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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20227328 No.20227328 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics

God shot edition.

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, pull anything godly lately?

Previous thread:>>20197753

>> No.20227435

i will NOT be pissing in this thread
i promise

>> No.20227455

>store didn't have volvic so bought some water
>it's way too soft
>every coffee taste weak and acid now
It's actually impressive how much a difference it makes

>> No.20227475
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>> No.20227478
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>> No.20227572

ok but were you guys joking or is the kingrinder p2 actually that good for that small of a price?

What can i expect out of it?

>> No.20227618

Shitty catch up, shitty lid, shitty adjustment, but the internals are solid. I'd still go k6 if you've got the choice. I've been using a p0 as a peppermill for a few weeks.

>> No.20227627

>I've been using a p0 as a peppermill for a few weeks
How is it? Could you buy it for someone willing to do moka?

>> No.20227828

Too nice for moka.

>> No.20227868

But good enough for pepper he?

>> No.20228037

Which one of you is this?

>> No.20228327
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Good day /ctg/, nice day for some coffee isn't it?

>> No.20228739

yes but not for uninspired AI art

>> No.20228815
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Anyone have experience with the ROK manual espresso maker?
I have cut back on my coffee intake and only have a morning coffee (I drink tea later in day)
I have a preference for espresso as I prefer to drink just that or use it to make a cappuccino
Had a gaggia classic in past which was great (before it broke), but don't want to invest £££s if only having 1 drink per day
Plan B is to just stick with a 1 or 2 cup bialetti

>> No.20228845

for one shot a day stay with a moka pot

>> No.20228846

3 cup Bialetti fits 12g – 15g ground coffee at most. Not sure why anyone would get the 1 or 2 cup models except as cute little decorations.

>> No.20228852

not espresso.
you could buy one of the cheater flairs? I wonder about rok, it doesn't seem to get that much attention despite the robot being so beloved, maybe it uses a bad basket? either way, no personal experience

>> No.20228855

I prefer a smaller portion of coffee. A 2 cup produces a nice amount.

>> No.20228928

It's the worst of the manual machines. You'd be better off with a picopresso.

>> No.20228931

my coldbrew is alwaysdhvgm too weak

>> No.20228943
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what am i in for?

>> No.20228955

it's probably pretty good but nothing amazing. I'm more interested in that basket you can use with a v60 to get a pressurized stream pourover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HraNBzMaCW8 at least that seems very unique

>> No.20228968

trim your fingernails anon, they are getting a bit long

>> No.20229018

Based kinto server.

>> No.20229497

what's bad about it?

>> No.20229528
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Just bought this the other day lads
You've gotta mix it with some cold water before pouring the hot stuff in.
Using double cream makes a nice drink.

>> No.20229552
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Just ordered Sweetwater organic Ethiopian light roast coffee. Gonna put it through a 10 dollar Walmart plastic drip maker

>> No.20229579

it's a zipperhead thing to show you don't do manual labor

>> No.20229585

try doing it with hot water, that shit goes crazy

>> No.20229641

Anything can taste palatable when you drown it in cream. Having said that, if the drink is enjoyable then that's all that really matters at the end of the day.

>> No.20229656

Old, overpriced, and outperformed by everything else thats come out since like the flair/robot/aram/picopresso. They've been out since 2004 so they're abundant on the secondary market like gaggias.

>> No.20229691

Not used a ROK personally, but from what I've heard preheating is the biggest issue. It's technically the biggest issue for every single manual espresso machine but with something like the Flair you can remove the brew head and place it over the kettle while it boils. With a ROK, you'll have to spend extra time pulling blank shots with just hot water and no coffee first. A Flair also offers an "upgrade path" from the base models, since you can buy additional stuff like a pressure gauge and a larger brew head for bigger drinks. ROK are offering a limited edition version that has a pressure gauge on their site, but they don't seem to sell a standalone pressure gauge for some reason (although it might be possible to do an aftermarket mod if you're interested in tinkering).

That video is about the original Presso, the one in the poster's image is the GC version which is an upgraded version (that can also be retrofitted on the original version as an upgrade kit).

>> No.20229692

interviewed for a sweet coffee roasting gig, I think it went pretty well :)

>> No.20229726

what does that have to do with how well they make coffee? It can either make an acceptable espresso or it can't.
moka pot has been around since 1930s
£189 new, cheaper used, how is that overpriced for a niche item?
>outperformed by everything else thats come out since like the flair/robot/aram/picopresso
OK, I take your input, but it is subjective and you've not given any specifics. Have you actually compared them or owned them yourself?

>> No.20229729

Functionally its the same piece of shit from 20 years ago. Call the "gc" upgrade what it is. Fancy plastic internals.

>> No.20229754

I've owned a few flairs and used other niche shit like the robot and mypressi twist.
>£189 new
Mogged by the flair classic at £169. Embarrassed by the Neo Flex at £99. Buy what you want, just be aware of the market. I think you'll be happier with just about anything else.

>> No.20229755

going off this video it doesn't look like too big a hassle to heat things up
barely added any extra time or hassle
Sometimes coffee people reach audiophile levels of autism and hyperfocus on minute details like 'omg you need to deal with thermal management' as if it's a nuclear power plant. they then go on forums and reddit and parrot these points back and forth. I literally just want a drinkable espresso and not pay out huge cash for it.

>> No.20229774

Wow. A whole £20 difference? Insane!

You haven't said what you find bad about it vs the other options. You're input is on the level of a /g/ android vs iphone shitpost.

>> No.20229783

Buy it. There's another highly autistic anon who swears by their grinder.

>> No.20229822

Not the anon you replied to, but the Neo Flex is about half the price of a Rok if you just want something that produces decent espresso and don't mind a plastic frame. If you want something with a metal frame and pressure gauge, then the Rok Commercial edition might be the best option at £199 (compared to a Flair Classic + Pressure gauge that will probably be more expensive in the UK).

Generally the benefits of a Rok over a Flair seems to be that you don't need to fiddle around with assembly the entire unit each time. Whereas the benefit of a Flair is much quicker preheating. So it's relatively minor stuff distiguishing the two. Both can produce good espresso and work out to a similar enough price (assuming you don't want plastic, otherwise the Neo Flex is a clear winner). If you don't mind buying second hand then you'll may find more Roks available compared to Flairs given than it's a British machine.

