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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 463 KB, 858x772, IMG_4167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20238230 No.20238230 [Reply] [Original]

i want to make this delicious basque cheesecake loaf n post it on youtube but nobody hearts baking .. :(

why do u all hate baking fun time?

>> No.20238238

They don't work for a living and are worried about their waistlines.

>> No.20238241

Shire reef Cletus Cornwood's running the whole damn show. Gotta let em know

>> No.20238247

but u can just not eat the baked good or throw up or like anything else

>> No.20238248

We don't, you're new

>> No.20238253

Just break a sweat. We're not asking for much.

>> No.20238257

you absolutely do. no baking threads stay up long and i have 2 ‘cooking’ vids which got 200+ views but my baking got less than 100 :(((((((((((

>> No.20238259
File: 109 KB, 500x397, Contempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baking is science one does not just "wing it",
cooking is much more forgiving.

>> No.20238265


>> No.20238268

cooking is art
baking is math and science
it’s not fun, it’s just following directions and a ton of cleanup, it just feels like work

>> No.20238274

but thats why baking is so fun u get to mix and see the magic and cooking is just u give and u get

>> No.20238278

>cooking is art
baking is super fun and relaxing imo, just clean as u go and its not bad

>> No.20238279

Do Americans really eat cake with a spoon?

>> No.20238280

>cooking is art
>baking is math and science
Anyone who says this hasn't done enough of either

>> No.20238293

its cheesecake

>> No.20238301

Yes, and? You eat it with a dessert fork.

>> No.20238311

I don't know how you're gonna scoop up walnuts and caramel sauce with a fork.

>> No.20238320

i dont have a dessert fork but i wish i did bc they are so so cute

>> No.20238325

None of those are in OP's pic.

>> No.20239978

I don't hate baking, I hate most bakers. They tend to pretentious cunts.

>> No.20240049

>why does OP hate breathing and having skin?
Shut up, retard.

>> No.20240650

I like baking but I think for video content it’s a rougher sell because it goes from uncooked to cooked on the video right away (you could do a Timelapse of the oven portion, which while still not interactive is still cool to watch)

>> No.20240661

>why do u all hate baking fun time?
I'm not a girl (yet)

>> No.20240687

baking at home is the best shit ever since you get freshest bread, desserts at half the price, including labor often...
Hence 4chan hates it

>> No.20240734

i feel like ppl who cook are much more pretentious

>> No.20240738

it doesnt matter if im a girl or not :(
ok this actually makes a lot of sense! thank yu

>> No.20240746
File: 666 KB, 871x517, 1679308770292359.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop talking like som kind of r*dditnigger faggot and someone here might take you seriously troon.

>> No.20240756

I find that many baking recipes measure ingredients by weight instead of volume, and I just don't want to use a scale when I never need to for 99% of all other forms of cooking.

>> No.20240769

Unfortunately all baking threads are started by queers like you, so basically go fuck yourself.

>> No.20240791

I've never had a problem baking bread, pastries, or cakes by measuring by volume.

>> No.20240821

im NOT a queer. check out my cooking channel! https://youtube.com/@ki-dl7o?si=nsoaHps2XQWDuQVi

>> No.20240882

Because I suck at it.

>> No.20240986

I tried making mini cheesecakes yesterday and overcooked them :(

>> No.20241157
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>> No.20241213
File: 102 KB, 1200x900, 20240226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this the bread thread? pulled this out of the oven 30 minutes ago. can't fucking wait for it to cool. 3 cups bread flour + 1/2 cup of potato flakes, 150ml milk, ~250ml water. 8g yeast, 8g honey, pinch of salt, 50g butter. plus a tiger roll topping

>> No.20241226

if ur scawed of links just search my USERNAME @ki-dl7o on yt

>> No.20241230

this bread looks lovely and beautiful

>> No.20241236

post it and shut up figgot

>> No.20241237

>can't fucking wait for it to cool
then cut into it and show us

>> No.20241317
File: 106 KB, 1200x900, 20240226_013119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's some rich shit, is it bread, is it a cake?

>> No.20241341

looking good mate

>> No.20241500

>i feel like
Zoomertard detected. Opinion disregarded.

>> No.20241510

Baking/pastry making is for women. Also, liking desserts/sweets is a feminine trait.

