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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20241411 No.20241411 [Reply] [Original]

He didn't put enough butter

>> No.20241427

yes, french cooking uses a lot of butter

>> No.20241431

Ugh, disgusting amerifats and their butter... wait...

>> No.20241439

>"The burger ! It rains !"
Gordon did it again !

>> No.20241452

A stupid amount of extra work to put meat on bread.

>> No.20241508
File: 14 KB, 559x423, 1567261186685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do euros and aussies put a fried egg on every burger

>> No.20241513

I've been wondering for years if that is a local dialect from somewhere or just Americans being retarded.
You can't just say "he didn't put enough butter".
You have to also specify "in" or "on" etc.
You don't put the butter. You put in the butter or put on the butter.

>> No.20241519

It's a typo

>> No.20241520

>he doesn't use at least a stick of butter per serving

>> No.20241525

He put in on the pan butter.

>> No.20241549

>gourmet chef or whatever
>burger doesn't fit in mouth
>makes a mess everywhere
Yeah, I'm just waiting 'til I have enough money to go to McD's again.

>> No.20241560

No you don't, it's implied. He didn't put enough ketchup (on my burger). He didn't put enough cheese (on my pasta). It's a pretty normal expression I thought. It could also be short for "enough of", as in "He didn't put enough (of) butter."

>> No.20242531

this wackjob can't keep getting away with it

>> No.20242576

butter has got to be the worst possible fat for frying, it is full of water, and the second the water evaporates and gets to temp, the butter solids burn leaving a disgusting bitter taste. why do anglos like frying with buffer? just use olive oil and save the butter for the desserts.

>> No.20242583

I was 100% on board with him until the egg. I love eggs but I don't think they belong on burgers

>> No.20242589

How strange retarded and lazy
Very American

>> No.20242928

wait until you hear about ghee

>> No.20242973

ESL moment

>> No.20243000

Sóy moment

>> No.20244380

Thread hidden.

>> No.20244387

Soy isn't filtered on this board.

>> No.20244902

have you tried it? it's delicious

>> No.20245168
File: 2.48 MB, 350x386, hack fraud.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's ok when i do it

>> No.20245186

Better burgers are wider, not taller

>> No.20245232

Top shows a burger that's too big for the bun, it sticks out to the sides. Bottom shows burgers that fit in the buns.

>> No.20245255

why would putting something that tastes like farts on a burger produce something delicious

>> No.20245295

Are you stupid? It's an implication regarding the subject- what else could the speaker be referring to that typically incorporates the application of butter?

>> No.20245298

Gordon's probably sick of his own burgers by now

>> No.20245339

Metal utensils on nonstick
Using nonstick to sear a burger
Not smashing the burger
Burger ends up being too big to fit in mouth
Cheese is wrong type of cheese and added way too late to melt on its own
Egg is probably only used for the aesthetic of the runny yolk because the cheese isn’t melted
Faggot homosexual burger

>> No.20245638

English is my third language, actually.

I'm not so stupid that I don't know what is meant. I was merely wondering why people leave out a two-letter word like that.

>> No.20245851

what kind of eggs are you buying that taste like farts?

>> No.20245859

he used to complain about big burgers as well

>> No.20245906

>Frying burger in oil
What a gigantic faggot

>> No.20245920

Good to know that I can confuse and stun someone by merely omitting a single word from a sentence. The person to which I'm replying can't even read this post, because I didn't include "It's" at the beginning of my first sentence.

>> No.20245935

You'll be called ESL if you're doing this.

>> No.20245960

Calling you ESL now, get fucked nerd.

>> No.20245985

So what? I get called ESL all of the time because I love using weird and sometimes-archaic grammar and sentence structuring. I don't see why I should care.

>> No.20246025
File: 25 KB, 474x505, IMG_3899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proper burger
>uncultured vultures start talking shit

I swear they really want to make Gordon look like an incompetent retard after the cheese sandwich.

>> No.20246040
File: 27 KB, 558x419, IMG_0738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You put in the butter or put on the butter.
Revealed yourself as an ESL retard.

>> No.20246498

A horse that good doesn't jumping haver that it have to be

>> No.20246572

this man is incapable of making a decent burger

>> No.20246603

both are too big
fuck off gordo you hack

>> No.20246620

How is he so shit?

>> No.20246626

>recipe calls for a blowtorch
Pretentious. Anything that can't be made in the microwave doesn't need to be made.

>> No.20246632
File: 277 KB, 1600x900, rezept-mini-sliders-saint-agur_d80c6ad53b_csm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What he made are called sliders. They are smaller burgers and tend to be more vertical than horizontal. The other one at the hotel is literally impossible to eat.

>> No.20246711

because it looks cool. same reason he makes burgers and not actual chef food. gordon is british, so he only cares about presentation and visuals and appearance.

>> No.20248090

cheese looks a little underdone

>> No.20248094
File: 362 KB, 1080x898, 1709046738120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In actual news.

>> No.20248696

>he doesn't know what a clause is

>> No.20248704

the dumbshit is trying to bite into the fucking thing upside-down and you're defending him.
just remember that, anon.
he's literally being effeminate with his attempt at "decadent" eating and you're defending it.

>> No.20249316

American food isn't food. It's fake soy and corn shit.

You don't have cheese or butter, you have plastic and seed oils.

>> No.20249643

>burger is overcooked
>cheese isn't melted

>> No.20249723

>jack is 56
my grandfather is in his 80s and looks better than him, jesus.