>> No.20229829
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actually usable input
many thanks, anon

>> No.20229842

>you don't need to fiddle around with assembly the entire unit each time
Most people don't disassemble their flairs. The base and arm attach with a screw.

>> No.20229930

With the Flair, you still need to put in the basket, brew chamber and piston. If you're preheating then you'll need to handle the brew chamber while it's hot. With the Rok, you just lock in the portafilter and that's it with regards to moving parts. It's certainly not a dealbreaker by any means, but someone might personally prefer the workflow of another machine.

>> No.20229978

The advantage of those removable parts is that your entire brew path is easily cleaned. Well worth the workflow change.

>> No.20230522

i know
thats why i have "long" nails right now
i cut them last week and they already feel long
i feel like when i go to type and my nails hit the keys before my finger tip its time to trim them
but on the other hand nails that are too short are just as if not more disgusting.

>> No.20230536

>Composite glass is the collective term for a laminate having at least two glass panes which are in each case connected by means of an adhesive intermediate layer composed of plastic

>> No.20230553
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enough yapping
the hoff likes it, so its good.
simple as

>> No.20230589
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how did this poof become the taylor swift of coffee?

>> No.20230641

I got a mignon notte grinder and a solis barista perfetta plus from the open box sale on Seattle Coffee gear. All in it only cost me about $400. So far this is pretty fun. I'm not very consistent though and haven't quite got it figured, but I've made a few enjoyable lattes and shots with syrup. Every now and then I throw one that's just fucking sour.

I've been trying to practice with ancient beans- not to drink, but to see how to do puck prep and the like- and so far I'm batting about an 0.3 for what seems like a "proper" puck after extraction. There is definitely a large negative to taste when I fuck it up.

Still, this is pretty fun.

>> No.20230652

Because he fucked your mum

>> No.20230675

because he knows his shit and doesnt directly shill the stuff he makes videos about
and is super upfront about any possible connection to anything he talks about or shows
good production value
and was in the coffee world before he ever made his first video
sold espresso machines for a number of years and built industry connections, then became the barista world champion, then started a roasting company then a blog then a cafe then started turning his blogs into videos and wrote multiple pretty good coffee books
hes about as legit as it gets.
alot of the other coffee influencers are much much newer to the industry and to being an influencer in general
lot of people came up during covid
lot of people came up from tiktok or instagram
hoffmann predates all of that stuff.
a real og.

>> No.20230699

Not very surprising. Dude makes intersting video once every few months, puts a lot of research into it. Also people like the english accent

>> No.20230721

also it helps hes lived a life
hes not a child or something
i think the grey hair helps make him seem more mature.

>> No.20230748

Hoff and Morgan are world barista champions. Correct your attitude tastelet.

>> No.20230752
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It's not polymer composite glass.

>> No.20230767
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>> No.20230781

>i need memecup champs to tell me what i think

>> No.20230790
File: 412 KB, 1080x395, Screenshot_20240221-225908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who coached Morgan from an office worker to a wbc runner up?

>> No.20230878

Not a champ, champ.

>> No.20231160

>barista champ back when it meant something and all the legends of the scene like tim wendelboe were still competing
>worked as engineer and consultant on espresso machines
>owns a major specialty roaster
it's no stretch that he's a top 5 authority on coffee brewing in the world, period. he's not just a celeb. also his videos have higher quality standards than his peers

>> No.20231206

He's made recent videos all about "decolonizing" coffee and has also made content that intentionally demonizes non-competition roasting practices, it's rather elitist in a way for him to constantly imply that if you don't care about hyperspecific championship-level roasting and brewing techniques, you don't care about coffee at all.

>> No.20231232

>He's made recent videos all about "decolonizing" coffee and has also made content that intentionally demonizes non-competition roasting practices
hes british, they are all cucks like that.
but the idea of "decolonizing coffee" is a popular idea these days
>for him to constantly imply that if you don't care about hyperspecific championship-level roasting and brewing techniques, you don't care about coffee at all.
i dont think he has ever said anything like this?

>> No.20231287

Ethiopian blueberry bomb

>> No.20231327

That's literally the opposite of what he says and if you want a real thing to criticise him for try the fact that he's too mellow and too understanding of other people's opinions and points of view to the point where he sometimes just doesn't have one of his own.

>> No.20231357

10:30 pm coffee
been resting for 3 weeks
i will make another post about the taste

>> No.20231392

That looks atrocious op. Why even have a wildly unecessarily overpriced coffee set up that grinds your beans to the thousandth of a millimeter of accuracy and slowly pours you a cup over 30 minutes while Tibetan monks chant over it if you’re just going to slosh it over ice like.a fucking coke?

>> No.20231393

>struggle to make good espresso
>try using the shitty included scoop tamp again
>good espresso
this normcore tamp has fucked me over, what am I doing wrong

>> No.20231406

Anyone here going to the Specialty Coffee Expo in Chicago this year?

>> No.20231410

too far away

>> No.20231415
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>> No.20231431

Anons I need your help. I've been talking with this girl and she wants to go on a first date to a nice local coffee shop. I am literally autistic and have never ordered coffee before at a cafe, could you walk me through exactly what I need to say to not sound retarded in front of this girl?
Please anons, I don't want to fuck this up.

>> No.20231450

im autistic too and have never ordered anything at a cafe
i started making coffee at home so i could drink great coffee without having to talk to people

i think its important if you already drink coffee
its going to be a cafe so it will be super sweet and gross or super bitter and gross, or maybe super weak and taste like dish water which is gross
so you have to be able to drink whatever you order without making a weird face or reacting, even if it super shit.
this will out you as an autist who doesnt do this often and will be a red flag for her
>why did he make that face, does he not drink coffee? does he not go to cafes? does he not go on dates? oh no hes a virgin incel creep!
stay away from espresso, dont even bother, you will somehow fuck the order up.
just be like "uh yeh i'll have a latte"
mother fucker if you stutter.
its over.
clear, not loud, not too quiet. dont mumble it.
act like thats a phrase you say all the time.
but dont act too casual because they can be seen as disrespectful to the staff.
here watch this bitch

if you somehow get a second date which is also at a cafe order a cortado.
also if you are giga autistic go to the cafe before you go with her to scout the place and do like a trial run before the date just so your autism doesnt overload from being on a first date and being in an unfamiliar environment doing a bunch of new things all at the same time.