>> No.20241528

im so sorry for feeling

>> No.20241529

You've never worked at a bakery

>> No.20241552

Why would I? Slaving away at shitty hours while being hot as fuck surrounded by ovens for <$40k/yr sounds pretty terrible honestly.

>> No.20241556
File: 1.37 MB, 1640x1232, Resize_20240225_103610_0229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joke's on you I love baking.

>> No.20241566

looking litty

>> No.20241567

>tfw bake bread in house for a tech company
>easiest job I've ever had
>been there two years, already up to 80k/yr
>get free 0 copay/0 deductible health insurance
>have 3 weeks vacation standard plus a month long fully paid international sabbatical every 5 years

I realize I lucked out but there's ways to make it work out well.

>> No.20241681

You'd know that baking, like most kitchen jobs, is best suited for men

>> No.20241771

Imagine the smell (I bet it’s delicious)

Wow that’s very nice, but I’m sure you’re great at it. Do they let the workers there take as much as they want? If it were me there’d probably be some days where I just bring a brie and grab a whole loaf to eat through the day.

>> No.20241782

>tfw don't work where anon bakes us fresh bread every morning
why even live

>> No.20241787

lgm eyequeem

>> No.20241790
File: 434 KB, 2048x1542, food7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bake

>> No.20241815

because it is tedious and always requires some absurd ingredient list
>want pudding
>all the recipes are custards
>12 egg yolks and 2 cups heavy cream
fuck that

>> No.20241835

baking has a higher rate of total inedible failure so i dont bother

>> No.20241845

Go back to r9k femcel faggot

>> No.20241901

this plus combine that wit expensive ingredients and you can easily throw $20 in the trash.

>> No.20241925
File: 529 KB, 467x836, Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 13-32-44 Butterscotch Pie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to attempt to make this butterscotch pie tonight .
I don't typically buy the ingredients needed for baking because they're typically to expensive or are things i try to avoid like corn syrup and the problem is there really isn't good substitutes for it

>> No.20241932

Fail how? Don't overwork pastry dough and take shit out before it burns. What else is there to fuck up?

>> No.20241948

Mousse it up.

>> No.20241957

yea flour salt water and yeast are real pricey these days. thanks obama.

>> No.20241976
File: 2.12 MB, 2040x1536, Resize_20240225_125329_9771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally take two or three loaves home a week and then grab whatever leftover breakfast pastries there are. It's a good deal.

Although I'm not a pastry baker this is what I'm working on at home today - pumpkin praline pie. About to go in to set the pumpkin mixture.

>> No.20242012

I watched the banana bread video, it was nice.

>> No.20242038

Once you get the chops for it you realize that there is indeed a decent "fudge factor" with baking. I've "winged it" plenty of times and the results are good as often as when I wing it with other types of cooking. This anon is very correct >>20238280.

>> No.20242064

You bake for a family, not a single angry loser. At least from my experience.

>> No.20242113
File: 2.63 MB, 2040x1536, Resize_20240225_134103_3357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All done.

>> No.20242118

i'm going to report your channel thanks

>> No.20242140
File: 593 KB, 591x699, Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 14-52-34 18th century peasants vs modern humans meme - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it have gone up considerably from just a few years ago
But i was talking about heavy whipping cream, eggs, butter, vanilla extract, brown sugar etc.
Sure some Marie-Antoinette poverty bread is cheap and easy but my god man we should be able to liver better then 18th century peasants considering the amount of work we're putting into this society compared to them.

>> No.20242227
File: 2.10 MB, 1754x1320, Resize_20240225_142208_8326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much better lighting outside.

>> No.20242246

gud jerb

>> No.20242275

aww really thank you heh

>> No.20242282


>> No.20242667
File: 56 KB, 640x480, 1707194499134908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With two weekend days at the start of each week and two days at the end of each week, that's literally 208 days off which means the average American only works 150 days a year anyway

>> No.20242674

I bet you look handsome. I'd like a baker bf.

>> No.20242732

i think your math is a little off there champ

>> No.20242738

>why do u all hate baking fun time?
I don't. I want to come over and bake with you

>> No.20244115

sounds good! we are going to be making poop cake!

