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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20238545 No.20238545 [Reply] [Original]

They have me working fryers today and it's busy as shit. I hate fry. Any other food workers here?

>> No.20238570

I worked at a pizza restaurant that was actually a drug front.

>> No.20238580

Fry is unironically one of the toughest stations at a lot of places. I've seen grill cooks lose their shit covering fry on a busy night.

>> No.20238668

>it's busy as shit
>I have time to frogpost
Larper be gone

>> No.20238719
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Not larping

>> No.20238729

Zoomzooms have evolved to be one with their phones. They can mindpost. That's why the internet is shit now.

>> No.20238730

it's only hard if you lack grip strength, otherwise it's the easiest job in the place except dish. you aren't a limpwristed faggot are you anon?

>> No.20238744
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What's so difficult about working the fry station? Honestly asking because my only experience was at Burger King where we only used fryers for french fries, whaler sandwiches, chicken, onion rings, and hash rounds. We only had two baskets so deciding what to drop down first during busy periods took a few seconds of planning but beyond that it wasn't a big deal. Going to guess OP works somewhere more complex than BK.

>> No.20238774

i thought they were your froggy hands in that thumbnail

>> No.20238779

It has nothing to do with the physicality of it. It's that in a lot of places it's non-stop, and unlike other stations there's not a lot you can do if things aren't coming out great. Add to that constantly having to take on and off gloves for battered items. It's just one of the easiest stations to get behind on, and once you drop something you usually can't use that basket until it's done, so you have to be really good at communicating with the other stations and being aware of what's coming up and timing things correctly, since a lot of things don't hold well.

If you work at a place where everything is frozen and you just set a timer for 3 minutes, sure. But that's not most restaurants.

>> No.20238838

>fry is hard
Only in terms of workload. It takes zero skill to fry wings. It takes lots of skill to stay on top of all the tickets.

>> No.20238844

I never minded working fry side, it was really only on Fridays during Lent (I live in a highly concentrated Catholic area) because the fish would just destroy the oil. Another thing that destroys oil is Fried Pickles.

>> No.20238928

yeah and when i work saute every time i fire an item theres a burner i can't use until it's done and i actually have to do more than jiggle a basket once in a while to get it done
retarded argument, i used to chef at a restaurant with 18 saute burners and 2 fry baskets why do you think that might be

>> No.20238938

change the fucking oil

>> No.20238941

>every time i fire an item theres a burner i can't use until it's done
That's literally not true. There are plenty of things you can cook partially and finish when everything else is coming up, and there's plenty of things you can finish in an oven or otherwise keep warm.
>why do you think that might be
Probably because you worked at a restaurant that didn't serve a lot of fried food. Of course the fry station wouldn't be busy if the only fried thing on the menu is fucking arancini.

>> No.20238969
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>> No.20238977


>> No.20239003

about 1/3 of the menu was fried and i still only needed 2 baskets, and the trick of finishing in the oven or pulling the pan off the heat only works if you don't plan to deglaze and doesn't work at all for pasta dishes, which is often a ton of what saute is
unless you're talking about physicality no job in a kitchen is actually very hard if you just know how to organize a sequence of actions in your head and do it enough times, and fry is usually someone's first line experience because it's so easy, people just have bad memories of it because they didn't know what they were doing when they were first put on fry

>> No.20239148

Do the waitresses flirt with all of the cooks, generally? Why is that?

>> No.20239164

I think whatever station you spend the most time on is the easiest station. All I'm saying is that at 3 of the 4 restaurants I've worked at over the past decade, fry was the one station that people consistently bitched about covering if the regular fry cook was out.

Fry was actually my first line position, but it took me half a year and learning every other station before I realized that they always gave the new guy the fry station because everyone else hated it. You also did fry and pantry - except on super busy nights like during restaurant week. It was a brewpub, so between those two stations you had something on every ticket from pretty much every seat.

I was sous at my last place, and primarily worked the fry station, but that was a little different, since I also did saute, dropped all the raw proteins on the grill (I know, that's fucking weird), and read every ticket out (small kitchen with only one printer) and did my best to expedite while juggling everything else. I worked there 5 years and missed maybe 2 or 3 Friday or Saturday nights, in that time, and every time I'd come in the next day all I was met with was "FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU", because nobody else could handle that station, and the one thing the person covering would always say fucked them over was the fryers, because everybody underestimates that station.

That's just my experience, though. I never really thought fry was that bad, and would rather filter 4 fryers every night than stand over the grill or cut up 50 avocados every night for salads.