>> No.20231455

Thank you fren, I really appreciate all your advice

>> No.20231581

doing a trial run is solid advice. also, checkout if the place has a website or if a menu has been posted to google maps so you don't go in totally blind.

>> No.20231668

>A flair also offers an "upgrade path"
>You can spend several hundred dollars improving your several hundred dollar manual espresso machine
>This is a reason to get the flair over the rok
Picture related, your brain on consumerism

>> No.20231674

Make eye contact with the cashier, smile at her until she asks what she can get you. Make small talk if she does.
"Large whole milk cappuccino, please." Then look straight at your girl, make eye contact. "And whatever the most beautiful woman in the cafe desires"
Pay with cash, buy the girl's coffee, leave at least $1 + the change as tip and you are in

>> No.20231683

>your girl
you have never been on a date

>> No.20231734

"How would you like your coffee, sir?"
"Like my woman"
*points at date*

>> No.20231739

"1 skinny flat white coming up!"

>> No.20231760

"Sorry, we don't serve donuts here"

>> No.20231762

hate that third wave coffee, if I wanted fruity and sour notes I'd drink tea.

>> No.20231765

You drink shitty tea too though?

>> No.20231773

no I just want a darker roast, almost everything "third-wave" i've tried on the west coast (save vacncouver) has been obnoxiously fruity and abandons most if not all the dark chocolaty, caramel, leathery flavors that I love.

>> No.20231775

>women has a hole in the middle of her

>> No.20231777
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picrelated being the good vancouver coffee I'm drinking now

>> No.20231779

>I don't like coffee when it tastes of coffee, and that's the third wave coffee peoples problem, not mine!!

>> No.20231782

what i'm saying is idk why coffee roasters have been moving away from darker roasts

>> No.20231788

They're not. Everyone still sells a shitty dark roast 'espresso' blend for people like you. It pads out the margins.

>> No.20231799

I want break your fucking thumbs you limpwrist sissy

>> No.20231805


>> No.20231810

You're listening to the Hobbit on Safari while tabbing out to morrowind videos.

>> No.20231816

yeah i'm making a bilbo baggins build, you gotta problem with that?

>> No.20231827

because lighter roasts are more complex, interesting, sweeter, better tasting for most people, particularly people under 50 that haven't normalized the burnt to a crisp charcoal roasts as much

>> No.20231831

Seems incredibly autistic. Maybe you can find some shire themed beans?

>> No.20231837
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so you're saying I have a boomer palette? i assume its because I learned coffee through southern italians/french that I lean towards the dark stuff.
there's picrel and also a baggins blend but it the latter comes from a capeshit website that looks sus

>> No.20231847

That dark roast stuff was perpetuated post world war 2 when Europe was bombed out and depleted. That's when Italy started importing cheap robusta as filler. They couldn't get good arabica. You know how old poors are set in their ways because they grew up in hardship? Don't do that.
>When Bilbo Baggins entertained Thorin and Company and Gandalf in Bag End in April T.A. 2941, he had to set a big jug of coffee in the hearth, because one of the five dwarves who entered together (Dori, Ori, Nori, Oin, and Gloin) asked for it.

>> No.20231868
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>> No.20231886

that makes sense, maybe i'm just averse to high acidity.

>> No.20231895

Along what trade routes does coffee and tea arrive in The Shire and Middle Earth as a whole?

>> No.20231908

far harad probably

>> No.20231916

confusingly probably on misty mountains but no on Misty Mountain

>> No.20231920

>but the idea of "decolonizing coffee" is a popular idea these days
And it's code for supporting the nationalizing of coffee farms

>> No.20231984

If anything it's code for supporting smallholdings and other collectivised/cooperatively worker owned farms, which is based.
but even then that's not what it. iirc hoff is just being a bit soinions and promoting that we should use more place of origin descriptors for coffee notes and other performative stuff like that, shit that doesn't matter, like modifying the names in this wheel here >>20164541
it's a little silly but it has zero impact on his reputability as an authority in the field

>> No.20231994

I'm sure some limpwrist has put up a 45 minute video essay on it. Edited in final cut.

>> No.20232203

>slowly pours you a cup over 30 minutes
Its a shot of espresso anon.

>> No.20233174

I knocked my brand new hand grinder off a shelf and now I'm paranoid it's broken even though it seems to work completely fine aside from a tiny dent in the catch cup.

>> No.20233182

what grinder? mine would dent the floor if anything

>> No.20233183

1zpresso J. I think the catch cup is just aluminum.

>> No.20233312

If you're feeling up to it, take it apart and look at the burrs. If they're not chipped you should be good. If you don't want to take it apart, shake it while listening for any metallic rattling. If you hear none it's good.
Also check the alignment and touch point by cranking the dial past 0 until it doesn't move. You can read more about that here: https://1zpresso.coffee/calibration/

>> No.20233354

no rattling, the zero point moved like two clicks ccw though from before i dropped it

>> No.20233573

That seems okay. Keep an eye on the zero point to see if it shifts around over time. If not you should be all good.

>> No.20233588

i suck at making coffee :((

>> No.20233595

Ok so I have been realizing over the past few weeks that grinding fine is a fucking meme for v60. Maybe it's just that I use a JX pro and that produces a lot of fines but every single fucking time it would stall and I would have an undrinkably astringent cup. The Hoffman method is a meme, using Hedrick's with much better success right now. If anyone reading this is struggling with pour over, just grind coarser.

>> No.20233742
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if you didn't sand the contact surfaces before hyperaligning you fail

i am getting zerno levels of quality after running 600 grit over the burr carrier

>> No.20233767

I've been doing cafecitos lately... too much god damned sugar... so good!

>> No.20233925

Whatever helps you sleep at night anon.

>> No.20234201
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Is this enough patina on my steam wand? I think my cappuccinos are already starting to taste better.

>> No.20234225

check out brian quans video on light roasts

>> No.20234231

No not really.