>> No.20244150

>worried about their waistlines.
I guarantee most the neets here are way past that point or so skinny they should be in a holocaust picture

>> No.20244157
File: 121 KB, 927x398, IMG_4249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awwwww idk why this sounds so cute

>> No.20245291
File: 186 KB, 676x268, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't lie your thumbnails look AI generated.
Stock photo looking ass.

>> No.20245325
File: 3.39 MB, 2055x1156, Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 13-38-29 ki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's going on with this pan

>> No.20245366
File: 224 KB, 1440x2560, Snapchat-1660087612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out this banana bread I made.

>> No.20245488

its my favourite pan. stop
it has perfect size. it may be a bit too loved ok?

>> No.20245555

very adorable anon it reminds me of that image of the starbucks pain au chocolate that people were saying looked like it had feelings

>> No.20245830

Nice quads. Sadly it's a little bit burnt.

>> No.20245839

And the holocaust ones are really nasty about it

>> No.20245856

i hate baking because i suck at it

>> No.20245925

Watch ChainBaker

>> No.20247372

watch my dick go up your ass

>> No.20247445

Meh not too badly, if it’s just those bits on the top it looks smol enough to have not impacted the overall taste (and ‘naner bread is always an excellent choice)

>> No.20247458

I hate that it makes a big mess and I get sticky crap on my hands plus bowls that are hard to clean. I make bread sometimes but it always pisses me off

>> No.20247484

Until you find out that burger is a veggie burger eeewww and yes looks nothing like the thumbnail

>> No.20247496

but its yummmm

>> No.20247593

>go home from work from a 12 hour shift
>expect them to bake something for 3 hours
>spend 3 hours cleaning
>spend one hour eating it
>no more free time
Geez, I wonder why

>> No.20247656

nice banana bread but you could just start an onlyfans

>> No.20247810

why does it take that long. youre all just retarded if it takes over an hour to make basic shit like cookies or whtv
will do when im 18!!!!

>> No.20247926

>there's underage women posting on /ck/
this explains the quality of the board

>> No.20247939

better than fast food thread #10,000

>> No.20247943

>when I'm 18

>> No.20247966


Why is every girl on the internet trying to sell her holes? I don't want to buy your holes. I have enough holes already.

>> No.20247974

she seemed pretty wholesome in this thread but to see a fucking kid aspire to join onlyfans is just..sad. a sickly combination of a sickly society and bad parenting

>> No.20247980

I hope she's just joking cause it really depressed me to read that.

>> No.20248133

youre all fucking retarded if you believed that id ever do that, when i dont even show any of me in my videos. why does nobody USE THEIR FUCKING BRAINS

>> No.20248135

my threads are literally the most fun and unique, objectively. all my threads get 100+ replies bc ppl like to talk to me

>> No.20248145

also im 18 mods i was kidding

>> No.20248248

you talk just like my gf

>> No.20248261


>> No.20248296


>> No.20248308

it was bitch

>> No.20248328

why does the idea of a woman being financially independent trigger incels so fucking hard?

>> No.20248331

because its fucking disgusting and id rather slit my wrists than do of

>> No.20248364

Probably would be decent, but the shape seems pretty lackluster for basque cheesecakes. The taller and more narrow cheesecake would mean less creamy interior, less browned top per bite, and very pale sides. You can just do a basque cheesecake in a normal cake pan and accept a shitty looking first slice, if your issue is a lack of a springform. (Or you can try your hand at turning it out, but not sure how that would go with the creamy interior)

>> No.20248440


Ignore him. He's just a fat ugly coomer who gets a thrill from the humiliation aspect of OF.

>> No.20248446

gross i hope he dies.

>> No.20248476

>They don't work for a living and are worried about their waistlines.
Do you think everyone who "works for a living" is doing a trade or manual labor?
Most people in the developed world are service wagies or desk jockeys, who also can't eat cheesecake every day without getting fat.

>> No.20248806

Why do women tend towards dessert baking while men towards savory cooking?

I literally know so many girls who have absolutely zero interest in savory cooking but love to bake cakes and other sweet goods. I don't get it cause I'm the exact opposite. I could go the rest of my life without dessert and I'd be fine.

The only times I baked something sweet was when we had too much bananas or too many eggs and I didn't want them to go to waste.

>> No.20248828

Interesting observation, I wonder if it’s somehow related to women tending to have better senses of smell.

