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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20242421 No.20242421 [Reply] [Original]

wish me luck

>> No.20242424

Kys stock image fake thread poster probably a chinese bot honestly

>> No.20242426

why its just deenz

>> No.20242432

u want to kiss me? thats a lil gay

>> No.20242436

ive never had em somehow

everyone recoils at the smell i feel like

>> No.20242876

Deenz are great. Especially in tomato sauce. Totally undeserved bad reputation.
Anchovies on the other hand... disgustingly salty and fishy and I say that as someone who loves seafood.

>> No.20243105
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Is that some Hot Titus?

>> No.20244184

guys I tried a few different brands and varieties of deenz, sadly they're not for me. They taste too strong for my liking

>> No.20244525

Back to plain oats and water!

>> No.20244882

try getting drunk first

>> No.20245162

These are nuri deenz, no? Either way they look quality. I bought some bumblebee deenz a week ago, and they were absolutely dreadful.
With deenz there are no secret value kind. You get what you pay for

>> No.20245326

>vegetable oils
literally negates any benefit you get from eating fish.

>> No.20245337
File: 162 KB, 600x600, FishieNotGood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they replace the proteins and omegas?
What are you on about?

>> No.20245372
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>and omegas?
Omega-3 to -6 ratio is very important. Dietary omega fatty acids are both precursors to longer chained omega acids but they compete for the same enzyme. Meaning if you eat too much of one, you can create a deficiency of the other.

Most people already overdose on omega-6s daily thanks to seed oils (both in relation with omega-3s and in absolute amounts). Like the average person in the west is already eating so much omega-6's that it's impossible to correct it by supplementing omega-3s. The only way is to remove seed oils from the diet completely. And even if you were to chug down fish oil, you'd probably be doing more harm than good since they're still highly unsaturated and prone to oxidation (even more so than omega-6)

So yes. You're completely negating any omega-3 benefits you think you're getting. In fact, you're probably making it worse.
Just get them plain, or in tomato sauce or olive oil (read the label since they still like sneak some in as a "blend")

>> No.20245664
File: 80 KB, 904x711, HoldStill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My x-wife made me take fish oil pills, gave me room clearing gas, after a couple road trips she didn't buy those anymore.

>> No.20245744

typing it like that makes her sound like some super human more than your former wife

>> No.20245767
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good luck transitioning into a woman

>> No.20245894

reckon all that protein stops being digested too

>> No.20245905

>drench protein in poison
>why are you focusing only on the bad parts, it clearly has proteins!

or you can just eat it without the seed oils?

>> No.20245946

Good lu/ck/ bro