>> No.20234443

don't even reply fag

>> No.20234447

>hoff hoff hoff
>lever machines
>muh heckin' morgan
>le r/circlejerk discussion
you'd think the fucking coffee thread wouldn't go the same way as /b/ but no i'm having trouble believing everyone here is an unpaid poster too, back to /x/ i guess

>> No.20234457


>> No.20234519

>Ok so I have been realizing over the past few weeks that grinding fine is a fucking meme for v60
maybe every brewers cup competitor could have clued you in to that fact

>> No.20234523

Based schizo posters

>> No.20234928


>> No.20235076


>> No.20235227
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>> No.20235244

That wuri is very good.

>> No.20235291

Every coffee I make on a moka pot tastes so fucking STRONG should I move to something different?

>> No.20235544

No, you're stuck drinking it forever.

>> No.20235545

they really need to invest in better packaging

i don't want those ghetto ass looking bags sitting on my counter

>> No.20235568

i'll be dipping into the decaf later today
yea i would be fine with just plain brown paper bags lol

>> No.20235623

single origin specialty coffee if I'd have to guess, some anaerobic naturals and a decaf. hope that helps

>> No.20236093

I already have a Timemore C3 Pro, currently using it for filter coffee but I'm considering getting an espresso machine in the near future. Should I buy a brand new espresso grinder for £100-200 (something like a Kingrinder K6 or an electric grinder) or should I just spend £6 on a modded dial plate that gives my current grinder more granular adjustment?

>> No.20236161

this decaf is great. peach and brown sugar nails it.

>> No.20237100

> buy an espresso machine
> too lazy to wake up early enough to enjoy it before work
> only make espresso and espresso drinks in the evening
> too dumb and/or stubborn to buy decaf
> now can't sleep because ~400 MG of caffeine before bed every night this week

God damn I am fucking stupid

>> No.20237113

Better than bad coffee grounds or even bad beans. Drop some brown sugar in it and have it with a dessert.

>> No.20237153

Anon if you get your workflow right you can smash out shots in the morning really fucking quick. I use my first coffee of the day to make sure my morning shit is on time, so I set my espresso machine to turn on about 15-30min before I wake, go straight to the kitchen, am drinking my first shot in about 4-5 minutes including reset and clean up, eat breakfast, make another, shit shower shave and I'm out the door in about 45 minutes total with breakfast and two coffees done. I believe in you.

>> No.20237689

how on earth are you making a single espresso with 400 mg of caffeine in it?

>> No.20237809

24g or so in a 58mm basket, robusta, pulled for a long shot.. probably plausible? but I hope they're not using a pure robusta blend

>> No.20237847

The main thing that stops me from using my espresso machine all the time is hand grinding. Can't justify an electric espresso grinder.

>> No.20237885

I was going to get some coffee but if it attracts ai sloppers I think I shall be taking the tea route instead.

>> No.20237908


I'm pulling multiple shots trying to learn how to best use it and waste not want not

A shot that tastes good in milk or with syrup is easy but one that's good on its own is still not something I can do every time

>> No.20237938
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Get one of those cheap ass programmable power outlets and set it to 20-30min before you wake up.
Machine is ready to go immediately

>> No.20238050

>Making pour over
>Try swirling/stirring
>+50 seconds to drawdown time, brew stalls
Does this happen to anyone else? I feel like I can't do any agitation whatsoever.

>> No.20238056

Yeah, if your grinder produces a lots of fine it's normal. I never swirl

>> No.20238066

Please shill some UK based coffee roasters or subscriptions.

I have been using Hasbean which is decent, but Im looking for a change.

>> No.20238068


>> No.20238082

1. Stop being a pussy
2. Stop being a bitch

>> No.20238541
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Latest organoleptic dreams from my memes.

Duo two tone stoneware cuppas handmade in Portugal, pink on top and bottom blue.
Baby espresso one packing an impressive 6cl, while mommy comes at 22cl.
Comfy choco coffee to baptise 'em. Mommy carries decaf though.
Tasty choco trio to go with. Trad milkchoco, caramel choco, milk'n'dark choco.
I do have a preference for the caramel one.

>> No.20238567

If the chocolatefag would leave like the mokafags did we might have some good threads back on the menu.

>> No.20238954

Just ground my own for the first time with my new Kin P0. Tastes a fair bit more boring than the same coffee pre-ground, so will dial in more tomorrow.

>> No.20239012

the mokafags never left

>> No.20239213

the point of swirling is to knock fines to the side of the filter, youre probably just grinding too fine
try "excavating" the grinds at the tip of the cone with a small spoon and reseating the filter by rotating it an inch

>> No.20239425

Trying to switch from my Keurigs, bought a french press and a bag of dunkin coffee (I know it's meh coffee but it's what I was using for keuring cups and it gives me a solid comparison to know I'm doing right)

The first time I used this, it was too watery, but tasted fine.
The second time, it smelled skunky/sour I gagged and didn't even taste it I just dumped.
This is my third time, and I noticed when I poured the water in the smell of the coffee changed a lttle. Got that sour smell immediately.

I'm using a electric tea kettle, to 200F, then let sit for 20sec before pouring.

I preheat kettle
I put 14g of coffee in bottom
Pour kettle water in
Put lid on
Wait 4min

It again doesn't smell like coffee anymore, it smells almost like sour water.
Maybe it's too hot and burning the grounds? Everywhere I read says 200F.

>> No.20239432

probably just not using enough, cafetieres take a higher ratio of grounds to water
how much liquid does yours hold?
4 minutes is also a bit short, id shoot for 8
really you should just watch hoffman's video on the topic

>> No.20239459
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Maybe I'm using too much water. Again 14g of coffee (x2 7g teaspoons) I'm not really measuring the water because I don't have measure lines on anything. I usually just fill it to about an inch and a half from the top of the press. See picrel

I will try again, are you sure 8min isn't too long?
What should I do? Less water, and 8 min?

>> No.20239491

if you cba to measure the amount of water i cant really help you beyond makking assumptions, which im not going to do
read the pastebin in the OP

>> No.20239497

I never said I cba to measure the water
I said I can't because I don't have measuring lines on any of my stuff. How tf am I supposed to measure the water?