>> No.20248833

i think its honestly because baking is so much easier, it requires few skills and its hard to fuck up, its also mostly cuter. and women like sweets more. i hate women so much, but i do heart baking. and cooking.

>> No.20249515

It’s very easy as a child to have your parent/grandparent say “help me bake cookies” and then carry that on to your adult life. People are probably more inclined to have kids bake because cooking risks more injury, and girls will help bake more often than boys just due to their own socialization and adult expectations. 100% speculation, though, especially because in my personal life I don’t even see the gender difference you said.

>> No.20249574

yay a baking thread
can someone give me the creamiest recipe for bavarian cream? ive been looking at a few recipes and loads of them alternate between using gelatine or corn starch as a thickening agent and i don’t know what recipe to follow as a beginner.

>> No.20249586


>> No.20250426

I recently made a lemon drizzle cake and a banana bread using a loaf pan, I felt that if I was going to learn how to roast a chicken, sear a steak, and just never try to bake anything i'd be a fraud.

Also, I bought some yeast and wholemeal bread flour so I am getting into bread making too.

there is a lot of opportunity to "decorate" cakes and sweet food items which women enjoy, women are good at attention to detail but struggle at larger more abstract concepts like recipe and flavour building, which men prefer to do. So you find that a man will enjoy cooking a thousand steaks the same way over and over because he enjoys it, and women have become associated with extremely pretty, decorative cakes.

>> No.20250457
File: 2.86 MB, 4624x3468, 20240227_123145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont bake that much because i only have a shitty mini oven. But today i made some almond shortbread cookies with cat paws.

>> No.20250700

Nice work, those look great (my meowth is watering)

>> No.20250709


>> No.20250729

it's just far too much mess for me

>> No.20250819

im gonna steal this idea

>> No.20250847

>underage girl is running the best /ck/ thread
how is this possible

>> No.20250872

Because I suck at it. I'm much more comfortable being able to make adjustments in real time on the stovetop.

>> No.20250884

i run all the best threads. literally all of them. i am the backbone of ck i am the soul youd all die without me ill make a new youtube bideo soon guys! get reaaadddyyyy!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.20250887

ok retard lol baking is literally braindead easy.

>> No.20250894

I'm scared of commitment and admitted that it's my fault.

>> No.20250928

make a loaf of bread faggot, no knead style in a dutch oven. by hand

>> No.20250945

ok fine i will.

>> No.20250952

youll be hard pressed to find something better than fresh baked bread with lots of butter :-)

>> No.20250971
File: 564 KB, 1080x810, IMG_20240130_182042146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh i made some and it was ok but i still like my buns more

>> No.20251046

ok but im making mushroom alfredo today and making vid of it soo ill do the bread maybe on the weekend.

>> No.20251614
File: 2.92 MB, 1818x1469, sept - nov 2023 collection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20251720
File: 1.52 MB, 1152x867, Discord_pkfinVwYaP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bake every week. Made this devil's food mousse cake for my mom's birthday. Liked it a lot better than regular cakes. Chilled mousse beats frosting, and healthier. It looks shoddy because I used plastic wrap in the tin, next time I'll heat the sides to unmould so it's perfectly flat and clean. I wanted to do a chocolate mirror glaze but the top was too uneven, didn't make enough mousse to flatten the top. 9/10 taste 6/10 presentation.

>> No.20251731

you really like frosting huh?

>> No.20251735

looks kinda ass

>> No.20251736

Hello [redacted],
Thank you for reporting videos you find inappropriate. We will review the video in question shortly and notify you on our decision to remove or restrict it from Youtube.
The Youtube Support Team

>> No.20251739

I'll be honest with you op. It's because I suck.

