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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20237438 No.20237438 [Reply] [Original]

Weaboo general: mapo tofu and way too much wakame edition.

>> No.20237449 [DELETED] 

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.20237454
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nipponese street food is where it's at

>> No.20237456

mapo tofu is chinese

>> No.20237460

this one is a jap version, it comes with miso, shiitake and mirin

>> No.20237467

so much cruelty and death. unrivaled cruelty in the modern age, even by medieval standards. I could never weeb. they tortured and killed my great uncle.

>> No.20237470

did the mapo tofu kill your uncle because it was too spicy

>> No.20237473
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no >:|

>> No.20237512
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>> No.20237531

Do you ever get vegetable gyoza? How inferior are those to their pork counterpart?

>> No.20237533

not that agnon but veggie 'za is always great. i get them as a side dish with my sushi sometimes. similar in a way to spring rolls but of course in that chewie dumpling skin

>> No.20237565
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>> No.20237567

what is it? some sort of machine to roast dolphins or chinese babies?

>> No.20237570

Silly zainichi, that's the Spacewaster Zaibatsu Sakuretsu GX300

>> No.20237577
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>> No.20237633
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>> No.20237634
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>> No.20237637
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>> No.20237643

miso udon?

>> No.20237644

miso nikomi udon

>> No.20237647
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>> No.20237648

I've made it once with homemade (badly cut) udon noodles, it's quite nice actually I don't know why many japanese people don't like it

>> No.20237662
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>Many Japanese people like udon noodles.

>> No.20237808
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>> No.20237914
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>> No.20238214

I've got a little pack of beni shoga, what can I use it for? I don't eat meat so don't say gyudon. I'll probably make some yaki udon and put it on top

>> No.20238286

mapo tofu is chinese

>> No.20238289

japan has their own variation, so japanese mapo tofu is japanese.

>> No.20238317

>this one is a jap version, it comes with miso, shiitake and mirin

This is like creating a thread about German cuisine and OP's pic is a bowl of fried rice but it's ok because the there's a little side dish of sauerkraut so it's ackshully the German version

>> No.20238319

So then say Japanese mapo tofu, because mapo tofu is Chinese

>> No.20238330

always heard it called mabodofu (jp)

>> No.20238332

in chicago they just call go za "za"

>> No.20238500

What is the story with this image? Who was dying in Barrackpore in 1947?

>> No.20238506

Are there any good Japanese cooking channels, preferably in Japanese? I already know the standard English ones, just one cookbook, cooking with dog, etc.

>> No.20238625

koh kentetsu

>> No.20238684

Thanks. He reminds me on Ranveer Brar for some reason.

>> No.20238861

oh fuck off you cunt

>> No.20238904

I like way of ramen even though it usually gets incredibly authistic.
chefs labo makes a lot of approachable recipes

>> No.20238910

belgians are germanics, seems fair enough

>> No.20238968
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Made from-scratch Ramen the other day. Missed a few ingredients and didn't bother with any toppings but man the noodles and broth were top notch. Definitely not going back to instant slop

>> No.20238976

I used some recipes from George before

>> No.20238991

Angry ricelet detected

>> No.20239675

my uncle Peter (US Army) was stationed in Darwin Australia in WWII. He was a staff sergeant and radio operator on a B-24 bomber, defending Australia from Japanese invasion.

One day on a routine weather reconnaissance flight they crash landed (either shot or malfunction, we don't know) on a remote mountaintop in Indonesia. 5 of the 8 crew were killed in the crash. Uncle Peter was one of the survivors. The japs immediately executed one of them, and the other two were taken prisoner. One of the prisoners was sent directly to Japan because he was related to a US Admiral (he was executed eventually in Japan), and my uncle was enslaved in indochina and eventually worked to death building a japanese railroad in India.

after the war ended the effort to locate MIAs, KIAs, and identify remains in both theaters was absolutely astounding. hundreds of thousands of dead and missing were meticulously investigated and tracked down all around the world. With the help of some brilliantly dedicated people in the Australian Defence Force, they investigated the crash, found the spot in remote Indonesia, located the shallow graves of the dead, tracked my uncle to Asia and identified his body in a mass grave in India, along with many thousands of others. my brother issued a Freedom of Information request from the US government on whatever they have about my uncle and within a few weeks they sent 300 pages of documentation; from his enlistment and training to his combat history and ill fated mission, all the way to how they tracked down, identified, and cared for his remains. it's pretty fucking amazing.

he has a grave in Pearl Harbor HI that for many years had no remains, and finally in the early 1950s his skeleton was repatriated and buried under his headstone.

>> No.20239759

Thank you for sharing the story.

>> No.20239773

Dude, thanks for sharing, even if it's painful, some stories need to be told
Check out the Fat Electrician if you need a laugh

>> No.20239839

Did he have any good Jap food while he was their guest?

>> No.20240299

Did you make those noodles? if you did really well done

>> No.20240306
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>> No.20240325

man I love thick and chewie yudon noodles. the rest of it looks foul but some yaki udon with just some soy or teriyaki sauce is delicious

>> No.20240339

thanks anon. i didn't expect a candid story. i appreciate it.

>> No.20240517
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>> No.20240677


>> No.20240694

>brown rice sushi with grass on top
I want to know more about this piece. What the "grass" actually is, how it tastes, why they bothered with all that effort (up to and including making a separate batch of rice) for one piece on a platter.

>> No.20240753
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Young Green Onion Shoots (Menegi)

>> No.20240757
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>> No.20240767

Hot damn, now I want to eat it.

>It is an excellent palate cleanser after eating fatty sushi toppings. As a condiment, it can also completely change the perception of the umami of fish, just by adding a few sprigs on top.
I love how it also serves an actual purpose other than just being food.

>> No.20240772
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>> No.20240777

Okay. What's the brown stuff next to the menegi? Some kind of sloppy uni? Tomalley from a crab or lobster?

>> No.20240793

Shrimp liver (Ebi Miso)

>> No.20240801

looking for inspiration for jap dishes as my pantry is finally complete. I have already fulyly explored the Just One Cookbook website and made the following dishes:
curry udon, miso udon, miso ramen, mapo dofu, miso soup, various pickles, kombu tsukudani, oyakodon, nasu dengaku, zaru soba.

>> No.20240843

Sorry for Japanese language

>> No.20240853


>> No.20240889


>> No.20241000

Translate it weeaboos.

>> No.20242452


>> No.20242715

What annoys me the most about Japanese food is the sheer amount of dishes you see in pictures. Like bitch I do not want to wash 8 dishes per person just because you want your soy sauce on its own for dunking fucking rice in. This is an English household and in this household you will pile all your food on one fucking plate unless it's Sunday.

>> No.20243790
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>> No.20244069

Housewife will do the dishes

>> No.20244106
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Kabura-zushi (Fermented yellowtail sushi) is delicious.