>> No.20239525

You know what, maybe this is just what the coffee is supposed to smell like? Like I said I was coming from keurigs.
However I just stuck my nose deep into the bag of grounds and it does have that same almost sour smell. I did it with another bag of a different brand too (dunkin and starbucks both med rosst)

Maybe the french press is just more noticible with the sour smell? Idk.
Like I didn't notice this smell with the keurigs even after the coffee was poured either.

>> No.20239537

A standard mug is roughly 250ml – 300ml of water. How many mugs of water does your French press hold?

>> No.20239556

you dont have any kind of liquid measuring cups in your home?
just invest in a cheap electric scale, itll pay itself off in no time
well yes shit coffee does generally smell like shit
just because its the same brand and even "flavor" as the keurigs doesnt mean it will be the same beans, also

>> No.20239558

I'm assuming it's preground, yeah? That's going to stale much faster than whole beans or even pods. Single use pods are sealed so the coffee inside goes stale at a much slower pace. That sourness could just be stale/oxidized coffee taste. What's the best before date on the bag?

>> No.20239600

I will have to get an electric scale I guess
However right this moment I don't have one, it would be nice to kinda see if I can get it right to have a cup.
Maybe 3-4 cups to fill to the top.
I just poured water into a mug, then into the kettle to heat it. I added 2.5 scoops of coffee grounds. However the water looks low so maybe that was not enough water this time. But I shall see.

As far as it being shit coffee, I get that. However it should have a similar taste no? Like it shouldn't smell or taste sour. Again I also tried the Starbucks one.
Both of these bags I JUST bought a week ago. The starbucks one I opened fresh a few minutes ago.
The best by date on my dunkin one is November of this year so nowhere near either.
Preground yes, however I can't imagine both bags from two different brands, that haven't been opened more than a week already are stale.

I have never had any coffee besides the Keurig ones, so I'm not too familiar with it. But again I don't recall it ever smelling like this.

>> No.20239620

>I can't imagine both bags from two different brands, that haven't been opened more than a week already are stale.
well youll have to expand your imagination a little
if you want to make good coffee, you have to buy good coffee
it sounds like you probably have an 8 cup cafetiere, for which i would use closer to 50g of grinds
id recommend trying that but not without learning some technique
the resources are out there

>> No.20239632

I understand good coffee = good coffee.
However, is the ground coffee really going to taste and smell THIS much more disgusting compared to the keurig pods

I understand good coffee will taste good, but if I didn't like the dunkin coffee at all, I figured the keurig cups would've showed. They tasted fine, not amazing, but good to drink.
The french press ones I've been making taste like shit.

Like I Just tasted the one I brewed, a small sip, very bitter and watery.

Maybe the water is too hot and burning them?
I have been watching French press videos constantly and I generally see the 14g-18g coffee to 1 cup of water ratio.

I don't need to fill up the entire french press because I only really want 1 cup of coffee, not 2. So 50g seems extremely excessive.

Debating just returning the french press and getting a pour over machine or something for now.

>> No.20239655

I just had my brother smell it and taste a small sip
He said it tastes and smells like coffee.. but idk. He said it's bitter but besides that seems fine.

Maybe I am just not used to the smell? Again the Keurig never had a offputting smell to me, and he uses the Keurig with same cups so Idon't understand.

>> No.20239659

if you arent going to learn how to use your equipment, then you arent going to make good coffee with it
there are so many other factors at play here besides the fact that youre trying to use similar beans
if you cant measure the amount of water youre putting into it, all you can do is eyeball it (which i wouldnt reccomend, look at your results so far) or utilize its maximum capacity, hence the 50g recommendation
cafetieres are extremely simple, you can figure this out

>> No.20239672

My issue is, I don't know what good coffee tastes or smells like.
I have ONLY ever dranken the Keurigs. I've never bought from a store or anything (usually because I have allergies to tree nuts and I don't like risking cross contam).

So I have no real baseline other than my Keurig. THat's why I keep going back to my Keurig.

When you say max capacity though, to what point are you referring to? Right before the bottom plastic whe nthe lid is on?

I think I'm going to return this press.
It's a Bodum Brazil press, and maybe get the other one. Chambourd. I think it has lines on it. Then I can just put the grounds in and fill to a line.

>> No.20239697

>When you say max capacity though, to what point are you referring to? Right before the bottom plastic whe nthe lid is on?
just a short distance below the bottom of the pour spout on the inside of the chamber
if you think the lines will help you, knock yourself out

>> No.20239700
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Try to aim for 15g – 20g coffee for every 250ml – 300ml water. If you don't have any accurate measuring devices just try to go with your best guesstimation. Like I said most mugs hold around 250ml – 300ml.
>ground coffee in
>hot water in
>vigorously stir for a minute
>lid on, don't plunge yet
>let stand for atleast 8 minutes, more doesn't hurt
>plunge until filter is just below the surface and slowly pour into drinking vessel
Always taste. Even if it smells bad, taste. If it tastes too muddy wait another 2 minutes for the fines to settle in the cup. If it tastes too sour use less coffee (in relation to the water) next time. If it tastes too bitter use more coffee (in relation to the water) next time.
The initial stirring is to make sure all the grounds are completely saturated and evenly extract throughout the brew time. I suspect your brews smell/taste sour due to underextraction from uneven saturation and short brew time.
Hope this helps. I still suspect your coffee might be too stale to be enjoyable.

>> No.20239721

buy a fucking plastic measuring cup from any dollar store to measure water
also i'd recommend an aeropress for your brewer since it's more or less impossible to fuck up and relatively cheap

>> No.20239760

The flair 58 plus has a built in heater. I'm gonna buy it. Also I'd love to nigger rig a heating element on to my pour over v60 on the bottom

>> No.20239764
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>> No.20239766

room temperature water in plastic isnt gonna give you bitch tits, anon

>> No.20239770

i'm trying to envision the type of retard that doesn't own a single measuring cup and offering them a solution i think they'd find most preferable

>> No.20239778
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Just bought this for brewing and pourover

>> No.20239795
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>> No.20239801

yeah it makes good coffee with minimal effort and is very simple to learn to use
your next reply will be >good coffee and we'll all have a big old laugh here on 4chan dot org

>> No.20239809

>shade grown
How does this effect the final coffee? Denser bean because slower growth rate?