>> No.20251742

:( im sorry
please stop, i wanted to make a new vid tonight

>> No.20251746
File: 907 KB, 1400x1050, IMG_20240131_031120019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the first chocolate cake i ever made

>> No.20251749

it looks cute
u should put a little sprinkle or write something u should write something for me

>> No.20251750
File: 1.27 MB, 1867x1400, IMG_20240201_061300472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20251754

ok stinky boy

>> No.20251755

Looks nice and fluffy

>> No.20251757


>> No.20251759

the frosting called for a tablespoon of espresso and as soon as i added it to the buttercream it refused to emulsify in correctly so you can see its a little wet looking but it tasted fine

>> No.20251763

be my boiwife and have cookies and dinner made for me when I get off work

>> No.20251767

thats actually my dream life LOL

>> No.20251818

why does nobody care about baking anymore

>> No.20251821


>> No.20251824

there's this cute romanian girl i follow on youtube who like to bake. she almost got me to give it a try

>> No.20251832

post butt

>> No.20251835

looks fukken good

>> No.20251875

I literally just winged it. I know nothing about baking and just poured all the leftover ingredients into a bowl. Took the resulting bread out of the oven ten minutes ago, and it made me wonder why storebought even bothers to exist when I can have this for a fraction of the cost.

>> No.20251884

>Work in the field 150 days
>Spend rest of year raising animals, repairing house, making equipment, brewing drinks, fishing, preserving food etc.

>> No.20251892

>baking is easier
I’ve seen men fuck up baked goods far too many times

>> No.20251913
File: 1.76 MB, 403x554, 35b84ae7486f43dabf620f6c98a00d31_th.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never seen this one before.

>> No.20251931

A girl makes one lame thread and you autistic simps keep it live for days
She's not gonna do anything for you

>> No.20251945

and that girl is making you seethe, which is funny

>> No.20251974

Imagine being such a simp as this
Nope, I have nothing against her
Just pointing out an obvious fact
All you simps have done is make a girl who gets no attention irl from boys she actually likes get addicted to attention from this board and r9k

>> No.20251992

Stills looks like it would taste delicious, maybe the acidity of the espresso caused it.

>> No.20252001

literally nobody is simping for me, all they do is report my account and complain. cry about it

>> No.20252015

Are you enjoying your (You's)?
You're just another wanna be e-girl desperate for attention from the retards on r9k because your crush irl doesn't know you exist
Your kind comes and goes on here

>> No.20252039

>t.seething tranny is still seething

>> No.20252047

whats your page? i'll watch all your videos and subscribe

>> No.20252049

OP do NOT fall for this it's a trap

>> No.20252057

Why are you simps intent on turning /ck/ into the /r9k/ hell hole?
She posts on /r9k/ already

>> No.20252068


>> No.20252116

idk why u think im on r9k, i dont have a crush. i have a bf
im scared. new video out soon!

>> No.20252134

That's not work, that's just benchwarming for AI, and giving women something to do other than Whore.

>> No.20252145 [DELETED] 
File: 298 KB, 1170x801, IMG_4371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every1 shud watch n like n sub n comment nice things!!!!!!!

>> No.20252180

>idk why u think im on r9k
Umm because I saw you begging for attention on there just a few days ago
The only girls who get my attention are on tiktok lives

>> No.20252191

wtf do you mean begging for attention there. wrong egirl. tiktok lives are the WORST

>> No.20252246

Oooooh you showed your pretty eyes. Cue the simp fest, just as you wanted.
Your best video yet. Eat meat, you vegetarian.

>> No.20252255

>Your best video yet.

>> No.20252315

very wholesome
being on chins isn't healthy tho

>> No.20252318

wut does that mean?

>> No.20252336


>> No.20252341

r u saying 4chan or are you calling me fat.. ……

>> No.20252345


>> No.20252371

ok good but just dont say 4chins its weird

>> No.20252378

enjoy you're future 4chins

>> No.20252381


>> No.20252443
File: 103 KB, 1500x1000, 1616773959786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20252449

Do not follow this guy's instructions, OP

>> No.20252459

just stop or ill get extremely violent

>> No.20252913

>i have a bf
Yeah, me. Later, losers! B^)

>> No.20252916


>> No.20252932

women are so cute when they're mad

>> No.20252934

>dads!!! he had fish too...
cute :)

>> No.20252990

Dish looks bretty good, and the production values seem higher compared to the first videos.

>> No.20253110

thank you!!!!

>> No.20253116

ew die

>> No.20253121

>i have a bf

I will be contacting youtube to request my views from your videos are removed and I hereby denounce your existence from my reality, good day.

>> No.20253128

no pls

>> No.20253161
File: 2.86 MB, 1225x919, oatcook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my famous oatmeal cookies

>> No.20253164

really anon?

