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20225899 No.20225899 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 37 years old and I've always liked hummus, but a part of me has always been conflicted because hummus comes from sandniggers and it wasn't highly available during Enlightenment Europe. I do, however, also love mustard and mustard seems to have a long history within Europe. So, as a 100 percent European man, should I abandon hummus in favor of mustard? If so, what kind of bread should I dip in mustard to properly pay tribute to my British ancestors?

>> No.20225908

they say 'tard comes from 'gypt
brough by romes
wouldn't crust it mate

>> No.20225911

I'm white and I make pretty good mustard but my hummus is some of the best out there

>> No.20225917

if you were paying tribute to your british ancestors you'd be super stoked to jump on board taking and altering an eastern dish

>> No.20225920

Does it bother you that hummus is the product of sandniggers, or do you not care?

That's true. Curry is a perfect example of this.

>> No.20225934

my sister used to eat spicy brown mustard on rye bread as a snack.

trading hummus for mustard doesn't make a lot of sense though. they're two completely different things. and europe has a history of eating beans. it's not unthinkable that some europeans cooked their beans until soft then dipped bread in it. most cuisine around the world isn't bizarrely different from each other, it's just the flavors change mostly depending on what's available.

>> No.20225941

I take what I want and make no apologies
Commodore Perry did nothing wrong

>> No.20225943

Beans are also a hard adaptation from the European perspective. From my research, if you want to have truly European beans, you have to buy Fava beans, and they're very rare in The Jewnited States of America, unfortunately. I would buy them in a heartbeat if they were more available though. All other bean types are American in origin, but you could make the argument that they were widespread in Britain in 1720.

>> No.20225946


>The Poichichade, also known as céserade (from ceze, meaning "chickpea" in Occitan[1]), is a chickpea puree originating from the south of France.
>This culinary specialty, similar to hummus but without tahini in its composition

>> No.20225950

If this is the kind of existential debate you have and ultimately need to prove your “whiteness” to no one but yourself I’m just embarrassed for you.

>> No.20225951
File: 146 KB, 487x594, milpa11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beans are American. You'd know that if you didn't try to cancel Thanksgiving.

>> No.20225953

Woah, I never knew about this before! I guess that means it's okay for whites to consume chickpea purees! Thanks, fren!

I know beans are American, that's what I said and that's my point. Just because I'm a straight, white male American doesn't mean that I can't get in touch with my European ancestors. My European ancestors didn't eat beans until the 1600's, at the earliest.

>> No.20225978

I wonder if fava beans might be rare because of favism. Apparently fava beans are more likely to cause serious health problems in some people than other beans.

>> No.20225982

beans are a thing that the romans brought in
in my family we still follow the traditional ways before the "romans" came
we do not eat beans

>> No.20225984

I wonder how old the British recipes using "white beans" (Navy beans in the US) are.

>> No.20225987

is this satire

>> No.20225990

Don't just do an "Is this satire?" drop. Contribute to the conversation!

>> No.20226335

Are you European?

>> No.20226346

I do not partake in those sorts of myths. It's very roman.

>> No.20226419

ok but..it is satire..right?

>> No.20226461

yes, his last reply makes that clear
>this is what they think we're like

>> No.20226486


The only reason the two of you believe that my thread is satire is because of your political leanings. From your response to my thread, I can ascertain that you believe it's some kind of human right that elementary school age children are transitioned to the opposite gender via hormones. My belief is your mindset is absolutely toxic.

So naturally, someone who believes children should be forcibly transitioned during elementary school would scoff at the idea of preserving European culture through cuisine. The only problem with this theory, however, is most people don't agree with you. You're going to find out in about five years or so that you are very much on the wrong side of history.

>> No.20226497

stop being a faggot. wait a minute you're European, being a faggot is your culture. carry it on somewhere else though.

>> No.20226505

And now the truth comes out. You're an arab, so the very thought of someone abandoning hummus in the name of mustard deeply offends you, because it means that one less human on planet earth is going to dedicate his life to Muhammad. The only problem with your logic is Muhammad was a pedophile who waged war with innocent men, women and children wherever he went. Sandniggers would be wise to adopt Western, White, European traditions rather than calling them faggots.

>> No.20226973

>I need constant reassurance of my whiteness through criteria I made up on my own
>no I'm not insecure

it's food, if it tastes good eat it

>> No.20226980
File: 49 KB, 470x470, Colmans_Mustard_Powder-114151079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if Colman's

>> No.20226992

Garlic butter Italian, or just rye or some pumpernickle, it's not rocket science.

>> No.20226998

bro is 37 questioning his enjoyment of hummus. get a family nigga!!!!

>> No.20227233

I think as a proud European you should eat all spices from all cultures, especially the cultures you hate, and make sure you buy from a company that exploited the growers.

>> No.20227423

Everything in the world belong to whites you can stop your gay larp

>> No.20227695

i always mix a little dijon mustard into my hummus. makes it 10x better

>> No.20227731

You are retarded chickpea spread to the Mediterranean around 6000 bc and prehistoric France by 3500 bc

>> No.20227759


>> No.20228154

im more bothered by the carb amount of hummus and i feel good about the nutrient content of mustards.

>> No.20228160

What's wrong with the carb amount? It has a decent amount of fat and protein and fiber with it.

>> No.20229045

You can enjoy your hummus and your mustard. Us greeks gentrified muslim hummus long ago.