>> No.20240033

From what I hear, when you go organic, you can only do shade grown. Don't know how it will affect taste. I drank Sweetwater when I lived in Gainesville and I liked it, but I was a lad and didnt have much of a palette

>> No.20240096
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Just bought a jar of picrel, what am I in for? Had some from a pajeet run truck stop in Cali that was pretty decent, but it wasn't instant.

>> No.20240123

You are in for some coffee, my friend. Enjoy!

>> No.20240158

overly fibrous, bad coffee.

>> No.20240181

is this even in production anymore?

>> No.20240208


>> No.20240485
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For sale soon. 48/65mm in house conical.

>> No.20240507
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i meant to post this a few weeks ago, someone posted this espresso unit and i mentioned we had one of the other produced models.

>> No.20240510
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also going to include this, just as an added bonus

>> No.20240715
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>and this will help us sell grinders?

>> No.20240764


>> No.20240778


>> No.20240897

There's some old machines that use a 61mm basket

>> No.20241064

I use one of those paper pad thingies. Someone gave me some slightly upscale (preground) coffee. Should I buy a french press or a pourover to maximise enjoyment?

>> No.20241071

Nice, that was me. Is there anything to indicate the maker on it? The one I saw said it was handmade in Florence, but the barista didn't know the maker's name or anything.

>> No.20241362

Tried the 4:6 method today. It's actually really good even if Tetsuya's claims are pseudoscience.

>> No.20241456

it's on the right-hand side. hard to see. but here is a search i conducted for it. https://www.liveauctioneers.com/price-result/termozona-espresso-machine-excellent-condition-some/

>> No.20241602

How did it go? What did you order? What did she order?

>> No.20241922
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I kinda hate how now that I have more time and money to get fancy with coffee, I can't as much cause I've gotten more caffeine sensitive. Got to make a my spiced chocolate orange "latte". Ceylon cinimon is GOAT. Going to have to make cardamon rose water coffee drink soon. Also before anyone says anything, its bland as fuck Brazilain blend I got for cheap. Going to be getting the good shit soon.

>> No.20241962

am I the only one that really liked coffee?

>> No.20241986

I'll believe it when I see it.

>> No.20241992

just use decaf? moron? retard?

>> No.20242090

Don't like it anymore?

>> No.20242305

I'll take that as a challenge then anon.
I have thought of that baka! There is one 3rd wave coffee place not too far from me I trust to have good decafe. You still don't get the same level of variety for decafe as you do for normal coffee.

>> No.20242337

pourover has much more versatility but a sharper learning curve
id reccomend it though

>> No.20243238


>> No.20243252
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r8 em

>> No.20243299


>> No.20243460

What are your favorite coffee channels? Need some background stuff to watch while I work

>> No.20243492

I only really like hoffmann. Sometimes I'll check out others like lance hendrick, but only for specs on some devices. I don't find them entertaining on their own.

>> No.20243542

Real ones watch Brian Quan and Roaster Kat.

>> No.20243645
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If you don't like oily beans do you actually like coffee?

>> No.20243658
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What's the smallest cup anyone here uses with their dripper or estropress?

>> No.20243744
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8 gram gami brew.

>> No.20244042

I make my V60 with 10g. 4 pours at 40g and voila

>> No.20244327

I'd like to find a channel like Hoffman, but with a much more scientific approach
there's too much audiophile style snakeoil in coffee culture

My biggest annoyance with people like Hoffman is when they compare two methods, take a sip, and then say shit like 'this one is [subjective word salad] whereas this one is [subjective word salad]'.
I just know that if they did a double blind test using those samples they most likely could not differentiate between the two methods any more than pure chance.
It'd be so easy to set up and very useful. Run that quick test and ideally on a few people. It'd be very helpful to say that when using X vs Y, 3 people in double-blind testing couldn't tell them apart.
They obviously wont do it, just like with audiophiles, because they'd then have to admit their mountain of bullshit and falsehoods. Oh, and that the super expensive shit they sell does nothing.

>> No.20244331

>but with a much more scientific approach
i mean thats hoffmann
wired gourmet
but thats about it.

>> No.20244348

Hoffman may describe certain principles in a clear scientific sounding way (and he's clearly a talented presenter), but there is absolutely nothing scientific in the way he carries out his testing.

>> No.20244350

cool it with the antisemetic remarks

>> No.20244359

prove it

>> No.20244361

>t. midwit

>> No.20244365

He literally does blind testing on some topics

>> No.20244367

yes you are a midwit
>oh a single example of where i got this impression? uuhhhhhhh n-NO YOU'RE DUMB!
cope and seethe retard

>> No.20244374

you think there's a reason the gold standard is a double blind tests with a sample size >1 anon?

>> No.20244385

>its not perfect therefore it doesnt exist

>> No.20244401

Hoffman has done blind taste tests before and has even been proven wrong on certain assumptions he has going in to the video. He does have flaws in his approach. For example, he's very biased towards lighter roasts and so his complaints or recipes may not always be applicable for medium/dark roasted coffee. And he does tend to nitpick on very minor flaws in a product, with some of those being purely personal (such as his bizarre dislike of bellows on a grinder). But as far as Youtubers in go, he's one of the more thorough ones and he'll generally admit to his own biases in the videos.

And it's worth mentioning that taste is a highly subjective and contextual thing, so it's difficult for anyone to do a truly objective review or experiment without some sort of personal bias leaking into the results. Even two cups of coffee can taste very different if you just taste them in the opposite order.

>> No.20244443

It's not what is meant by blind, and certainly not double-blind, testing.
There's also obvious stupid points like tasting something, saying 'I think that's coffee 1 of 3', and saying 'yes, I'm right'
You can be right out of sheer luck. You need to repeat the test to ensure you are not just selected right by chance alone.

> And it's worth mentioning that taste is a highly subjective and contextual thing, so it's difficult for anyone to do a truly objective review or experiment without some sort of personal bias leaking into the results. Even two cups of coffee can taste very different if you just taste them in the opposite order.
Yes, this is true. This is why you set up your testing to remove such things.
This is school level science stuff. It's not rocket science.