>> No.20253166

currently ranked #1 in the world

>> No.20253182

the paint has melted

>> No.20253183

woah woah woah ive gotta try these!!

>> No.20253202

i want a #1 cookie

>> No.20253796

no i do

>> No.20254007

isn't this against the rules? mods?

>> No.20254010

The teflon helps make your cancer shoot out your asshole with barely a push.

>> No.20254098
File: 290 KB, 615x615, 1708900713282069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your handwriting and your cat, girlanon :3
Unless you're not a girlanon. You could be a trannyanon. I barely saw your hands and they looked feminine enough but there are some mighty zesty femboys out there so you can never be too sure

On a serious note I watched your banana bread video and it was nice. Very relaxed and sovlful style. Doing everything with one hand gave it a homemade feel and this felt like something you would have seen on yt ten years ago
Well done
Now show me your titties bitch

>> No.20254108
File: 1.10 MB, 4000x2250, IMG_20240227_160841680~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I baked this a couple days ago

>> No.20254110

>felt like something you would have seen on yt ten years ago
best compliment EVER!!! thank you so so much!

>> No.20254117
File: 27 KB, 500x375, PLEASEACCEPTTHISSTARFISH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant believe I just subscribed unironically lol

>> No.20254132

u r 2 sweet!!!
i was in class so i couldnt reply properly
>I like your handwriting and your cat
thank u! i love love love love my cats more than breathing, he was being so bold so i couldnt put him in the video because he would try to show off. i like to write out all my recipes before i cook because i despise using phone and having to click it and see ads.
>I watched your banana bread video and it was nice.
yay!!!! its the least popular so i kind of started to hate it but i love bananana bread so im happy some people liked it!
>Doing everything with one hand gave it a homemade feel
REALLY!? i was worried people would shame me because i dont have a tripod, so the filming isnt great…
thank u for saying such nice things!!! im going to screenshot this post and read it a lot.

>> No.20254136
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I'm glad I could make you happy girlanon
Keep making videos and I'll watch them
Theyre actually very cosy
I liked the mushroom alfredo one, too
I recently (about a year ago) started learning how to cook and bake and it's been really fun
I baked this a couple days ago
And this pic is a cheesecake I made a while back
My favorite thing to make is pizza, though

>> No.20254141

I watched your YouTube video, now show me your tits

>> No.20254193

wow that pic is cute. i like the decorations!
>I recently (about a year ago) started learning how to cook and bake and it's been really fun
me too! i used to bake a lot, but sort of mindlessly.. now i cook and im going to make this loaf cheesecake thing soon! i love cheesecake. my dad makes pizza and he loves it too :3 do you have a pic of ur pizza?

>> No.20254197
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This is the most recent thin crust I made

>> No.20254198

Post tiddies OP

>> No.20254201
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And this is a deep dish from a few months ago
Usually I make somethings that's in the middle of these two. I guess a pan pizza

>> No.20254208
File: 1.83 MB, 4032x1816, 20231102_152356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make OC threads on this board sometimes
Specifically this pizza was an OC thread a few months ago
People seem to like it
Maybe you've been in them
I'll be making more in the future, so keep an eye out

>> No.20254211

That's not pizza

>> No.20254215

>being filtered by deepdish
A sign of the mentally unwell

>> No.20254216

How about I filter my cock in your ass

>> No.20254218


>> No.20254253

wow it looks yummy, minus the pep.
:o i have never had deep dish. i thought it was a meme lol. is it yum?

>> No.20254254

oh and yes i will keep an eye out.

>> No.20254256

post urs furst fatty

>> No.20254258

>i want to make this delicious basque cheesecake loaf n post it on youtube but nobody hearts baking .. :(
Basque cheesecake isn't all that. It's just for people who don't own a springform pan, don't like delicious crusts, and don't wish to set up a bain marie (waterbath). Thus, the crust and top gets overdone but you can make it without the right equipment for the job. If you want a great cheesecake, you make NY style and you puddle on a sour cream layer topping too.

