35% cacao.. are you talking about the 80% + range?

>> No.20252213

>/ck/ now gets filtered by dark chocolate
The absolute state of this board.

>> No.20252491

I always love how "people" hate dark chocolate cause it just proves that my taste is better than others, I use to never know "people" didn't like it I just kept eating it regularly like the member of the master race I am

>> No.20253916

for me its dark chocolate ganache
you get the extra fat of regular chocolate, without the extra sugar

>> No.20254021

only wyt folk eat dark chocolate cause wypipo don't be seasoning dey food

>> No.20254025

I like both, how terrible.

>> No.20254038
File: 40 KB, 398x498, FUB7jqRXEAkzAph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, when I eat Dark chocolate it's usually mixed with some form of dried fruit or roasted nut to create a nice complex flavor profile, which is really no different than milk chocolate which just doubles down on the sweet factor instead going for a more savory palette. Also if you consume American chocolate you're already failing yourself. Even the bottom of the barrel euro trash brands they carry in american Aldi's are better than the chemical bullshit you get with Hershey and other burger brands.

>> No.20254044

Exactly lol, even better if you live with people. I've been a parent for 8 years and I've never had to worry about my kid or my wife getting into my snack stash of dark chocolate and sea salt/vinegar crisps

>> No.20254050

Literally majority of nignogs can't eat milk chocolate because they're lactose intolerant.

>> No.20254107

This is a sfw board please stop publicly fellating yourself and inhaling your own braps

>> No.20254113

You're mother isn't sfw you shitspawn.

>> No.20254351

Dark things remind me of niggers and I only come here to say nigger because it's fun.

>> No.20254686

i agree with OP but you are a manchild if you think even cocoa powder is bitter
stop chugging bottles of coca cola every single fucking day you fat fuck
these have milk in them
the issue is chocolate without milk in it

>> No.20254689

They do in Denmark as well, honestly I've never heard of places more restrictive with alcohol than usa so I wonder where anon is from. my bet is that gas stations DO sell alcohol where she's at but she never goes outside.

>> No.20254694


>> No.20254696

newfag tourist