>> No.20244448

you still havent shown us why you believe he is unscientific
what video/s convinced you of this
you do understand you can do things in a scientific way without being perfect and without being a scientist

>> No.20244466

>This is why you set up your testing to remove such things.
You're completely missing the point. Taste is subjective and wildly differs between people. So it's almost impossible to scientifically test different parameters to get the "best" result when it comes to food/drink. The only things you can really test for objectively are stuff like extraction levels, particle distribution, etc. which is something that Hoffman actually does in some of his videos. But all that stuff is secondary to the actual objective, which is making an enjoyable drink. You're better off doing experiments yourself since you can actually taste the results and make your own conclusions.

>> No.20244478
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>> No.20244483
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Anons can't comprehend or set up a basic scientific test routinely expected of reasonably bright school children and absolutely expected of any undergraduate not engaged in some sort of bullshitology degree.

>> No.20244528

still no response?
honestly pretty sad.
i mean it should be very easy for you, right?
you watched some of his videos and came to the conclusion that he was unscientific
should be easy to say it was xyz video
i really dont understand why you cant do that
not even an example in any of his videos

>> No.20244542
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>> No.20244545

i accept your concession anon.

>> No.20244621

> acts like childish autism
> is ignored
> isthismewinning.jpg?

>> No.20244656

>acts like childish autism
by asking someone to substantiate their claims?
> is ignored
having multiple people reply to me but instead of substantiating their claims they just flounder. yeh, i got super ignored bro.
> isthismewinning.jpg?
yes. it is.

>> No.20244693

What are you on about?

>> No.20244694

Nice. I brew it with Cafec light roast filters. It comes out great.

>> No.20244721

Oh my fucking god. I have been struggling with pour over for months because every single fucking brew I made stalled. I tried grinding coarser, doing different recipes, nothing worked. I just tried the T90 filters today for the first time instead of the regular Hario ones and my brew was 50 fucking seconds faster with no stalling with the exact same recipe. What the fuck. Why is Hario so shit.

>> No.20244734

>Why is Hario so shit.
japanese autism

>> No.20244738

Hario filters are among the thinnest, you need to go espresso fine for them to stall.
Or block the air flow.

>> No.20244754

Hey faggots.
I pissed through a filter and drank it this morning.
Tasted like the cremina espresso the twink I buttfucked last night made me.
He's the one who told me about your thread.
Anyone down for bbc hit me up.

>> No.20244794

I was hoping for them to do an espresso pull with those beans at the end

>> No.20244799

Nta. Kill yourself.

>> No.20245036

>people spend all this time and money preparing coffee with gadgets
>result has foamy bitter gunk on it
What gives?

>> No.20245049

Coffee has gotten expensive lately, the roasters around me are selling beans for $25/10 oz (~40 dollars per lb)
Any recommendations for an online seller that will send me fresh moderate-high quality beans for $15 per lb?

>> No.20245101
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>> No.20245341

if you like slightly more extracted americanos is there really any disadvantage to pulling a 2.5 or 3 ratio on something that would have tasted better as a 1:2 in a normal espresso shot?

>> No.20245401
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Why would I be pulling bitter espresso shots? It's a very lightly roasted washed guji.

>> No.20245471

Yes, if you do that then it's not going to taste as better as it would at a 1:2 ratio in a normal espresso shot, but you'll still need to pay full price for the beans.

>> No.20245521

I have the Bodum Brazil, it was actually my first coffeemaker.
Are you using pre-ground coffee? You MUST grind your own or have it ground to order for a French press, they take a very coarse grind. If you grind too fine you'll have over extracted bitter coffee
>Any beans you haven't seen roasted are stale
Ignore that anon there's a lot of retard advice around this thread

It could just be that you are used to Keurig and like it. Keurig is unique and not an easy thing to replicate. Most people on this thread think they're shit. They definitely don't taste anything like French press coffee.
if you return it you should either stick to Keurig or try again with an electric drip coffee maker which will probably taste closer.

>> No.20245528

respect to hoff for admitting he fucked up. most youtubers would never.

>> No.20245556
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>then it's not going to taste as better as it would

>> No.20245563

never actually clicked on her videos when posted but I know I hate her

>> No.20245822
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I stir the sugur into my coffee then pour the h&h in the side so it makes what looks like a storm in my cup

>> No.20246497

are you asking for roaster recommendations or green bean recommendations?

>> No.20246606


>> No.20246618

i recommend s&w, its a small home operation in Indiana, (I assume you're in the US) not quite $15/lb but very affordable
frankly i would be suspicious of any roasted coffee you might find at that price

>> No.20246879


I actually like the Starbucks espresso roast and it's burnt to a cinder tier, I don't like how sour third wave coffees taste

>> No.20247052

retards didn't clean up the drill holes on the auger where the rotating burr sits, fucking sand that shit to flush and everywhere else that might have crap sitting on poorly cut edges that should be flat. it explains the inconsistency in ode units across the board, not shocking that nobody on le heckin' barista forums figured this out yet in 3 years

>> No.20247058

My 2024 brazillian peaberry just came in.

>> No.20247072

i dont think anon is looking for a 65lb crate of greens
but do let us know how it turns out
how are you gonna roast it?

>> No.20247073
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>turned my charger into a hellcat with a little 400grit wet/dry

>> No.20247082

>how are you gonna roast it
I'm drinking it now at nearly 2nd crack.
I'll try it at different roast levels to find my favorite but it is good here.

>> No.20247093

what kinda roaster you got?
im still getting used to my popper so i only buy 1lb bags but im gonna work my way up to those crates eventually

>> No.20247094


>> No.20247102

i just learned what a peaberry is today but i like em, too

>> No.20247142

I didn't know either until I ordered it.
They are much easier to roast evenly.

>> No.20247254
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I got mine secondhand, so when I opened it up for regular cleaning it was well... clean.

>> No.20247282

Huh I just tried an aerocano on a whim and that's actually not a bad idea

>> No.20247694

honestly I think a filtered americano might be the best

>> No.20247927

I abruptly stopped drinking coffee because it was hurting me, it turned out after heavily changing my diet that I don't tolerate it as it hurt my stomach.

Long story short, to keep my sanity I now have to drink chicory.

It's not coffee but it doesn't taste bad either, it's a bit similar for it carries some pleasant bitterness and caramel sweetness, however every time I make it with my moka pot it gets extracted in 3 seconds for it doesn't provide any resistance at all since it's not a powder but it's in granular form, therefore it tastes watery and not thicc as my previous moka coffees.

