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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20229997 No.20229997 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything better than ranch n 'za?

>> No.20230004

yeah, pizza without ranch.

>> No.20230006

for lower quality pizzas, ranch and hot sauce are good. digiornos and little sleezers are improved by it

>> No.20230010

I also add scrambled eggs to my Caesars and then drizzle ranch on top

>> No.20230164

Blue cheese and ‘za

>> No.20230171

dipping every slice of your pizza in sauce is either a result of shockingly bad pizza or abject obesity

>> No.20230307

You better be drunk AF, if you're eating this shit.

>> No.20230309

This anon >>20230164 beat me to it

>> No.20230395


wife and I refer to it as white trash sauce.

we make ours from scratch. we collect the milk, culture the sour cream, and the buttermilk, assault the herb side of our spice rack, and BOOM: White Trash Sauce.

use some sourdough discard, make a crust, sauce that shit with home grown, canned, seasoned tomatoes, a little sheep milk mozzarella, bit 'o' ground oryx and a jalapeño from the garden....

>> No.20230399
File: 2.91 MB, 4030x3022, 52477212759_92c34e59bc_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i make my own cheese, and during the first part i pour a good helping of ranch INTO the cheese and mix it in
makes this sloppy and slidey ranchy cheese, tastes perfect

>> No.20230405


>> No.20230407


>> No.20230409

Screw you. Legitimately. Just screw you.

>> No.20230415

No, but nacho cheese is close second

>> No.20230427

Doesn't like you'll be screwing anyone if that's the food you cook.

>> No.20230445
File: 36 KB, 258x500, Enricos_Salsa-Hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza is always great with salsa. I'm not shilling, I just can't find Enrico's anymore.

>> No.20230477


>> No.20230716


>> No.20230839

Vegetarian pizza with ranch dressing for sauce so it’s like a pizza salad. Especially if it has artichoke hearts, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

>> No.20230845

Nah, dipping ranch is for the crust - fucking tasty as all get out. OP's image is for true fat fuck degenerates though, drowning the za in ranch is a landwhale habit.

>> No.20230917


>> No.20231042

fucking subhuman pieces of shit

>> No.20231050
File: 121 KB, 988x999, IMG_2526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks great anon!

>> No.20231067

Yeah. Hot sauce and DiGiorno (or other frozen brands) can be good too. Never tried ranch.

>> No.20231105

i just know the farts are crazy

>> No.20231117

all the necessary ingredients for a pizza are on the pizza

>> No.20231125

good pizza doesn't need ranch

>> No.20231140

Thanks captain obvious otherwise it wouldn't be a pizza in the first place, unless maybe it could use some sardines.

>> No.20231142

Definitely raleqtambrobrét on pizza

>> No.20231151

What's raleqtambrobrét, some kind of art house cheese?

>> No.20231254

You dont have raleqtambrobrét in your country? It's a cheese-like fishy fungi but goes well on toast and pizza

>> No.20231257
File: 297 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_2371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brahz, don't hate on ra'za

>> No.20231265

A good stinky fart is always a good way to clear out an office.

>> No.20232685

I want to kill you

>> No.20232689

what is even ranch made of? vinegar and white?

>> No.20232697

Buttermilk. Something commonly ingested in Europe, rarely stateside.

>> No.20232703

Biscuits, biscuits and gravy, buttermilk pie, fried chicken, chicken fried steak, cole slaw, and ranch dressing are all American staples, Anon

>> No.20232705

I don't know, I've never looked for raleqtambrobrét. I suspect that if I did it would be good on some pizza.

>> No.20232710

>buttermilk pie
what the fuck

>> No.20232715

never mind
i just looked it up
>it is one of the desperation pies

>> No.20232718
File: 74 KB, 237x450, Kings_Hawaiian_Rolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These Hawaiian sweet rolls are really good with some ham and cheese. they make really good mini sandwiches.

>> No.20232726

Bro you've never had slice of buttermilk pie? You're in for a treat, they're dead-easy to make, so are chess pies (a relative to buttermilk pie)

>> No.20232732

I can see that desperation pies originated in the Great Depression. I contend that people back then could have made better do with other foodstuffs, other than forcing to eat dessert, of all things. When you’re desperate, dessert is the first thing you cut out of your diet.

>> No.20232733

I'm willing to try buttermilk pie out, I've never seen or heard of it before in the USA. Is that some kind of British or Australian thing?

>> No.20232736

how does vinegar pie sound?

>> No.20232737


>> No.20232745

Did you know that pizza is actually just tomato pie? It’s true.

>> No.20232751

Insanity like this is not known to us yanks(real Americans). That abomination only exists down south

>> No.20232754

holy based

>> No.20232776

It's good, try it
It's not depression-era food it's English and came to the US with the Scots and was a staple dessert in the colonies including New England as chess pie, it wasn't until later that it would be simplified into the buttermilk pie

>> No.20233313

dipping pizza in dressing is the most hilariously amerifat thing I've ever seen, absolute state of you fat cunts

>> No.20233334

i have relatives addicted to this slop

>> No.20233875

>food and cooking board
>OP's post is about food
checks out to me

>> No.20233882


>> No.20233922

I saw a bunch of mexican workers at a job site I visit sometimes eating pizza with copious amounts of ranch and hot sauce a few months ago. Made me gag.

>> No.20234566

They're Mexicans, they will put hot sauce in everything. Yes, even ice cream or sweets, nothing is safe from them pouring hot sauce. Oh and I eat my pizza with hot sauce

>> No.20234637

>we make ours from scratch. we collect the milk, culture the sour cream, and the buttermilk
I would try this but my wife isn't lactating right now.

>> No.20235073

Tabasco is fucking great on pizza, especially the chipotle flavor

>> No.20235104

>Tabasco is fucking great on pizza, especially the chipotle flavor
The chipotle and jalapeno tabasco flavors taste the same