>> No.20239404

yeah people do bitch about fry a lot but it's really not that bad and i think it's been memed into hatred maybe more than dish is. after 11 years in kitchens dish is still the station i hate most and the only thing that comes close is trying to juggle prep and tickets at the same time. if you're on fry it's really not tough to keep some of your high-volume items going a lot like fries or whatever you're running a special on. complaints about the batter from that other anon were silly, don't you have a hand sink next to you? much quicker than swapping gloves constantly

not that weird to drop raw proteins on the grill unless it's something that MUST be done in a pan like a la meuniere or something

>> No.20239453

>complaints about the batter from that other anon were silly, don't you have a hand sink next to you? much quicker than swapping gloves constantly
I am that anon, and no, washing your hands every 5 minutes in the middle of a dinner rush is in no way faster than gloves. That's fucking retarded.
>not that weird to drop raw proteins on the grill
I wasn't the grill cook. There was no room for a lowboy or anything on the grill station, so I had all the proteins on the bottom of my salad table for the fry/saute station. I would read every ticket out to the line and have to decide in the moment when to drop chicken/steak/lamb/fish/shrimp/scallops/etc. on the grill while actively working both the fry and saute stations. I was essentially setting the pace for the line - as the fry cook. That's not normal.

>> No.20239551

washing your hands is absolutely faster than changing gloves if you have any kind of manual speed whatsoever, especially if your hands get wet/sweaty. wearing gloves is useful sometimes but generally it's a bad habit that leads to other bad habits
>actively working both the fry and saute stations. I was essentially setting the pace for the line - as the fry cook. That's not normal.
yeah that is fucked up. it's not that unusual to combine fry with something else (the weirdest i saw was having fry also do desserts) but what you described is bad management

>> No.20239690

>washing your hands is absolutely faster than changing gloves
That's simply not true. Even if there was a hand sink right next to the fryers (maybe I'm ignorant with my mere 10 years of experience compared to your 11 years, but I've never seen a hand sink next to a fryer, because that would be retarded), but washing batter off your hand and then DRYING it is obviously going to take longer than just pulling off a glove. And that's implying you're not having to walk past a single other cook (twice) to get to the sink.
>generally it's a bad habit that leads to other bad habits
It's single use. You put on a glove, dip whatever in your batter and drop it in the fryer, pull off the glove and move on.
>what you described is bad management
It was a small mom and pop wine bar/restaurant, with a seasonal, farm to table menu. The chef/owner had 40 years of experience and I helped him open it and run it. We moved things around constantly at the beginning trying to figure out the most efficient set-up for the line to put out the best food we could, and that retarded arrangement was what we finally settled on. It was weird and unintuitive, but I guarantee you you wouldn't have been able to walk into that kitchen and come up with something better. We were working this shit out every day, moving things around based on each new menu, and having to write and rewrite menus based on the limitations of the space.

>> No.20240053
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>literally a petroleum product
"hey lets cut this cooking oil with some motor oil"

>> No.20240204

And her hand smelled lake gasoline for the rest of the day.

>> No.20240267

in the more advanced countries, we've developed this process called "washing your hands"

>> No.20240287

Kys lmao it literally doesn't matter if its an inch or two above

>> No.20240423

bruh that shit soaks into your skin and if you really want to learn how to dance splash some in your armpits

>> No.20240454

im a mechanic dipshit. you can wash it off with a bit of effort

>> No.20240474

>wash it off with a bit of effort
with gojo or fast orange by removing a few layers of skin but trust me you might think you don't smell anymore but thats because you sniffer is coo from huffing brake clean al day, ask your girl if you don't believe me , though i'm taking about more extreme cases like cracking open a 200k mile diff
t. ASE

>> No.20240478

burger station reporting in, same with op, was close to losing my shit multiple times, mainly when people modify their burger to absolute fucking garbage , for example extra cheese, extra onion, no patty, pickles, extra mayo, extra ketchup, +5 pieces bacon, +extra cheese, +mustard, it was something like this but then you get modifications larger than this, sometimes you can get 3 or 4 orders at a time with mods to them, people don't know that it is time consuming as oppose to making menu items. most ridiculous one was cheese and onion and ketchup, layer after layer on one burger bun, the weight of it afterwards makes me question reality and its sole purpose of existence. maybe its time for me to look for another job?

>> No.20240494

shes not dunking her hands in a pail of spent oil its just a bit of gasoline. you wouldnt even need the strong stuff for that

>> No.20240613
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>> No.20241214

You’re gonna smell like frying oil for the next few days

>> No.20241243

I used to be an ICU nurse before I quit because of the coof and have done some kitchen work since then.
I laugh at retards who pretend working in a restaurant is tough and stressful. You have no fucking idea.

>> No.20241258

>that egg trick
I might, without being proud of it, try that if I'm cooking for myself and that happens

>> No.20241438

Thank you for your service. Semper Fry, brother

>> No.20241570

If it's above the lip it's above top the baskets. fuck that shit.