>> No.20254266

ew i hate sour cream. ive already made the basque and it was SO GOOD not too sweet which i heart :3

>> No.20254323

Deep dish is essentially just pizza but more
There's twice as much ingredients on the same amount of dough, so it ends up stacked tall. You need to put the cheese on the bottom layer to prevent the the dough from getting soggy from the sauce and whatever other toppings you use. You also need to use alot of cheese
Some people say one kilogram of cheese is too much cheese to put on a pizza, and to that I say "shut the fuck up"
I've lived my whole life in chicago, so I am biased, but I am an all types pizza enjoyer and deep dish is my favorite out of the bunch
I fucking LOVE sour cream
I literally eat it directly out of the tub with a spoon or use it as a dip for kind of food

>> No.20254331

>fave pizza is deep dish
>hearts sour cream more than life
youre scaring me.. is chicago how it looks in bojack horseman?

>> No.20254338

Chicago is a shithole
The only good thing about it is the pretty skyline and the pizza
Everything else sucks
I want to move to the rocky mountains and make sour cream out of the milk from my own goats

>> No.20254360

why the mountains.. it will be freezing. i guess anything is better than chicago! the pizza seems like it would be burning hot and cold at same time and hurt my mouth

>> No.20254364
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>> No.20254370

I love the cold
The temperature of the pizza is perfectly fine as long as you cook it (and reheat the leftovers) in the oven
It's not a hotpocket or a poptart dude
Just have your dad try making it one time and see if your family likes it.
Just get the same type of pan you would make a cheesecake in, use the same amount of dough for a normal pizza, and use enough toppings for two pizzas. Cheese on the bottom, anything else in the middle, sauce on top. Cook it for longer than you would a regular pizza
I do NOT recommend visiting chicago for the pizza because you will be shot by the 13%ers or more recently stabbed by illegal aliens

>> No.20254393

>Just have your dad try making it one time and see if your family likes it.
maybe.. he will probably call me an abomination and ill feel like a fatass bc lets be real only fatsos heart deep dish.
i will probably never go 2 chicago like ever. isnt it freezing there too?

>> No.20254400

This show is so fucking ugly
Is that why it's mostly animals?because they can't draw humans?

>> No.20254467

ya its ugly but u get used to it
i like the show i dont even know why. some bits are funny

>> No.20254539

I fucking hate the attention-seeking “hehe i use 4chan AND I’m a girl! :p” behavior and the people that play along with it so much
/ck/ doesn’t hate baking, you made this thread to talk about yourself, bitch even mentioned her YouTube channel as if it’s a metric of interest on an unrelated website; it’s disingenuous, and the way you type is sickening

>> No.20254547

i dont care at all

>> No.20254603

i love cute girls and i love /ck/ and i love baking

you clearly have autism and/or faggot aids and need to die

>> No.20254624

ya same.

>> No.20254639

I don't mind baking but I don't care about sweets or desserts. also I don't have a stand mixer and no matter how long I knead my dough for shit like bread it always comes out like it was under-kneaded, and it's frankly a pain in the ass to do by hand anyway.

>> No.20254645

you gotta knead for like 10 minutes straight

>> No.20254648

just buy a thingy

>> No.20254678

no counter space :(

>> No.20254702

get new house :(

>> No.20254793

go back to your mcdonalds thread

>> No.20254816

absofruitly agree!!! also literally so many people said they disliked baking.. what is this fags point.

>> No.20254824

>/ck/ hate baking?
Baking is just a little bit rough for me because I'm a single guy living alone and most recipes make enough for 4+ people. I'm making a small batch of focaccia right now but my problem with making big loaves of bread is that I can't eat all of it before it goes stale.

>> No.20254826

>I'm making a small batch of focaccia right now
please show how it turns out!!!!! ive only had the starbucks focaccia sandwich thingy.. i want to make some myself

>> No.20254833

>please show how it turns out!!!!! ive only had the starbucks focaccia sandwich thingy.. i want to make some myself
Focaccia is stupid easy. If you've never baked bread before, start with focaccia. The only """hard""" part is letting it proof for a day in the fridge before you bake it.

>> No.20254834

Harder to wing it with baking.

>> No.20254842

There is an enormous tolerance in baking.
Both are the same, just baking is less intuitive since you've a black box in the process that just takes some time and you dont see much.

>> No.20254852

waw thank u! ive been wanting to make bread desu im scared because everyone who makes bread is intimidating..

>> No.20255012

>what is this fags point.
does your mom know you're using this language young lady?