I also tried grinding it but no matter the settings on my grinder, it comes out as an ultra fine powder that kills my moka as it sputters mud because it's too fine.

What the fuck can I do to have a thicc chicory "coffee"? Should I boil it in water?

>> No.20247936

I like the chicory / malt barley substitutes. They're not actually too bad.
I don't think you'll ever get it to be thick. Don't put it in a moka pot. Just make it like instant coffee.
If you want a thicker drink you'd be best to make a milk based drink and foam the milk well.

>> No.20247951
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It comes like this, roasted in chunks.

I've seen at the supermarket the instant coffee style powder that dissolves in water but this one has to be boiled or extracted with the moka pot as per the package says.

Maybe a french press would do the trick? I have an Aeropress also I can try, but I hate using it with boiling water because microplastics...

>> No.20247975

>I don't tolerate it as it hurt my stomach
Even decaf?

>> No.20248002

I see. I didn't know you could buy it like that.

> I have an Aeropress also I can try, but I hate using it with boiling water because microplastics...
The manufacturing process probably included a significant amount of heat and plastics already. The use of an aeropress would be fine.

>> No.20248009

Found this video. Looks reasonable when boiled.
Give it a go.

>> No.20248034


>> No.20248036

Yes anon, it's not the caffeine the issue, it's the coffee itself that is not suitable for me as it increases the acid juices release in my stomach and then it hurts for many hours even if I drink it after a meal.

I drank coffee for years without particular problems many times a day, always with a full stomach (with an empty stomach I think few people wouldn't be disturbed), then I changed my diet nuking cereals and everything with gluten, pork meat and milk, I started eating a lot of fish, meat (beef, lamb, horse, etc..), eggs, veggies at every meal and legumes almost every day during the lunch, and by simplifying the diet this way I started having a regular and healthy digestion, no bloating and tiredness after eating (it was the fucking gluten).

On the other side, having a more reactive stomach showed almost instantly each ingredient/food it doesn't tolerate and coffee is one of them, sadly.

Chicory is perfectly fine for me and healthy, I used to drink coffee for the taste and now I have to sell all the equipment and I'm actually mad because I just bought a new espresso machine like 2 months ago...

Thanks anon, I will try boiling it and report.

Maybe I can try fucking around with some normal coffee related extraction methods I used too, such as cold brew, to see what happens.

Almond "milk" cappuccino with chicory "coffee" should work as substitute for the regular thing in the morning, although I won't pretend that it is as good, but sadly it is what it is for me.

>> No.20248115

i got mine secondhand and 3 burr screws were wiggling loose, there was loose teflon tape around the bearing, and the guy left a fucking ssp mp burr in a free case of gen 1s and gave me the other one for $100. we can't all be winners. btw your burr carrier has dirty holes

>> No.20248123

You've got celiac's?

>> No.20248153

no trash decor for your miso >>20246371

>> No.20248339

thats not my miso thread but wow they have the same kureg with no tray, neat

>> No.20248345
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My breakfast this afternoon. And yourself?

>> No.20248842

>Coffee should be hot and and wake you up
>all anons are on 4chan, so just scum like everyone else

>ck scum larp as they were FRAISER CRANE
>everybody knows that everybody is larping
>larps harder
>larps hardcore

>somehow looks serious

>> No.20248848

The more I learn about pour-over the more I realize Hoff is just wrong about everything
>boiling water leads to higher extraction
Actually, extraction is roughly the same between 90-100c, and the only thing that changes is you get more bitter flavors at higher temps
>More extraction is good
Actually, people prefer extraction in the high teens as opposed to twenties
>Swirl your v60
Actually, swirling clogs the filter by shaking all the fines to the bottom
>Grind finer
Actually, most grinders are more consistent at coarser settings and grinding fine increases the risk of fines

>> No.20248887

Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on.

>> No.20248893

Not an argument. Hedrick has videos with Smrke's research backing up each of these claims if you're interested.

>> No.20249043

Hendrick should look up research on obesity instead

>> No.20249050


>> No.20249059


>> No.20249089


>> No.20249092

i accept your concession anon.

>> No.20249132
File: 94 KB, 570x570, 1683144330047790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should become a yerba mate bro instead
chicory is trash

>> No.20249150

same but a stack of flapjacks

>> No.20249155

everything you say here is worthless.
you are a dunning kruger.

>> No.20249157

I agree obesity is embarrassing

>> No.20249324

I skip breakfast

>> No.20249594

watch some scientific breakfast hoffmann kino :)

>> No.20249617

Dr Samwise Smirnoff says hoffman doesn't know shit.

>> No.20249645

Yeah well that faggot didn't have to carry the ring into mordor now did he so he can shut the fuck up

>> No.20249983

what coffee beans should i buy from walmart

>> No.20250045

purge beans for a fouling shot after you use cleaning solutions on your machine

>> No.20250096
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If your coffee is smelling/tasting sour it means it's high acidity. Dumb boomer retards will call this "bitter" sometimes for some reason.
Buy a darker roast if you don't like fruity/sour coffee. If you buy something super dark like a french roast it'll taste more actually bitter though.
Grounds to water ratio is really the only thing you'll see significant differences with flavor, mainly just being strength.
Everyone else here is retarded so don't listen to them.

>> No.20250501
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>> No.20250517
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Got the sampler for Valentines from my FWB / GF idk it's complicated..

It's ok kinda weak

>> No.20250522

Switch to tea mate

>> No.20250546


>> No.20250596

>its complicated
anon i...

>> No.20250740

How do you guys drink good coffee at work? All the coffee stocked at my workplace is Nescafe ground and granulated, they're both miserable and more bitter than a divorced 50-year old expat. I want to brew good coffee, but I only have my trusty Moka which I feel is awkward to use in such an environment. In short, do I go the route of cafetiere thingy or try the v60 filter thing. What do with the milk situation? I like lattes, I make only lattes with the moka.

>> No.20250788


>> No.20250794

higher extraction can bring out a lot of nice flavors in some light roasts
swirling is a good way to knock fines to the side of the filter but it can cause stalling if you overdo it

>> No.20250820


>> No.20250822

Also look for Medium Robusta's if you want low acid but don't care for darker roasts.