>> No.20242298

I'm retired from the kitchen.
I hated fryers as well. Our kitchen needed at least one more guy but the boss was a cheap faggot so we often had the dishwasher working fryers.

>> No.20242307

You little sack of shit. I live in the free state of Florida. You have to wash the SHIT out of your hands or use a specific solvent. Sometimes both.

>> No.20242314

Fucking slut

>> No.20242992

Cooking looks cool and we look manly sweating and playing with fire (they want free food)

>> No.20243363

>cooking looks cool and we look manly sweating and playing with fire
Nah, we look like losers. But we're all in this shitty service industry, and have lots of time to banter or flirt, so it's easy for any amount of attraction to turn into sex after a busy night when everyone just wants to get out of there, have a drink, and do something fun. Most cooks are also really straight forward and honest with the waitresses, just due to the dynamic, and girls actually find that refreshing. We also have a degree of power over them because their tips depend on our willingness to refire something they fucked up or whatever else stupid shit they ask for.

>> No.20243382
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Worked in a kitchen,now I work seafood and I nolonger say sharp behind cause nobody fucking listens. Also there's a kitchen in the store, I swear to god it's like everyone's first time, fuck just flow. Fucking christ. Why I drink a few shots before work.

>> No.20243477

>fake reactions to fake videos
i hate this timeline

>> No.20243571

I've been neeting for 3 years and while I'm looking for work rn I'm going to do everything in my power to avoid going back to working as a cook even though it's the best paying job I've ever had. Good luck, anon.

>> No.20243584

>works the only job shittier than cooking
>says cooking isn't that bad
Just get a retail job anon, you'll be crying when you find out you can get paid the same amount to just scroll phone in the sporting goods department all day

>> No.20244781

>I was a nurse
too stupid for med school?
>been doing some kitchen work
this means they were chopping parsley and out by 3pm
>i laugh at retards
condescension is a female trait

>> No.20244789


I own a wine shop, haven't done kitchen shift work in a while. My wife owns a wedding cake business, I help her from time to time making buttercreams and doing fondant work and whatnot.

>> No.20244811
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>owner freaks out about losing $10 worth of chicken legs because they went rotten and are literally green and I wouldn't eat that shit so no one else should
>doesn't care that we're going through 100lbs of frying oil every 4-5 days
>didn't renew the contract with the restaurant equipment supplier so they took all their shit back
>the replacement machine for straining the oil doesn't do shit, it just spits all of the dregs back into the oil, which is what the first machine did when there was a hole in the paper, everyone is gaslighting me and insists this works and it's fine
>setting it up is such a convoluted pain in the ass it's not even worth doing with the time crunch I'm under because they don't want to pay me
They could have bought a new machine with the amount of money they've wasted on frying oil in the last year
Why did you buy a restaurant if you don't have the time, energy or interest in running a restaurant?

>> No.20244814

poorfags should neck themselves

>> No.20245062

that seems counter productive when we could just neck the rich

>> No.20245109

This. /ck/ is a socialist board and a dog board.

>> No.20246483

nationalist socialist

>> No.20246878

I have literally never met a dog owner who wasn't an insufferable faggot.

>> No.20246881

Is working at Walmart that dreadful? They apparently pay better than local bakeries and coffee/pastry shops.

>> No.20246894

he's just baiting, we're going to cook and eat the dogs once the socialism we long for kicks in. /ck/ is an "all animals are edible" and "no pets in the house, for hygiene reasons" board

>> No.20246898

It's genuinely not even that bad, the worst thing is the purely psychological status-related issue of "working at walmart" as if it's somehow worse than target or home depot or something. Same way people think mcdonalds is worse than working at burger king, when they're the exact same. The shittiest job in the store is cashier where you just stand in your box and wait to die, but there's hardly any of those now since 90% of transactions go through self checkout. If you work in the bakery or meat department or something you'll have actual work to do and mostly get left alone.

>> No.20247286

>Is working at Walmart that dreadful?

>> No.20247300

>Why did you buy a restaurant if you don't have the time, energy or interest in running a restaurant?
people just want easy money and want to be a big shot owner and are too dumb to know how difficult and involved owning a restaurant is
see: every single kitchen nightmares

>> No.20247553

Wait till you meet a cat owner...

>> No.20247559

I bought some chicken the other day from the store and realized store butchers must take home a shitload of food. Made me kind of jealous now that I take cooking seriously.

>> No.20248075

who do i trust?

>> No.20248084

that oil isn't even dark yet. Depending on what they use it looks new.