>> No.20255027

no :(

>> No.20255079
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>not simultaneously making Angelfood cake
That's nothing to trifle with...
Anyway, just like the over the top coffee autists, any of these basic things can be taken too far.
Bakers, Coffee guys and mid-tier cooks and up at least usually have the advantage of offering quality, REAL FOOD/BEVERAGE and not overpriced, industrial SlaveSlop™
Bread can be incredibly simple, yet delicious; As can most things made with care, skill, and quality.
>pic related
took me a grand total of 12 minutes real attention time/clean-up.
I eat like King Arthur.

>> No.20255100

store somewhere else and take out to put on counter when you need it

>> No.20255189

I can't believe you would be so rude to me like this girlanon

>> No.20255329

im sorry… i just couldnt lie..

>> No.20255373

Based, I fell for this meme until I actually started baking. If anything you need to wing it more with baking because of flour hydration, differences in your oven vs whoever wrote the recipe, what kind of butter you use, on and fucking on. With cooking you can just do what the recipe says and it will be basically fine every time. Baking requires a skilled hand to even get something that looks remotely right out, outside of cake mix tier "recipes"

>> No.20255389

>work for some inbred lord for 150 days
>work on own land for the rest of the year in order to not starve

>> No.20255393

I'm subscribing to your shit even though I literally didnt watch any videos because I like your energy and you post good threads on /ck/ all the time. Stay based

>> No.20255396

yipee!!!! u should definitely watch my videos though anon.. you might learn something!

>> No.20255399

How's working as a baker? I'm ngmi as a Chemist or Research Scientist and they get paid shit anyway but I bake like a mf. Not sure if I love starting work at 2am though and I hear it's fucking back breaking labor and you don't get paid more than usual kitchen wages

>> No.20255405

id love to be a baker at a small cafe if not a housewife.. so unrealistic though makes me die

>> No.20255411
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You can be my housewife
>pic rel is basically what I look like

>> No.20255421

bro if you are going to do them like this you have to turn it over so the stray tail end is poking up from underneath, otherwise they unroll partway like about half of yours did. i expect better knotting technique around here

>> No.20255433

look at that snout

>> No.20255449

its ok thats what she looks like too lmao

>> No.20255453

so kawaii!!! :3
wow really.. ? do you mean that??

>> No.20255521
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Question for my baking frens
I'm bringing in a cake tomorrow and baking it this evening. I don't have a big enough fridge for the cake.
How long can I leave it out? My apartment is pretty cool at night (60F) and it'd be going in early tomorrow morning.
If I bake at like 8 pm and then finish the cake by 9, and leave it in the little carrying case I got, should it be good to eat?
It's chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting

>> No.20255538

are you sure the cake wouldnt fit? could you sacrifice something else to take its place? i think the best option would be to leave the cake in a dry room like a pantry or whatever you have.

>> No.20255573

Cakes are fine on their own. Cream cheese doesn't go bad that fast, especially if you're just baking it and leaving it overnight, you're fine.

>> No.20255609

It's fine, cakes don't need refrigeration in that amount of time

>> No.20255682

Is it still cold out where you live? Leave it by an open window overnight

>> No.20255984

I leave my cakes covered with an upturned mixing bowl on a plate for like days and theyre fine

>> No.20256006
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wow you zoomers really don't have even a general concept of what life was like before ticktok let alone before industrialization.
the 150 days or your lord wasn't showing up at the castle 9-5 to fill out expense reports then you go home and work your land on your own time.

ALL the was to do was tend to your crop and that doesn't take more then 150 days of work and most of those aren't full days, you're really only hustling during sowing and harvest time

>> No.20256128
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>Angelfood cake
>requires cake flour
my pointy exactly
vanilla is the only baking specific ingredient in my pantry and that's only because i grow it myself

>> No.20256129

>back in my day
shut up boomer nobody cares

>> No.20256178
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>calling someone a boomer
>living in the most rapidly evolving time in human history
kek you're going to be a boomer before you graduate high school

>> No.20256209

u sound so old just die ur probably like 25

>> No.20256219

ok zoomer

>> No.20256223

proud zoom! ew i made myself cringe

>> No.20257116

damn, now i want a burek too.

>> No.20257274

#2 top row is highly erotic

>> No.20257283
File: 3.35 MB, 1804x1562, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this kanelstang a couple of weeks ago

>> No.20257397
