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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20240442 No.20240442 [Reply] [Original]

I sometimes enjoy a whiteclaw

>> No.20240444

i shoved a cucumber up my ass once, I came really hard

>> No.20240450

TIL feces is actually caused by eating, and food in your stomach eventually gets passed through the intestines as feces

>> No.20240496

I hope it was condom-ized. You don't want that breaking off in your ass.

>> No.20240499

I eat food my mother cooks and I do not buy any groceries.

>> No.20240534

I own several extremely fancy vintage cast iron pans that collectors would kill for and I rarely cook anything fancier than a fried egg or a grilled cheese in them.

>> No.20240553

I grew up slightly better than dirt poor. Between the missus and I, we now earn well over a million a year, mostly trom her salary and bonuses. . She's a lawyer and I'm a history professor. While of course this is great, it's hard for me to deal with. My poorfag values are in in turmoil.

Attributed to Escobar: I'm not a rich man. I'm a poor man with money.

>> No.20240566

Is that really a food thing?

>> No.20240583

Every two or three years, I'll order a pizza from Pizza Hut. Christ, I can't believe I''m admitting this.

>> No.20240608

Most of the fruit I buy I never get around to eating so ends up spoiled in the trash.

>> No.20240646
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>> No.20241627
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I think bologna tastes better on a sandwich than turkey or ham.

>> No.20241640

YTA, you needed to respect the fooxd's pronouns and you are a bigot for making this thread

>> No.20241660


>> No.20241665

Same and i live alone for last ten years. I just visit her daily.

>> No.20241712

Fine, I'll admit it here. I love
>Chicken Teriyaki subs from Subway. I go every 3 months to get one.
>Pineapple on Pizza. Never ordered it myself, but the few times I've had it, it was pretty good actually
>Burger King

>> No.20241858

Enjoy your mum's cooking while you still can, anons

>> No.20241918

Sometimes I get the urge to buy a whole bologna loaf and eat it straight, just biting into it. I actually did it 3 times so far.

>> No.20241937

don't sweat it. i just finished a PhD in the social sciences so i'm basically unemployed and my wife is an MD and obviously the breadwinner. if it's not a problem for her it shouldn't be a problem for you. have you talked with her about it? you are not your job and your value isn't your salary.

>> No.20241951

there is nothing wrong with liking fast food as long as you aren't making fast food /ck/ threads.

>> No.20241952

i love lean cuisines. i sometimes eat 3 at a time. there's something really satisfying about eating lots of low calorie, under-seasoned food.

>> No.20241953

I have imbibed a Zima and not reacted harshly or violently.

>> No.20241958

As long as they are being used and cared for I don’t think anyone would give a shit.

>> No.20243012

anchovies and arbys are based
bk is ok sometimes

>> No.20243094
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sometimes when i have jus tplain spaghetti and sauce, I like the cheap parmesan out of the green container.

>> No.20243180

I don't know who any of the people anyone posts about here are and I don't know who or what whiteclaw is. A YouTuber?

>> No.20243226

I only realised somewhat recently that I did not grow up middle class and that my parents were loaded in comparison to what middle class actually is. Brownstone in town. Regular vacations abroad. Summer house on the Tyrrhenian. Able to buy their kids homes (they bought both mine and my brother's houses and my sister's condo in Manhattan).
I'm a teacher and the missus is a city planner. We barely earn six figures between us and if my parents hadn't paid for my house cash up front, I'd guess we'd have nothing in savings.
That said, she earns more than I do but I own the fucking house so i guess it balances out

>> No.20243244

that's kind of a shame. everyone should grow up with some understanding of class and their place in it, especially the wealthy. i grew up upper-middle class as well, but my parents were very careful to always tell us how lucky we were and that most people didn't have as extravagant a life. ironically, now that they are old reactionary conservative boomers they've completely forgotten.

>> No.20243351

In hindsight, I was just a moron, is all. I didn't think anything we did or had was extravagant because I went to school with literal billionaires' kids as well as poor scholarship kids and we were neither of those but somewhere in between.
I only realised that we were substantially better off than the average after being fucked with for being an out of touch rich kid, I asked a friend of mine from school if he'd consider me rich after explaining the reason for asking and his response was
>your parents bought you a fucking house
and i replied "yeah, but it was only $120,000" to which, he said
>the fact that you call it /only/ $120,000 shows that you're an out of touch rich kid
And this whole conversation started over a discussion about video games where I said I had all the major consoles of the 90s and a few of the minor ones, too.

>> No.20244563
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I own like 20 bottles of hot sauce. I like it, but I'm not one of those "collectors" from Reddit that seem to live rent free in some people's head here. Years ago when I first started dating my now wife I went to her parents house for breakfast. I asked if they had any hot sauce since I like a few dashes on scrambled eggs. But they are Midwestern boomers and don't eat that kind of thing so they didn't have it and made a big deal of it and then to them I was the "spicy food" guy. Over 10 years, her family always gets me hot sauce for Christmas and such and gives me gimmicky bottles or collections. It comes from a good place so I don't have the heart to tell them if left to my own devices I would just have 2-3 kinds at any time. I have a shelf in the cupboard that is just hot sauce now. My life is a lie.

>> No.20244718

how was it?