>> No.20248441
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>> No.20248485

hey fellas what's dimethylpolysiloxane

>> No.20248489

>create a meme that lasts longer than a day
>"b-but you inconvenienced yourself!! stop it!!"
hello zoomer
you neither drive nor are able to create art

>> No.20248531

Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), also known as dimethylpolysiloxane or dimethicone, is a silicone polymer with a wide variety of uses, from cosmetics to industrial lubrication

PDMS is added to many cooking oils (as an anti-foaming agent) to prevent oil splatter during the cooking process. As a result of this, PDMS can be found in trace quantities in many fast food items such as McDonald's Chicken McNuggets, french fries, hash browns, milkshakes and smoothies[41] and Wendy's french fries.[42]

Under European food additive regulations, it is listed as E900.

PDMS is widely used as a condom lubricant.[

>> No.20248548

If it's good enough to be put into a vagina it's good enough to go into my tendies.

>> No.20248551

why you putting condoms in your tendies

>> No.20248555

>he doesn't make love to his food

>> No.20248557

I actually never use condoms, or eat tendies for that matter.

>> No.20248734

>To Be Honest Quite
How do they get that in there?

>> No.20248979
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Hey guys OP here. Back on fryers again today. It's been a nice quiet day so far

>> No.20249844

Why is fryers hard? I know nothing, but it just seems like you just put shit in a basket then take it out.

>> No.20249958

not OP but its hot its sweaty you leave it a minute too long its burnt you leave it a minute too short its not cooked and you cant take it out/try it whilst its cooking. when people get hand/arm burns its often from frying

also depending on the kitchen you might be doing other jobs whilst its frying which makes it tougher

>> No.20250030

Timers have existed for centuries by this point. The main reason fryers suck is because Jew bitch regulations saying I can't cool shirtless. Not my problem, enjoy my sweat in your food. Just means I have to salt slightly less than at home.

>> No.20250040

I sweat from my forehead into everyone's food lol

Literally seasoned with the sweat of my brow

But I'd be more worried about me plating your food after I just threw 6 hamburger pucks on the grill without washing my hands

>> No.20250053

Dishwasher here, I hate cleaning the fry baskets at the end of the night.

>> No.20250059

Based real food worker. I was the exact same when I was flipping burgers as a short order cuck.
>gloves are mandatory
Just motivated me to make my single pair last the whole shift tbqh

>> No.20250293

You should have a steel wire brush, tell your manager he's a faggot and to get you one, or literally go to harbor freight and buy one for 4 bucks to make uour life easier

I hate them and rarely wear them. Managers leave me alone because I can run the line by myself, ajnd I clean and stock everything before I leave, and usually do the next shifts prep because i get bored adter the last rush, so they just pretend they can't see me violating health codes or smoking 15 cigarettes and 3 joints every shift.

>> No.20250306

>steel wire brush
These kill people, too much potential risk

>> No.20250313

Oh yeah the bristles break off and lodge in kids throats, I forgot. Fuck it, though, it cleans crust off the line with ease.

>> No.20250352

Where are you people working at that dish is the easiest station? I believe it, but like, at the shitty chain I work at the dishies have a ton of work and responsibility all the time and are expected to cover other shit, but grill cooks can take breaks. Few things are even actually grilled, most of it is either premade keep warm shit. Fry is like 2 items, so no dedicated fry cooks. I'm sure it's probably just a work of crappy corporate culture isn't it.

>> No.20250364

Dishies have a hard job, but they're always fucking unbearably retarded and quit within a month, so who gives a fuck about them. Half the time I'm screaming for plates to arrive, and when they do they're wet and still dirty and the dishies asks to bum a cigarette while I've got 12 different orders working. The only good ones I've ever had were middle aged Mexican dudes who can't speak English and have bodies too fucked up to handle construction anymore. Those dudes can get a bump in the cooler or hit the joint out the back door with me.

>> No.20250516

that makes sense

>> No.20250529

Pro tip. At end of shift dump a bunch of ice in the fryer. Cools it down very quickly so you can close faster. The water is light then the oil and will naturally separate. Opening shift will cook it off within an hour and it won't impact cook times. Your welcome.

>> No.20250544
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>> No.20250545


>> No.20250577
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pretty sure some zoomer did this for his tiktok famalam and got fired
Honestly surprised it didn't explode

>> No.20250650

I wash dishes during service & run all the plates etc to the cooks. Hopefully I get promoted to line cook soon.

>> No.20251744

I don't use space pussies on grill baskets, the threads get caught and rip. I use the green scouring pads and they don't do as good of a job.

>> No.20252052

Emilia Earnheart suffered the same fate

>> No.20252061

I did that for six months and they still sent me to prep first.

>> No.20253136
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i used to wash dishes when i was younger, paid 12 an hour, i went back to runnin tractor and feeding/watering livestock a week later for 20 cash an hour, idk how you cunts tolerate that shit work without beating the manager outside of work